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08-18-2005, 07:46 AM
When I was a kid (comments not needed) I did not recieve an allowance. I worked on our farm and recieved an hourly wage just like other farm workers did.

My friends recieved an allowance, but it never crossed my mind seeing I got a paycheck albiet a small one.

Fast forward to today. My oldest son is wanting a paint ball gun so he can light up some neighborhood kids in some huge war they are planning. This thing is like $400:eek2:

So he is showing me pictures and the price, and he tells me he has around $80 saved up. I inform him we just bought him a new Dell pc so he could use it for school work and that I wasnt covering the other monies towards the gun. I also inform him that he has 2 mini race quads, a ktm65 and more stuff that would make any kid happy!

He replies..."yeah dad I know, thats why I get $5 a week and dont ask for $20":huh

Can you say he will be buying his own fuel and paying his own entry to races from now on:scary:

08-18-2005, 07:49 AM
lmfao! thats great go cody :devil: I never had an alowance :ermm:

08-18-2005, 07:51 AM
I hear that!..

Kids today just doesnt know the value of money.

I too did not get an allowance and STILL had to do tons of chores around the house... Hell i couldnt even look at my mom or dad in the wrong way or i would get jackslapped upside the head.

2 quads? hell i wished i had a 2nd hand rusty bike.... I said this before everything i have today i earned on my own... My parents thought me well and i can honestly say i dont owe anyone anything because of it.

Yes lesson needs to be thaught, paying for his own gas and entry fee for HIS race should be a given.

08-18-2005, 07:53 AM
I cant be too hard on him, he has gotton straight A's and honor roll his entire 6 years of school.

And he fetchs me more tools and parts then i'd care to remeber:p

I geuss he is just finally getting old enough to start learning a few hard facts of life.

08-18-2005, 07:55 AM
Straight A's is for his benefit.

Fetching you tools :) well you is his father, didnt know we had to pay for that stuff :)

how old is he?

08-18-2005, 08:00 AM
cody just turned 12. i really couldnt ask for a better kid. he has a list of chores, does them without my foot finding his rear end, gets great grades...an all around good kid.

now my youngest son just finally saved enough to buy a $50 video game. we make both kids take 50% of any birthday/christmas money and put it in a savings bank, the rest is theres. we are trying to teach them right:p

08-18-2005, 08:02 AM

I think you're doing the right thing by not putting up the $$ for the gun . I don't have kids but I'm sure it's pretty tough having to say no to your child . Like you said ... you just bought him a new PC , he has the quads and bike ... any other kid would be extremely happy .

I never received an allowance as a kid unlike most of my friends that did . It was very rare that I would ever ask for any money ... I worked our family restaurant at the age of 10 washing dishes and didn't get paid for it . But when I did ask for $20 to go out , my parents did give it to me .

08-18-2005, 08:05 AM
Seems like a very nice kid :)

Which paintball gun did he want? is it speedball or milsim??? i can hook you up and you cna surprise him for xmas or birthday.

check out www.warsensor.com or www.armotech.us

I do product testing, manual writing and also some design work for them and i can get you good deal, or i can sell you one of the prototypes i have at home for very cheap.

08-18-2005, 08:40 AM
i've never thought about that either Pappy. When i was 10 or 11 my dad bought me my first lawn mower and told me to get to work, that was my allowance...now that one lawn mower has turned into the biggest buisness around this area:ermm:

08-18-2005, 09:14 AM
i had an allowance for about 3 years. i got about 2 bucks a week. but here latley i would do the chores... but i dont get paid.. so i guess im doin them just for the heck of it now..

08-18-2005, 09:28 AM
try to convince him he is going to get bored with the paintball gun..... cuz he will. there fun for the first month but then u have to buy new co2 and more paintballsand stuff like that....or try to tell him to get a cheaper gun... somthing maybe 200 dollars. i dont get allowance and i have to do chores so cody is a very lucky kid:)

08-18-2005, 09:52 AM
Originally posted by Hon300ex
try to convince him he is going to get bored with the paintball gun..... cuz he will. there fun for the first month but then u have to buy new co2 and more paintballsand stuff like that....or try to tell him to get a cheaper gun... somthing maybe 200 dollars. i dont get allowance and i have to do chores so cody is a very lucky kid:)

For 200 dollars he can get the tippman 98 custom pacage that has everything he needs to play, gun, mask, hopper, co2 tank. The cost of some paintball stuff is outrageous, some of my friends have 12-1600 dollars tied up in thier guns. And it costs me just under 20 bucks every time I want to play a game. He will have more fun with the quad he has now.

08-18-2005, 10:01 AM
i play paintball almost every weekend and love it.
what kind of gun does he want? 400 seems kinda high especially for a starter gun. he should start out with something simple like a spyder or 98custom to make sure he likes playing before spending alot on a gun. and also more then likely if it is an expensive gun it probably wont run off of co2 it will probably need compressed air and that gets expensive. my compressed air tank alone was 200. It adds up quick just buying the equipment and then is expensive to play.

08-18-2005, 10:10 AM
yeah i started with a spyder xtra and it was awsome...the second i moved into building a mini cocker i had way way way way to much dumped in and decided i needed the money for lsr a-arms...sold it right when i finished only fired like maybe 50 balls...

08-18-2005, 10:13 AM
Walmart has good deals for like a 100$ with everything included. He just needs paintballs and CO2.

08-18-2005, 10:14 AM
hell get him the gun that way when all the strange cats and stuff run around not only can he light up the neighbor kids he can light up the neibor pets :devil:

08-18-2005, 10:14 AM
does he kno that it kinda hurts a lil if u get hit with paintballs from a good gun?

08-18-2005, 10:19 AM
$80 isn't too bad for a 12yr-old to save up. It sounds like he's really interested if he's willing to blow his entire wad on it.

This is a great opportunity to teach him a lesson. There's always work to be done, he can clean the garage, sweep the shop, pull weeks, whatever.

Show him the value of compromise. If you make him turn that $80 into $150 by WORKING for it, I bet you he finds a paintball set for $150 that he can live with.

And later, if/when he gets bored with the paintball gun, and he wishes he had that $80 or $150 back, will learn the value of rash decisions.

If'n I were you, I wouldn't make him pay his gas and entry fee just yet. He may have a future in this sport, you don't want to turn him off from it too soon.

Smokin 440
08-18-2005, 10:30 AM
Get a $5 slingshot, it equals hours of paintball amusement...

08-18-2005, 10:39 AM
i get 14 bucks a week allowence, but i do alot of stuff around the house, anyway ill sell cody a lmost new spyder electra digital LED, semi,3,6 round burst and full auto.20oz c02,electronic hopper,3 pods,16 oz c02, a pod belt, and a bunch of other stuff for like 225.

08-18-2005, 11:10 AM
I buy and sell parts like crazy and sometimes I lose money and sometimes i gain money. I cut the grass and all that but he needs to get ont he internet.

08-18-2005, 11:13 AM
Originally posted by kickerkfx444
I buy and sell parts like crazy and sometimes I lose money and sometimes i gain money. I cut the grass and all that but he needs to get ont he internet.

we have enough 12 year olds acting like major parts retailers, i wont be adding cody to that list.

08-18-2005, 11:25 AM
as far as the paintball gun, i have no clue what it is. i surely wouldnt allow him to spend $400 on one even if he had the $$

we dont shoot cats around here with paintballs, but we do shoot them;)

08-18-2005, 11:28 AM
Originally posted by Hon300ex
try to convince him he is going to get bored with the paintball gun..... cuz he will. there fun for the first month but then u have to buy new co2 and more paintballsand stuff like that....or try to tell him to get a cheaper gun... somthing maybe 200 dollars. i dont get allowance and i have to do chores so cody is a very lucky kid:)

I have been playing paintball for 8 years now (yes at my age) depends what you play, speedball gets boring right away, Milsim (military type / Swat type stuff) in buildings is what we do.

08-18-2005, 11:30 AM
Originally posted by DierWolf
I have been playing paintball for 8 years now (yes at my age) depends what you play, speedball gets boring right away, Milsim (military type / Swat type stuff) in buildings is what we do.

lol...you mean the 1/8 acre flat open lot with a few pallets wont cut it:confused: :D

one of my friends is sponsored by some gun company. they travel all over the place doing this paintball thing. i personally prefer an afternoon at a killhouse or even a bowling pin shoot but i reckon paintball is pretty cool if it was made realistic.

08-18-2005, 11:32 AM
light bulbs on a piece of string hanging from a tree swining makes for a good time and alot of ammo gone :o

rednecks got the best stuff :D

08-18-2005, 11:33 AM
just dont get him one of these :) he's little too small for that but he will scare the living crap out of all the tippmann users :)


Thats the last one i helped design for Armotech (AK47)

08-18-2005, 11:34 AM
MSRP is $389 by the way .... cut that down to 250 if you get it from me. ;)

08-18-2005, 11:39 AM
Allowance... Whats that? :confused:

08-18-2005, 11:40 AM
Originally posted by DierWolf
just dont get him one of these :) he's little too small for that

you think? lol

dont let his size or age fool you. he outshoots most adults.:devil: i know of 1 Maryland State Police sniper that lost buying lunch to him when he was 7:macho

i cant believe some of the tech that goes into those guns. i know a few military units that used them for awhile (maybe now its different) and i can atest to the fact that it stings good when you get it in an unprotected area:(

08-18-2005, 11:42 AM
I have this one for sale if you want :)


08-18-2005, 12:19 PM
i noticed that the r.i.s elite armotech pb rifle is now an " ARIAKON", did they get bought out? http://shop.paintballarmory.com/mmarmory/Images/ARK-SIM4RISE.JPG

08-18-2005, 12:31 PM
No its not.

Ariakon is a long story..

To make it the long story short (including court case) The owner of the now called Ariakon used to be the main US distrubutor for Armotech (speedball inc in tiawan).

This guy (called Hiasam, a towelhead) started making his own modeled exactly after ARmotech's markers and sold them in brown boxes, when they gave problems he blamed it on Armotech.

Well we found out about this and ARmotech stopped sending him product and switched distributors, Hiasam quickly changed the registeration on the armotech.com name under his own name claiming that he was the owner of armotech even though trademark was under Armotech(speedball inc.)

Anyways long *** court case to solve all this bull, meanwhile hiasam calling the REAL armotech markers sold by the new distrubutors CLONES or KNockoffs, and court ruled we could not say anything until the case was solved.

Anyways Armotech won the case and Hiasam had to relinquish the .COM and change the name to Ariakon for the markers he was selling..

Ariakon M16 and MP5 markers are Split reciever (one 1/2 on top and 1/2 on bottom) where as Real Armotech markers are one solid reciever.

Since then armotech alone with me decided to drop or change the entire line so the guns dont look the same anymore and started designing more realistic looking markers, which is now the new WG75 (mp5) WG47(AK-47) and the new WG65+(m16) and the WSP pistol...

The old Desigsn (which look like Ariakons) was given to the sister company Warsensor to continue that line.

Also dropped all Speedball line so only designing Milsim Markers.

whew... man thats like 2 years of stuff happening :)

08-18-2005, 12:37 PM
PS the RIS Elite you show in the picture is Ariakon Marker, notice the 2 shinny things down the middle of the reciever? thats what holds to 2 pieces together :rolleyes:

This is a True ARMOTECH WG65-RIS Elite

08-18-2005, 01:19 PM
paintball is a great sport. i have been playing for around 10 years now... i never got an allowance or well any thing to help me pay to play. it would be a good idea to make him keep saving up for a marker. i started with a an old pump and it still works great. my best sugestion to you is make him rent a gun. make sure he likes it then have him save up to buy a decent 125 dollar set up. as he gets better in playing there are better guns out there it is not a cheap sport by any means. but if you show him that he has to pay for all there is to do in the sport. i think that will help the cause of knowing how much things cost and how truly expecive hobbys are.

just my $.02

08-18-2005, 01:24 PM
i also have a spyder shutter i took on a trade for some old boots, too, pappy, thats a good starter gun, 70 bucks and its his.

08-18-2005, 01:38 PM
Before i got a job i got a spreadsheet n mowed grass, shoveled horse chit, cleaned the pool, dishes, laundry n some other things around the house

As for the paintball gun i think u should let him play with his friends till they get bored n move onto something else.. it always happens

08-18-2005, 06:53 PM
i dont get an allowance and never have and i personally think now that i have been without one so long is that kids shouldnt have one. i have to pay for everything i want and do. i [pay for gas, car payments, and fouwheeler parts/payments. The only thing i dont have to pay for is my insurance which i am glad of because i can only work one day a week due to football. so to all of those kids who get 20 bucks a week in allowance need to nut up and and find a job. in the summer time i swing 3 jobs juss to pay my bills. i think all kids should try to find some sort of job at atleast 15 or at lease be looking for one.

08-18-2005, 07:13 PM
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Pappy

Fast forward to today. My oldest son is wanting a paint ball gun so he can light up some neighborhood kids in some huge war they are planning. This thing is like $400:eek2:

Have him buy a cheap walmart one they work just as godd...Lol

08-18-2005, 09:06 PM
Originally posted by Kyle_Racer_31
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Pappy

Fast forward to today. My oldest son is wanting a paint ball gun so he can light up some neighborhood kids in some huge war they are planning. This thing is like $400:eek2:

Have him buy a cheap walmart one they work just as godd...Lol yup...paid like 60 bucks for a black maxx...used it about 5 times, got done what i needed done and its sat ever since.

08-18-2005, 09:10 PM
Originally posted by Pappy

we make both kids take 50% of any birthday/christmas money and put it in a savings bank, the rest is theres. we are trying to teach them right:p

haha my rents do the same thing,but they just take all of it and put it in there,but i usually have some kind of something where i can have a couple of bucks for the week

08-18-2005, 09:18 PM
Originally posted by DierWolf
I have been playing paintball for 8 years now (yes at my age) depends what you play, speedball gets boring right away, Milsim (military type / Swat type stuff) in buildings is what we do.

o man that sounds fun,buildings,
that would be aweomse to buy over a factory,and just have evertying gutted expect rooms and hidden passagways,and you can snipe on the room.i would be there everday :devil:

08-18-2005, 09:56 PM
i never got allowance when i was a kid. i always had to do work around the house to make my money then i could "borrow" money from my dad. everything ive ever borrowed to buy anything i have paid back. dont give in pappy teach him how to manage his money hell thank you later in life when he doesnt just keep spending his money but saves it for what he really wants. oh yea and can i be your son pappy i know ive asked before but i thought some things might have changed;) you know im in need of a new race bike

08-18-2005, 10:29 PM
Might as well chime in...I do a lot around my house, pretty much built our entire back yard between the ages of 13 all the way up until now and I'm 18.

I never received an allowance, and never received money for building our back yard...I don't really see the need for kids to get an allowance for doing nothing, or something like "taking out the garbage."

Just my opinion; everyone has their own parenting style(s).

08-18-2005, 10:33 PM
yea i always did thing like cutting the grass. cutting peoples grass in the neiborhood. shoveling snow. basically anything that could make money. i never got money for taking out the trash or doing dishes they were just chores i was expected to do along with my brother