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View Full Version : Help!!! Fast!!!

Red Rooster
06-03-2002, 01:10 PM
Ok, I just got my 350x airboot and was gonna put that and the 400ex carb on. The problem is that the 350x airboot is not big enough to go onto the 400 carb! I was under the impression that the boot would go on perfectly.:( So, now how am I supposed to make this work? I tried putting the end of the boot in boiling water, but it didn't work for me. May be I didn't keep it in long enough. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated! Please help out a brother. (Quickly!!!)

06-03-2002, 03:22 PM
why not just get a 400 boot? LOL

Red Rooster
06-03-2002, 03:52 PM
I think that the 400 boot is quite a bit differant.

Anyway, I just pulled and tugged a little and got the stock one to fit. Now this makes me mad. The 350x one is supposed to fit like the stock boot does on the stock carb? Did I get a boot for a 200x?

BTW, The carb makes great power. It is a little lean, though. More power will come with new jetting.