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View Full Version : surgery the 29th

09-04-2005, 09:06 AM
im having surgery on septmeber 29th to get a bone removed. its an osteochondroma, and thankfully its benine. its about the size of my fist above and on the inside of my right knee. its a little sore. im getting it removed because its annoying, and it has a 10% chance of becoming cancerous later in my life.
i was wondering if anyone has ever had one of these removed and if so, how long was it before you were back to normal? the doc said i have to be REALLY easy on it for 3 months and nothing hard for 6 months because its basically going to take the hard cover off part of my femur.
so yeah i guess that might mean no riding for 6 months. HOLLY F**K, THIS IS GONNA SUCK!!! while i cant ride i plan on fixing a few things onmy quad and selling it, then getting a 450r.

09-04-2005, 09:43 AM
good luck w/ the surgery

09-04-2005, 12:41 PM
Originally posted by thrasher_ex
im getting it removed because its annoying, and it has a 10% chance of becoming cancerous later in my life. Better safe than sorry. Good luck with everything. And 6 months w/no riding will suck. Sorry.:(

09-04-2005, 06:17 PM
yea good luck with evey thing:macho

09-04-2005, 07:14 PM
surgery sucks....i had to have surgery on my arm...i broke my arm ridding a wheelie, and the bones were so far separated i had no choice but to have surgery...now i have a rod about 12 inches long in my arm and 2 screws in my arm too....

good luck and speedy recovery

09-04-2005, 09:51 PM
Good luck. Better to get it taken care of now, than to worry about it later. At least most of your recuperating will be during the winter... ;)

09-30-2005, 12:02 PM
Well, everything went great! The surgeon got it all, and while he was operating discovered it was attached to a sprout that attached to my femur, so only a size of about a quarter was removed f/m my femur instead os a size of about my fist! this means recovery will be much faster, and i should be back to normal in 3 months!!:) right now i can barely walk on it so i have crutches. there is a constant block thing which is like an IV going into my leg thats keeping it numb for a few days. so yeah, the block plus a couple Vikaden are pretty cool lol. Oh yeah, i'll never forget getting put to sleep it was like nothing i've ever experienced before lol

09-30-2005, 12:19 PM
Glad to know it went good!