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08-05-2005, 10:33 AM
I swear I'd have no luck AT ALL !!!! Hell I wish I had no luck instead of bad luck . As I mentioned in another thread , last weekend on the way to Unadilla , my car broke down and I need to replace my alternator ... sure fine whatever ... $400 US later I was up and running again ( I was a lil pissed but crap happens ) .

Last year like most of you guys know I broke my leg pretty badly .

Around X-mas time this year I tripped with my crutches and injured my ankle pretty badly .

When I was 17 I took a wipe on my quad and put a stick through my intestines... yeah it hurt like a S.O.B .

Around Easter this year , I was hospitalized and needed more surgery on my stomach because of an absess .

Alright well if that ain't enough , last night at 2:15 am I get a call from our Landlord . At first I thought it was my mom calling telling me my uncle's health was getting worse or maybe he passed away ... but it was just the landlord . So she asks me what parking spot I'm in and I tell her . She proceeds to tell me to come down to the parking lot cuz the police want to talk with me . WTF !!!! I get down there and take a look at my car ... someone broke into it and the car beside us . The lil pole smoker screwed up both my locks . So now I need to spend about $225 to get them replaced and installed .

I guess the guy broke into my car first .... and grabbed all my CDs off my visor holder . My gf had her leather jacket in the car and I had a bunch of stuff but he didn't take any of it . He went through my center console looking for $$ but all I had was a few pennies . He then went over to the car beside us and started stealing all their audio equipement . He had stripped the wires off the guys amp and had the box with subs out of the car .... but at that time the girl who owns the car walked up from a night shift and seen the guy stealing her stuff ... She chased the dude all the way down the street yelling at him that she was gunna kill him . He boyfriend woke up when all this was happening and seen her chase the guy ( their appt is right above where the cars are parked) . This guy must have been a professional , cuz he didn't do any other damage to the cars . Both locks were damaged identically so I'm guessing he has some sort of tool or he's done this several times before . I got all my CDs back though cuz he dropped them when the girl walked up .

So if I don't know if I have the worst luck ever , but it sure is starting to piss me off . ANyone wanna trade luck ?? :)

08-05-2005, 10:59 AM
first of all, no offense, but get off the pity party bro

i will agree, you have had some bad luck. it would a test for myself to go through those things, but things could be so much worse. you got food to eat right? you're in at least reasonable health...no cancer that sort of thing right? roof over your head? family that loves you?

i could go on, but i won't. we could all sympathize with you and everything, but i don't think that's what you need. the only person who can change your situation is you...remember that!

just my $.02 bro, no offense meant at all, and i hope none is taken

08-05-2005, 11:31 AM
LOL ... no offence taken .. don't worry . I didn't want to make it sound like a pitty trip ... just seems everything happens all at once .

As far as food , I dunno about that one ... my fridge is pretty bare right now ... hell I've been eating Mr. Freezies cuz I gotta do some serious groceries ... but those might have to hold off ... this POS car just cost me about $900 this week alone .

Health ... that's a whole different topic .. I'll just touch the surface of that one . I've got a health chart that looks to be about as thick as the English dictionnary . Between being diagnost with an Illness as a child that has no cure , going through about a dozen surgeries ( 4 of them emergency /life threatning) and taking a crap load of pills each day ... my health is far from Perfect .

But you're right ... I got family that cares and an appartment that's rediculously (?) priced . Once Pappy tells me where he planted that money tree of his , I'll be a lil happier . :p :D ;)

08-05-2005, 11:34 AM
Most likely he drilled, or busted the tumblers out. I've seen someone do it to a car in a safeway parking lot, in the middle of the day! Police came in like 30 seconds, lol. Anyways, it's probably just a freak thing. You must be on a streak, lol.

08-05-2005, 11:39 AM
400 bux for a alternator? LOL.. i suspect you dont have a clue what a spark plug is lol..

the quad wrecks are your fault.. not bad luck, just bad driving.

the car can also be considered your fault, expecially when you leave stuff out in plain view, it tends to tempt people.. been there, done that, learned the lesson.

sounds like a average persons life in that little thing we call REALITY!


08-05-2005, 11:41 AM
Originally posted by plkmonster2
Most likely he drilled, or busted the tumblers out. I've seen someone do it to a car in a safeway parking lot, in the middle of the day! Police came in like 30 seconds, lol. Anyways, it's probably just a freak thing. You must be on a streak, lol.

He didn't drill it ... it almost looks like he used a flat head screw driver . I know it wasn't a screw driver though , cuz on both sides of my car there are scratches .... seems like he probably layed something flat up against the door and applied pressure ( you can see his finger prints on either side of the lock ) . He then proceeded to pik the lock . He must have tried my driver's side door first , but was unsuccessful and then went to the passenger side ... or soemone passed by and he went to the passenger side ( driver's side was facing the road) . Both times he indented the bottom of the lock to be able to pik inside of it . This guy was looking for one thing only , and that was audio stuff , or else he would ahve taken my GFs leather jacket , our cooler . In the other car , the guy had his Oakley's and a bunch of other stuff but the thief didn't touch any of it ... just the amp and subs .

08-05-2005, 11:48 AM
Originally posted by Dirt Merchant
400 bux for a alternator? LOL.. i suspect you dont have a clue what a spark plug is lol..

the quad wrecks are your fault.. not bad luck, just bad driving.

the car can also be considered your fault, expecially when you leave stuff out in plain view, it tends to tempt people.. been there, done that, learned the lesson.

sounds like a average persons life in that little thing we call REALITY!


LMAO ...

Sorry but try finding an alternator on a Friday night at 6PM in Oneida NY when you're from Canada ... then add in the labour ( remember these guys were closing at 6pm) and add the price of a tow truck. Sparkplug ?? Nope don't have a clue what that is !!!

Yeah bad driving on my part .... I just stood in front of the guy on a dirtbike while he was comming straight at me and begged him to hit me . :rolleyes:

My CD's were on my visor which was flipped up and OUT of sight ... I guess it's my fault that some people stoop to a level where they have to break into someone's car and steal stuff cuz they can't afford it themselves .

Sounds like you're just an arrogant prick to me !!!

08-05-2005, 11:55 AM
daym the guy is pist off at his bad luck and u guys talk **** to him

ill agree u got some bad luck rollin hopefully it turns the other way. Peace

08-05-2005, 12:00 PM
naw man i feel bad 4 ya, ive been in the same spot a couple of time, the worst was last year, but im not going to go into details what happened

08-05-2005, 12:14 PM
im almost sure there was a parts store someplace nearby that you could have gotten a alternator from.. i would have WALKED before i paid 400 bux for a alternator..

every wreck/accident is avoidable.

as for the cds' you have to be smarter than they are, if they see a sleeve over the visor, that means theres somthing up there, usually cd's and to a junkie, its worth it..

im not a arrogant prick as you would like to think, maybe i should have said "NO OFFENSE BUT..." sorry, i shoot straight from the hip.


08-05-2005, 12:23 PM
Originally posted by Dirt Merchant

every wreck/accident is avoidable.

Hahaha! Alright...that's a funny one...

Your driving along, doing the speed limit, stopping at red lights and stop signs, minding your own business. When out of no where, some ******* runs a red light and slams right into the side of you. That's avoidable from your standpoint?

Sounds like you do have some pretty bad luck. Hopefully it all changes for you bro.


08-05-2005, 12:45 PM
Originally posted by Dirt Merchant
im almost sure there was a parts store someplace nearby that you could have gotten a alternator from.. i would have WALKED before i paid 400 bux for a alternator..

every wreck/accident is avoidable.

as for the cds' you have to be smarter than they are, if they see a sleeve over the visor, that means theres somthing up there, usually cd's and to a junkie, its worth it..

im not a arrogant prick as you would like to think, maybe i should have said "NO OFFENSE BUT..." sorry, i shoot straight from the hip.


Yeah right you have no idea where you are so you are going to walk. Sometimes when some one has you, you have to pay the price. Man this guy comes in here and all you guys flame him. Well hopefully your luck will change sooner or later.

08-05-2005, 12:56 PM
jesus christ im not flaming the guy.. im just stating, it really isnt as bad as it seems..

as for the wrecks, if your totally 110% aware of what is going on around you, meaning the driving has your full attention, not your driving and the radio, or driving and somthing else.. you can avoid the wreck period..

your driving along, minding your business, and all of a sudden somone runs a red light.. well if you were paying attention, it wouldnt have been all of a sudden.. quick thinking without panicing would have avoided the wreck.


08-05-2005, 01:00 PM
what about when your on a bridge a car come along side of you, the in the car in front of you slows down and a guy behind you runs into you, it append to my uncle

08-05-2005, 01:08 PM
Originally posted by Dirt Merchant
im almost sure there was a parts store someplace nearby that you could have gotten a alternator from.. i would have WALKED before i paid 400 bux for a alternator..


Yeah there was a NAPA store right across from where I pulled over .... but apparently in Oneida New York everyone closes at 6pm .... and it was 6pm when we broke down . And if I would have found an alternator , how in the hell am I supposed to change it in a parking lot ?? I don't know about you , but I'm not one to carry around impact wrenches in the back of my car .

The guys at the shop had to call one of the NAPA guys at home to get him to open up and see if he had one in stock . Before that he called about 3 other places ... everyone was closed up for the weekend . 1/12 labour at $55 an hour and $45 for a tow . Yeah maybe I paid a little high for the part , but the next time you're in a different country and break down ... go ahead and WALK ... see how far it gets you .

08-05-2005, 01:33 PM
Greg, I am sure your luck will turn around. But I give you respect for pushing on. Some people would just suck off someone else for money and play off the hurt role.


08-05-2005, 01:35 PM
Originally posted by Dirt Merchant
400 bux for a alternator? LOL.. i suspect you dont have a clue what a spark plug is lol..

the quad wrecks are your fault.. not bad luck, just bad driving.

the car can also be considered your fault, expecially when you leave stuff out in plain view, it tends to tempt people.. been there, done that, learned the lesson.

sounds like a average persons life in that little thing we call REALITY!

Jesse you are the most immature 26 year old ive ever seen...youre negative in every thread!

08-05-2005, 01:58 PM
Originally posted by tamehart
Greg, I am sure your luck will turn around. But I give you respect for pushing on. Some people would just suck off someone else for money and play off the hurt role.


Thanks .... and I didn't post this up as a "Pitty Party" like someone said ... the last thing I want is Pitty from anyone . I KNOW there are people in this world that are far worse off than I am . I posted this up for ****s and giggles .... atleast I can laugh about it all when it happens . I've seen some people take life way to seriously and they all seem miserable . When I was laying down in the dirt with my leg split wide open while the medics were tending to it , I was the only one that was laughing and joking around . If some of you guys don't believe me about that one , just ask my buddy Josh ( TRX250R22 ) he was the first on the scene when it happened .

08-05-2005, 02:04 PM
Originally posted by Quad18star
atleast I can laugh about it all when it happens .

life really does suck if ya cant laugh about it. dont worry your luck will change things always even out eventually if ya keep on keepin on

08-05-2005, 02:20 PM
i feel for you greg, a couple weeks ago we were coming home from the coast and about 300miles away from home the T-case piles up and cracks the cases. we managed to get it into 4lo and drive back to the nearset town (about 15miles) at 25mph it took a while but we make it there and every closed at 6:00pm on a sunday and its 6:30. any wya we found a transmission shop and some guys were worknig on there cars and stuff so we talked ot them and any way monday afternoon we walked out with a $2,000 dollar bill (labour, used transfercase) and its somthing that shouldn't have happend on a '99 dodge ram 1500 4x4 with a 120,000km (not miles). but yeah things happen and it sucks when they do but life goes on.
hope your luck turns around pretty soon bud;)

08-05-2005, 04:04 PM
Originally posted by stalefish_132
\ and its somthing that shouldn't have happend on a '99 dodge ram 1500 4x4 with a 120,000km (not miles).\ wrong

08-05-2005, 05:13 PM
Originally posted by MixMasterMike

oh so your saying that a transfercase shouldn't last more than 5-6 years?? 120,000km is only 74,500miles. Its never in 4x4 other than it winter going up the drive way. You must think your pretty smart dont you?

08-05-2005, 05:29 PM
Originally posted by MotoX3
you are the most immature 26 year old ive ever seen...youre negative in every thread!
Up until the other day it said he was born in 1969 which would make him 36! Must have been a typo I guess:D

Greg Im putting on you a good karma mojo which will take effect very soon.
Last guy I put a good Karma mojo on was Bill Gates when he dropped out of Harvard and was all depressed. I told Bill to hang on, his luck was about to change for the better.
Nothing can withstand Howies good luck spell:o

08-05-2005, 05:41 PM
No pity for you bud... but LOTS of pity for your girl friend...

Now back to your story about your car getting broken into. Nice thing about living down here is... If I walk up on somebody in the act of of stealing stuff from my vehicle... I can draw my .45 and ask him nicely as he's looking at the hole at the end of the barrel to place my belongings back in. ;) And in case it's dark, I have Tritium nite sites... laser site soon to come. I love America! :D

08-05-2005, 05:52 PM
Sounds like I could use a Howie Good Luck spell, how do I get me one of them?

08-05-2005, 05:56 PM
Originally posted by Dirt Merchant
400 bux for a alternator? LOL.. i suspect you dont have a clue what a spark plug is lol.. Jesse

You are an idiot arent you? When was the last time you had your car in the shop, to get a alternator replaced? an alternator for many late model cars cost in excess of $250 to $350 (provided they have it on the shelf)then tack on labor to install it, shop fees and state and local taxes.
Trust me, $400 for an alternator, installed, is not out of the ordinary. I have replaced many alternators in my 15 years as a Honda and Acura tech, and very rarely does the customer leave the shop for less than $500.

08-06-2005, 11:11 AM
yea i've gotten it worse lately, not gonna get into it tho!

****, this month seems like its one thing after another.:(

08-06-2005, 02:39 PM
Originally posted by wilkin250r
Sounds like I could use a Howie Good Luck spell, how do I get me one of them?
Youre in luck! Right now they are ONLY $19.95 each! If you order right now, I'll throw in a second one free of charge! :o

Wait! It gets better! If you order within 30 seconds, I'll throw in a set of genuine Japanese Ginsu steak knives! Gauranteed to stay sharp for one hundred years or your money back!
Order Now! 800- well-hung :bandit:
All rights reserved. No fur-bearing animals were harmed during the creation of this product, all were properly shaved. Allergy alert: may contain nutmeg, but we doubt it. Return for refund where applicable. Not recommended for persons with sugar-restricted diets. Batteries not included -- best of luck finding the right size. Proud sponsor of the 1934 penguin olympic games at McMurdo Sound, Antarctica. May cause irritability, sleeplessness or warts after prolonged use. Contents under pressure, for off-road use only. BHT added to preserve freshness. Caution: this product has caused some laboratory rats to rip through their cages, fly across the room and brutally murder hundreds of innocent people. Shake well before using. No vacuum tubes or other user-serviceable parts inside. Not to be combined with other radioisotopes except under the advice of a physician. Avoid prolonged exposure to ultraviolet light. May be slippery when wet. Use no hooks. Not intended for use by children or liberals under the age of five. Printed on unrecycled dead trees and we're proud of it.

08-06-2005, 04:34 PM
Originally posted by Dirt Merchant
every wreck/accident is avoidable. so...your saying that in the example of ricky and bubba.....when bubba landed on him...ricky could have done something to prevent that..and since he didnt, it was in some way his fault for bubba overshooting that jump?

and one day when i was pulling out of my parking spot in school...i was already 1/2 the way out and into the line, all of a sudden the dumb ***** next to me, pulled up a little..and as i was turning, her front end dug into the side of my truck....yup, i suppose that was my fault and i could have completely avoided it.


08-08-2005, 09:16 AM
Dang, just missed the cutoff for the Ginsu knives... :mad:

08-08-2005, 09:26 AM
Originally posted by wilkin250r
Dang, just missed the cutoff for the Ginsu knives... :mad:
and he didnt say anything about the "Handy Carrying Case" either,must be a scam......:grr:

08-08-2005, 09:36 AM
greg, dont feel like life is singling you out. i myself have had a string of bad events the past year or so and there aint jack i can do about them. (dad died, wrecked 2 day old $50k truck, have to find new line of work after 15 years, year long illness that finally put me in critical care with no hope of figuring out exactly wtf is causing it etc)

but ya know what, im alive and for the most part healthy. once i regain my strength i plan on making changes to my life that will benefit me and the family. i cant control fate, but i can control how i deal with the pitches thrown at me and with my head held high i will handle them. noone can forsee trouble, but we can learn to make good things from bad. its a way of life and an attitude change thats required for me, hopefully you too will over come your issues.

as far as that money tree, i sure wish i knew where it was also so i wouldnt have to work 2 jobs to support what we as a family love to do:p

08-08-2005, 11:15 AM
Originally posted by Pappy
i cant control fate, but i can control how i deal with the pitches thrown at me and with my head held high i will handle them. no one can forsee trouble, but we can learn to make good things from bad. its a way of life and an attitude change thats required for me, hopefully you too will over come your issues.

Thats well said Kenny and very true!
I used to be a wound tight work-aholic. I finally had enough of the cell phone throwing outbursts, snapping at my family, acid reflux attacks, not sleeping well, etc. Its been a long road changing my lifestyle and im still working on it day by day. I learned you cant change 35 years of behavior in a month. It takes a year or two to get it all ironed out. I still go off once in a while( every few months) but its the exception now, not the rule. If I feel a blow coming, I clear out for a hour or so and go chill somewhere, maybe a restauraunt and get something to eat or maybe get drive through and go park somewhere, eat and have a cigarette. Its not fair to them to let them have my anger when im only mad at myself or someone else for whatever reason.
This saying sounds like a broken record but its so true. "Dont sweat the small stuff" or another I like, "Will this matter in a year from now"?
Ive had my share of bad luck too, but you just gotta let it slide and keep looking up. You also have to make changes so bad luck wont follow you around. (Easier said than done)

08-08-2005, 11:29 AM
Originally posted by Nausty
yea i've gotten it worse lately, not gonna get into it tho!

****, this month seems like its one thing after another.:(

Haha! yeah last i heard from u some chick u hooked up with flipped her jeep with u in it

Quad18star ur probly gonna hit the lotto next week ;)

08-13-2005, 09:17 PM
my problems stack like bills!:eek: