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View Full Version : Quad Only Mx Track!

09-04-2005, 03:18 PM
You guys should deff. come check out the mx track in Batavia, NY. They just held there first event today. All went extremely well, and everyone had a great time. This is a QUAD ONLY track. It is very basic at this time but the owners are very willing to take in all the rider feedback, and cater to the riders but WE NEED TO SHOW SUPPORT. This has the chance to be one of the best quad racing facilities in the north east. They also have a TT track right next to the MX track. But if this thing is gunna go anywhere than it is gunna need alot of rider support. I have met the owners, and promoters of this track for the first time today, and lemme tell you that they are very nice, have all the resources, and are completly willing to build one of the best quad racing facilities around. They are allso looking for TRACK SPONSERS to help them out, so if you have any input on that than get me a pm. Here is a flyer that they have given me. Racing is going to be every sunday till the end of october except for the 18th of september. PLEASE COME AND SHOE YOUR SUPPORT...THIS PLACE IS ON THE VERGE OF BECOMING SOMETHING GREAT, LETS BE A PART OF IT!

09-04-2005, 08:10 PM
looks cool, but NO TRIKES. that really stinks, 9 out of 10 times its the insurance company so, can't blame the park. where is this place and how far fron nyc. never mind, wow that place is far from me, over 6 hours, end of that idea.

09-05-2005, 06:29 AM
yes this track is very basic, but fun and extremely fast. i had a blast racing it on sunday and i know everybody else did too.

09-06-2005, 04:21 PM
Just a reminder the track will be open for Practice on thursdays starting at 5pm til 8 or dark then Racing on Sunday registration starting at 11. So come out everyone and lets make this happen spread the word to all! WE all need to remember that the TT events have between 60-75 riders on average. SO what I'm saying is if we want to have some where local to ride MX we need to show our support by our coming out to the track! How many plan to attend this Thursday and or Sunday. Great competion to all you that were out there this weekend!

09-06-2005, 06:25 PM
i will be there to watch and help you guys out again, but this weekend is the mapleshade pro-am so alot of riders are going to be there. After that there are no d4 atv races till october 8th, so all riders attending mapleshade SPREAD THE WORD ABOUT THIS TRACK!

09-06-2005, 06:26 PM
we cant make it thursday cuz i gotta work and i hate to tell u but i doubt ur gonna get hardly ne people cuz of the quad pro-am at mapleshademx, tons of top pro and pro am guys r going to be there. so hopefully the owner doesnt get to pissed cuz ur prolly not gonna get ne people on sunday, at least not the people that race d4. but the next sunday we will be there, and prolly thursday as well. cant wait to see u there, and evdawg i wanna see u ride ur yfz, or r u just chicken that maybe a z-450 might beat u??

09-06-2005, 06:35 PM
We figured this weekend will be very light for turn out but we are hoping to plug it localy and are really trying to get the word out to entry level riders local people that are really look to get into the sport and want a small track to start on with some competition. Then we can grow the track! good luck to all racing at the pro-am

09-06-2005, 06:40 PM
im actually gonna make about 150 flyers that u posted in this post and hand them out to every quad rider at mapleshade, i hope this helps u guys, and im trying to work on my race team owner to maybe help u guys out with some sponsorship, and maybe get u guys some more heavy equipment cuz he has access to everything. i will keep u in touch

09-06-2005, 06:50 PM
Sounds great anything will help!

09-07-2005, 04:06 PM
Ill be out ripping around....not sure if I will race. I dont have as much seat time as you guys and I am not going to break my neck trying to keep up with you guys. I do have to go to work the next day and make a living. That ltz450 was impressive but Im not sure why he couldnt get the holeshot. I think it had something to do with the fact that the kid on the kfx runs TT and was use to that light. I am not sure what don is going to do with that track for practice. He wants to cut the straight away into that bowl turn out for the mx track which would leave us a wierd track configuration. I really dont know. Any ideas what can be done?

09-07-2005, 05:59 PM
ya i posted about 10 things at local shops around buffalo, and very busy convenient stores i still gotta put some up at hamburg honda so hopefully u guys will get a good turn out.

09-07-2005, 06:29 PM
I will be there on sunda, and i have got some good idears for that track if you guys are willing to hear me out. I have been talking to alot of people and they said once the track gets some more technical stuff than they will come out. I mean alot of people said this! And if chris and nick can get their atomic team to give u guys equipment, than i dont see why not try it.

09-07-2005, 07:09 PM
One problem....Marc and I have little say in what happens to that track now. Don is into the TT stuff alot more than the MX racing. (the owner of the land now pays don to run the tt and the mx races). We need to get more people out for the MX races and complain a little. Tell the owner that there is a great opportunity to make a killer mx track. I do agree that the track is very simple and geared more toward beginner riders. It would be awesome if we could get some more jumps, whoop section and a rythm section. However, we have to work around the TT track. I would like a couple more turns too to slow the track down a little. Make more spots for passing. Thanks again you guys for showing interest and helping out.

09-07-2005, 07:25 PM
i would like to talk to him, and get other riders to tell him what needs to be done. I understand the tt, but the mx has a bigger possiblitiy than the tt track. There are 0 quad only mx tracks around. But nobody wants to go to a track with only three easy jumps. I Know its a weird inalogy, but its kinda like opening a parts store and saying we are only going to sell these 3 items, untill we get business. In order to get that business, you need to have great product, hence in this case a great track. Chris has really been on his atomic sponsor, so if he can get that equipment for you?? I am gunna call Legacy tomarrow, and they will prolly want some track pics, but they are gunna need good pics. When i come on sunday we can talk. And dont take any offense to anything. Evan and Marc, you are both great promoters and i am trying me best to help you guys out. I just know what needs to be done to get this track up to par. And trust me when it gets there, you will see racers! And i know money doesent fall out of trees and all that bs, but unfortunatley in order to have anything great in todays society, money has to be spent. The payback should be great though!!! All we need is to all go over the track, negotiate suttin out that your owner is comfortable with, and get started. The base you guys have is great. Now we need to build off this base to make the best quad track in the northeast! :D

09-08-2005, 05:00 AM
I'm with you all totally Myself and Evan have very little track experience, BMS and at his very small track and another dirt bike practice track. I see that Batavia needs more more more and Evan and I have stressed that to the owner since day one. We have a lot of other things going on in our own Lifes and have had to pass the torch on to DON he's a good guy but really into TT it is important that every rider stress to Don and mainly JOHN that we need more or you won't be back and a client base will not grow. Also with the rumor of area 51 opening to ATV's next year even know BMS is quad only how many of you guys will drive past area 51 to BMS unless some huge major changes are undergone. UNLESS PEOPLE STRESS THIS I FEAR THE FUTURE GROWTH OF BMS MX! TT has had a minimum of 50 people every week they have raced at BMS some weeks as large as 80 and they are happy with the track? Please help to convince the owner he needs to upgrade the track! You do the math if you are the owner he isn't dumb he's done his research knows it's a hard go and has also talked to other area tracks and knows what poor turnouts ATVs have always shown. I will print all this info out for John so he can see first hand what the buzz is saying so lay it on him here and at the track!

09-11-2005, 02:20 PM
sorry guys, couldent make it out there today, i had alot of chores to do! Let me know how things went and what the owners feelings are. Have you shown him this thread?

later, billy

09-11-2005, 08:15 PM
Thanks billy....we really needed your help. You are such a slacker! Just playing. (Ill talk to you more later) Very small showing today but everyone had a blast. We figured that is was going to be small with the pro-am event in PA. Anyways we need some support September 25th. The 18th is NOT a mx event. There is a TT event scheduled for Sat. and Sun. We need you guys all out riding on the 25th. You D4 guys need to bring all your friends. I think #55 may have some good competition. Today there was a kid on a yfz and another on a 450r that were lookng really fast on that track. Some other kids came to practice on thursday that were looking pretty good too. We just need everyone there together. This track will grow. We just need some more riders. You guys all talk about people you know that want to ride and that will come out. WELL....lets do it up on the 25th. Lets show john (the owner) that we can get people out there. There is an open practice this thursday from 5 till dark. I think its like 10 bucks a rider. Marc and I may be a little late because we get out of work around 4:30. Who can make it???? PLEASE SPREAD THE WORD!!!!!!!

09-12-2005, 05:52 AM
We've talked to John about the thread and that a lot of people are showing interest. Ultimatly the # of riders will tell if this track will get a face lift or if it'll go down like the rest of the tracks because of poor turn out we all keep our fingers crossed and hope to see some new faces and some great competetion. So as you riders come out bring your Family and friends, Juniors are the future and a blast to watch so get as many as you can to get the sport a big boost! IF ANY ONE HAS ADVERTISING SUGGESTIONS OR PLACES TO ADTVERTISE OR PEOPLE TO CONTACT TO BRING OUT A CROWD PLEASE POST OR PM MYSELF! Any forums you all are on post on there also! Thanks Marc

riley racing
09-12-2005, 07:30 AM
Hey guys,
Sorry you had not a good turn out this past Sunday but you are correct it was because of Mapleshade with the big quad race but also it was a D4 points race at Watkins Glenn. As for the 25th os September your showing may not be very good again. Mapleshade is running the D4 points race that Sunday so most of your D4 racers will be there. That is the last scheduled D4 points race. Also Cohocton's Saturday race on 10/8 has now been changed to Sunday 10/9. Good luck. Hope this helps.

09-12-2005, 10:50 AM
Wow. I just caught this thread. I'm gonna tell a couple guys I ride with. I no longer have the 450 (til I get me an 06) but I would like to come watch. When's the next mx race?

09-12-2005, 11:01 AM
Stay Tuned for Updates we will be having practice on thursday starting at 5 -til dark $10 per rider $5 for spectators. we will have either race or practice on Sundays starting at 11 I'll keep everyone up to date on what the changes will be to the schedule no MX for sure on September 18th prescheduled TT race come out out and try out some TT racing. Because of D4 ATV MX Schedules and some date changes some of the Sunday events may become practices not races to keep our costs down but to also keep you all coming back and riding turn out has been a little lower than wanted but with great feedback and now two weeks of Races under our belts and some great competion we look forward to seeing more and more faces out at the track for practice and races! I'll post as soon as I have more info! We will still have Sunday events for non D4 guys it may just be a $15 practice motos! THIS IS ALL TENATITVE I WILL POST A FINAL UPDATE TOMORROW!

09-12-2005, 02:39 PM
dang guys i am getting jealous..everyone is talking about all this riding when all i have been doing is workin on the damn katoom in the garage. I need tom carlson to come back so we can build a pipe and get the kattom on the track. Evan send me a pm if ya gotta get suttin to me. talk to you guys later, and btw someone has to tell me about mapleshade cause it sounds like u guys had fun!

09-22-2005, 05:59 AM
Okay guys Races have been canceled Sunday September 25th and also Sunday October 9th. Due to scheduled ATV races at other tracks! Good luck all you racers! Not sure about all you guys but I hear rumors of Area 51 opening for quads I myself am going to try and contact the owner/managment of the track and push the interest of ATV riders that is a mighty looking track and for many of you it is the level of track that you all are looking for! So if you guys are looking for a larger more intense track contact area 51 let them know their is a need for a track with a high skill levels for atv's!