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08-03-2005, 11:27 PM
"just trying to be me" anyone heard it??? i could'a sworn it was nickelback the first few times i heard it. music and vocals sounds just like them.

and it's a pretty good song, imo

08-03-2005, 11:42 PM
him and pamela anderson are supposed to come out with another movie :eek2: :eek2:

08-03-2005, 11:50 PM
I just heard that song the other night, and I like it.

08-03-2005, 11:50 PM
pretty good song

sounds somewhat like nickleback :o

08-04-2005, 01:09 AM
thats funny you made this thread cuz a few days ago i heard that song and i was thinking "this sounds exactly like nickelback":p

08-04-2005, 07:33 AM
Thanks for telling me it sounds anything like Nickleback so that way I don't waste my time even trying to listen to it!! Hate Nickelback, hate anything that sounds like them, Tommy Lee needs to face the fact that he went out with the 80's hair band.

08-04-2005, 09:43 AM
Originally posted by maynard22
Tommy Lee needs to face the fact that he went out with the 80's hair band. :confused:

and thats why we're hearing his new tune huh:confused: His big hair image is the only thing that went out in the 80's

Tune does sound like Nickelback, but then again... all these tunes of the last 3 yrs all sound the same, its the "style" these days, guitar solo-less and all...

I like the fact 80's style metal is kicking back in:macho and I dont mean the cookie-cutter @$$ bleeder stuff:D

08-04-2005, 10:12 AM
I am not going to get into a pissing match with anyone over the whole 80's band thing. They were good......IN THE EIGHTIES!!! There is so much more music out there that is so much better, I have one word for you TOOL, now that's music!

08-04-2005, 10:25 AM
Originally posted by maynard22
I am not going to get into a pissing match with anyone over the whole 80's band thing. They were good......IN THE EIGHTIES!!! There is so much more music out there that is so much better, I have one word for you TOOL, now that's music!

TOOL compared to AC/DC ?? Which one is better music ??
The Eagles compared to SlipKnot ?? Which is Better music ??
Guns and Roses compared to Nickelback ?? Which is better music??

Boston , Led Zeppelin , Hendriks , the list can go on and on . If you tell me todays music is a lot better than the old stuff , you got a few screws missing upstairs . I'm sorry , but I've never heard of TOOL being played at gatherings such as weddings , proms , dances , etc .

It'll be one cold day in hell before SlipKnot ever plays at my wedding .

08-04-2005, 11:25 AM
Just play a little I stand alone by Godsmack during the wedding and see what your fiance says. Most of todays bands cant even be compared to older bands. Occasionally there are some really talented bands, but they still aerent better.

08-04-2005, 11:41 AM
But to say that TOOL is not good because you don't hear it played at a wedding is insane. I heard Vanilla Ice at the last reception I was at, and that is the farthest thing from being good music!!

08-04-2005, 11:46 AM
no music is better than another, its what ever sounds good to you. now everyone that complains stfu because everyone has different tastes

08-04-2005, 12:52 PM
Originally posted by maynard22
I am not going to get into a pissing match with anyone over the whole 80's band thing. They were good......IN THE EIGHTIES!!! There is so much more music out there that is so much better, I have one word for you TOOL, now that's music! nuthing I cant stand worse is a musical critic from someone who jsut palys the skin flute. You know what you like, chances are I can play what you like;) But ... theres ALOT of music , styles, and creative mass in the feild, now days its *****bleeder


Talk about a tool haha

Its all good sally, you know what you like...;)

EDIT... IM in a chit-flippin mood today... dont wanna get any sallys panties all wadded up in em':D

08-04-2005, 01:02 PM
Sorry to burst your bubble buddy, but I play the guitar and drums, got the ladies to play the skin flute for me. I am not saying TOOL is the only good music out there, I am just a big fan.

What instrument(s) do you play by the way? Are you in a band? If you are post some of your music, I always like to hear the homegrown bands music.

My whole beef with this thread is that I just get tired of the same old radio play BS, and want to hear some new and refreshing music, not the cookie cutter Nickleback crap.

08-04-2005, 01:21 PM
Originally posted by maynard22
Sorry to burst your bubble buddy, but I play the guitar and drums, got the ladies to play the skin flute for me. I am not saying TOOL is the only good music out there, I am just a big fan.

What instrument(s) do you play by the way? Are you in a band? If you are post some of your music, I always like to hear the homegrown bands music.

My whole beef with this thread is that I just get tired of the same old radio play BS, and want to hear some new and refreshing music, not the cookie cutter Nickleback crap. LMAO... I hear ya. Ive been playin 18 yrs, mostly metal oriented(bigtime double bass freak) play a 10 peice kit. After many bands..I just play fopr the love of music anymore, Im too damn pc iliterate to be able to upload anything .

I like musicians music, Dream Theater is da shiz, along w/ Symphony X... ya know, the stuff too technical for airplay/radio

I dig local, underground, home-brew bands, but not any of this new death, pissedoff just screamin( screamo chit) but admire the tune usually

I learned along time ago I didnt want to be in the music indistry, It saddens me to see guys still trying to "make it" after 20-30 yrs, but admire the fact that they still have the passion to keep it up

Im NOT gonna be that bald, old shriveled dude, that still thinks hes got it and everyone digs em' LOL. Im 34 and have faded out quite a bit, but still jam a few times a week:macho

08-04-2005, 01:24 PM
Here a pic from Xmas a few yrs ago (I dont want to hear any remarks about how HAMMERED I am:rolleyes: )

This is the LAST HANDMADE kit made by Ray Ayotte himself, kinda small but is THE BEST sounding kit I have ever heard

08-04-2005, 01:27 PM
Now that's what I call.... "beating your own drum!".

08-04-2005, 01:57 PM
Here is what I have sitting in my garage, I usually jam 3 or 4 nights a week. This is not an actual pic of the set in my garage, pic is from website.

08-04-2005, 02:24 PM
The song sounds good but the lyrics are stupid,

08-04-2005, 02:31 PM
In regards to what?

08-04-2005, 02:36 PM
Originally posted by maynard22
Here is what I have sitting in my garage, I usually jam 3 or 4 nights a week. This is not an actual pic of the set in my garage, pic is from website. Cool!!:D :cool:

Im still thinking about that Roland ProV, it sure dont have the "drumkit" appeal, but it sure has some real trick sounds, get tired of quitting b/c of a noise ordinance:rolleyes:

we'll see, been sayin it for about 3 yrs haha

08-04-2005, 04:29 PM
Originally posted by maynard22
Here is what I have sitting in my garage, I usually jam 3 or 4 nights a week. This is not an actual pic of the set in my garage, pic is from website. about the only good thing yamaha can make.

J/K everyone :eek2: :eek2: :p

08-05-2005, 07:18 AM
I was going to say something about it being the only yamaha in my garage, but I bit my tongue, I figured someone would chime in sooner or later!!!!LOL

08-05-2005, 09:57 AM
yay for motley crue:chinese: