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View Full Version : To Tommy 17 and Woodsrider about exriders!

08-28-2005, 06:33 PM
I also wanted to voice a "OPINION" and thoughts about what both of you said about how things have changed since Oct 2000 when Mr. Leo started to now. I just wanted to say that I couldn't agree with you guys even more! Maybe thats why people like 4punks ect... have chosen to leave or whatever. I'm not trying to fuel anything I thought it was in very poor taste to even delete the post. There wasn't any porn, swearing ect....... nothing!!! Just a few people voicing there opinion in which now were not able to do no more. Its getting pretty sad, boys:(

08-28-2005, 06:39 PM
how many times can anyone play the Leo card? for christ sakes, he sold the site, if he wanted it to stay the way it was he would have kept it right?

and they are free to an opinion just as you are, but crying about this subject will get you no where. it doesnt even matter if i found that thread fine, its what is best for the majority of the site's intrests and not for a handful of guys that want to see some chick that has zero to do with this site.

i liked leo, i liked the site the way it was back when i first found it,and i like it now, but folks, things change. if you dont like the change, log off. that may sound crappy but thats where it is. this is a FREE website, you have the option to come here, you do not have the option to changes as you see fit.

why do i have to be the heavy

08-28-2005, 06:40 PM
Dude, I agree, but just let it go.

08-28-2005, 06:42 PM
stfu, its just gonna get closed anyways, why did u make this thread? Its only startin trouble

08-28-2005, 06:47 PM
Originally posted by 400exrules
stfu, its just gonna get closed anyways, why did u make this thread? Its only startin trouble saying comments like "stfu" will also get a thread closed.

08-28-2005, 06:52 PM
Originally posted by NacsRacer027
saying comments like "stfu" will also get a thread closed.

that was Ben, you know the guy who bought the site from Leo and then sold it to someone who wanted to see it grow. He had the issue with STFU. I dont, and prefer its use over a bunch of ****** lol

08-28-2005, 06:54 PM
Originally posted by Pappy
that was Ben, you know the guy who bought the site from Leo and then sold it to someone who wanted to see it grow. He had the issue with STFU. I dont, and prefer its use over a bunch of ****** lol lol...yes i know who ben is, dont gotta play the exr history teacher with me....but i never knew he had a problem with stfu...i was just being my jackass self, and fit in with the cool crowd..seems ahrder and harder to do these days though.


08-28-2005, 06:55 PM
there is a cool crowd now? i did not get the memo!

08-28-2005, 06:56 PM
Originally posted by Pappy
there is a cool crowd now? i did not get the memo! thats becuase your not cool:D

08-28-2005, 06:57 PM
Originally posted by NacsRacer027
thats becuase your not cool:D

thats fine by me..lol

08-28-2005, 06:59 PM
You know, I dont mind rules but when threads get closed over stupid ****, it gets a little nerve racking lol I know the cuss words being stared out is good now.

If you dont like someone send them a nice nice pm. saves the mods time from deleteing it etc and you know they wont give you alot of crap for flipping out on them in a pm.

hot chicks? half of us got frickin aol instant messanger now just send them along the line, I know I allways have chatrooms now and then soo you guys can save the site there!

08-28-2005, 07:08 PM
trust me, this stuff doesnt bother us too much. infact i dont know why i just did not delete it and continue on. there was crying and moaning about the mods when Leo ran the site, the same when Ben owned it, so why should it be different now.

Funny thing is, i can copy and post the exact same thing 4punks would reply to a member that praises 4punks yet im an ***?that goes for the other mods also. so i say to anyone, once again, that dislikes this site or the way its run, LOG OFF, you will not be missed. this site is more then any one member or small clan of members that sees things differently then those that manage it.

closing this thread now...simply because i feel like it.

08-28-2005, 07:16 PM
and GIZ400ex, i find it interesting that you dont like the fact that the mods kept the site clear of anything that could be considered porn or a thread that was headed downhill, but you openly thank a mod for controling language?

here is your response to SGA over a thread that offended you and what YOU felt was out of line.

Thank god!!!.......... in a recent post called "pitbulls" I could not believe what some people were saying and it wasn't called for at all to get your point across. There's some immaturity here and plain and simple..........need to grow-up! Thanks SGA!! Its about time something got done! Its gone way too long!

08-28-2005, 07:33 PM
Originally posted by NacsRacer027
lol...yes i know who ben is, dont gotta play the exr history teacher with me....but i never knew he had a problem with stfu


really? then i guess if you KNEW the history you would have known he did not want any swearing or abreviations there of. There was quite the outcry from the usual members who have no life and complain about anything they dont agree with.

didnt mean to bust your bubble, well, yes i did:devil: