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08-15-2005, 08:17 PM
I know I'm gonne be super nervous knowing that somones sitting right beside me judging my driving :ermm: Any tips? I know I'll pry made a dumb little mistake and be one of the 4 juniors riding the bus...

08-15-2005, 08:19 PM
w/ that attitude u will

08-15-2005, 08:26 PM
Just relax. Pretend its your parents or driver's ed teacher. If you know the route/stuff they make you do ahead of time it's kinda nice. I had a couple friends take their test before me and took me down the route they make you drive and what they make you do. I get to do the whole driving with someone else thing again since now I just got my class b non-cdl permit:D

sam the brave
08-15-2005, 08:31 PM
i had a black tropper and i faild cuz i did not turn my head enough when checking my blind spot when done with parella parking

i had to do it 2 times and the to other girls there did not have to

08-15-2005, 08:35 PM

ya I forgot i have to practice paralell parking :chinese:

sam the brave
08-15-2005, 08:41 PM
Originally posted by Jake250ex

ya I forgot i have to practice paralell parking :chinese: i am not a racest
but i hate that guy he was such an *** i did everything perfect
my driving instructer was yelling at the tropper to pass me

08-15-2005, 09:40 PM
I failed my first time because I did 40 in a 35... :p

Its hard, but if you just relax you will find that the test is extremely easy...

Good luck...

08-15-2005, 09:44 PM
Test? I just got in a car and started driving.

08-15-2005, 09:56 PM
im supposed to take my test in 2 months but i dont think its gonna happen after what happened the other day. :rolleyes: we went on a trip down to my cousins and i was driving on the high way and everyone was sleeping so i took it up to about 90mph and set the cruise control :rolleyes: . it wasnt like there was many cars on the road it was like 1am . well it all went good untill my dad woke up and saw what i was doin. but we made damn good time for about 25 min. its not like i even got pulled over. now there threatining to put one of the black boxes in my car so they will know how fast i drive and all that good stuff. definatly borrow a freinds small car if you dont have one. my sis used her freinds honda hatch back so it made it about 10 times easier.

08-15-2005, 10:02 PM
I took my 6 hours for my permit a few weeks back,and the guy said i was one of the better drivers,it was easy,and the licsense test he said it takes not even two mins,you drive around some cones,and parrellel park in between two cones that are like 40 ft apart,cant get much easier :ermm:

08-15-2005, 10:30 PM
my test was a joke.but what do you expect, i live in MS. all i had to do is have this cornbread eater cop ride with me down a two lane highway turn around at a cowboy boot store and come back to the station.:D

08-16-2005, 09:52 AM

08-16-2005, 10:06 AM
just relax and pay very close attention to your surroundings, theyll notice that. Good Luck!

08-16-2005, 11:50 AM
its easy dude

drive, stop, park

the other day, saturday, i was outrunning a hail storm, all the roads were dry, i was in my 5.0 GT, i hit 115 on this road, then i had a turn the cruise at 105 for like a minute, then i come to a 4-lane, and im 90 degrees from it, i slide and drift all the time, so i let out the clutch quick, break the tires loose from a stop, carry the back end around, cross the slow lane, enter the fast lane and keep carrying it

it was all throttle steer

like 50 foot turn, 50 foot after, i was just slidin, oh man, it was sooooooooooo sweet dude, it was insane

then i come almost into town and it looked like those sand storm picutes, chit and dirt all flyin east over the road, thats all you saw, it was insane

and I BEAT THE STORM:devil:

fishtailin on rock roads, speed, and drifts help

08-16-2005, 11:53 AM
for ours you dont even have to go to the dmv to get your permit..your driving instructor just gives you a 20 question test and its done...then the driving test you have to acually drive...but no paralell parking haha

08-16-2005, 01:45 PM
Its a Mass law that a state trooper takes you on your test(Im not sure if thats universal these days). I screwed up 3 ddifferent times and had to do my parallel parking twice, but the man of a woman still passed me.

08-16-2005, 05:30 PM
Originally posted by 300exrida
I took my 6 hours for my permit a few weeks back,and the guy said i was one of the better drivers,it was easy,and the licsense test he said it takes not even two mins,you drive around some cones,and parrellel park in between two cones that are like 40 ft apart,cant get much easier :ermm:

you will be suprised how close the cones are when you parellel park for your test, other then that it is preaty easy.

08-16-2005, 10:06 PM
mossuri drivers don't take drivers ed

i think they just turn 16 and get their license

thats why here in illinios we always say "Dam Mossuri drivers."