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View Full Version : Proper way to oil the air filter?

07-29-2005, 08:57 PM
I have a pro-design intake system with the dual stage foam air filters. I cleaned them both ( The outer and inner filters) and am wondering if I oil both of them or just the outer filter cover? The instructions are pretty vague. Any input would be appreciated. And also, How crazy do I get with the oil? I don't want to over-do it with too much oil.

07-29-2005, 09:57 PM
Yep, clean and oil both inner and outer as described below (seperatly). Before mounting make sure you apply a finger width, heavy line of oil on the air box side seal lip of the filter. Prevents seal leak.

To clean kerosene is fine, don't use gas! Yeah it works but breaks down the foam. After the solvent has cut the dirt and oil you may clean the solvent out with warm water and a couple drops of dishwashing soap. Squeeze water out - gently.

Let it air dry don't blast it with your compressor hose.

Okay, now toss it into a large zip lock bag with an ounce of your favorite foam filter oil. Squish and roll to saturate.

Put on your rubber gloves or put a baggie over your hand and gently squeeze out excess running oil from the filter(s). Do not wring just compress. Seal up the filter bag for next time.

Now your ready to scare people with your sticky hands 'cause no matter what you do they will get oiled.

07-30-2005, 07:20 AM
I was told when you have 2 foam filters. An inner and then the outer, that you only oil the inner filter. to leave the outer foam filter dry.

07-30-2005, 10:24 AM
UNI clearly states to oil both the inner and outer.

A dry outer would pass dirt big time and decrease trapping efficiency. Oil is a particle magnet for the more open celled outer.

I've heard Simple Green works as a filter cleaning solvent. Nope, water based stuff just doesn't cut it. Motorcycle Folklore.

I just found out "cow tipping" is a myth.
Man I sure had bit on that one, doh!