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08-12-2005, 08:04 PM
I think its kinda sad knowing the guy signed a contract last year and already wants more $$$! These contracts don't mean crap no more and its starting to get a little annoying. Watched sportscenter and got a little ticked off!!!:grr:

08-12-2005, 08:06 PM
Originally posted by Giz400ex
I think its kinda sad knowing the guy signed a contract last year and already wants more $$$! These contracts don't mean crap no more and its starting to get a little annoying. Watched sportscenter and got a little ticked off!!!:grr: I lost all respect for him.

08-12-2005, 08:08 PM
i have never liked him even tho he is a good football player

08-12-2005, 09:38 PM
As my football coach and personal trainer said today....he is an azzhole...haha....one guy cant win it all for a team....so if the eagles get rid of him...it wont matter

Tommy 17
08-12-2005, 09:41 PM
he can't even run threw a deoderant line:o :p

08-12-2005, 09:44 PM
How about the Patriots new quarterback??? He sure can run alot! He was behind 2 heisman winning QBs in college so he never really got his big shot. Now he proved himself tonight with alot of really god plays behind a subpar line.

08-12-2005, 09:47 PM
I'm a Cowboy's fan... i lost respect for him when he did the celebration on the star!

....He's just proving me right! What a bum! Anyone that disrespects the game as much as him needs to learn that football is a team sport!

08-12-2005, 10:12 PM
the guy gets paid 10 mil for his first two years then gets an percentage increase every year following give me a break then cries about the lack a money he's gettin. i think not sure but his total contract is for like 54 mil. cry me a river:mad:

08-12-2005, 10:14 PM
Originally posted by Tommy 17
he can't even run threw a deoderant line:o :p

Excatly my thoughts;)

08-12-2005, 10:27 PM
i think they should change the way contracts work in the nfl, and all this crap he's saying about how the only reason he's holdin out is more money to help his family i don't think is true.he's got PLENTY to support them the rest of their lives.

they are saying now that he either keeps the contract with philadelphia as planned or he doesn't play football for the 05,06 season

08-13-2005, 06:37 AM
He is an arsehole. Did you guys hear how he talked back to the offensive coordinator? They were trying to talk to him about a play and his response was "Dont talk to me unless I talk to you first!"...then walked away. This is the reason he is suspended from the team.

...I'd say cut his arse and trade him.

08-13-2005, 07:06 AM
This crap really pisses me off. These people are physically blessed enough to make more in a year than most people will make in a life time and they still complain. He does not realize how good he has it. I dont like him, never have, I wish they would just send him to play rugby in Austrilia so they could rip him a new bung hole

08-13-2005, 07:17 AM
He's a good Player with a Huge head.....Best thing they could do is release him all he will do is cause trouble.......... Kindda like every place he goes

08-13-2005, 07:31 AM
time to cut him off the team and sue the hell out of him in court for the damages he caused the team and breach of contract. that will leave his *** BROKE and you will have some more room on the salary cap..i say do the same thing to PacMan Jones guy here in Tennessee. Supposedly he is scare dof the NFL so thats why he is holding out. How can you get drafted out of college, sign your contract and when camp starts you hold out and ask for more money, HE HAS NEVER EVEN PLAYED NFL FOOTBALL BEFORE! College and NFL are different

08-13-2005, 07:47 AM
I think a bigger issue is Ricky Williams. I think they shouldnt have let him back. For anything. Hes one of the dumbest football players ever.

08-13-2005, 07:50 AM
Read in a earlier post where a guy said that he's holding out??? He's not holding out, he's been suspended for a week.

Myself, I can't stand him. His success has gone to his head. Don't know if you guys remember... but early in his career in SF when Jerry Rice and Steve Young were still there you never heard anything from him. And he was damn good then. Actually he's a big reason why they felt they could let Jerry go b/c of his rising success.

As far as his contract... His argument is that he wants to be paid as one of the top receivers in the league. As of now he's not in the top 10 salary wise.

I'm not taking up for these guys, but I can somewhat relate to their gripping. I played College football for Auburn 92-95 and my ex room mate still plays for the Saints. If the average guy on here were to get an increase in pay on his job what's one of the 1st things he'd do? Get those arms for his quad, rebuild that motor, buy that 24 trailor w/ the bed/bathroom/shower/mini-kitchen, by another quad? The point is the more we make the more we spend in things we really don't need. These guys live lavishly (sp) and constantly want more. Why not ask for more when the chances are that you'll get it. THe more $ you get, the more secure you are. NFL teams cause themselves these problems b/c there's some team, somewhere, that'll give him what he wants :confused: . And if we had it like that on our jobs we'd do the same. I'm more than sure none of us would turn down extra money if we had the chance to get it. If you are one of the head salesmen were you are and you could get a 15 to 20% increase in pay somewhere else would you not ask for that increase where you are?

But yes I do think they need to get rid of him and he's a dweeb.

08-13-2005, 10:37 AM
cedric benson (rookie) is holding out on the chicago bears but im not sure what for.

i know they didn't do good last year but still.:o

08-13-2005, 12:00 PM
Originally posted by MOFO
He is an arsehole. Did you guys hear how he talked back to the offensive coordinator? They were trying to talk to him about a play and his response was "Dont talk to me unless I talk to you first!"...then walked away. This is the reason he is suspended from the team.

...I'd say cut his arse and trade him.

EH! shut ya dam steeler mouth :mad: :mad: :scary:

but i agree with you...he is a very valuable asset to the team....but he needs to realize the team can win without him...just not a superbowl :(

08-13-2005, 01:03 PM
Originally posted by bansheeguy77
EH! shut ya dam steeler mouth :mad: :mad: :scary:

ahhh, isnt it great! Its that time of year again! :D

Are you ready for Monday night? :devil:

08-13-2005, 02:02 PM
Couldn't stand him before, and definitely can't stomach his stupid antics now, I hope where ever he ends up, he gets hurt and can't play and then can't make any money playing football at all. Sorry for the harsh post, just a frustrating topic for me.

08-13-2005, 02:04 PM
Originally posted by slcpornstar69
I'm a Cowboy's fan... i lost respect for him when he did the celebration on the star!

....He's just proving me right! What a bum! Anyone that disrespects the game as much as him needs to learn that football is a team sport!

thats exactly what i think to im a cowboys fan to and when geroge teague came and nailed him when he was in the star that was great.

he is getting alll of this money and is a good player but he dosent deserve more just because of his attitude. they should just find him a way to kick him out of the nfl. he is the 3rd highest paid reciever in the nfl behind marvin harrison and randy moss. harisson deserves to get more money than him anyways he is a better player and dosent let all his success go to his head like T.O.

08-13-2005, 03:14 PM
Originally posted by Giz400ex
I think its kinda sad knowing the guy signed a contract last year and already wants more $$$! These contracts don't mean crap no more and its starting to get a little annoying. Watched sportscenter and got a little ticked off!!!:grr:

yeah honestly i think he is a good player. but he just seems to be a pile a crap. its not like he doesn't get enough money the way it is.

08-13-2005, 07:29 PM
I hope the owner of the eagles goes through with what he said- TO will play for us at his current salary or he wont play at all for the next 2 years. You dont stay in nfl football shape not playing in real games. Where is the passion for the game, there are not many players left that play to play the game its all money now. I miss the 70s when men played the game not a bunch of rich cry babies that are afraid to get hit.

08-13-2005, 08:04 PM
this is why i like college basketball better than pro basketball, these kids are playing their butts off. THe pros are like ehhhh i got it made, what do i need to win for? Rich athletes get lazier and lazier every year. There is nothing better than going to a college or high school football game becuase the guys in them are playing their asses of to get to the next level.

08-13-2005, 08:06 PM
Originally posted by K-Dub
I hope the owner of the eagles goes through with what he said- TO will play for us at his current salary or he wont play at all for the next 2 years. You dont stay in nfl football shape not playing in real games. Where is the passion for the game, there are not many players left that play to play the game its all money now. I miss the 70s when men played the game not a bunch of rich cry babies that are afraid to get hit.

Exactly.Alot of players these days just play for the money and marketing.there was no such thing as marketing really back in the old football days.Very few play for the LOVE of it.kinda like i LOVE to ride quads.

08-13-2005, 08:50 PM
I myself think they need to restructure the contracts to were you get paid for what you do. There would be a set salary for how many years youve played and what position. Then say if your a running back you get a million bucks for 1000 yards, more if you reach 1500 and more for 2000 on top of your base contract. If every player had this type a contract the owners wouldnt bench a player if he was close to a bonus because if his replacement did good then hed get the bonus instead. There could be a bonus for leading the leage in a stat- rushing/recieving/tackeling etc.

A different way is a player cap instead of a team cap. This way no single player can be bought by a different team.

Know I know what your thinking. That the players would strike and quit and that be the end of football. We would have a couple years of lack luster seasons but what about the future stars that are in collage, highschool, peewee and not even old enough to think about football yet. Are they not going to play because of whet used to be able to make? I think they would play and possibly we could put the passion back in the game.

08-14-2005, 09:28 AM
Originally posted by MOFO
ahhh, isnt it great! Its that time of year again! :D

Are you ready for Monday night? :devil:

yes it is...we were getting along so great too lol. even tho its preseason..im guessing 21-3 eagles...."big ben" might have a sore thumb...so good ol tommy maddux will have to save the day hahahahha :chinese:

08-14-2005, 02:43 PM
TO is a cry baby with one hell of a ego. I think the eagles should let him go.

08-14-2005, 03:42 PM
Im guessing he needs new sets of 22's for his 3 hummers. :rolleyes:

08-14-2005, 06:00 PM
I heard Robbie Kneviels next jump was over TOs ego.

08-14-2005, 06:03 PM
Originally posted by BuB400
I heard Robbie Kneviels next jump was over TOs ego.

He has got to be crazy , he will never make it. LOL

08-14-2005, 06:06 PM
Originally posted by jdwxv3
This crap really pisses me off. These people are physically blessed enough to make more in a year than most people will make in a life time and they still complain. He does not realize how good he has it. I dont like him, never have, I wish they would just send him to play rugby in Austrilia so they could rip him a new bung hole

exactly right

08-16-2005, 04:05 AM
Originally posted by bansheeguy77
yes it is...we were getting along so great too lol. even tho its preseason..im guessing 21-3 eagles...."big ben" might have a sore thumb...so good ol tommy maddux will have to save the day hahahahha :chinese:

