View Full Version : yamablaster24

08-30-2005, 02:49 PM
I recently purchased a set of LSR +2 arms. He specifically told me that they came with both uppers, both lowers, all ball joints, tie rods and tie rod ends. Well after we negotiated a price, payment was sent. He PMS me telling me he received my money. A week goes by no arms, but I was worried. Then a PM asking me for my address again!!! Ok fine I can deal with this. Another week goes by and I ask him when they are coming in. He's still using the "I broke my legs so I couldn't get them out soon enough" excuse. I wouldn't have cared if he had said something up front or at least made an attempt to have a family member send them out. Another few days goes by and then the package arrives. I open it up to find everythin EXCEPT the tie rod ends! I PM him several times finally getting a response saying this exactly "dude i never meant to say they were coming with tie rod ends, i frekin need them my god. if i do part it out i will send them to you" So I can pretty much count on NOT getting my tie-rod ends. Dont buy ANYTHING from this clown, cause you might not get what you want, because he might "need them, and didn't mean to say that you were getting them"

08-30-2005, 04:42 PM
I have never bought anything form him but i have heard more than one person complain!

He did purchase a set of fenders from me once...everyday he would say "money is going out tomorrow"....took him about 2 months to get me the MO

08-30-2005, 05:05 PM
Yeah I see that Im not the first person to have problems with him, but I wish I knew that before I bought the arms. It was a good price and all, but I still didn't get everything I paid for!

G Impala 63n70
08-30-2005, 05:14 PM
yea hes full of ****.

07-12-2007, 09:27 PM
I've never had any personal experience but he sounds like an A** hole thanks now I won't buy anything from him