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View Full Version : what are 125's like

08-05-2005, 05:12 AM
sup guys, after this winter i was thinking of maybe looking into trying out dirtbikes. my plans of quad racing have changed and around here it seems a bike would be more fun. im 5"11 135 or so, would i fit alright on one? compared to the 450r that i have now, whats the power like? i would mostly be riding open feilds and open trails without much lugging around. hows the maintence on the 2000 and newer 125 bikes?

thanks for the help

08-05-2005, 07:47 AM
2 strokes are 2 strokes, still need more maintanance than the 450r would. The 125 will definetly be different considering it's going to have the jump that 2 strokes do and it may be a little slower, I honestly havn't ridden both within the same day to compare. It's also going to be real frustrating to start learning on the dirtbike because you're used to the quad, I would definetly see if you can borrow a friends for the day first. I at one point was thinking about selling my quad for a bike but then I rode a 125 and that changed my mind completely. If anything I would buy a 250 4 stroke bike..

08-05-2005, 08:02 AM
Buy a four stroke, i bought a cr125 and wish i bought a 4 stroke... to much to fight with the engine and trying to keep it revved to get power

08-05-2005, 08:03 AM
i have ridden both,okay first a 250f is the way to go, they are a lot faster and easier to learn on and less amintness, an 250f has the sam stock power a a 450 but its like 150 pounds less, so the punch is a little harder, itll feel weird for a little while when your trying to lrean cause the seat hight and the way they handle but after a while youll find there easier to ride than a quad

08-05-2005, 09:03 AM
get a four stroke. i really love 125 dirt bikes to zing around on and hit some jumps but the four stroke is wayyyy more fun to ride in my opinion.

As for comparing the 125 to a 450r they are about the same as far as speed. If you compare a 250f to 450r they are pretty much the same to but ive always felt the 250f was a little quicker than the 450r. Do you plan on selling the 450? If you dont and are opting for a little older 125 to get cheap you're making a mistake. If you get a dirt bike you will want a good thousand bucks set aside because stuff break a lot. Weather it's 2 stroke or 4 stroke chances are you will be taking the motor apart once a year, especially if you race it. Everyone thinks the new four strokes are a lot less maintance and i am really doubting that after working on my two friend's race bikes all season. The 2004 rmz has needed a total of about a grand put into it and the rm125 has needed about 100 for a top end (first bore). But oh well thats racing. But since you said you'll be trail riding the bikes should hold up for the most part but you'll still want to set a good couple hundred aside because whether you're racing or trail riding crap on bikes break more than quads.

08-05-2005, 10:05 AM
If you only ride occassionally you can easily go a year on a top-end. I rode every weekend and atleast 2-3 days a week and only had to replace topends twice a year. Mid-season, and End of the season. These days 125's are putting out I believe around 35hp. I haven't raced them since 2000 and back then I believe my 125 was around 32hp. Pretty close to what a 450r will put out, just ALOT different way the power comes one. They're ALOT of fun, but you do really have to make them sing.

08-05-2005, 11:05 AM
Originally posted by Flynbryan19
If you only ride occassionally you can easily go a year on a top-end. I rode every weekend and atleast 2-3 days a week and only had to replace topends twice a year. Mid-season, and End of the season. These days 125's are putting out I believe around 35hp. I haven't raced them since 2000 and back then I believe my 125 was around 32hp. Pretty close to what a 450r will put out, just ALOT different way the power comes one. They're ALOT of fun, but you do really have to make them sing. Yup!

08-05-2005, 11:10 AM
agreed they make you work....i wish i had an F...but for the money....125s are great..:D

08-05-2005, 11:27 AM
They're practically GIVING away 125's in the papers right now. You can real get a steal of a deal on them, and if your just a recreational rider, or are decently talented they're still perfectly competative. Everyones just hoping on the band wagon with thumpers. 125's can be just as fast as 250f's its just more work to ride a 125 in the sweet spot of the power than a 250f. I had a Crf450(dirtbike), and my lap times on my friends Yz250 that I had never ridden before were faster than my 450 lap times. Its all about riding style and preference. If I ever went back to dirtbikes, I'd still own a two-stroke. Thumpers on two wheels just don't do it for me. ;)

08-05-2005, 11:28 AM
If you can ride at lest half assed, a 125 2 stroke would keep up and a 250 four stroke would smoke your 450r :(

Not that they are a whole ton faster, but they have amazing power/weight and they can always hook up. My buddys 250f can womp my shee

08-05-2005, 01:41 PM
along the lines of power comparison to the 250f's...it means nothing if you have a bad rider....and ive pulled 250fs down straights many times....they just kill me in corners where they can go low and shoot out faster....

08-05-2005, 05:23 PM
i had a rm125 and it was pretty darn fast. it wasnt a stock engine hto. it had a 134cc kit with full exhaust/filter blah blah etc. i only had it for a couple months but rode it every weekend and the motor never had any problems. there fun bikes and you can get them VERY cheap! if you dont race i think bikes are more reliable. ive owned to 400ex's and the first one had major electrical problems. the one i have now blew a head gasket in the first week i had it, and i just got a new clutch put in it recently. i say go for a 125, there cheap and 2-strokes are always fun:)

08-05-2005, 05:35 PM
hey where on long island are you newyorkexrida?

08-05-2005, 07:24 PM

08-05-2005, 07:51 PM
Originally posted by MotoX3
agreed they make you work....i wish i had an F...but for the money....125s are great..:D

08-05-2005, 09:07 PM
i dont want to go the four stroke route because i researched pretty in depthly on them and found way too many maintence problems involving valves and so forth. if i do decide to get a 125 i really want to learn how to do a top end rebuild myself. ive always wanted to learn but only have had 4stroke honda quads and never needed/felt the need to look into rebuilds. im watching x games and every time someone does the stepup i think more and more about how fun they look

08-05-2005, 09:20 PM
I'm getting a 125 soon. I'm just worried about falling and stuff. I'll have to get used to jumping them and stuff.

08-05-2005, 09:33 PM
I would rather have a 125 then a 250 for a few reasons, I dont like adjusting valves, 2 strokes are very easy to work on and keep running, I love the power and feel of a 2 stroke.

08-05-2005, 10:14 PM
dont let that valve thing bother you...it was mostly on early year crf's i belive....i dont know of any people around here that have adjusted or even looked at there valved in yzf's.....and i dont think the hondas are that bad unless you get whatever year it was that was bad

08-06-2005, 12:56 PM
either way, 250r or 125 i think you will regret getting a dirt bike. Ride one for a couple hours before you get one because i bet you'll miss your 450

08-06-2005, 01:04 PM
Here, i have a 03 rm125 and 04 450r i race both on the same day. whoops are alot better period! corners are harder jumps fell a little different and then there almost the same. you gotta use the clutch alot. the rm will be for sale soon.;)

08-06-2005, 01:58 PM
i woudl stick with the quad u got now but its up to you. i rode my uncles rm250 and its fast, but hes constantly replacing plugs and workin on it.