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08-01-2005, 08:11 AM
BLM to remove all monuments from Sand Mountain Oct. 1


LVN Staff Writer

While some see them as tributes to lost friends at Sand Mountain, the Bureau of Land Management views them as something else - illegal.

BLM officials recently announced that all monuments on top of Sand Mountain will be removed Oct. 1. Anyone who owns any items sitting at the site has until that date to recover them.

The decision to strip the items from the popular recreational area was made due to two reasons - the illegal placement of monuments on public land and the Fallon Paiute-Shoshone Tribe's recognition of that area of Sand Mountain as a sacred place.

While the monuments will no longer be allowed on top of Sand Mountain, BLM Associate Field Manager Elayn Briggs said the bureau is exploring the idea of working with the public to pick a spot where monuments can be legally placed. This would probably in the area's campground near the kiosks at Sand Mountain.

Briggs said about eight to 10 memorials like bronze markers, cement monuments and wood boxes are sitting on top of Sand Mountain.

Up until a few years ago, BLM officials and rangers never even knew they were there. But once the bureau acquired vehicles that could reach the top of the mountain, rangers discovered them.

At that point, Briggs said the BLM considered its options and decided what its officials believe is the best choice - get rid of them.

"It's illegal," Briggs said. "I've worked in other sand dune areas where as soon as they find those sort of things, they remove them.

"They're all in one spot on the top, kind of on a little peak area of sand there. Over the years, people have just started a collection of monuments for, I guess, riders who died. Not necessarily at the mountain, but it was a place they enjoyed, so they put monuments to them up there."

The Fallon Paiute-Shoshone Tribe also enjoys Sand Mountain - but for different reasons than off-highway-vehicle riding.

Briggs said through written and oral consulting with the tribe, BLM officials have learned the Great Basin Native American tribes consider the main dune at Sand Mountain to be a holy site and oppose any monuments being placed there.

While BLM rangers will be disposing of any left-behind monuments Oct. 1, Briggs said she is not sure what they would do with the items at that point.

"Everything will be removed," Briggs said. "I don't know how we'll dispose of it. But I doubt we'll just drag it down to the bottom of the hill and dump them. Some folks went to a lot of trouble, obviously, to put them up there. If they want them back, we would suggest they go get them or at least work with us to get them down."

Anyone who has any questions about monuments currently sitting atop Sand Mountain is encouraged to contact the Bureau of Land Management's Carson City office.

Burke Wasson can be contacted at bwasson@lahontanvalleynews.com


08-01-2005, 09:37 AM
Now they're just getting nit-picky about each and every little thing they can. I could see them protesting a makeshift outhouse or something along those lines, but you can hardly call monuments an eyesore or hazardous to the immediate surrounding environment.

If it's illegal, no new monuments should be allowed. But removal of the old ones is going a little far, don't you think?

08-01-2005, 01:53 PM

08-02-2005, 12:31 PM
i have seen the monuments and they are by no means out of line, they are mostly small 4" by 6" placks on top of the hill. i can not see where it should even be causing an issue... i agree with wilkin250r leave the ones there just dont add any new ones... what are they going to hurt

L & L Racing
08-07-2005, 11:41 AM
That sucks man! they should at least make a cartian place for memorials, because if somebody you know dies you always want to pay your respect in some way :(

08-07-2005, 10:20 PM
I don;t know why its a big deal. I thinks it cool people did this for there friends, here is a pic to show how big these "illegal momuments are" there are about 5 or 6 of them. if the BLM people are gonna "dispose" these, they are gonna have to cut up an extinked rock (lol)..beaucse most of those plates are concreted in!!! there gonna have fun. But its cool that someone made a bench and stuff!!
