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08-10-2005, 06:06 PM
Well we were riding for the last half week at clark county and they are awesome trails, the intensive use areas are pretty cool. Now for the bad part of the trip, we were out as far as we could go(about 70 miles out) and it started getting really cloudy and cold. Me, my brother and my dad stoped at a little bar/grill thing and got stuff to drink. The tv was on and it said t-storm warning for are county including hail.:( Anyways, we tried to beat the storm and we didn't. We got hailed and rained on, and there was major thunder and lightning. The trail flooded in an instant. My brother was leading and my dad was in back with me in the middle. When we got to a stop sign and I looked back and my dad wasn't there. So I turned around and about 100 feet back I saw my dads 4-wheeler was flipped over and he was standing by it. I got there and asked if he was okay and he didn't say anything. I noticed his arm and side was bleeding horribly. He said to flip his quad right side up. Nothing was damaged, just a bent fender mount. His bars where fine fortunatly, (thanks to renthal) He sat down for a little bit and we eventualy road back to are campground. He was on my 250 because he couldn't move the clutch with his arm. I rode his. When we got back we wraped him up and he could barely walk at all. He also said he was having trouble breathing. Finaly we went into are van after we all took showers and he washed his cuts. We went into our van because it was the most horrible storm ever and it was that or are tent. He said he did not want to go to the hospital. He told us that he flipped because there was this monster puddle around a turn he could not see and he went right into it. His back of his quad went up and over from that sudden stop. It through him off to the side. Today when we got home my mom took him to the hospital for x-rays and now they are there right now and my mom called and said they are now doing a cat scan. I'll tell you what the results are when I find out.

08-10-2005, 06:17 PM
Probably a broken rib, what was the bleeding from?? got stuck with something? or just scratches like you said.

Broken rib they cant fix has to heal on its own but that makes you feel like you cant breath...

08-10-2005, 06:19 PM
wow that sounds more like a nightmare

hope your dad is ok

08-10-2005, 06:22 PM
His whole left arm was bleeding from bad scratches, and his side was bleeding from the same thing. It ripped the whole left side of his shirt and everything.

08-10-2005, 06:24 PM
Wow, yes most probably broken / fractured ribs... hurts like a mofo i can tell you that.

Catscan is kind of standard when it comes to motorvehicle/motorcyle type accidents....

He should be fine, let us know

Good luck.

08-10-2005, 06:29 PM
hey man that suxs about your dad. hopefully hes all right. but it sounds like hes got some broken ribs like DierWolf said

08-10-2005, 06:42 PM
sorry to here about your dad.

broken ribs SUCK. i got 2 broke when i went up a hill to fast and it was straight down on the other side

08-10-2005, 07:05 PM
Thanks guys, I still haven't heard anything.

08-10-2005, 10:52 PM
he had to stay overnight because he has a 30% colapsed lung. He should be back tomarrow because they are not puting a tube in.

08-11-2005, 09:54 AM
sorry to hear about your accident, hopefully he has a quick road to recovery.

where in IL are you from? if the weather is as bad as you say, im kinda glad we didnt end up going to BRF this weekend. we went up last spring when they were getting like record rainfall and it was a sloppy mess. we actually went out riding while it was raining because we got tired of waiting for it to stop. the trails were almost complete water/sand/muck with huge puddles all over. eventually we just decided to hydroplane all the puddles and we were goin in 5th gear WOT to get back to camp.

anyway, hope you had fun (besides that incident).


08-11-2005, 10:02 AM
yea, i broke a rib when i hit a stump and went flying over the bars and landed on my ribcage on the ground. I'll tell you what, it hurts like nothing else...its a weird feeling. I thought they were all healed up about a month later. i went to pick up the front of my quad and i felt something in my side and heard a clunk...BANG! it broke again. Its something you have to take it easy on and let it heal. of course i couldnt stay off the quad but it really affected my riding, let alone everyday activities.

08-11-2005, 10:40 AM
Originally posted by zlam27
where in IL are you from?
I'm from McHenry Illinois, I'm going to visit him at the hospital soon. I'll tell you more when I find out more.

08-11-2005, 07:33 PM
Yeah, they got the x-rays back and he broke a rib which caused the lung to puncture. He has a chest tube hooked up to him now and is going to be in the hospital for a couple of days. I had the same tube when I had pneumonia. Now we will have the same scars in our sides fom hte tube.:ermm:

08-11-2005, 09:18 PM
I still have pain from 3 or 4 years ago when I think I brused a rib or 2 (i never got them looked at:o ) But I had trouble breatheing for about 2 weeks, and there was a constant mild to medeum pain for a couple months, it wasn't fun. But good luck with your dad I hope he makes a full recovery.

08-11-2005, 10:05 PM
Thanks, he should be fine once they get the tube out of him and his ribs mend. It could of been much worse though, he could of been paralized.