View Full Version : Thought Hatfield/McCoy blew!

06-09-2002, 09:44 PM
Just my opinion, but I just got back from Hatfield/McCoy and I thought the trails sucked! If you don't want to go fast and like to be knocked around all day, then this is the place. Sure the scenery was cool, but that just doesn't make up for the bumpy ride. I am just used to trails that you can haul arse on, hills that are hard because they are steep and not because they are covered with rock boulders. I am just glad I put on my skidplates before I went down there. By the way I drove 14 hours (from Chicago). Am I missing something about this place? Does anyone agree with me? Where are some cool places to ride? I have been to Badlands in Attica, IN. I would rate that place better than Hatfield/McCoy. Not as big obviously, but at least I can get it into third gear there. One good thing about the Hatfield/McCoy area, is there are some hot women down there. Just hard to find one with all her teeth. :D Go to "Tops" in Logan on a Saturday night. Whoa, nice women, and pretty good odds.

06-10-2002, 05:31 AM
I just got back also. I wouldn't say it blew. Ya the rocks are bad but that is expected. As far as being able to go fast, we were up in the higher gears most of the ride. The black diamonds did let us down a little we were expecting a little more out of them but it was still fun, our biggest complaint was we couldn't find any spots with hillclimbs i mean beside the ones that were trails, we only ran across a few actual hillclimbs. The scenery is great and the people in the towns are also friendly. One of the 250r's in the group broke down outside of gilbert so we went to the local auto parts store because we didn't have enough tools to repair it and the guy there let us use his tools and supplies and wouldn't accept any money so that was pretty cool. I will definately go back to ride the other two sections of the system.

06-10-2002, 06:59 AM
When we went we also spent alot of time in 3rd and 4th, and once 5th pinned, so I don't know how you're complaining about not being able to ride fast. And I didn't think the rocks were that bad either. I think you might need to stick to riding dirt roads buddy...

06-10-2002, 09:03 AM
Cranman, did you actually ride the trails or just tool around in the parking lot. Rocks weren't that bad? The whole damn thing is just chewed with rocks. Ok, maybe my 2nd gear comment was a bit of an exageration, it's just I never like to slow down, so when I come around a corner I want to just crank it. But there you come around a corner, and whoa, you have to slow down because you are going to bend your a-arm on one of the 25 rocks right there. Plus give me some freakin' real hills to climb, not these boulder infested 45 degree angle pieces of crap. I have been riding ATV's for 21 years now, and this place did not live up to the hype. Cranman, if you still feel the need to make cracks at me, then hang on, because you will get burned.

06-10-2002, 09:35 AM
Easy Killer, I didn't mean to hurt your feelings and I won't respond if this is going to turn into a flame-a-thon. We've got enough of that going on here now that we've got a bunch of kiddies posting away. I guess if I trash the Badlands you might have something to say about that. Anyways myself and two other guys rode 83 miles at Rockhouse on a saturday, and we didn't get started until after 10am! So I guess we maintained a pretty good pace. Now until you've rode Uwharrie or Brown Mtn, you don't know what rocks are. Everyone's entitled to their opinion, and I think the Rockhouse trails were worth the 7 hour drive for us, in fact I cant wait to go back!!

06-10-2002, 09:48 AM
Welcome to the country, city boy! If you want to ride easy flat trails all the time, then go for it. I love to ride different locations along with DIFFERENT TERRAIN! That's what four wheelers are for hence the name ATV ( ALL TERRAIN VEHICLE). Maybe there are some STV's (single terrain vehicle) that would better suit your plush riding areas? Quit the whining and just ride and have fun.

06-10-2002, 09:49 AM
ive never been to hatfield mccoy, but i live by the badlands, and that place is about 95 percent rocks, big ones small ones huge ones, ROCKS there are some pretty nutty hills there

06-10-2002, 09:50 AM
Hold on a minute guys....I plan on goin up there at the end of the month for the exriders get together...and was told by knighttime and VWVR6 the entire trail system was paved...is this not true???:huh

06-10-2002, 10:22 AM
lol...guys it just depends on where you go, if you like riding fast through the woods go to rockhouse (but dont fly of a mountain like my cousin did)(no joke),If your not much on goin fast go to bearwallow..ill admit bearwallow is flooded with rocks, we had 6 flats (i think) from riding at bearwallow. Ill recomend rockhouse, i really enjoyed the scenery, i really enjoyed driving into Gilbert and showing off our quads to the ladies...lol If you go to bearwallow ask brady up at the 4way how to get to the jeep trails you can go "5th pinned" through those and theres little sand coners you can roost sand down the sides of mountains. Oh and i did see that TOPS place its on the right by that real wierd intersection where the train tracks go over it. HAVE FUN RICO WITH ALL YOUR BUDIES. oh and say "real wierd" 10 times fast...lol ok ill shutup:(

06-10-2002, 10:26 AM
Rico, it is paved but there are no lines painted down the center, so be carefull! I'm still planning to go meet ya'll if Cranman will tag along. Aren't ya'll staying at Chief Logan Campground?

06-10-2002, 11:59 AM
I'm afraid I'll have to sit this one out.....been spending alot of time playing and not enough working. Besides, with all those HUGE ROCKS I'm kinda skeered:(

06-10-2002, 12:07 PM
Originally posted by wyndzer
I'm still planning to go meet ya'll if Cranman will tag along. Aren't ya'll staying at Chief Logan Campground?

I believe Cheif smoking logan is were we'll be stayin,,,if you do make it..can I still take the C-dale out fer a spin..:D I actually got to see one in person on a track this weekend,,,they look like they got plenty of balls under the seat that's for sure..:eek:

06-10-2002, 12:38 PM
Well considering that you can't get out of 2nd at H/M, sure you can ride it.

06-10-2002, 02:52 PM
Damn, didn't know I would get slammed for posting my opinion. I spent most of my time at Bear Wallow and only about an hour at Rockhouse, due to time running out. Bear Wallow chewed the crap out of my skids and popped 2 tires on my friends quad. Maybe if I rode a 4x4 Foreman I would have enjoyed it more. That's what everyone down there seemed to ride anyways. Maybe I will go back and ride Rockhouse, because I probably passed judgement to quickly. It was just a frustrating trip all together because we spent most of the time fixing my friends quad. A piece of crap Polaris. Those things have to be the worst machines out there. Now I think I will go down to Starbucks and have a pastry and sip a cappucino considering I live in the city. Like I didn't live out in the sticks for 25 years of my life. Sorry to cause controversy. I will tread lightly from now on, so I don't hurt anyones feelings.

06-10-2002, 06:37 PM
Originally posted by Roobus1
Damn, didn't know I would get slammed for posting my opinion. I spent most of my time at Bear Wallow and only about an hour at Rockhouse, due to time running out. Bear Wallow chewed the crap out of my skids and popped 2 tires on my friends quad. Maybe if I rode a 4x4 Foreman I would have enjoyed it more. That's what everyone down there seemed to ride anyways. Maybe I will go back and ride Rockhouse, because I probably passed judgement to quickly. It was just a frustrating trip all together because we spent most of the time fixing my friends quad. A piece of crap Polaris. Those things have to be the worst machines out there. Now I think I will go down to Starbucks and have a pastry and sip a cappucino considering I live in the city. Like I didn't live out in the sticks for 25 years of my life. Sorry to cause controversy. I will tread lightly from now on, so I don't hurt anyones feelings.

Hey i can understand your frustration expecially since you had a polaris with you,,the rocks were bad at bearwallow. Deff go back and ride rockhouse. Hey i just got back from devil anse also we were in the same camp ground what kinda quads did you have with you? Were you the one with thet yellow and black 400ex or someone else...if so what kinda bikes did you have?

06-10-2002, 07:07 PM
Not trying to beat a dead horse to death but I have logged in over 200 miles at H/M and I have been riding for about 12 years.. Those are some of the best trails I have ever ridden.. JMO

06-11-2002, 07:08 AM
I guess what cracks me up, is someone comes out and says, "Hey, these trails suck!" Everyone, or at least a majority of the people that have been there disagree and say so, then the originator of the argument says.... "Geee I didn't know I was gonna make everyone so mad, why is eveyone picking on me, whaaaaaaaa!"

Look, if you post your opinion, even if it's totally wrong, and people disagree and you can't argue your point any better. TOUGH! You're in the minority. Despite present day politically correctness, when it comes to an honest opinion, majority still rules.

The fact is, the complaints come from people that have only ridden a minute portion of the trails down there. Believe it or not, there are times when a trail will CHANGE from smooth and wide open to tight and technical. Honest!! I actually find this a bonus, however, if you want the same terrain at all times..... buy yourself some paddle tires and go to the dunes! That will leave more room for us trail riders.

I can hear the complaints now.... "the sand chewed up my brakes in no time, I got sand everywhere on my quad, it's hot, ..... meow, meow...."

DISCLAIMER: The previous was intended in the humorous manner, not to inflict personal emotional damage to anyone herein. The author does not resume any responsibility for any pain and/or suffering (from laughing or crying) after reading this post. Member FDIC

06-11-2002, 07:42 AM
hey city-boy, get a playstation and the atv video game so u dont have to ride over any big rocks, lol

06-11-2002, 07:47 AM
Oh, the idiotic remarks just keep getting better and better. This is somewhat entertaining. As much fun as this is, I will be the bigger man and bow out. Something I have learned to do in my lifetime, or else people will just keep stuff going and going. Is it boredom? stupidity? the desire to be right? the drive to be the one to have the last word in an argument (Like we used to do with our siblings)? Most people grow out of this, some don't. But it's ok little buddy, your time will come. Just keep hanging in there.
Feel free to reply, but don't expect a response, because like I said "I am done." Good luck with all your future needs and desires.

06-11-2002, 08:42 AM
i feel your pain roobus. thats a shame u had to ride over those rocks and probably through some mud, lol

06-11-2002, 12:43 PM

I am not going to slam you for your opinion. I am only going to put in my 2 cents and then leave you alone. If the portion you rode of HM was not what you liked, rather than slamming it because you had to work on a piece of sh$t polaris (which by the way, have ruined some of my rides before) why did'nt you post a thread saying you came down here, rode a little bit of trails and were'nt too happy with them. Then proceed to ask the rest of us what all the other trails were like and find out if another trip would be worth it. I guess what I am getting at is: did you have a bad trip or a bad ride or a little of both? I am a local that rides a 400ex (we all don't ride foremans) and if you think there are only weak hillclimbs, just give me one day and I will change your opinion. I won't try them, but you will be more than welcome to attempt it. It is difficult to have this type of stuff in a local riding area, due to liability insurance. The hillclimbs are there, they are just not advertised and are off on some of the no entries. There is a group of about 6 of us that are going to race gncc races and our freinds that have already done it say the terrain in our area is just as difficult as the tracks.
I am sorry that your trip did not go the way you planned and if you need any help planning your trip the next time, let me know and I will help out any way that I can.

06-11-2002, 02:38 PM
Finally a response that deserves a reply. You're right. I did come across a little harsh. I worded things wrong, and wow, everyone put up their defensive guard. Thanks for being mature and polite. One thing I did notice while down there, was that everyone was so damn nice. Thanks for the intelligent reply.

Ex'r Marlin
06-12-2002, 01:27 PM
Those that have a chance to witness these trails first hand, I recommend going for it. Nothing ventured, nothing gained.

I feel their maps are very well laid out with trails numbered. The maps tell you what the each trail difficulty level it is..... Cool!:cool:

My recommendations:

If it is your first time there, and you want to ride a less rocky path, Buffalo Mountain.

If you want a somewhat challenging trail, with some high speeds.... Rockhouse

If you want some challenging trails, with more noticeable rocks.... Bear Wallow. (If you have taller tires, I recommend them for these trails!)

This is my experience.

BTW, I went off a 500 foot cliff (only went down about 100 ft) on the Rockhouse Trail on June 2, not to scare anyone.:rolleyes:

upstate rider
06-14-2002, 03:13 AM
Originally posted by Ex'r Marlin
Those that have a chance to witness these trails first hand, I recommend going for it. Nothing ventured, nothing gained.

I feel their maps are very well laid out with trails numbered. The maps tell you what the each trail difficulty level it is..... Cool!:cool:

My recommendations:

If it is your first time there, and you want to ride a less rocky path, Buffalo Mountain.

If you want a somewhat challenging trail, with some high speeds.... Rockhouse

If you want some challenging trails, with more noticeable rocks.... Bear Wallow. (If you have taller tires, I recommend them for these trails!)

This is my experience.

BTW, I went off a 500 foot cliff (only went down about 100 ft) on the Rockhouse Trail on June 2, not to scare anyone.:rolleyes: Ex'r Marlin Thanks for the info I plan on taking my son this summer Buffalo Mountain and Rockhouse sound good for us. What's your advice for places to stay ( cabin or Hotel/motel or even something with a kitchenette)

Ex'r Marlin
06-15-2002, 10:12 AM
Originally posted by upstate rider
What's your advice for places to stay ( cabin or Hotel/motel or even something with a kitchenette)
I usually stay at the Super 8 hotel in Logan..... But I have camped out there in a tent before..... That was one of my best kept memories!!!!

You can go to www.trailsheaven.com for additional information. I do not know of anything with a kitchenette, sorry.