View Full Version : KFX400 VS 400EX? - First ATV

08-02-2005, 06:44 AM
Hi everyone its my first post (cliches anyone?) and im an Aussie (thats right from down under mate- We dont talk like that!). Im looking to buy either a brand new KFX400/z400 or a 400ex as my 'first' bike. I was just wondering what would be a better ATV for me based on:

- Will mainly ride trails or dunes (No mx or racing)
- Engine reliability and Bike stability in turns
- Ease of maintanence
- Value for money (Both are priced at $9990 Australian)

The only atv i have ever ridden before was a trx125 a few years back!, but my fav other bike was a RM250. Cheers to all.

08-02-2005, 10:49 AM
well, both of these quads are very evenly matched. the 400ex is a little behind because it has air cooling while the z/kfx 400 has liquid cooling. the Z/KFX also comes with better shocks in stock form. they both handle about the same and yes ive ridden both. stock vs stock the kfx/z400 will win in a drag race, but if your anything like me top speed isnt an issue if you ride trails.

both are extremly reliable, and simple to maintain. just check the oil, filter, and a few other minor things. both are great quads for riding the woods, and are very stable at high speeds threw woops, berms, ect. personally, i think the ltz/kfx400 is a better 'bang for the buck' if your buying new because it has more updated features over the 400ex. try and ride both to help make your decision, either way they are both reliable, easy to maintain and great trail machines!

welcome to the site also;)

08-03-2005, 02:51 AM
Thanks ex man. yeah im tending to think of goin the kfx (just coz its green- NO!) because of the liquid cooling that may come in handy riding around in the heat and dunes all day. Its got a bit more special features like you said ( i saw the kfx dealer today 2) and theres not much difference between the feel of the two (by just siting on em). Its just a matter of clearing the funds n biting the proverbial bullet! But theres only four 05kfx's left in store n after that the price goes up to 11000 with the 06, not 9990! AAAARGH! I'll wait n see if anyone else offeres an opinion for a lil while then. Ciao and Thankz!:ermm:

08-29-2005, 12:14 PM
go with the 400ex they look awsome and you cant beat the reliability of the motors!!they look like the 450rs and now have reverse.go with a honda it will last you longer!

08-31-2005, 12:48 AM
go with the KFX. I have one and its faster the the honda. has better power. sits a hell of alot better, and eazy to ride. and its water cooled/

09-06-2005, 06:49 PM
go with the 400ex it is more reliable and better for the trails

09-15-2005, 06:41 AM
400EX's are easier to wheelie and they still have a lot of power

09-15-2005, 06:59 AM
Go with the KFX/LTZ 400. Much better quad in all catagories. You won be disappointed!

Raptor runner
09-18-2005, 04:43 AM
I have a EX 400, and a Raptor, I have never woned a KFX 400, but i can tell you stock for stock the KFX kicks the EX's but in every aspect. The EX is a very reliable, but outdated machine, no liquid cooling, and less desrible suspension than the KFX. The EX is a proven machine that has passed the test of time, yet the KFX has 8 years of technology on it. If both bikes are the same price, hands down I would go with the KFX. Just to get the EX to keep up with a stock KFX you would have to get a pipe, jet kit, and remove the air box, so your looking at 600 or more in mods to make it perfrom as well as the Kawi does in stock form. I know a lot of people here here will get mad at me for saying it, because this is a honda forum for the most part, but its true... I often wish my EX were a KFX... A liquid cooled engine will out last a air cooled enigine by far, no contest there. The cooler a engine can ran the more reliable its goning to be.

02-08-2006, 06:36 PM
i love my 400ex i think the air cooling is the only thing that the z/kfx/dvx has over the ex as for drag racing change the gearing and maybe and air filter and they should be pretty even. and besides this site isnt called exriders.com for nothing:devil: