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View Full Version : Hitting the rev limiter....how much can it take??

09-05-2005, 04:49 PM
Well,I got kind of a funny story here.My brother came over this evening and he brought his 9 yr old daughter with him.As soon as she saw our 4 wheelers she wanted to ride one of course.So after my brother assured me she had some experience on a quad and had ridden a 250ex before, we put her on my wifes 250ex and put it in first gear and told her to just leave it in first.Wellllllllllllllll.....she takes off across the field in first gear wide open hitting the rev limiter for a good 10-15 seconds before I could get her attention and get her stopped and explain to her that when it makes that noise,it means let off the gas lol.
My question is this: I know the rev limiter is designed to keep the engine from overreving but how long would it take of bouncing off the limiter to do damage?
Also,when she was going to park the quad she T-boned my son on his Kasea 90 :eek2: Man,my quads took more abuse in the 1/2 hour they were here than they have gotten the whole time we have had them lol:eek:

09-05-2005, 04:55 PM
Sounds like a retard. You called it your brother but reffered to it as "Her"... What's up with that? Anyway, I used to sit in neutral on my 250 and 400EX's with the throttle pinned for like 10 seconds at a time and it never hurt them. And my mom's Z400 got it for like 30. It most likely didn't hurt it.

09-05-2005, 05:07 PM
Actually,if you read my post again I said my brother came over and brought his 9 yr old daughter with him.She was the one riding it.

09-05-2005, 05:11 PM
LMAO...if 50% of the folks would comprehend what they read then there would 95% less BS on the internet!

It shouldnt have hurt it. and i too have heard the infamous 1st gear pinned shrill that an engine makes.....not mention seeing the horror on the owners face..lol

09-05-2005, 05:22 PM
Yeah,theres nothing like someone coming over,asking to ride your stuff,flogging the hell out of it and slamming into the side of one of your other quads then leaving :D
Austin and I had ridden earlier in the day and had them all washed up and put away in the garage too:ermm: So I had to clean em up again after they left.Oh well,stuff happens;)

09-05-2005, 05:25 PM
i too have heard the infamous 1st gear pinned shrill that an engine makes.....not mention seeing the horror on the owners face..lol

LMAO are you talking about Cody??? now thats funny. i think i will verse my little one on the do's and donts before i let her rip by her self. so far i have been on it with her every time to stop the inevitable throttle pin, before it happens, but i can just imagine. ..:D :eek2:

09-05-2005, 06:08 PM
You know the exact same thing happend to me today except for it was my friends son on my doughters 250ex......i was like:eek2: :eek2: ........but no i don't think it will hurt it one bit to ride the rev limiter for 10 sec.

09-05-2005, 06:14 PM
Originally posted by bryan.young1
LMAO are you talking about Cody??? now thats funny.

not just him, but alot of new riders etc.

cody's first ride on anything gas powered was his little xr50. after explaining all the controls and the brakes, he shifted into first and pinned it! he want about 10 feet with me chasing after him and he clipped our bilco doors sending him airbore and into a 6 ft high privacy fence:p

he was fine, mom finally calmed down two weeks ago:eek: and all was good. it could have been worse, he could have endup in the deep end of our pool:scary:

09-05-2005, 06:16 PM
i dont think it would hurt it, as long as it was just for a short time like that. drag racers bounce off the rev limiter and dump the clutch...so, couldnt be terribly bad or they wouldnt do it

09-05-2005, 06:43 PM
"cody's first ride on anything gas powered was his little xr50. after explaining all the controls and the brakes, he shifted into first and pinned it! he want about 10 feet with me chasing after him and he clipped our bilco doors sending him airbore and into a 6 ft high privacy fence"

"he was fine, mom finally calmed down two weeks ago and all was good. it could have been worse, he could have endup in the deep end of our pool"

YIKES!!! your heart must have skipped. at least you can laugh now. Cierra just gets that Evil Canievel (sp) look and i feel the hair stand up on my neck then i say thats enough for today. but i shudder to think about when i will let her loose on the turf.... but its bound to happen. Hope she can stay in one piece though.

09-05-2005, 06:45 PM
Originally posted by Pappy
not just him, but alot of new riders etc.

cody's first ride on anything gas powered was his little xr50. after explaining all the controls and the brakes, he shifted into first and pinned it! he want about 10 feet with me chasing after him and he clipped our bilco doors sending him airbore and into a 6 ft high privacy fence:p

he was fine, mom finally calmed down two weeks ago:eek: and all was good. it could have been worse, he could have endup in the deep end of our pool:scary:

hahaha im sorry pappy, but thats really funny haha

anyways, i have been through the pinned 1st gear thing too, we let my cousin (15yo girl) ride our wolverine for the weekend she came up, i explained to her how to shift and she said she got it, but as soon as she got on it

rrrrrRRRRRRRRRRRrRRrRRrRR it was bouncing off the limiter for like 10 seconds, then she finnally hit 2nd and rrrrRRRRRRRrRrRrR bounced it for about 10 seconds the hit 3rd lol

the wolverine wasnt even mine, it was my dads, but i still wanted to cry