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View Full Version : tornado fuel saver?

09-01-2005, 08:44 PM
i dont know how many of you guys have seen these things but they've been all over tv for a few years now. do these things really work? i dont see how spinning the air into an engine would increase fuel efficiency(sp?) heres a link any way of what im talking about. if they really do work, this is quite an invention with the new gas prices going up.


09-01-2005, 08:50 PM
i think i read where they do work, but its a very miniscule difference. Like a 30 mpg car goes to like 30.15 mpg

09-01-2005, 09:01 PM
Originally posted by derekhonda
i think i read where they do work, but its a very miniscule difference. Like a 30 mpg car goes to like 30.15 mpg


09-01-2005, 09:06 PM
nowadays that extra .15 mpg is worth like 28 dollars :devil:

09-01-2005, 09:08 PM
we have a car section in our paper, you prolly get it too james, he tries all this stuff and stuff

he said the tornado is a rip-off and doesn't work, i was thinkin about gettin it till then

z-max works though, he even proved it, and carrol shelby uses it so, lol

09-01-2005, 09:09 PM
There are so many ways they can make cars get more gas mileage. They do this on purpose.

09-01-2005, 09:20 PM
my neighbor has 2 VW jettas and are diesel. thier supposed to get about 50 or 60 miles to the gallon i think.

how much is diesle gas running?

09-01-2005, 09:24 PM
Originally posted by 250EXridr
my neighbor has 2 VW jettas and are diesel. thier supposed to get about 50 or 60 miles to the gallon i think.

how much is diesle gas running? like 3 bucks a gallon around here.

09-01-2005, 09:31 PM
Originally posted by Scott-300ex

z-max works though, he even proved it, and carrol shelby uses it so, lol

What is z-max? :confused:

right now all I can think of is Zima... :p

n00b on a 400ex
09-02-2005, 08:31 AM
i think it was popular science they had an article on those supposed fuel savers, for the most part they were all junk

09-02-2005, 09:38 AM

To save a gallon of gas, you probably need to cut about 22 miles of driving from your week. Here are 10 of the easiest ways to save.

1. Use mass transit. Or carpool. Leaving the car at home and sharing your commute with others can help you reach your gallon-goal very quickly.

2. Slow down. Research shows that speeding uses more gas. If your average commute includes 20 miles of highway time, and you drive it at 60 mph instead of 70 mph, you'll save approximately 1.3 gallons of gas in a 5-day work week.

3. Combine errands. Need to pick up a prescription, mail a package and go to the bank? Instead of spreading these tasks out over a few trips, do them all at once. Park in a central spot and walk from place to place.

4. Shop online. Save the trips to the store, and consider other errands online, such as banking, buying stamps, and paying bills.

5. Drive the small car. Do you own a SUV and a fuel-efficient sedan? Take the smaller car on any long trips you can this week.

6. Take a hike (or ride a bike). Instead of driving everywhere, lace up your sneakers and get some exercise while you save gas. A bicycle can help you rack up car-free miles even faster.

7. Work from home. If you have a job for which working from home is possible, ask the boss if you can pick one day when you and your coworkers can telecommute to save gas. If you are the boss, make it a company-wide project (and be sure everyone makes a pledge online so we can include them in our tally).

8. Have a dinner party. Instead of your usual dinner-and-a-movie Saturday night out, invite your neighbors over for a small dinner party. You'll save the miles to the theater and restaurant—not to mention the money.

9. Share school rides. Instead of picking up your kids from school every day, ask a neighbor with kids in the same school to help. You can each take turns picking up the tykes.

10. Keep the trunk light. The heavier the load your car has to carry, the more gas it guzzles. Don't use your trunk for long-term storage.