View Full Version : Riding Injured?

08-02-2005, 10:45 PM
Alright guys I'm needing an opinion, especially if there are any good docs on the site. Back on the first week of May I had an accident and broke my collarbone. Cracked it in two places and had surgery a few days after where they used a metal plate to patch things up. At first doc told me I would be out of riding about 3 months. So I go back after surgery and that 3 months turned into 6 although he said everything was healing perfectly. Now he is saying December. I've never heard of anyone having to sit out that long over a collarbone before. I've rode a few easy rides lately and everything feels fine. I even put in a lap at the Wisp GNCC before my last visit and he said everything looked good. I've sit here long enough and I'm ready to start working my way back up to my normal pace. I'm just wondering if anyone else has heard of it taking this long on a collarbone injury. As a kicker, I do know this doctor is anti-ATV and is one who supports shutting down riding areas and such. This coming from a friend who works with him. I'm just not sure. I want to ride and I feel fine, but you know you don't want to damage anything. December is a long way too. Opinions?

08-02-2005, 10:51 PM
Hell borich was back up and riding in lik 3 1/2 weeks when he broke his. I say go on ahead and ride. Also find a new bone doctor.

08-02-2005, 10:54 PM
A friend of mine wasn't out very long. It wasn't anywhere near as long as what the doc is telling you. Why not get a 2nd opinion?

08-02-2005, 11:34 PM
only took me 3 wks, and the first day i went back out i crashed hard, and there was nothing wrong. id say ur fine to go back out, but what do i know im only a 17 year old kid.

08-02-2005, 11:46 PM
thats a little long if its been since may.

Tommy 17
08-02-2005, 11:51 PM
mine was 6 weeks and i didn't just crack it... i had a clean break!

08-03-2005, 02:15 AM
Originally posted by cheetah
Alright guys I'm needing an opinion, especially if there are any good docs on the site. Back on the first week of May I had an accident and broke my collarbone. Cracked it in two places and had surgery a few days after where they used a metal plate to patch things up. At first doc told me I would be out of riding about 3 months. So I go back after surgery and that 3 months turned into 6 although he said everything was healing perfectly. Now he is saying December. I've never heard of anyone having to sit out that long over a collarbone before. I've rode a few easy rides lately and everything feels fine. I even put in a lap at the Wisp GNCC before my last visit and he said everything looked good. I've sit here long enough and I'm ready to start working my way back up to my normal pace. I'm just wondering if anyone else has heard of it taking this long on a collarbone injury. As a kicker, I do know this doctor is anti-ATV and is one who supports shutting down riding areas and such. This coming from a friend who works with him. I'm just not sure. I want to ride and I feel fine, but you know you don't want to damage anything. December is a long way too. Opinions?

Maybe you should have warn your sling for more than 2 days:rolleyes:

1992 Trx 250x
08-03-2005, 02:27 AM
you are a little bit more lucky than me. Back in March 2004 i crashed 5th gear pinned and my knee is still not 100%. Also i was lucky that the quad landed upside down, so it didn't come down the hill and further injure me. The saddest part is that i put a 1 foot crack in my rear plastic and totalled my headlight assembly. I was super lucky though, that it wasn't a lot more serious. i posted it on www.racerwrecks.com. lol

08-03-2005, 05:32 AM
Originally posted by Meek
Maybe you should have warn your sling for more than 2 days:rolleyes:

Hey I wore it for about 2 1/2 weeks..... out of the 2 months I was supposed to.:o

Tommy, mine was a clean break in two places, leaving my collarbone in three pieces. That might be what is taking longer.

08-03-2005, 06:02 AM
Chec out www.spader-mx.com . Someone asked pro GNC racer and physiotherapist Travis Spader the same type of question . He gave a good reply on how to get back into the swing of things.