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08-04-2005, 08:49 PM
Well ever since I shattered my leg , I've had serious arthritis pain and swelling every time the weather changes . For the last few days it's been extremely humid and I can hardly walk because of the pain . Does anyone know of any organic supplements that help with taking away the pain ?? I have T3 with codeine , but I try to avoid taking them . Anything all natural or some sort of cream might help . Let me know what you guys use .

08-04-2005, 09:10 PM
sorry to hear about that my mom trys to give me thie herbal crap but it doesnt do anything. I had a quad hit me while i fell off and broke 3 ribs and screwed my intestings up withc i had to get sergery on. my chest gets really tight and it hurts to breath somtimes i cant walk right and i crap blood witch isnt to most pleasant thing to experience and im only 16

08-04-2005, 09:12 PM
if they are cramps try potassium pills and/or icyhot

08-04-2005, 09:34 PM
ive heard this is really common when you break a bone or something...i broke my big toe last year and that thing hurts like heck when its cold....maybe just keep drinking your milk:p

08-04-2005, 09:37 PM
just take a couple of those t3's you'll forget what a leg was

08-04-2005, 09:54 PM
Time to heal Greg, thats about all that will help.

08-04-2005, 09:59 PM
i would try msm and/or a glucosamine-chondroiton sulfate supplement.

08-04-2005, 10:03 PM
Originally posted by SGA
Time to heal Greg, thats about all that will help.

Yeah ... that's what I've been told ... the doctor was also telling me that I'll have pain for the rest of my life ... especially with breaks as severe as the ones i had . I don't know if you guys ever heard of Lakota medicine .... not sure if they sell it in the USA , but my GF's mom said its supposed to work good . Anyone have experience with it ??

I'd take T3s , but they make me sick as hell . They make me dream of wierd stuff and make me drool so much when I sleep .... it's sick . Surgery #4 sometime soon .... they called this morning wanting me to go in next Tuesday for surgery , but I told them to book me for next month ... too many weddings this month !!!

Tommy 17
08-04-2005, 10:06 PM
greg my leg did the same thing when i 1st broke it... that was over 5 years ago and today it never hurts at all... only if its a major change in weather can i feel it...

it takes time:(

08-04-2005, 10:09 PM
Originally posted by Tommy 17
greg my leg did the same thing when i 1st broke it... that was over 5 years ago and today it never hurts at all... only if its a major change in weather can i feel it...

it takes time:(

I hope with time that most of the pain will go away . Lately its been right where the bone is missing and at my ankle from when I fell with my crutches and screwed something up ( Doctors couldn't find anything wrong , but I know I messed it up )

08-05-2005, 12:13 AM
Originally posted by Jersey450R
i would try msm and/or a glucosamine-chondroiton sulfate supplement. that was my suggestion, it helped Troy w/ his shoulder

08-05-2005, 02:26 AM
im gonna have to agree with time, and if its cramps try midol

08-05-2005, 02:47 AM
Wouldnt you like a nice tasty shot of morphinelike they give you in the hospital??? I know I would.:D

08-05-2005, 05:31 AM
Get some green smoks from the Cuz'n and Monkeyboy.

08-05-2005, 09:45 AM
Originally posted by popo
Get some green smoks from the Cuz'n and Monkeyboy. thats more of a sensory killer, not a nerve killer

Its a sign your being to active , slow down bro;) Your bodys trying to tell you some stuff haha;)

08-05-2005, 09:59 AM
Keep patience and keep rehab (are you doing it?)
I broke my ankle last september and i hurts real bad sometimes too
I use a cream but I donīt think itīs called the same there Iīm from argentina it really help and it does not make you drink all that drug that hurt you in other places beside killing the pain
I will post the ingredients it has and the name, and maybe you can speak with your doctor over there to try it.
try to give up the pills they ruin your stomach
Hope you get better
BTW how old are you, because when more older it last a lot more than when youīre old to heal

08-05-2005, 10:13 AM
Itīs called OXA GEL from BETA (the industry)
it has
Diclofenac 1.16g.
Cerbopol 940, Isopropilic alcohol, propilenglicol, polietilenglicol 400, trietanolamina, liquid vaselin, ceral PW, alcohol, avicel PH101, miristato of isopropilo, metilparabeno, FLA 338 esensce and desionized water 100g.
(g. is grams )
Its hard to tell if itīs going to work because the names are in spanish and maybe are different from there but hope it helps you

they let the pain from the tendons go, from the surgery too

this is the link of the product

08-05-2005, 10:35 AM
Originally posted by popo
Get some green smoks from the Cuz'n and Monkeyboy.

LOL ..... but that stuff just makes me spend more $$ cuz then I get the munchies !!!! :cool: :p

08-05-2005, 10:35 AM
Originally posted by willow2679
Itīs called OXA GEL from BETA (the industry)
it has
Diclofenac 1.16g.
Cerbopol 940, Isopropilic alcohol, propilenglicol, polietilenglicol 400, trietanolamina, liquid vaselin, ceral PW, alcohol, avicel PH101, miristato of isopropilo, metilparabeno, FLA 338 esensce and desionized water 100g.
(g. is grams )
Its hard to tell if itīs going to work because the names are in spanish and maybe are different from there but hope it helps you

they let the pain from the tendons go, from the surgery too

this is the link of the product

Thanks ... I'll look into it .

08-05-2005, 10:41 AM
I work in a Pharmacy and theres really nothin you can take except pain pills to numb the pain. Only organic substance you could take is some marijuana but dont know if youre down with that hahaha. The T3 (tylenol w/codeine) is really weak stuff and I wouldnt be surprised if it didnt do much for you. Take the pain pills if you have the pain thats why you got them. Theres 2 types of pain, chronic pain like you have which should be taken care of with the pain pills, and nerve pain. Nerve pain has a whole other class of drugs, like Gabapentin, Topiramate, etc... Doesnt sound like thats what you got, but maybe. If you want to use a cream, the only cream you could really use is Capsaisin cream. Thats the topical they use to numb arthritis pain the most. You usually need to use gloves when you apply it. So I would get some capsaisin and see if that helps and if not, then take the pain pills, or do both. If the pain pills dont work, then go back to the doctor and tell them you still experience significant pain and they will write you for something stronger like Percocet which should help. I understand you want to avoid the pills, but its better for you to take them on a temporary basis rather than suffer if its affecting even your basic movements... Another thing you may need is an anti-inflammatory like Naproxen or something if you have some inflammation going on. Either way, sounds like you need to stop back to the doctor's office...

08-05-2005, 10:55 AM
Have they removed the metal from your leg yet? The guy I ran over a few years ago said that much of the "weather pain" went away after he had the rods and screws removed from his leg.
You think its bad now, wait till you hit your late fourties and fifties.
If the doctors ever say its okay to pull the steel, I'd highly reccomend it.

08-05-2005, 10:59 AM
Im sure you dont need me to tell you this but, Just dont take Percocet for too long, it hammers your stomache!! I went thru some chit a few months ago and had Vicoden(which didnt do chit for me) and Percs, prob was it seemed like I need to double up after 5-6 days, after a couple weeks I had to quit taking them, my gut was'nt diggin' it:ermm:

I did notice they worked MUCH better on an empty stomache:devil: but thats part of why they took their toll on my stomache at the same time. Im just not a pill eater, and I did feel like I went thru a "de-tox" or something after I stopped takin' them, had NO patients at all for about 3 days:D

08-05-2005, 11:02 AM
Try aspercreme. It's an arthritis creme my Mom uses. It works good on my ankle that was put back together with 3 screws and a LONG pin. Street bike accident....truck made a left turn and hit me head on.

08-05-2005, 11:11 AM
Originally posted by Woodsrider
Have they removed the metal from your leg yet? The guy I ran over a few years ago said that much of the "weather pain" went away after he had the rods and screws removed from his leg.
You think its bad now, wait till you hit your late fourties and fifties.
If the doctors ever say its okay to pull the steel, I'd highly reccomend it.

I'm still sporting the rod ... in fact they are changing it this month or next month some time and are gunan put a larger one in . I'll have it until the bone is completely healed . The Dr said that if I continue to do sports that have threats of me breaking my leg again ( quads, dirtbikes etc) that he'll remove it . He doesn't want me to get in an accident and bend the rod , cuz then I'm in trouble .

08-05-2005, 11:13 AM
Originally posted by JTRtrx250r
Im sure you dont need me to tell you this but, Just dont take Percocet for too long, it hammers your stomache!! I went thru some chit a few months ago and had Vicoden(which didnt do chit for me) and Percs, prob was it seemed like I need to double up after 5-6 days, after a couple weeks I had to quit taking them, my gut was'nt diggin' it:ermm:

I did notice they worked MUCH better on an empty stomache:devil: but thats part of why they took their toll on my stomache at the same time. Im just not a pill eater, and I did feel like I went thru a "de-tox" or something after I stopped takin' them, had NO patients at all for about 3 days:D

I try and stay away from all the pills . Like you said , they are too hard on the stomach ... and with a previous accident that I was involved in , my stomach doesn't work like it used to . Really hard to stomach the meds .

08-05-2005, 11:16 AM
Originally posted by Woodsrider
Have they removed the metal from your leg yet? The guy I ran over a few years ago said that much of the "weather pain" went away after he had the rods and screws removed from his leg.
You think its bad now, wait till you hit your late fourties and fifties.
If the doctors ever say its okay to pull the steel, I'd highly reccomend it.

I've had my hardware for 25 years now.

08-05-2005, 11:20 AM
Originally posted by 426ex
I've had my hardware for 25 years now.

Have they ever had to change anything or have you had the same thing since they "installed" it ?? I know I've heard of a few people that have had to get their hardware removed cuz all of a sudden their body started to reject it and they had infections . A guy I work with had a bone infection cuz of his rod in his leg .

Is there a certain set time limit as to how long a certain piece can be in before they must remove it or put another in ?? I always forget to ask my doctor this question when I see him .

08-05-2005, 12:42 PM
I think they wait like eight month to remove it at least (thats what my doctors said to me), but I read here in this forum that shane hitt that had like 13 pins in his ankle, had them removed like in his third month to regain movility, and can get back to the quads.
Iīm here with the pins with not much movility and I can fell them when I walk and reach the stop of movility
I want to remove them too

08-05-2005, 03:58 PM
Originally posted by Woodsrider
The guy I ran over a few years ago said that much of the "weather pain" went away after he had the rods and screws removed from his leg.

Whats the story behind this tidbit of info? :scary:

08-05-2005, 03:59 PM
i tore my miniscus cartlidge in my left knee and broke my right ankle pretty good in my teens. I am 29 now and i know what you are going through. I have tried everything under the sun, the best stuff that i have found is call asorbene jr. it is used on horses and works for a little while. I just got back from a vasectomey this morning, the doctor gave me some percaset, right now i am feeling no pain.

08-05-2005, 05:40 PM
Originally posted by SGA
Whats the story behind this tidbit of info? :scary:

Its a long story, but I spun out on some black ice early in the morning (3:30am), on the way to work.
Five minutes prior, this other guy, (a neighbor and co-worker) traveling the same route, crashed his car on the same patch of ice.
He was out walking on the shoulder, in the dark when I came along. I lost control when I let off the gas as I saw his car busted up on the shoulder. He was in the path of the car as I spun off the road. He went over the hood, and off the windshield. The impact shattered his leg, fractured an elbow and gave him a mild concusion. I never saw him until he was five feet from the bumper. Then I had to give first aid for nearly 45 minutes while waiting for emergency crews.

08-08-2005, 11:39 AM
Originally posted by Woodsrider
Its a long story, but I spun out on some black ice early in the morning (3:30am), on the way to work.
Five minutes prior, this other guy, (a neighbor and co-worker) traveling the same route, crashed his car on the same patch of ice.
He was out walking on the shoulder, in the dark when I came along. I lost control when I let off the gas as I saw his car busted up on the shoulder. He was in the path of the car as I spun off the road. He went over the hood, and off the windshield. The impact shattered his leg, fractured an elbow and gave him a mild concusion. I never saw him until he was five feet from the bumper. Then I had to give first aid for nearly 45 minutes while waiting for emergency crews.
Reminder to self: Dont move next to or work with Woodsrider.:scary:

08-08-2005, 11:56 AM
Originally posted by SGA
Reminder to self: Dont move next to or work with Woodsrider.:scary:

LMAO he moved shortly after his recovery:o They tried to sue for $500,000(the limit of my ins.), and settled out of court for a lot less due to some good investigative work by my insurance co. He was still well compensated for his injuries, but he would have been much better off to take the first offer of settlement;)

08-08-2005, 12:01 PM
I have alot of broken bones and tremendous aches and pains.. I have found a rub called BIOFREEZE it is for extreme Arthitis and Muscle and joints,Back pain.. It is really good stuff.. Kinda expensive but it gets me through the day.. I get it from my chiropracter(sp?)

08-08-2005, 12:06 PM
i broke both of my arms and wrists. they hurt like hell when it gets cold out side. just had my Jaw broken about 2 months ago im wondering what thats goin to be like this winter, im guessing it gonna be pretty bad since they broke it so bad and put so many screws in it that i have to carry an X-ray when i fly at the air-port. i set of metel detectors :rolleyes: