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View Full Version : Rockhouse---Hatfield/McCoy

06-03-2002, 01:33 PM
Any of you guys rode this section? Thinking about goin down and was told to ride the rockhouse trail, just wondering what to expect. Good trail/bad trail?....any advice?

06-03-2002, 05:42 PM
Loved Rockhouse, we rode 82 miles on that trailhead in one day. Advice? Get a UPDATED map, the one we had was old and alot of the trail #'s changed! Think about carrying gas, we got to a point on the trail and realized we were far from home and low on gas. By the way from the trailhead you can ride all the way into Gilbert WV and gas up, kinda cool riding through town!

06-04-2002, 02:17 PM
If you'll check with the map on the side of the Ranger station at the trailhead you can see any updates or closings made to the trailsystem.

06-08-2002, 12:30 AM
Rockhouse is da **** lol its the most scenic smothest trails so there the best in my opinion. We rode up to a big campground called somethin hollar..it had an 11 mile view and firepits and grills..and they were workin on puttin in showers and things. Have fun

06-10-2002, 05:33 AM
i should have took the advice of an updated map you were right on the money saying that are map was old but alot of fun. I'll go back.