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08-07-2005, 11:55 AM
Post here,freek things,ghost hauntings,etc(dont post unless u have something to say,dont want know stupid things)

I have one,Theres this covered bridge about mile down the road that is the only covered bridge still standing in maryland.Well they used to hang runn away slaves up in the rafters there,and a little girl supposply died there back in the early late 1800's/early 1900's and well that has been a couple theroies like somtimes u can still see the slaves hanging from the rafters or see the lil girl steel playing.But theres this one thing where if you go into the bridge at 12midnite and turn your car off and look in ur review mirror,you can still see and outline shape of a slaves body.I never tried it but one time me and my cousin and his friend went down there to check this out,now we brought a video cam and a camera hoping to get some pics of a ghost or some sounds or noises.well both the cam and vid cam were fully charged when we approached the bridge but when we went inside they both went dead,and we tryed this a couple times and it kept happening and we were videotaping and when we got back to my house we heard this strange screaming of somesort,sso thats one of the weird things that happen to me.

08-07-2005, 12:13 PM
I have a couple. me and my bro and a friend went into our neighbours barn annd they have a huuuge straw mow. I was 9. And it was not sterdy and i saw a loose bail at the bottom and it was holding it up pretty much on the one side,so i tugged and pulled on it until it came out. The next thing i know i look up and it was falling over and i started to run the outher way and im trying to out run this avalange of broken straw bails and straw bails. I got baried but not too deep i thoght i was dead for sure they got me out and we ran home. lol.

08-07-2005, 12:24 PM
Thats nuts dude if u wanna see freaky chit like that go to this..


08-07-2005, 05:11 PM
One night I dreamed I ate the worlds largest marshmellow and when I woke up I couldn't find my pillow :huh

08-07-2005, 05:21 PM
My dads friends and I were out doing a semi race, we were racing from maryland to the pa state line on the harleys. me and my dad were the only guys running double we got up to 135 and kept on trucking its about 30 miles to the pa state line from where we were, out of no where a fricking bird flys out and just BARLEY misses my dad and wacks the side of my helmet. it doesnt sound bad but I almost pissed my self! lol

watching my dad roll his 400ex down a 500ft coal hill when I was 9 was scary as hell.

rolling our lifted bronco with my dad.

putting our old gtx inbetween 2 trees on route 1 :o

watching my dad flip his vega after hitting the wall at the drag strip at 120mph :(

08-07-2005, 05:23 PM
I hit a pedestrian, with my car, doin' 35mph at 4am.:eek2: :eek:

08-07-2005, 05:41 PM
my friend used to live in a haunted house. it was built in the 1800s and it has part of the under ground railroad in the basement with bones in it. i got to see the bones when i was younger but then they cementet it up. and 2 people commited suicide in the house and the owner beforee my friend found a tree in the woods with a noose on it. at night lighs would turn on and off and water on and off. my friend said he saw a ghost but i doubt it.but who know weirder things have happened

08-07-2005, 05:42 PM
when i was little i fell down some bleachers and got caught by my tounge <spelling? and hung by it till half of it ripped off.........

08-07-2005, 05:45 PM
and i hung there till half of it ripped off

08-07-2005, 06:06 PM
thats pretty nasty! i was baling hay and i stepped off the front and got dragged by the axle...