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09-05-2005, 08:51 PM
my parents and i just made a deal that if i get all a's and b's this year ., they will buy me any 450r of my choice at the end of the school year! I guess what i am getting at is what did everyone do for motivation , i know that i need to think of that 450r that i will be smokin all my buds on 400ex's on next summer, but some days i just feel like " screw it who cares its just a quad " idk what do you guys tell yourself to make good grades? Like what makes you do well , and continue to do so ?

sorry for the long post , most that read this will probably think this is retarded but i would REALLY like to get a 450r and do well this year in school

09-05-2005, 08:59 PM
I have had to get straight A's for the past 4 years to be able to continue racing.

09-05-2005, 09:06 PM
I had to get honor roll in 8th grade for the last 9 weeks to get my 400

It was so difficult cuz im not the smartest person ever but if u really want it ull always do ur homework n i realized that when u do ur hw u actually knwo whats going on for the tests :devil:

09-05-2005, 09:07 PM
if you dont make the grades your an idiot! if my parents told me this i would be studying every night for that fo fiddy!!

09-05-2005, 10:04 PM
to get my 250r and 450r i had to get a's also, one b or lower and there went all my chances

it was a lil hard work, but it was waaaayyyyy worth it in the end

and not just because i got my quad half paid for (we went half and half on the payment)

but just getting your report card and seeing those a's there is just the best feeling you will ever have

09-05-2005, 10:17 PM
Way back when, When my parents promised to buy me a quad if I made good grades.. cleaned the house.. cut the grass..etc

I did all of that and when it came down to that day they told me no. So I tried for another 4 years (this was a long time ago) and everytime I would still get a no. This was my sport and I wasnt going to give up. So I saved money. Sold my other bikes and junk. Untill I had the money and now I have a quad, but if you are going back and forth saying "I want a quad... and no I dont.. it is a waist" This prob isnt your sport.

Only reason I say that is because I didnt give up and it took me 5 years untill I got my bike.

PS: The best thing about buying it yourself is they cant dog you about how they paid for it and they can take it away.

09-05-2005, 11:49 PM
i always had to pay for my quads so i cant help ya. my parents always said stuff like that but i would always get part of the way through the year and give up. accually it was usually after the first day. but atleast i still went. getting to 1st period with 10min. left then leaving after 2nd period is still considered going right?

09-05-2005, 11:53 PM

Are you just looking to cause problems? Knock it off! Be sure to check my comments in SGA's "Cleaning up the site.." thread.

09-06-2005, 09:37 AM
IMO, making good grades in school, or just attending school, should be something that you want to do, instead of "having" to do it to get a quad. Trust me, I was the same way in high school, but once I got to college I realized that we are lucky to live in a country that has the school system that it does. The day you gradute, I promise you, you will begin to miss it.

09-06-2005, 11:47 AM
Originally posted by MixMasterMike

Are you just looking to cause problems? Knock it off! Be sure to check my comments in SGA's "Cleaning up the site.." thread. i take it I said a bad word or something? ridiculous

You know exactly what you did. If you have a problem, keep it in PM's.

09-06-2005, 12:03 PM
My parents said that about a car,all honor roll through high school,and stupid spanish had to screw up that....

but they are right just getting good grades makes you feel better and it brings alot more privaleges(SP?) and what not from at home,and the teachers can trust you and what not in school as well,its worth it man.Plus better grades lower your insurance for cars as well,so keep that in mind

09-06-2005, 01:03 PM
you will definatly miss high school. i live right down the street from mine so its not all that bad i still get to see some people but yea i never wanted to be in school now i wish i could go back

09-06-2005, 01:15 PM

Drop the jealous attitude. You just violated Rule #1.

I suggest a few members re-read this post and what I posted.
Site being cleaned up (http://www.exriders.com/vbb/showthread.php?s=&threadid=174867&perpage=40&pagenumber=2)

09-06-2005, 06:07 PM
ya...i guess your future isnt motivation enough to get good grades..gotta be something you want:ermm:

im aiming for straight a's my senior year just so i have a better chance at getting the job i want.

but that is a good deal...hell, go for it...if you work hard at it, im sure your parents will still get it, just becuase of how hard you worked.

09-06-2005, 06:37 PM
im not lazy by any means !!!! im definatley not spoiled either tman , i had to buy my OWN quad and everything you see on it i payed for . I know that deal is amazing , but what im sayin is i havent got alll a's and b's since i was in 7th grade , and this might not be hard for some of you but for me its very challenging being as im in most honors classes and they really push me and challenge my brain lol :) as of now we are two weeks into school and all of my classes i have high to low a's in !:macho ill keep every1 posted , and there is no reason to argue or get this thread banned . I made it to hear if other people got deals like this with there parents . Also i know that if i dont get good grades life after highschool will be ****ty, This is just a bonus my dad is throwing in because he now has his own buisiness and is making ALOT more than he was the past few years, so he sorta wants to reward me in one sence but in another hes making me work for it which i respect ! alright , i actually havta go do some stupid French hw right now actually . later alll

- chris

09-06-2005, 07:07 PM
I took Honors classes in HS. Was in BETA and on the Academic Team, so I was capable of making the grade. I did just that 9th & 10th grade. When 11th & 12th grade came, it was a different story. Once I started driving, dating, and working all the time, grades sorta fell.:ermm: They weren't terrible, but I could have done better. Just didn't apply myself.:( Now, I look back, and think "Why did I do that? I should have tried harder." I guess that's life.

Moral of the story xx3003xrdrxx, you can still have fun in HS while applying yourself at your studies. Your motovation should be that 450R, and your future. That's a pretty sweet payoff man!

09-06-2005, 07:15 PM
Originally posted by WKY400EX
I took Honors classes in HS. Was in BETA and on the Academic Team, so I was capable of making the grade. I did just that 9th & 10th grade. When 11th & 12th grade came, it was a different story. Once I started driving, dating, and working all the time, grades sorta fell.:ermm: They weren't terrible, but I could have done better. Just didn't apply myself.:( Now, I look back, and think "Why did I do that? I should have tried harder." I guess that's life.

Moral of the story xx3003xrdrxx, you can still have fun in HS while applying yourself at your studies. Your motovation should be that 450R, and your future. That's a pretty sweet payoff man!

yah it deffinatley is i can relate to what you just said . in that phase of my life right now. IM gonna try to make grades and do well first then party and ride after .:macho

09-06-2005, 07:36 PM
Originally posted by xx3003xrdrxx
yah it deffinatley is i can relate to what you just said . in that phase of my life right now. IM gonna try to make grades and do well first then party and ride after .:macho Sounds like you got it figured out. Study first. Okay, now I'm finished being the wise father figure. ;):p

09-06-2005, 09:27 PM
yea i think that happens to everyone. me i got c's no matter where i was anywhere from lev 2 to honors so i just settled in the middle at level 3 after 10 i got tired of trying to stay awake in honors classes. thats all i could do in school was sleep the crap they teach is just repeated stuff from the previous grades. i even had a teacher one year that would put in a movie and tell us not to sleep and like 10 min. later she would be asleep on her desk. she was a good teacher though she knew how to have fun and teach the class