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View Full Version : anyone willing to donate?

09-02-2005, 03:51 PM
well, our school is doing something interesting this year... a "graduation project" so to speak...

we have to research a idea, topic, or project... then do the project ourself while recording all the info and pictures or videos of us doing it, along with writing a journal about it

so what i wanted to do was restore a lt250r or lt500r motor to the bare original motor as it came stock on he quads, i planned on rebuilding everything from the topend to the tranny, to recoating the case, cylinder, etc in the suzuki powder blue

and on so

so does anyone have a motor, they can donate me? of course i will pay for it, but im having a hard tme finding one
so can someone please help me out?

09-02-2005, 11:22 PM
check ebay

09-03-2005, 11:14 AM
Well... I guess I could donate my LT's LRD engine for... $2,000! :D