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View Full Version : wheelies!and how to stop the overflow...

08-29-2005, 02:07 PM
i ride a 01 400ex and i love to ride wheelies...my question is that everytime i ride them gas just poures outta the overflow...i know its doing what its supposed to...but is there a way to slow it...or something? lemme know guys...thanks

08-29-2005, 05:46 PM
it'll stop when you make one post instead of two:o

08-30-2005, 08:46 AM
nope it does what its designed to do...i would leave it alone it doesnt hurt anything...

08-30-2005, 10:02 AM
Originally posted by 300ex13
nope it does what its designed to do...i would leave it alone it doesnt hurt anything...

what he said, the only thing it hurt is your gas mileage... ive filled the tank to the top before and rode like way to many wheelies and when i got home it wus gettin close to bein empty... gonna have to start slackin up though cus gas prices are getting ridiculous(sp?):mad:

08-30-2005, 11:35 AM
yeah... its just...i like to do real slow wheelies and coasters...coasting at 12oclock i leave a gas trail on the street... and its gotten bad enough to where it soaks the entire swingarm skidplate and i can see puddles on the swingarm and stuff...

08-30-2005, 11:52 AM
Originally posted by stuntXryder
yeah... its just...i like to do real slow wheelies and coasters...coasting at 12oclock i leave a gas trail on the street... and its gotten bad enough to where it soaks the entire swingarm skidplate and i can see puddles on the swingarm and stuff...

oh well u'd prolly lose more like that.... im talkin bout 5th gear WFO wheelies down the road:devil:

08-30-2005, 11:57 AM
hah yeah...i dunno the most ive ever done is 3 full gears...thats sick **** though dude...

08-30-2005, 12:20 PM
hell yea its super fun..... alot of people are like once u get to third gear you can just use balance and throttle.... well i like to pull it up in 2nd and get to 5th and then find the balance point and just steadily keep gainin speed.... eventually on the 300 its starts to fall down and i just keep it pinned and it'll say in that balance point for ever, i've got it now to where if the roads flat i can walk it til i run out of room... im still workin on shiftin weight to go different ways, but im gettin good at that to... me and fellow member exboy ride wheelies all day around these roads... were workin on a gettin a video, he does some crazy chit

08-30-2005, 02:18 PM
how do you shift when your doing a wheelie? when I shift it just drops the front wheels, or do you just lean back really far?

08-30-2005, 03:30 PM
^^ in reality you shouldnt really have to shift, i know you may say well u just said u shift all the way to fifth gear, well that cause i like haulin @ss when im walkin a wheelie.... its hard to explain but i'll try, iight since ur on a 400 its not hard to pull up at all i'd get in second gear and be goin at a slow rate and thin pin it, once you get to the balance point shift(i shift with out the clutch but i heard it tears the transmission out so ima start practicin usin the clutch but its hard for me to shift with the clutch on a wheelie), anyways after u shift into third u should be able to just keep ur balance point, and keep ur throttle steady dont blip it cus u'll either wind up on the 12 bar, or eventually it will just set back down... so u want to just keep the throttle steady..... alright and if your like me and u like to be 5th gear wide open wheelies, just give it more gas and keep shiftin and workin with different balance points.... its to confusing tryin to explain it over the internet just get out there and practice.... and dont be afraid to fall off a few good times, it dont hurt that much after the first:devil:

oh and another thing post ur question in the freestyle thread, there are some very good people that can walk wheelies for ever, so post there you'll get better tips;)