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08-03-2005, 09:15 PM
well my mother is a controling freak to start off.........long story short i was dating this girl for almost a year we went on a break and you know how when you have something so good and you dont realize it untill that thing is gone.......well thats how she was to me.....she was the one person i could always turn to.....well i have been going nuts scince we went on this break and she has a guy friend and she cant decide between the 2 of us.....shes out of the state till sunday.....she means so much to me and i just dont know.....anyideas on how 2 get her back........well the power hungry mother doesnt like the ex-girlfriend at all and keeps adding her 2 cents where ever she can....and i am a lil irritated.........idk but do you guys have any suguestions

08-03-2005, 09:20 PM
elope in las vegas

08-03-2005, 09:24 PM
sounds like a plan......i need some gas money anyone wanna donate to the elope in las vegas fund?:confused:

08-03-2005, 09:30 PM
Originally posted by Dirt Merchant
first off, i DEFINATLY wouldnt come to a internet forum and post it.. even though you must be 15 years old which doesnt s urprise me

and secondly, you should just kill yourself, because life as you know it is over.. you have reached the end.. its so bad aint it!

Jesse ROFLMFAO "good bye cruel world!"

08-03-2005, 09:55 PM
Originally posted by MotoX3
dude come on...dont be so negative

im not negative, but ill let you in on a little secret bro..

i dont need to come here to get emotional support from other members.. i come here to read, get and give QUALITY information, and get straight to the point in my posts.. id rather read one harsh to the point line, than 3 paragraphs of beat around the bush, ill get there whenever i feel like it type of response..

08-03-2005, 09:57 PM
look at the bright side, http://www.roze-olifanten.com/cardsimg/thumbjes/jesus_loves.jpg

08-03-2005, 10:03 PM
Originally posted by smokeu400
well my mother is a controling freak to start off.........long story short i was dating this girl for almost a year we went on a break and you know how when you have something so good and you dont realize it untill that thing is gone.......well thats how she was to me.....she was the one person i could always turn to.....well i have been going nuts scince we went on this break and she has a guy friend and she cant decide between the 2 of us.....shes out of the state till sunday.....she means so much to me and i just dont know.....anyideas on how 2 get her back........well the power hungry mother doesnt like the ex-girlfriend at all and keeps adding her 2 cents where ever she can....and i am a lil irritated.........idk but do you guys have any suguestions

If it's meant to be then she'll be back..If not then sorry Bro.. Don't wait around for her. Show her that you can play her game 2. Go out and meet girls have fun. Your life it's not over..There are many girls out there, specially at the Track.:cool: :macho

08-03-2005, 10:04 PM
Just call her n suck up real bad telling her how much u missed her

Never ask ur mother for help on girls my mom is the same way.. after the girl does something bad to u the first time ur mom knows n thinks shes breaking ur heart she wont like her anymore

08-03-2005, 10:04 PM
You may not realize it now, but your mom could be right about her. My mom has been right alot of times about stuff and even though at the time I thought she was there to ruien my life.. now that I look back on those events im glad she was there for me.

So either listen to your mother who im sure loves you (I hope) or let that girl get what she wants (you begging for her back).. Believe me if she doesnt want to be with you and you do that relationship isnt something you want to keep.. And you would most likely end up getting cheated on with that (other guy) and your heart broken... Move on

Goodluck bro,


08-03-2005, 10:15 PM
Good point punkd.. my mom was always right cuz she cheated on me with my best friend n always came back to me it happened 3 times my mom always hated her every time she comes back id just be like she learned her lesson it went on for a year n a half ive been broken up with her for 2 months shes been trying to come back for a month n a half of it n im finally over her

Id say get away from her while u can or maybe its different with u n she isnt like that

08-03-2005, 10:24 PM
well if it was me.and i was datinng her for a year,and she coudltn decide between me and soembody else,i would just move on.cause that means that she lieks somebody jus tas much as you,and then yall dated for a year.but thats just me.

08-03-2005, 10:43 PM
Originally posted by fasterblaster09
well if it was me.and i was datinng her for a year,and she coudltn decide between me and soembody else,i would just move on.cause that means that she lieks somebody jus tas much as you,and then yall dated for a year.but thats just me.

YES.. Thats what I was trying to prove.. You and her have been going out for a year, but she still can go like someone equal to you even after a year.. That isnt cool.. Me and my g/f have been togther for 2 years and we are like best friends.. tell eachother everything and keep no secrets. Iv known her since 1st grade and if she told me she liked someone else she'd be gone because I dont have the heart to live threw that kind of pain. Just my .02

08-03-2005, 10:52 PM
These things are never easy. I'd say talk with her face to face and see how she feels about it all. Maybe shes confused and is not sure what she wants right now or maybe she knows exactly what she wants. Youll find out soon enough. Sometimes even the best relationships end. Its no fun, that just the way it is.

08-03-2005, 11:05 PM
I know all about that. Except the guy dun me that way for 3 years I was Blind I got cheated on used, its no fun. My mom hated the guy and she would try to tell me move on he's nothin' but trouble. So for once I trusted my mom and moved on and I have been so much happier! Its great to be single trust me! And dont let the gurl know you want her back if you still do cause She will use you! Well Good Luck!


08-04-2005, 01:20 AM
Dirt Merchant, being here so long and knowing the going age of posters, you should know by know theres a Profile link to everyones signature REVEALING their age. If you can subtract, you can answer your own question.

smokeu400, To be short.... if she's 'confused' about how she feels and isn't sure who or what she wants, she's probably just not mature enough to handle the situation properly - stay away from that.

You know... from my past experiences, the REAL good looking girls are constantly too full of themselves for their own good, and it isn't something they out grow. This girl fits that bill. The hot girls are merely eyecandy for the world - a true beauty is the average girl (perhaps slightly above if you're lucky) who doesnt take what she has for granted & constantly seek more.

08-04-2005, 06:24 AM
Anyway my advice is just ignore your mom, I do that and I usually get grounded but it works too. I also agree if she can't decide between you and some other guy after a year that's not too good, but you can call her and talk to her a lot to try and get her back, try giving her a present when she gets back too.

08-04-2005, 06:30 AM
Cry your eyes out at her feet :) they really dig that :)

red2004 TRX450R
08-04-2005, 09:09 AM
up untill a couple of months ago I would say just ignore you mom!
My mom hated my feoancy of 5 years.
Now we are no longer together and it is great! Mom’s know best!!!!

But you cant always listen to mom because she is not there all the time!! So I segues to go out and get another girlfriend chicks are into guys with girlfriends, it makes them jealous!!!

08-04-2005, 05:38 PM
Originally posted by DierWolf
Cry your eyes out at her feet :) they really dig that :)


08-04-2005, 06:15 PM
Originally posted by Dirt Merchant
im not negative, but ill let you in on a little secret bro..

i dont need to come here to get emotional support from other members.. i come here to read, get and give QUALITY information, and get straight to the point in my posts.. id rather read one harsh to the point line, than 3 paragraphs of beat around the bush, ill get there whenever i feel like it type of response..

If you don't like the post, don't ****ing reply stupid ****.

Last time I checked, this was still the open forum.

Stop sticking your 2 cents in where it isn't needed.

08-04-2005, 08:58 PM
treat them nice, they dump on you. treat them like sh** and they love you :confused: