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View Full Version : Just wanted to clear things up with the "no title" raptor

2nd sucks
09-02-2005, 12:09 PM
for you guys who saw my post in the classified section i just wanted to let you know i did some investigating myself. This 2002 raptor was bought new in 01 from a dealer not too far away from me in new jersey(hence no title). apparntly the frame was rusty or cracked, because it was gusset and re-powder coated. The vin IS still there, it is very hard to make out though because of a weld bead being very close to it and being powder coated over. My uncle bought this quad for 1200 because a 17 year old kid bought it, financed it and couldnt keep up with the payment. my uncle payed off the balance due and got it for a good price. he drove it around his yard for about 4 months but it was too much for him, so he sold it to me for 1000.

that is the full story as i know it with the raptor. Dont call bs on it people because i did some investigating of my own and this is what i have found to be true.

So the quad is still up for sale and i WILL give a bill of sale with the atv. the quad does not suit my riding style and i will let it go for a good price. make me some offers

thanks for your time

09-02-2005, 12:54 PM
You won't mind posting the VIN # for us then, would you? If it passes a NCIC check, its good. This way, you could also get more $ for it.

09-02-2005, 12:56 PM
you should have mentioned that in the thread that your trying to sell it in dont you think?

post a few pics of it, unless there is an issue with people seeing it?

and we are still going to follow up on it, you want to help you can provide me with the vin. and speaking of vin, you stated the vin on the engine was scratched off?

strong odor of fish...anyone else smell it?

09-02-2005, 01:04 PM
Nahh I think thats your breath!! You ladies man you!! LOL J/P

BTW sounds very sketchy to me.

09-02-2005, 01:10 PM
Originally posted by Pappy
you should have mentioned that in the thread that your trying to sell it in dont you think?

post a few pics of it, unless there is an issue with people seeing it?

and we are still going to follow up on it, you want to help you can provide me with the vin. and speaking of vin, you stated the vin on the engine was scratched off?

strong odor of fish...anyone else smell it?

yuck, i hate tuna....

smells like we need some oust in here

2nd sucks
09-02-2005, 01:12 PM
i didnt mention it in the sale thread because i did not know it at the time, just found this information out last night and this morning

09-02-2005, 01:54 PM
what about the removed numbers from the engine?

id love to find out this is merely a misunderstanding almost as much as i'd love to see a thief nailed, however, there are some serious discrepancies in your thread that can not be ignored.

i will point out a few....

1) you have riden this quad but failed to mention its been powdercoated.

2) you openly suggest it maybe stolen

3) you fail to provide any proof of ownership and highlight the fact the only paper that will trade place is cash at the time of sale.

c'mon dude, it doesnt take barney miller to figure out something is slightly out of line with all this, does it...lol

2nd sucks
09-02-2005, 02:13 PM
cut me a break pappy, im 16. it has been powder coated the stock frame color again. search in here in the open forum for "just wanted to say hi" in there you will find all my background info and you will very easily realize im no theif. im no vet. when it comes to raptors this is my first one, i dont even know if im looking in the right spot for the motor #, all i can find is the displacment stamped in the head.

my friend is coming for it tonight, im selling it to him for 2000 WITh a bill of sale.

i have nothing to hide, im no theif, the background on this quad checks out

quit flaming me please

read my forum in here in the open forum for my history/past

09-02-2005, 02:17 PM
Originally posted by 2nd sucks
cut me a break pappy, im 16.

Well, then it's about the right time for you to learn how the real world works.

09-02-2005, 03:02 PM
Originally posted by 2nd sucks

my friend is coming for it tonight, im selling it to him for 2000 WITh a bill of sale.

Anyone else think this quads gonna be for sale again under a different username?

09-02-2005, 03:52 PM
im not singling you out because i feel like it, and being 16 you should damn well know that your thread in the for sale forum would raise more then a few eyebrows. you all but said it could be stolen!!!

if it is, you better unload it somewhere other then here. if it isnt, you have my full apology for being mistaken, thats something OJ did not get now did he;)

i will not tolerate a thief, or one in training. we have had a rash of stolen atv's in estern PA and jersey and any quad posted here had better be legit. if someone doesnt atleast post a picture or send one via email to be posted, id be suspect. criminals arent usually dumb enough to post a pic so that it could be recognized. (ebay excluded)

sorry if this attitude ticks anyone off, but i have ZERO tolerance for crooks.

09-02-2005, 03:56 PM
(shines bright light in face)
Can you answer the question about the engine numbers being removed?

(blows stale cigeratte smoke in suspects face)

Can you send the vin for it to be run thru the system to see if it has been reported stolen?

Wait till one of the many police officers reads this and see what they have to tell you.

2nd sucks
09-02-2005, 04:00 PM
sorry if this attitude ticks anyone off, but i have ZERO tolerance for crooks. [/B]

i agree...i hate theives too....i had a mint stock 250r stolen from me last summer BAM-there goes 3500, its not fun i know

i didnt suspect anything to be fishy with the quad because it came from my uncle...once i started thinking about it is when i got the thought, but i have since checked into it, and it is clean. but check my history in the thread i posted on here telling all about me...im no thief.

but enough flaming and more riding!

oh P.S. the quad is gone. buddy of mine from school came and picked it up, and he got a bill of sale

09-02-2005, 04:03 PM
Originally posted by Pappy
sorry if this attitude ticks anyone off, but i have ZERO tolerance for crooks.

It ticks me off. I come from an under-privledged neighborhood. I grew up on the streets, and crime is the only occupation available to me.

And here you go, gettin' all "hata" on me, tellin' me I can't engage in my occupation. The Man, holdin' me down. I gots to eat too, ya know...

09-02-2005, 04:08 PM
Originally posted by 2nd sucks

i didnt suspect anything to be fishy with the quad because it came from my uncle...once i started thinking about it is when i got the thought, but i have since checked into it, and it is clean. but check my history in the thread i posted on here telling all about me...im no thief.

and your post from the for sale thread...

since i do not know the background/history with this quad, there will be no papers exchanged, except for cash of coarse :-P

didnt suspect anything eh?

theres no vin on the frame no serial # on the motor....so all we can do is assume the worst

09-02-2005, 04:15 PM
we will leave it at this.....

you dont post anything for sale on this site period. even if the quad ended up being clean (it could happen) the way you have changed the condition and story isnt sitting right with me. the mere fact you would gladly sell a stolen quad is enough for me to not want you anywhere near this website.

maybe your not a thief, but you are a terrible liar.

i got it for a great price off my uncle, runs great, no problems at all...

yep....no problems at all