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07-29-2005, 03:45 PM
I just got a 2month old pitbull. anyone else have one . want to see some pics.

07-29-2005, 03:50 PM
i have one thats about 5 she showed up about 3 weks ago with a broken leg and tail, my gues is someone dumped her out and she got hit by a car:confused: i dont have anypics but shes a purebread shes black and white and about 70 puonds.

07-29-2005, 04:43 PM
ive taken care of a couple of pitbulls for a humane society until they were ready to be adopted

07-29-2005, 04:46 PM
I was wonderin if anyone else is upset that Denver, CO. has banned Pitbulls?!! They are gathering up hundreds of dogs. They have put down over 250 dogs in two months! I think this is bulls**t! Denver has become Nazi Germany! Why does everyone keep picking on this beautiful dog?

I hope Denver reverses this law ASAP!
Anyone from Denver that can confirm this BS?
...poor dogs.:(

07-29-2005, 05:37 PM
so if you live in denver you have to put your dog down? that is BS, what is this country coming to (im sure im about to get flamed for that) letting states pass retarded laws like that, who are the idiots that come up with this garbage!:mad:

07-29-2005, 08:44 PM
They should all be put down in my oppinion.

07-29-2005, 08:48 PM
Originally posted by DierWolf
They should all be put down in my oppinion. pitbulls arent born mean dogs, their made into them by their owners.

07-29-2005, 09:03 PM
This lil guy is most likely a pitbull/austrian pinscher. This is at 2 months old, now he is 4.5 months. Harley. Post your pics man.

07-29-2005, 09:04 PM
Originally posted by aLLoY MX 428
pitbulls arent born mean dogs, their made into them by their owners.

Well studies show different... they are very amm how you say????

F-Up!... any any given moment they can just go crazy for no reason... why? hell if i know.

07-29-2005, 09:19 PM
Pitbulls and Amstaffs are not welcome in the city I live in either. When one is reported in town the police give the owner the choice of leaving town with the dog or they will impound it.

07-29-2005, 09:20 PM
Originally posted by DierWolf
Well studies show different... they are very amm how you say????

F-Up!... any any given moment they can just go crazy for no reason... why? hell if i know. one of my dads best friends has an american pit, and hes the nicest,calmest most well listning dog ive ever met.

07-29-2005, 10:09 PM
I agree with dierwolf I got attacked by a pit that I raised and it just snaped one day. I had never hit that dog or anything. I wont have anything to do with one now. it Broke my ankle!

07-29-2005, 10:16 PM
Originally posted by DierWolf
Well studies show different... they are very amm how you say????

F-Up!... any any given moment they can just go crazy for no reason... why? hell if i know.

now i might not be able to argue with your colledge degree having rich a ss ceo of a company or WTF ever you do about a irs on a sport quad but i sure as hell can argue with you about pit bulls

bull shyt on mean and go crazy...i was raised with pits and i know for a fact that the breed isnt a bad breed...its all in bloodline...if you get a pit thats from a fighting background and breed it with another pit with bad bloodline...then their puppies are going to be hell...bottomline

and another thing...they arent tempermental dogs...they are very owner protective, and territorial animals...sorry its just the way they are....alot of people think pits are bad dogs because of what the name they were given by people that fight them and make them mean but im here to say i have owned and do own a number of pits....all of them were just as gental and friendly as can be...even friendly towards other animals...just dont ever cross that boundry of theirs when they think your trying to harm their owner because you will have a leg removed

and you kno what and far as what studies say...well dirtwheels mag suggest that yamaha yfz 450 is the best mx quad, and honda really dropped the ball well damn...goes to show not everything people say or studies are always true...

get one for yourself...then judge the dog i bet after you own one...your opinion will change...and im not saying just go and buy some pit off some joe shcmoe down the street...do a research on their bloodline and fighting background..check pedigrees...make sure none of their parents had been fought and such and you have yourself a dog that will protect you, your family, and your house at all costs believe me....remember if it aint a pit....it aint shyt

07-29-2005, 10:53 PM
here is a pic of the pit i have now...his name is rock...and he is a brindle...he also is a big baby...

07-29-2005, 10:59 PM
ive posted these pics up before...but oh well...and here is my other pit i had...his name is bandit...he aint with us no more he disspeard october 9th 2002...i cried like a baby over that dog because he slept in the bed with me everynight he was my shaddow

i dont really see how anybody can hate these dogs the have the most beautiful markings on them ive ever seen in my life....

rock is pretty much my moms dog...but hes a family dog too but hes more partial to mom...

we also had another pit that came along after bandit dissapeard...his name was mace...mom bought him for me for my birthday because my birthday is october 24th and i was still devistated over the loss of my dog...so she bought mace...i really wont set on having another dog at the time so mom kinda took to him...and he got hit by a train on the tracks that run behind our property...both me and mom was upset about that...so thats how we ended up with rock...all of our pits have been the sweetest and most gental dogs...but after those 2 incidents happened about bandit dissapearing, and mace getting hit we invested in an electric fence...best damn thing we have gotten for the house so far...

07-29-2005, 11:31 PM
You can say what you want but i have seen enough attacks in my lifetime from these dogs (good bloodline or not) after seeing what one did to a baby i drew the line right there.

If one ever crosses my path, it better run pretty F-in quick.

Yeah its all nice and dandy and joyful but when it does go wacko just hope you get away.

I would post some pictures i have of attacks (from owners who thought theirs was the sweetest thing as well) but i dont want to sicken anyone on this forum.

There is a reason theirs a law against them in most states and that should count for something, and my having my own company etc etc etc has nothing to do with it.

07-30-2005, 01:45 AM
My sis and brother in law have two purebred pits. Chomper(because when he was a pup he would chomp at the air) and Xena(they didn't pick the name:ermm: ).....They are two of the sweetest dogs you'll ever see.

The only way they'll hurt you is if they forget there size and are excited to see you(two 70 pounds dogs jumping on you can be painful).

Pitbulls arn't mean, its the owners who make them that way.

07-30-2005, 03:45 AM
Originally posted by DierWolf
You can say what you want but i have seen enough attacks in my lifetime from these dogs (good bloodline or not) after seeing what one did to a baby i drew the line right there.

If one ever crosses my path, it better run pretty F-in quick.

Yeah its all nice and dandy and joyful but when it does go wacko just hope you get away.

I would post some pictures i have of attacks (from owners who thought theirs was the sweetest thing as well) but i dont want to sicken anyone on this forum.

There is a reason theirs a law against them in most states and that should count for something, and my having my own company etc etc etc has nothing to do with it.

You are in the wrong conversation buddy, you don't know jack **** about pitbulls or obviously dogs for that matter. And i would love to see these so called "studies" that show pits are "F-ed" up. They are frowned upon because and i will admit a large portion of the people that own them are trash and raise and purchase the dog for the wrong reason. The only reaon they are banned in certain cities etc. is not because there mean or w/e they just have the power to do alot of damage. You also say if one crosses your path it had better run quick? LMFAO buddy you take one swing at a dog like that and your done, not because the dog is mean but because your trying to cause harm to it so it Defends itself. Also most "pitbulls" aren't the true APBT (American PitBull Terrier) if a dog is a mix breed out of the terrier/bull group it can be considered a pitbull. They don't even lead in attacks German shepards,golden retrievers, and rotwielers all beat them out......it's just the fact that when they do attack they just have the power to make it fatal. The media is biast so if there is a dog attack and it isn't a pitbull 80% of the time they dont report the breed, but if it even resembles a pitbull then they automatically make it a ****ing headline for god sakes. Just don't walk into a conversation you know nothing about and try and preach your BS. I have plenty of respect for you otherwise just not in this specific thread.

07-30-2005, 03:51 AM
It's a crappy scan but here is one of my dogs. 1 1/2 years old about 72lbs

07-30-2005, 04:03 AM
And his dad up in the 85-90lbs region....pure muscle the two of them

07-30-2005, 06:20 AM
Originally posted by z400roosteR
You are in the wrong conversation buddy, you don't know jack **** about pitbulls or obviously dogs for that matter. And i would love to see these so called "studies" that show pits are "F-ed" up. They are frowned upon because and i will admit a large portion of the people that own them are trash and raise and purchase the dog for the wrong reason. The only reaon they are banned in certain cities etc. is not because there mean or w/e they just have the power to do alot of damage. You also say if one crosses your path it had better run quick? LMFAO buddy you take one swing at a dog like that and your done, not because the dog is mean but because your trying to cause harm to it so it Defends itself. Also most "pitbulls" aren't the true APBT (American PitBull Terrier) if a dog is a mix breed out of the terrier/bull group it can be considered a pitbull. They don't even lead in attacks German shepards,golden retrievers, and rotwielers all beat them out......it's just the fact that when they do attack they just have the power to make it fatal. The media is biast so if there is a dog attack and it isn't a pitbull 80% of the time they dont report the breed, but if it even resembles a pitbull then they automatically make it a ****ing headline for god sakes. Just don't walk into a conversation you know nothing about and try and preach your BS. I have plenty of respect for you otherwise just not in this specific thread.

whoa....damn somebody got told off....not once but twice...cough cough dierwolf....these are very friendly dogs...and mostly reason they are banned is because of what you said z400rooster...and they use them to fight...any dog can fight and be agressive, but you know why people use pits so much its because their ability to lock their laws...a typical dogs jaw muscle stops at the jaw...the pits jaw muscle goes all the way to the top of its head...and far as pit attacks....these little ankle biter dogs actually more people than pits...the shih zhu(sp), chiwawa(sp) or any of those small dogs like that are famous for biting people...you want to kno why you dont hear about it because they aint big enough to do damage and why would the news & media do a report on a lame *** little dog like a chiwawa biting somebody...


look at those pits...click on big block...hes a huge pit...but that guy says hes the sweetest dog in the world...

believe what you want to dier...until you own the breed dont bash...and far as beating or killing any dog...believe me...your rich colledge boy business owning *** will be locked up because animal abuse is a fellony that stays with your record forever...you might be smart in some ways...but until you have owned pits and such....dont talk

so im a proud owner of a pit bull, and i wouldnt let anybody take my dog away from me esp the damn government or cities...because that is inhumane to take dogs and destroy them when some out there are messed up...ever heard the saying ONE BAD APPLE SPOILS IT FOR THE BUNCH and there are a bunch that are housepets and their masters love and cherrish these dogs...before denver would take my dog and destroy him, i would pack my shyt up and move to another state...

07-30-2005, 06:30 AM
Here's my grandfather's now-deceased 110lb. pit. His name was Spike...lmao:D

07-30-2005, 06:31 AM
Here's my dad in the late 80's with our American Staffordshire Terrier, Boots:cool:

07-30-2005, 06:33 AM
2 pretty dogs guy....but guy check out the motor city pits big block...that dog is f-ing huge it makes the first dog you posted look small

07-30-2005, 06:34 AM
Dierwolf - are you sure you are highly educated? You spout more ignorant opinions than every single member on this board combined since it's creation. :rolleyes:

**Hint** Opinions are NOT factual!.

It depends on the way a dog (ANY DOG) is raised, trained and handled.

Yes, I have owned a Pitbull named Butch. Had I not trained this dog properly I would have lost my little brother to a wreckless driver when he was 3 years old. We never played rough with the dog and we did not allow others to play rough with him. Butch sleep with my brother almost every night and when he didn't he was at the foot of my bed. Back to the story.. I was allowing Butch to walk my little brother (yes, I said that correctly) down to our favorite spot on the river when an idiot sped through a turn out of control. Before I could react, Butch pulled my little brother almost 20 feet into a neighbors yard and out of danger before he stopped. We always taught Butch to stop and/or stay clear of the road when traffic approached. Now if an unfamiliar person were to approach my little brother's area Butch would take a defensive stand until my brother told him it was OK. Yes, the dog would take orders from a 3 year old. That was one of the best dogs I have owned. R.I.P Butch!!

Our Chocolate Lab and Rottweilers were trained exactly the same way and we did not have a problem with any of the dogs. Hell, the dominate dog of the three was the lab and he was the youngest by 5 months.

Oh yeah, when it comes to my dogs you don't have to worry about them tearing you a new butthole because I will break out the "sheeeeit kickers" and do a little "tap dancing" if I think someone is about to harm them :grr:

I guess we should exterminate the humans too since they have a tendancy to kill each other, exterminate other species and wreck havoc on this rock we call Eart:blah:

07-30-2005, 06:43 AM
Originally posted by TRX250RJapan
Dierwolf - are you sure you are highly educated? You spout more ignorant opinions than every single member on this board combined since it's creation. :rolleyes:

**Hint** Opinions are NOT factual!.

It depends on the way a dog (ANY DOG) is raised, trained and handled.

Yes, I have owned a Pitbull named Butch. Had I not trained this dog properly I would have lost my little brother to a wreckless driver when he was 3 years old. We never played rough with the dog and we did not allow others to play rough with him. Butch sleep with my brother almost every night and when he didn't he was at the foot of my bed. Back to the story.. I was allowing Butch to walk my little brother (yes, I said that correctly) down to our favorite spot on the river when an idiot sped through a turn out of control. Before I could react, Butch pulled my little brother almost 20 feet into a neighbors yard and out of danger before he stopped. We always taught Butch to stop and/or stay clear of the road when traffic approached. Now if an unfamiliar person were to approach my little brother's area Butch would take a defensive stand until my brother told him it was OK. Yes, the dog would take orders from a 3 year old. That was one of the best dogs I have owned. R.I.P Butch!!

Our Chocolate Lab and Rottweilers were trained exactly the same way and we did not have a problem with any of the dogs. Hell, the dominate dog of the three was the lab and he was the youngest by 5 months.

Oh yeah, when it comes to my dogs you don't have to worry about them tearing you a new butthole because I will break out the "sheeeeit kickers" and do a little "tap dancing" if I think someone is about to harm them :grr:

I guess we should exterminate the humans too since they have a tendancy to kill each other, exterminate other species and wreck havoc on this rock we call Eart:blah: [/B]

trx250...sorry about your dog bro...mine dissapeared and he slept in my bed and such he was still pretty much a puppy but that dog loved me to death...and i cried for days over that dog and im man enough to admit it...dier does have some dumb opinions and i think hes a post whore...hes getting like alloy mx428 and the nacs racing199...posting a reply on every thread ever made regardless of what the topic is

i have owned pits my whole life...we only had one pit that was troubled...and i know why because the dog & his family was raised to kill anything that moved...we didnt raise him that way...the person we bought him from had a bad bloodline of pits and was well known for making them fight..

we had a pit named outlaw and this started the love of pits for us...we had him when i was smaller...that dog used to kill snakes...he would pick them up and shake them...i could get on his back and ride him all day long...if i was in my room crying or upset he ran back and forth into my room until my rents got up and checked on me to see whats wrong....one time my mom was trying to bust my *** for something i did...i dont remember and she got the belt out to beat my ***....and he growled at her until she put the belt down and went away...needless to say i didnt get a belting that day....i have the pic of him ill have to scan...but when i scan it ill post it up for ya guys...he was beautiful too...solid black with a white chest...

07-30-2005, 06:44 AM
Originally posted by TCracin440ex
2 pretty dogs guy....but guy check out the motor city pits big block...that dog is f-ing huge it makes the first dog you posted look small That was a huge pit! A lot of that dog is natural but alot of it is trained as well. Several of those pictures show a weight collar on the dog. My grandfather's was just born that way and was never worked to get bigger.

07-30-2005, 06:47 AM
yea...i bet he was hell to put on a leash and walk because you would get dragged...

and i bet your grandfathers dog was sweet as he could be as well too...

bigblock...well that dog is huge...and its pretty impressive to me that he can pull 2tons...

07-30-2005, 07:05 AM
Originally posted by TCracin440ex
yea...i bet he was hell to put on a leash and walk because you would get dragged...

and i bet your grandfathers dog was sweet as he could be as well too...

Fortunately, my grandparents live on 50 acres so Spike was never put on a leash and he never wandered further than the 3-4 acres around the house.

Both Spike and Boots were excellent dogs. Neither of them ever displayed any violent tendancies and both thought of themselves as lap dogs 'til the day they died. Only one time did Spike test my grandfather's authority. Spike was probably only 10-12 months old and my grandfather got up to go outside and he called Spike to go out. Spike stood by the door but wouldn't go outside. When my grandfather reached down to grab him by the collar Spike snarled at him. Right next to the door was a 4' long oak stick that was about 1-1/2" square that he used to wedge in the sliding door at night. My grandfather grabbed that stick and whacked Spike with it. Needless to say, listening was never a problem after that !

07-30-2005, 07:23 AM
Originally posted by aLLoY MX 428
pitbulls arent born mean dogs, their made into them by their owners. Not true at all!! Friends of the family had a beauitful pit and was actually normal until one day it snapped. Took a chunk out of a the daughter, boyfriend and the father and could not control it the day after. They lived in a great area ect... There's something about those dogs that make them lose it. I agree, pits shouldn't be around!, to unstable.

07-30-2005, 07:26 AM
hearing the IGNORANT ranting of some people, angers me so much. i love the breed. i will never own one again because of alll the ignorance that is sprend about the breed. these are facts. they are very loyal, protective, territorial, atheletic, smart, easily trained, and loving. if you wonder about the last one, just think about how upset the people that own or owned a pitbull get. that alone should tell you how much love is shared in thier relationship with thier pitbulls.:macho :macho :macho :macho :macho :macho

07-30-2005, 07:32 AM
Dierwolf and all the rest of u guys talkin ***** about pits watch this movie.... www.PitbullProblem.tk

that goes to fuggin showin u its all about there upbinging so fu(k off about them

07-30-2005, 07:41 AM
Originally posted by Corey13
Dierwolf and all the rest of u guys talkin **** about pits watch this movie.... www.PitbullProblem.tk

that hoes to ****s all about there upbinging so **** off about them Wait until you see it or it happens to you! I'm pretty sure you'll think differently. From what I've seen, the dog was trained and loved ect... Until the girl stubbed her toe on a kitchen table and somewhat screamed because of the pain and the dog went after her, then the boyfriend and then sometime later, the father. I really don't care what anyone says, these dogs are mentally unstable!!! I'm sure there are a few good ones out there but there a huge gamble and its a gamble I would rather see no one take.

07-30-2005, 07:44 AM
My Uncle has one that he afopyed from the pound that was beat and etc... he showed some love and cared for it and now my uncles wife kids have a baby and it loves it, licks him, lays next to him and everything so if u show some love and respect for a pit or ANY animal it will show love back to you... all dogs want in life is attention and love, we have a mut that was beat shot with bb guns and all sorts of stuff, and if u raise a fist to ne thing it will run away but will always come back for attention, and love, that is ALL they want .

07-30-2005, 08:10 AM
Originally posted by Giz400ex
Not true at all!! Friends of the family had a beauitful pit and was actually normal until one day it snapped. Took a chunk out of a the daughter, boyfriend and the father and could not control it the day after. They lived in a great area ect... There's something about those dogs that make them lose it. I agree, pits shouldn't be around!, to unstable.

your ignorant too just like dierwolf...they must have had a bad breed or somethin...i play and wrestle with my pit and stuff all the time...and the kids scream and everything and they dont attack...

only time i have known pits to change mentality state is when a female is in heat (all dogs do really) and females change their mentality state after their first pregnancy and has puppys they become agressive towards others not towards owners...i had a female pit and she never changed her mentality state after she had puppies...

f- you and what you believe about what shouldnt be arround...

you kno i really feel sorry for the people that let the media and such decide what is a good dog and what is a bad because your truely missing out on a good animal...

07-30-2005, 08:19 AM
I've grew up breeding dobermans and pitbulls and if you ask me they are nice dogs, Its the owners that make dogs mean, Just because one bit you doesnt mean they are evil, you probaly just scared the dog it happens all the time, hell my step sisters little chick dog bites me and grows while my dobermans and pitbulls never even rasised an eyebrow at me.

Dierwolf, for saying that need to be all put down thats totally uncalled for, Thats like me saying all humans should be killed because some kill people. Everything and everyone has their weak spot that will piss them off, if you respect the dog it will respect you, Its a shame that theres people like you in the world to say that about such a great dog, We had one named Daisy duke, she was 130 pounds we could hang her for hours from a tractor tube if we wanted, swing her around. She didnt bite or snap at one single person in the 7 years we had her. The only thing she growed at was when the car hit her and the guy started yelling at us saying we should of had her tied up.

ALSO, which many of you probaly did not know, if you go to pet them, and you put your hand over there head cuped down they take that as a hint your going to hurt them, now a open hand kunckles down shows them your not going to hurt them. I'll allways be a doberman, pitbull and rott lover till I am old and gray!

07-30-2005, 08:23 AM
Originally posted by Giz400ex
Wait until you see it or it happens to you! I'm pretty sure you'll think differently. From what I've seen, the dog was trained and loved ect... Until the girl stubbed her toe on a kitchen table and somewhat screamed because of the pain and the dog went after her, then the boyfriend and then sometime later, the father. I really don't care what anyone says, these dogs are mentally unstable!!! I'm sure there are a few good ones out there but there a huge gamble and its a gamble I would rather see no one take.

what part of it that you idiots dont get...if there is 2 people on this thread that are complaining about pits...the rest love their pits and have never had a problem with them...

i kno from experience that pit bulls dont respond well to loud noises like screams...my mom picks at me and wrestles with me all the time...and when i start to get the best of her...she will shrill...and rock will come to investigate...sometimes he will get excited trying to play and nip at us...but he dont mean anything by it...hes just playing

any animal can be mean...but you dont hear anything about any other animal...media and news broadcasts what they kno will catch your attension...and everytime the media blast something on tv about bad pits or bein a bad breed makes me want to go kick them in the face because they are the reason that these dogs are so widely known as "vicious animals"....until you own one for yourself...just keep your negative comments to yourself....no animal should be destroyed because of a few bad ones...if anybody tried to take my dog they are going to play hell getting him because im not giving up without a fight...its just unfair to the good ones to be killed because of the bad ones

07-30-2005, 08:27 AM
Any dog is just like a gun, they are harmless till you buy bullets. Meaning any dog is harmless till the OWNER trains it or mistreats it to the point of where the dog is extreamly protective and hostile.

07-30-2005, 08:27 AM
its pretty much the same concept as sharks...how many people die a year because of shark bites...only a few...and how many of us wouldnt kno about it if msnbc, fox, abc, cnn and those news channels wouldnt beat that subject to death...

i believe the news makes everybody forumlate their bs opinions..

07-30-2005, 08:32 AM
Originally posted by DierWolf
They should all be put down in my oppinion.

god the more i read this makes me wanna bust you upside the head with a 2x4...

so according to your theory...all afganistani people should be put down because SOME afganistani people were responsible for 9/11

07-30-2005, 08:34 AM
My ex wife is mean and ugly... you think they could put her down??

07-30-2005, 08:36 AM
lmgdao...here comes jab jab jabberjaw with a funny comment to lighten everybody up about the topic..

yea we can put her down...ill get my elephant gun

07-30-2005, 08:36 AM
MXjunkie made a very good point they are harmless until the trains it to be mean, for example um take a chiwuawua (sp?) and train it to be mean they can hurt someone when there trained to

07-30-2005, 08:43 AM
3 or 4 years ago one of my nieghbors shot my pitbull we had because he said it barked at him because he was in our yard, dont all dogs bark at you? needless to say the dog passed away the following night, and do you think the neighbor cared? not at all he thought he did a good thing killing one of them "evil" dogs. The worst part of this is, on the news a week before a pitbull in philadelphia mawed a guy and it was a dog that the owner used in dog fights. As you can see I dont like the news very much, its just like when theres a atv accident they make it seem like its the end of the world ya know? but car accidents are just, theres a car accident on i-95 so take the blue route etc.

I just dont want people to be brainwashed by what the media says and have someone on this site hurt one for doing something any normal dog would do.

07-30-2005, 08:48 AM
yea...i hate to see or hear about people fighting any dogs. but pits in general...im baised to the breed...because i love em...i get really pissed at people that fights pits...its cruel and inhumane to the animal because they dont kno any better

there is no such thing as dumb dogs...just dumb owners

07-30-2005, 09:07 AM
Originally posted by TCracin440ex

f- you and what you believe about what shouldnt be arround...

Is that necessary??? Also, I guess what your telling me is a pitbull should be every household and around children and shouldn't have nothing to worry about even if there properly trained ect...?

07-30-2005, 09:16 AM
Originally posted by Giz400ex
Is that necessary??? Also, I guess what your telling me is a pitbull should be every household and around children and shouldn't have nothing to worry about even if there properly trained ect...?

im not talking about YOU...as in only you...i mean you all..

and you shouldnt have nothing to worrie about i was raised with pits from the time i was a baby none of them ever attacked me...an im not sayin there is a pit bull in every household...im sayin that until you own one...dont down the breed...thats all im goin to say....

07-30-2005, 09:19 AM

My 3 pitbulls. Father, son & mother. My 450r security team.
<edit> I wont even go to the level of arguing the point of good dogs and bad dogs :)

07-30-2005, 09:21 AM
Originally posted by TCracin440ex
im not talking about YOU...as in only you...i mean you all..

and you shouldnt have nothing to worrie about i was raised with pits from the time i was a baby none of them ever attacked me...an im not sayin there is a pit bull in every household...im sayin that until you own one...dont down the breed...thats all im goin to say....
same here i grew up with 3 pit bulls one of them got put to sleep because the neighborhs dog came in our yard and my pit killed it......it sucks what the media does brainwashes ppl i asked my mom if i can get a pitbull and she says that no because shes seen what happend on the news the news is all bs i think the ppl who talk sh!it about pit bulls have never owned one reading all these posts makes me want to go out and buy one which now im thinking about if i can convince my mom :D

07-30-2005, 09:25 AM
Originally posted by four50r_rider
same here i grew up with 3 pit bulls one of them got put to sleep because the neighborhs dog came in our yard and my pit killed it......it sucks what the media does brainwashes ppl i asked my mom if i can get a pitbull and she says that no because shes seen what happend on the news the news is all bs i think the ppl who talk sh!it about pit bulls have never owned one reading all these posts makes me want to go out and buy one which now im thinking about if i can convince my mom :D

yea i will always own pits...im thinking about when i get another paycheck goin and gettin me another pit bull puppy...next puppy i get im going to have his ears cropped tho...pits look soo much better with their ears cropped...

07-30-2005, 10:19 AM
Originally posted by TCracin440ex

you shouldnt have nothing to worrie about, dont down the breed You go ahead and say that to the families that have loved there pits and in return have had to have plastic surgery or in someway have something to live with for the rest of there lives and see what kind of response you get. I'm not trying to be an ***** here but what you guys are saying, 75% is not true. The pitbull is the most dangerous pet dog out there and some of you are making it the most friendly. Regardless it being trained ect...... doesn't matter!! They'll turn on you on a dime! In other words, shouldn't be a pet.

07-30-2005, 10:20 AM
i personally dont own a pitbull, but there is this guy in town that has 2 pits. They look straight up mean as hell. But the one time he came to our house and he brought his dogs they were the nicest things ive ever seen. They are HUGE, if you ever seen it walking calmly to you, you would run. but all i have to say is i would love to own a pitbull after seeing how calm those dogs are and i can guarentee you that guy doesnt treat them very well:rolleyes: :(

07-30-2005, 10:31 AM
I own a full pit, and an AKC reg boxer. Both are great dogs. Anyone that says they are a mean bread is wrong. They like any dog can be mean. I had a little toy poodle that was 10 time more agressive than either of my dogs, and my female boxer is far more agressive than my male pit. It is all in how the dog is raised. Pits got a bad rap because of what they were bread for. There are far more golden retriver, poodle, and chiwawa bites per year than there are of pitbulls. The problem is those breads are not known as being "aggressive" so they never make the papers. I believe the statistics show right now that the german shepperd is the dog most commonly found to bite. I will have to look that up though. I have 3 kids 7,9. and 20 months old. My pit is absolutely great with all of them. My little boy(the 20 month old) pulls, tugs, jumps on, power bombs, and rides him all over. All my pit does is lay there, or lick his face. If you have never owned a pit then you have absolutely no right or business posting any negative comment about the breed. That would be like saying Fords are junk, but have never owned one. YOU WON'T KNOW IF YOU DON'T HAVE ONE. So for those who have never owned a pit shut up with your negative comments, and do some reserch. It will make you more educated and you will know the truth.

07-30-2005, 10:32 AM
Originally posted by TCracin440ex
yea i will always own pits...im thinking about when i get another paycheck goin and gettin me another pit bull puppy...next puppy i get im going to have his ears cropped tho...pits look soo much better with their ears cropped...

what do u mean they look better with there ears cropped? what does cropped mean?

07-30-2005, 10:45 AM
Originally posted by Hon300ex
what do u mean they look better with there ears cropped? what does cropped mean?

ears cropped means trimmed, then docked means the tail cut at either the 2nd or 3rd vertibra, they do it when they are very young.

07-30-2005, 11:23 AM
Originally posted by Giz400ex
You go ahead and say that to the families that have loved there pits and in return have had to have plastic surgery or in someway have something to live with for the rest of there lives and see what kind of response you get. I'm not trying to be an ***** here but what you guys are saying, 75% is not true. The pitbull is the most dangerous pet dog out there and some of you are making it the most friendly. Regardless it being trained ect...... doesn't matter!! They'll turn on you on a dime! In other words, shouldn't be a pet.

stfu and go to hell....you dont kno shyt about a dog...any dog can turn on you dipshyt...its just a pits bite is more fatal or damaging than any other dog...and seems like everybody here on these forums loves these dogs so if you dont have nothin to say, dont post back on this thread because you and dier wolf turned this thread into a flame fest....like i said before in previous posts...its bad bloodline that runs in the family...if a pit puppys mother and father were gamesome dogs and fought....them its a good chance their offspring is going to possess the agressiveness...dotn just go buy a pit from anybody do research like i said on bloodline and so on

you and dier wolf can both go to hell sayin all pits should be killed becaus before you kill my dog...ill kill you or anybody that tries to get to my animal

and thats bs about b ein the most dangerous....ill tell you for a fact that a doberman, a rotwieler, and a chow will bite you quicker than a pit will

07-30-2005, 11:25 AM
Originally posted by kazpr

My 3 pitbulls. Father, son & mother. My 450r security team.
<edit> I wont even go to the level of arguing the point of good dogs and bad dogs :)

the 2 dogs in the upper part of the picture have their ears cropped..i wouldnt have my dogs tail hacked off they look better with a tail

07-30-2005, 01:08 PM
Originally posted by TCracin440ex
stfu and go to hell....you dont kno shyt about a dog First off, with comments like that! Grow-up little man! and second, I do have a dog so I pretty much know what I'm talking about. It may be harsh but EVERBODY does have opinion. Obviously yours and mine differ but please if your gonna keep on posting ect.... grow-up a little bit with your replies:D :D

07-30-2005, 01:37 PM
Originally posted by Giz400ex
The pitbull is the most dangerous pet dog out there and some of you are making it the most friendly. Regardless it being trained ect...... doesn't matter!! They'll turn on you on a dime! In other words, shouldn't be a pet.

do your research. you are ignorant. that is a fact. i would like to use the quote from above as evidence.

07-30-2005, 03:57 PM
Originally posted by DierWolf
They should all be put down in my oppinion.

shoot my dog and i shoot you, sound fair enough?

my pitbull is prolly one of the nicest dogs out there, but she has had some training because she will attack on command everyone always asks if she bites and i say "only if i tell her to".

and DierWolf i really think you have no ****ing clue what your talking about, some of your posts ive read i cant tell the diffrence between yours and some 12 y/o's off this site, and i have one question for you, did you pass the 6th grade?

07-30-2005, 04:07 PM
.....................i'm in awe at the stupidity of some people.

My mom has a 12 year old Chinese Sharpei(sp). You never hear anything about a sharpei being dangerous and to stay away, do you? When I was about 7 years old(16 now), I was laying at the end of the bed watching TV, she(the dog) was sitting on the ground about a foot away, just minding her own business, I BARLY move, and the dog reaches around and bites my face pretty hard, I run into the bathroom and I have two huge cuts on my upper lip.......7 stitches later and my lip is f*cked up for life. I was never mean to that dog, so why the Fu*k would it do that......I have no idea. To this day, I walk by that dog and she growls at me, I look at her, she growls...ANYTHING I DO AROUND HER, she growls at me. I have absolutely no respect for that dog.

Think about this too. Think of all the people that have these little dogs. They growl and snarl and bite your ankles, etc. You don't think much of it because there so small and it doesn't hurt when they bite......now add 70 pounds to THAT BREED, and compare it to Pitbulls. REALLY think about it. The amount of "attacks" that pitbulls have, compared to the "attacks" that the little dogs have are tiny, the little dogs attack all the time, you just don't care, because it doesn't matter. I could say that all little dogs should be killed because of the ones that "attack", but you would disagree. I wouldn't actually say that because I don't believe in that and i'm not that ignorant.

My sisters pits are THE SWEETEST DOGS EVER, they've never shown the least bit of anger(except for when my German Shorthair and 1 of there pits fought over a frisbee, but ALL dogs will fight for dominance). They are actually to calm because they'll let about anybody into there yard....including some stray dog that jumped the fence and "hung out" with them for a day when my sister wasn't there, lol.

You can do anything to this dog, push him around, punch him in the as$, WHATEVER and the dog is always up for playing, snuggling, whatever. Great dog.

I'm tired of all the people talking about pits needing to be killed because they are agressive and fight.....if thats the case, and was true........its time for US to die. All of us humans need to be killed and slaughtered by other creatures because some of us fight and kill people.......doesn't make sense does it.

If anybody tried to hurt my dogs, or my sisters dogs.....I WOULD beat them within an inch of there life, or worse......People have no right to hurt someone elses dog that they trully love, because of there bullchit opinion.

Like people have said.....i'll always be a pit lover.

07-30-2005, 04:27 PM
Ive been bitten by more shiht-zu;s and chiuauas(sp) and jack russels then i have by any other dogs. most pitbulls dont bike unless they are proved. I think dierwolf and giz400ex should just stfu becuase they have no idea what there talking about, they prolly seen something about a dog attack on the news and then they be retards and think that all pitbulls are like the ones that are held on choke chains and beaten by there owners to make the viscious. :grr: :mad:

07-30-2005, 06:53 PM
Originally posted by brian-250
shoot my dog and i shoot you, sound fair enough?

my pitbull is prolly one of the nicest dogs out there, but she has had some training because she will attack on command everyone always asks if she bites and i say "only if i tell her to".

and DierWolf i really think you have no ****ing clue what your talking about, some of your posts ive read i cant tell the diffrence between yours and some 12 y/o's off this site, and i have one question for you, did you pass the 6th grade?

no he graduated highschool at the age of 16, and has been to college and now owns his own business....but he must be the smartest ignorant person ive ever seen in my life...apparently he only went to college for the cooter and the party life...

07-30-2005, 07:05 PM
http://www.yfzcentral.com/invision/style_emoticons/smilies/blahblah.gif http://www.yfzcentral.com/invision/style_emoticons/smilies/blahblah.gif

why don't ya'll whine and cry about this some more.........please :rolleyes: why don't ya'll try doing something constructive concrening this topic, instead of just bi***ing at each other on this forum? :ermm:

07-30-2005, 08:07 PM
Originally posted by Giz400ex
Not true at all!! Friends of the family had a beauitful pit and was actually normal until one day it snapped. Took a chunk out of a the daughter, boyfriend and the father and could not control it the day after. They lived in a great area ect... There's something about those dogs that make them lose it. I agree, pits shouldn't be around!, to unstable.

Yeah and im the one that thinks they go nuts, bred badly or not...

Mr Japan boy.... my oppinion is "they should all be put down" the fact is (from studies done) they are highly unstable.

Seems my success in live seems to bug some of you that you keep mentioning my company and age i graduated.

Professional Dog Trainer Matt Rosenberg had this to say...

"It's very difficult for me to take the side of banning a breed of dog, I don't like the precedent it sets, I don't like anybody losing their freedoms of choice whether it's pet ownership or anything else, however, unless someone can come up with a viable alternative I don't see that we have any choice in the matter. My own experiences with pits has convinced me that they are an extremely unstable and unsafe animal for the majority of people to own.
I have worked as a professional dog trainer (not the petco variety) for years, in that time I've worked with a huge variety of breeds, some hardheaded, independant and difficult to impossible for their owners to handle, however, pit bulls are the only breed I used to work with that would become violent.

My first negative pit bull incident happened with my friends dog who I'd helped her train since the dog was 8 weeks old at a year old the dog had shredded the garbage, she was corrected by taking her to the garbage, showing it to her and saying "No", she was not bopped, spanked or struck in any way during this correction. Roughly two hours later I was sitting on the floor and as she started to walk past me, she turned and lunged at my face. Luckily she was a small pit and I'd caught the look in her eye a split second before she lunged and was able to grab her and with assistance subdue her. Until that incident she was the sweetest loving dog, great with kids, good around other animals etc. She had never exhibited any type of aggression up to that point. About 6 months later she bit her owner when she was ordered out of the kitchen. The dog was put down."

Anything sound familiar???? See bold text

07-30-2005, 08:46 PM
yooooo! man gthos dddddoggs are yooo crazy

07-30-2005, 08:55 PM
my friends have pits and my one friends, you have to show the dog respect and if you are afraid she know it, she tests you and if she likes you are all good, she doens't like you(usaully a good reson behind it), she will growl and show teath. that pit grew up as part of her life as a junk yard dog and family dog. I never had a problem with her, nor did the owner have problems with many people and her. I should add that he has a mini-pincher and they love each other. one thing, never enter the house without her owner around, you are a dead man, she sit there on top of the steps looking at who is entering.

Another friend has a pit, she sit outside without a leach and just hangs out while he works on his bike, she is friends with some of the neighborhood dogs, the kids come right up to her, she licks them.

Now you need to hear about my lapsa-apsa/poodle mix, he was the most vicious thing in the world. If he didn't like you well.....the teath would show and you better run fast, don't enter the house with out one of the family members around(he liked our neighbors though), he bit some of my brothers low life friends(who were also very scared of him). If you disturbed him while he slept, he crowled,if another dog went near the other dog we have, he would attack. he was the best with most of the family and friends. He bit a number of people that walked into the house, inlcuding two cops. Very territorieal, you take him out of the house he is super friendly with everybody, completely opposite as he is at the house. Hate to say it, some dogs are way too protective and there are bad apples, I had a bad apple of one of the most gentle breeds. I myself want to get a pit, I'm convinvced its how the dog is raised, where it came from, and how its treated. some of them small breed dogs are far more vicous than a pit, parilcaulrly a cocker-spanonal, those things are very vicious for a tiny dog.

07-30-2005, 09:12 PM
What good is having a dog if you have to supervise your every move?? God forbid you wanna roll around and roughhouse with it.

Its unpredictable, yes it might be playing with you but the fact remains if it ever decides to bite (even playbite) it just does not know when to stop like other dogs do... Not to mention the pounds per square inch its jaws can do, what is it? 3 times the amount of pressure of a rotty??? something like 1600-2000psi??

There is not 1 article anywhere that i read that you can leave you kid alone in the house with a pitbull, not ONE! even the pitbull fansites tell you not to do it... Why???? because the kid might maybe hit or touch it in the wrong way?

Give me a damn break man, sorry i would not own a dog that i would feed properly, keep happy and then still have to worry how it would act towards my kid when i happen to not be in the same room.

Ever wonder where the name came from??? They were bred and crossbred to "TAKE DOWN BULLS!!!" Yes 2000-4000 pound animals. Why not just get a tiger while your at it... One very famous tiger guy once thought his tigers would never ever ever bite him, and he almost lost his head.

Simple question for all you pitbull loving owners...

Why did you decide on owning a pitbull???

07-30-2005, 09:25 PM
Well, your proclaimed success doesn't bother me at all! I work because I want to and because I have a damn good job. I could easily move back to the US and sit on my butt for the rest of my life but that would be boring as hell.

My main problem with you is the fact that you try to state YOUR OPINIONS as facts. If you are going to state facts why not produce the supporting case studies since you are such an upstanding and educated person.

07-30-2005, 09:40 PM
Oh now im sitting on my ***????

Maybe you didnt know, but if you ignore your company it doesnt stay successful....

So im in no way "Sitting on my ***" as you would put it... but again thats your "Factual Oppinion" of me huh?


PS i dont have to show FACTS, the fact alone that certain states and countries world wide do not allow them is reason enough.

07-30-2005, 10:22 PM
Originally posted by DierWolf

Seems my success in live seems to bug some of you that you keep mentioning my company and age i graduated.


07-30-2005, 10:25 PM
Thank you :)

07-30-2005, 10:26 PM
Not a problem.

07-30-2005, 10:28 PM
PS Tool Shed is 2 words not one ;)

07-30-2005, 10:33 PM
I am well aware of this, however, there is a character limit and the exclamation point would not fit. Thank you for your concern.;)

07-30-2005, 10:34 PM
and you sir, are a tool.

i have 2 neighbors...2 have pitbulls...and we have a deer farm in our back yard, actual epns with tame deer...etc...its my dads world back there.

one neighbor, keeps his outside...beats it...sometimes in my room i could hear it whine...well...hes wondered over here and started barking at the deer, needless to say my dad grabbed his 12 gauge and went out....the guy is lucky he got his dog before my dad got to him. he no longer lives there.

my other neighbor...keeps his dog inside, lets it out to poo...run around...treats it good, and the dog is realy nice. He barks and acts like a bad ***...but its a big sweetheart...

like it has been said, ANY dog can be a dick if treated badly enough...

07-30-2005, 10:38 PM
Guess you missed my point of them being "unpredictable" I never said they are always bad, but eventually something will set them off...

07-30-2005, 10:40 PM
Also notice no one bothered to answer my question on why they decided on owning a Pitbull...

Im sure it wasnt because you thought they were loveable sweet dogs.

07-31-2005, 12:20 AM
Originally posted by TCracin440ex
its just a pits bite is more fatal or damaging than any other dog...
To me the quote above is the whole argument.
Theres no doubt pits can be loving warm dogs but if one decides to turn on a person because of being mistreated or just decides to attack for whatever reason the results can be tragic.
Because of its massive jaw strength, a pit can kill a child if it wants to.
Is it worth it to have a dog like this around a child? Some say yes, some say no and that is thier choice.
Ive seen some wonderful loving pitbulls, but to me its just not worth it to take that chance with my loved ones. If I knew they would NEVER bite, sure i would own one, but the damage they can inflict outweighs the benifits.

07-31-2005, 02:31 AM
Uh dier your little "professional" trainer had an encounter with a pit in where he caught a glimpse of the dogs eye and knew it was going to attack and grabbed it before it got him? LMAO bull**** what set it off was it his spideysense? Is he spider man? Several states ban them............well hitler set out to kill all jews and thats a whole country so i guess all the jews are bad cause i mean for god sakes a whole country.............Moron. All these "tests" that you know of, have you seen the tests they use for intellegence on dogs? The pitbull got third i believe and this thing was run by a well respected group beating out the golden retriever and lab. So they aren't just trained assassins out to kill everything and everyone.

Why i bought one....reliable breed, very loyal, watch over the house while me and my family sleep at night..........Oh and i am not an ignorant ******* that takes in everything the media shoves down my throat then tries to preach it like i know something!

07-31-2005, 02:48 AM
Don't mean to get off topic with all the ranting and crap so back to the dogs.......Anyone here in oregon/washington with a female that is 50+lbs and about knee heigth? Looking to breed my dog has a hell of a bloodline can trace it back a ways.

07-31-2005, 12:52 PM
You are in the wrong conversation buddy, you don't know jack **** about pitbulls or obviously dogs for that matter. And i would love to see these so called "studies" that show pits are "F-ed" up. They are frowned upon because and i will admit a large portion of the people that own them are trash and raise and purchase the dog for the wrong reason. The only reaon they are banned in certain cities etc. is not because there mean or w/e they just have the power to do alot of damage. You also say if one crosses your path it had better run quick? LMFAO buddy you take one swing at a dog like that and your done, not because the dog is mean but because your trying to cause harm to it so it Defends itself. Also most "pitbulls" aren't the true APBT (American PitBull Terrier) if a dog is a mix breed out of the terrier/bull group it can be considered a pitbull. They don't even lead in attacks German shepards,golden retrievers, and rotwielers all beat them out......it's just the fact that when they do attack they just have the power to make it fatal. The media is biast so if there is a dog attack and it isn't a pitbull 80% of the time they dont report the breed, but if it even resembles a pitbull then they automatically make it a ****ing headline for god sakes. Just don't walk into a conversation you know nothing about and try and preach your BS. I have plenty of respect for you otherwise just not in this specific thread.

i agree with most of what you said but golden retrievers? you have got to be kidding me man, get your facts straight.
shepards and rotties yes but not goldens

name the last time a golden retrievers attacked someone

personally i have nothing against pitbulls, and i do agree that allot of the attitude/personality of a dog, is all determend on the way it was raised, expecially in the early months. things aren't born mallishish (sp)

heres my baby (not a pit, but i thought i would add him)

07-31-2005, 01:27 PM
Originally posted by DierWolf
Also notice no one bothered to answer my question on why they decided on owning a Pitbull...

Im sure it wasnt because you thought they were loveable sweet dogs.

when i was 12 my stepdadwas given a puppy. i loved that dog. she was always with me, but she was my stepdad's dog. i wanted a dog just like her, a dog that was LOVING, fun, athletic, loyal, and easy to train. so in response to your question, yes, that is exactly why i got my first pit and my second.

07-31-2005, 03:24 PM
i would fight one :macho

07-31-2005, 04:07 PM
Originally posted by Jake250ex
i would fight one :macho

07-31-2005, 04:26 PM
thats right

IM BAD :grr:

07-31-2005, 04:35 PM
Originally posted by SGA
To me the quote above is the whole argument.
Theres no doubt pits can be loving warm dogs but if one decides to turn on a person because of being mistreated or just decides to attack for whatever reason the results can be tragic.
Because of its massive jaw strength, a pit can kill a child if it wants to.
Is it worth it to have a dog like this around a child? Some say yes, some say no and that is thier choice.
Ive seen some wonderful loving pitbulls, but to me its just not worth it to take that chance with my loved ones. If I knew they would NEVER bite, sure i would own one, but the damage they can inflict outweighs the benifits. Very well put!!:D

07-31-2005, 05:15 PM
Originally posted by DierWolf

There is not 1 article anywhere that i read that you can leave you kid alone in the house with a pitbull, not ONE! even the pitbull fansites tell you not to do it... Why???? because the kid might maybe hit or touch it in the wrong way?

That's wrong. Don't assume.

You don't leave them alone with the dog because the dog is powerful and the same way it plays with you is not ok for a child. If the child would get scared he/she will probably start swiping at it. What do you think would happen if a child was "fighting" a dog? :rolleyes:

Also, it seems to be the consensus of the BB that you are ignorant. Does that mean you are?
Oh, and I did not know about your whole life success story. Congratulations on being booksmart.

07-31-2005, 06:49 PM
Originally posted by z400roosteR
Uh dier your little "professional" trainer had an encounter with a pit in where he caught a glimpse of the dogs eye and knew it was going to attack and grabbed it before it got him? LMAO bull**** what set it off was it his spideysense? Is he spider man? Several states ban them............well hitler set out to kill all jews and thats a whole country so i guess all the jews are bad cause i mean for god sakes a whole country.............Moron. All these "tests" that you know of, have you seen the tests they use for intellegence on dogs? The pitbull got third i believe and this thing was run by a well respected group beating out the golden retriever and lab. So they aren't just trained assassins out to kill everything and everyone.

Why i bought one....reliable breed, very loyal, watch over the house while me and my family sleep at night..........Oh and i am not an ignorant ******* that takes in everything the media shoves down my throat then tries to preach it like i know something!

Hitler set off to do away with the Trashy non working people leaching off the government, which happened to be the jews, with that he decided to only allow true russians (the master race) sicne they were hard working and intelligent.

Every dog is reliable breed, very loyal, and EVERY one can watch over the house.... why a pitbull??? because its the most BADASS dog when it comes to defending itself and the house correct???

So yes the ultimate decision for the pitbull was because it was one BAD***** dog.... there in itself shows your doing no different than the blooders, only you dont go as far as they do.

I could care less if you have one... so long it dont come around me, coz i would put a 12 guage slug thru its head without a heartbeat.

07-31-2005, 06:54 PM
Originally posted by pistonbone
That's wrong. Don't assume.

You don't leave them alone with the dog because the dog is powerful and the same way it plays with you is not ok for a child. If the child would get scared he/she will probably start swiping at it. What do you think would happen if a child was "fighting" a dog? :rolleyes:

Also, it seems to be the consensus of the BB that you are ignorant. Does that mean you are?
Oh, and I did not know about your whole life success story. Congratulations on being booksmart.

My children when they were babies would pull tug hit and BITE our golden retriever and it never bit, just sat there and took it because unlike the pitbull they have a brain...

We had a German Shepard too, hell we even had mixed street dogs and those too would not even think of biting one of the family members but both it and the golden would not let just anyone in the house unless we told them to stop and sit, from there anyone would be fine inside the house.

One simply knows how to follow commands and the other doesnt.

They can think im Ignorant, but im the ignorant a-hole with a dog i can trust to keep my house safe and not worry about getting bit, but who needs it here anyways :) I'm in the promise land :)

07-31-2005, 07:02 PM
Originally posted by ridered11
i agree with most of what you said but golden retrievers? you have got to be kidding me man, get your facts straight.
shepards and rotties yes but not goldens

name the last time a golden retrievers attacked someone

personally i have nothing against pitbulls, and i do agree that allot of the attitude/personality of a dog, is all determend on the way it was raised, expecially in the early months. things aren't born mallishish (sp)

heres my baby (not a pit, but i thought i would add him)

Nice golden...mines a little bigger.... My golden has ripped some skin off a black man trying to steal quad stuff out of my yard, just like she was supposed to do...

07-31-2005, 07:04 PM
have you ever been attacked or even have any personal experience with a pitbull?

07-31-2005, 07:05 PM
Originally posted by z400roosteR
Uh dier your little "professional" trainer had an encounter with a pit in where he caught a glimpse of the dogs eye and knew it was going to attack and grabbed it before it got him? LMAO bull**** what set it off was it his spideysense? Is he spider man? Several states ban them............well hitler set out to kill all jews and thats a whole country so i guess all the jews are bad cause i mean for god sakes a whole country.............Moron. All these "tests" that you know of, have you seen the tests they use for intellegence on dogs? The pitbull got third i believe and this thing was run by a well respected group beating out the golden retriever and lab. So they aren't just trained assassins out to kill everything and everyone.

Why i bought one....reliable breed, very loyal, watch over the house while me and my family sleep at night..........Oh and i am not an ignorant ******* that takes in everything the media shoves down my throat then tries to preach it like i know something!

PS learn to read properly... Its was not his "SpidyScene" that set the dog off, the dog was pissed because he was told "NO" in the kitchen.

07-31-2005, 07:08 PM
Originally posted by NacsRacer027
have you ever been attacked or even have any personal experience with a pitbull?

yes i have...

Both my neighbours have one, It dont matter that for the past 5 years i have been going over to hang out with them... the dogs are plain stupid and cant even remember a face, not even their own kids can run around outside without it being chained up, it simply does not know what "easy play" is.

One of the kids actually got a chunk out of his calf, and they thought too it was this realllly loveable dog...

Lets just say the police took it and did whatever they felt like to it..

07-31-2005, 07:09 PM
my neighbor has one as well, and ive played with it....its a big baby, never looked pissed or acted like it was gonna attack me. he acts the same way as my golden retreiver does....comes when you call it, plays...barks when someone it doesnt know comes near....guess you just play a game of luck when you buy one.

07-31-2005, 07:11 PM
Oh yeah my wife's mom had one too... yeah really nice and cuddly on the couch until the dobelman (however you spelled that crap) walked past me and the pit.

Guess the pit got jealous and decided to bite the dobleman on its spine just by it rear end.

Needless to say we had to put down the dobelman coz it broke its frikken back and almost got 2 of my fingers when i tried to pry her off the dobelman.

07-31-2005, 07:12 PM
Originally posted by NacsRacer027
my neighbor has one as well, and ive played with it....its a big baby, never looked pissed or acted like it was gonna attack me. he acts the same way as my golden retreiver does....comes when you call it, plays...barks when someone it doesnt know comes near....guess you just play a game of luck when you buy one.

Exactly.... and that game of luck is not one any one should take especially if they have kids..

All i am saying is, and from experience they can be the best of dogs until they snap for whatever reason one day....

07-31-2005, 07:18 PM
eh....for once, and as much as i dont want to, im gonna agree with that last statement...

07-31-2005, 07:28 PM
Originally posted by NacsRacer027
eh....for once, and as much as i dont want to, im gonna agree with that last statement...

LOLOLOL dude i just saw you numberplate!!! Thats Classic!!!

07-31-2005, 07:32 PM
license plate*


07-31-2005, 07:33 PM
Originally posted by NacsRacer027
license plate*


Yeah yeah, i too stupid and ignorant to know how to spell License :)

I'm in third world country i cant afford the extra vowels :)

07-31-2005, 07:37 PM
im just gonna say this, and it probably wont go over well, but is the pit bull the only dog to ever become violent and snap? No. it seems like some of you think that pit bulls are the only dogs that have "tempers", and can turn on people. Our neghbor was mawled by a black lab because someone nextdoor sounded off an air horn,the dog freaked and went crazy. Expected? No. the dog was well behaved,and very people friendly. All dogs have teeth,and some dogs use them.

07-31-2005, 07:40 PM
Actually one little misprint i didnt mean what set it off as in the dog i meant what made him suddenly notice the dog was goin to attack? The reason i say and some others would say why APBT's true APBT's are good with children is because of there high pain tolerance so they can take the bites and hits and tugging from small children who know no better and just ignore it where other dogs may not be able to take it as well. For example i have two dogs one a APBT and the other a autrailian shepard mix when rough housing with the APBT he can take anything i dish out, where i am used to it with him now with the mix he can not take near as much and may yelp and nip at me only warning me to be more careful which is fine. And no i did not buy the APBT because he is "the most badass dog" or w/e you said. It's a beautiful dog, the dog i had before this was a Doberman Pinscher and it was one hell of a loyal dog never bit anyone except went after some stranger one year camping that tried to lift a bike. I can take the food right from the dogs mouth and he doesn't even lift a lip or anything at me, I am not going to say every pit is like this but i will also not say that the whole breed is **** because it isn't. Just when some low life gets a hold of one what do you expect they can turn any dog mean after beating it, teasing it, etc.

07-31-2005, 07:52 PM
Originally posted by aLLoY MX 428
im just gonna say this, and it probably wont go over well, but is the pit bull the only dog to ever become violent and snap? No. it seems like some of you think that pit bulls are the only dogs that have "tempers", and can turn on people. Our neghbor was mawled by a black lab because someone nextdoor sounded off an air horn,the dog freaked and went crazy. Expected? No. the dog was well behaved,and very people friendly. All dogs have teeth,and some dogs use them.

Yes, any dog can get scared like that lab did... the big difference is, pitbulls latch on and dont let go and has at least 6 times the biting pressure compared to lab.

A regular dog will bite and let go, not continuously continue attacking.

I much rather have a puncture wound then a huge chunk taken out of me.

I once tiptoed to my shepard as well while it was sleeping late at night and pulled its tail, it quickly swung around and grabbed my wrist but no sooner it noticed it was me it bit it let go and you can actually see in its eye that it knew it was wrong and coward down at my feet.

07-31-2005, 07:58 PM
Originally posted by DierWolf
Yes, any dog can get scared like that lab did... the big difference is, pitbulls latch on and dont let go and has at least 6 times the biting pressure compared to lab.

A regular dog will bite and let go, not continuously continue attacking.

I much rather have a puncture wound then a huge chunk taken out of me.

I once tiptoed to my shepard as well while it was sleeping late at night and pulled its tail, it quickly swung around and grabbed my wrist but no sooner it noticed it was me it bit it let go and you can actually see in its eye that it knew it was wrong and coward down at my feet. well there you go! your dogs usually nice,and a people person(im assuming). you pull his tail, he bites you. you piss off a pitbull, they bite you. the dog was wrong for biting you? you pulled his tail!

07-31-2005, 08:00 PM
Originally posted by aLLoY MX 428
well there you go! your dogs usually nice,and a people person(im assuming). you pull his tail, he bites you. you piss off a pitbull, they bite you. the dog was wrong for biting you? you pulled his tail! your fighting a battle that you will not win....it will go on forever like the gas price thread.

07-31-2005, 08:02 PM
Originally posted by NacsRacer027
your fighting a battle that you will not win....it will go on forever like the gas price thread. your absolutley right nacs, its rediculous to argue like this when not everyone is going to agree,ever. i quit:macho

07-31-2005, 08:02 PM
No dog only bit because it was LATE when everyone is usually sleeping, it would not bite just because i pulled its tail, hell my son goes skateboarding holding on to its tail.

I was just showing that any dog when it gets a sudden shock will lunge to protect itself...

The bite was not hard not even enought to puncture the skin, if it was a pit it would have been a much different.

maybe i used the wrong word, it "Grabbed ahold of my wrist" it didnt bite.

07-31-2005, 08:35 PM
Originally posted by DierWolf
No dog only bit because it was LATE when everyone is usually sleeping, it would not bite just because i pulled its tail, hell my son goes skateboarding holding on to its tail.

I was just showing that any dog when it gets a sudden shock will lunge to protect itself...

The bite was not hard not even enought to puncture the skin, if it was a pit it would have been a much different.

maybe i used the wrong word, it "Grabbed ahold of my wrist" it didnt bite.

i agree with you on this issue .
and if dachshunds were the problem then i would gladly put mine down.i know that sounds funny(a deadly dachshund) but why would a person whant to take that chance around children or any one for that matter. i think maybe its a statis thing :rolleyes:

07-31-2005, 08:51 PM
dier..you might be highly educated, and shyt...but you are the biggest piece of shyt ive ever seen in my life what kinda person are you to kill an innocent dog...before you would put a 12 gauge slug through my dogs head i would put one thru yours....i hate people like you...people like you who been to school and think your the greatest and think your opinion is the right one....suck a prick

if you lived near me and shot my dog i swear i would be shooting your house up with an m-16 or something because people like you need to be in the dirt....believe me...come near my dog with any gun or knife...ill pay for your plane ticket here and ill see who gets the last laugh....and it surely wont be you...because i happen to love my dog...and i mean you or anybody thinks they are going to pull a trigger i got a full clip on a gun that says wrong...bein a spitefull bytch like you are will never get you anywhere in life...F UCK YOU

btw...i hit on my dog(yes hit, not beat) just wrestling with him and playing with him...i pull his tail, i twist his ears, i bite on him and everything...he aint yet to bite me...and when/if he does ill be the one to shoot my dog for the RIGHT reason....not the wrong reasons like you wanna do it for.

07-31-2005, 09:31 PM
I have been bit by a tame german shepard. Honestly I would never own one because of this, but I am not going to come into someones thread and post negative comments when they weren't asked for. If someone is looking for help on a topic, I may throw in my experience. I won't look down on the dog breed because 1 out of the hundred german shepards I have come in contact with has bit me. I only see ignorance in the people who have come just to bring negative comments. I really don't even know what I continued reading this post after the first couple pages. Continue on with your bickering.

07-31-2005, 10:05 PM
"bein a spitefull bytch like you are will never get you anywhere in life...F UCK YOU"

LOL....ok :) want me to buy you the M16?

here is my address

Airport Blvd #95
Cole Bay, St. Maarten
Netherlands Antilles

comeon down! and good luck this aint no frame and stucco house you will be shooting at so maybe you better bring your 30-06, I'll have mine, gimme a call when your about 500 yards away.

07-31-2005, 10:18 PM
Originally posted by TCracin440ex
i hate people like you........ think your opinion is the right one

have you not read any of your posts in this thread? could you seriously be any more of a hippocrit???

the both of you should seriously try growing up

08-01-2005, 12:45 AM

08-01-2005, 01:13 AM
Dier.............i'm going to calmly tell you that I trully don't like you.

Everyone has a right to there opinion.....but you sure do make your opinions out to be facts. And just because you believe in something, your up for taking a dogs life because of it?

You know what......I THINK you mom is a cold, heartless b*tch..................am I going to come over and put a slug in her head for it. No!, its the EXACT same thing with dogs. I love my dog, and if you hurt my dog, its just like hurting my family. Just because there a different lifeform doesn't make them any different to kill.

You are not somebody I like in any way, shape, or form.....I think a lot of people will agree with me on this. You don't own a pit, and until you do, you have no idea what they are like. Pitbulls are great, and you are just to narrowminded and media brainwashed to realize it.

Im done with my rant. :mad:

08-01-2005, 02:10 AM
Originally posted by DierWolf
They should all be put down in my oppinion.

I say kill them all, and then we can ban ATVs.........:rolleyes:

08-01-2005, 09:55 AM
Yes i have my oppinion, and i dont say its fact.... you also have yours and stick to it like its fact so whats the difference????

PS i could care less what you think of me :)

08-01-2005, 02:22 PM
Originally posted by TCracin440ex
dier..you might be highly educated, and shyt...but you are the biggest piece of shyt ive ever seen in my life ....suck a prick

...bein a spitefull bytch like you are will never get you ...F UCK YOU

Can you say these in a different way???? C'mon!! You don't need post like that.........grow-up please!!!:huh

08-01-2005, 02:35 PM
perfect size (not too big, not too small)
excellent markings

they bite too hard


I think it's kind of funny that this thread couldn't get off page 1 without some jack@ss talkin sh*t.

08-01-2005, 03:25 PM
bla bla bla... another BS thread.

I guess we should ban guns - in the wrong hands, they can kill/hurt people... :rolleyes:

...just like dogs, pit bulls, in the wrong hands (owners) they can be dangerous.

If a dog, any breed, can behave, so be it. Great dog. If a dog misbehaves and hurts someone, do what is needed, AND PUNISH THE OWNER! Thats right, the OWNER as well as the dog. I'd be willing to bet that the majority of problem dogs are a result of irresponsible owners - abuse & neglect. The breeds that are known to be a little rough, well, they should only be taken in by owners that can handle them.

Taking a child/infant and putting it with *ANY* dog by itself is irresponsible... :rolleyes: Especially if its a known breed to be a bit wild. Dont blame the dog for stupid moves by the parents!

I hate people who really do not understand or know much about a topic, but have 2nd hand info or know a few examples and preach like its Sunday morning...

08-01-2005, 04:18 PM
im just tired of this dude bashing and he dont own one....

a dog is exactly like a person imo...each dog has its own characteristics...and for somebody to say anything like what dier has said...they dont kno...

you kno we have some bad, low down piece of shyt people in the world who will kill, steal, or anything bad to somebody within a blink of an eye...and nobodys going to put down the entire human race or the persons family because of their certain actions...dier....your 36 years old and you act like your 15 and know everything...

i happen to love my dog, and he is irreplacable to me...dogs have their own characteristics...and each and everydog is different

btw im done postin on this thread...

08-02-2005, 02:34 AM
"Punish The Deed Not The Breed" - ..... Back on topic now any more pics? They are definately powerful dogs, the last "pit show" ( my dog is registered and they have shows with competitions in them....Sled sprint..run a certain distance with like 30lbs behind them, then there is confrimation..like a show type thing where they parade them around and best posture looks etc wins, and tredmill..they have 3 minutes and the dogs run and the longest distance covered in the time given wins, and last there is weight pull.. where you have max weight pulled then body weight x ___ how ever many times their own weight they can pull) the last show i went to, the winning dog pulled 103 times its own weight which was over 10,000lbs...........thats amazing.. it's damn near 2 F-350's

08-02-2005, 06:57 AM
Like i said they were used to bring down bulls for farmers.

08-02-2005, 07:19 AM
my boxer

08-02-2005, 07:23 AM
Good luck trying to own a PitBull or bring one into Ontario . This breed has been banned and those that have them right now are closely watched . There are MANY regulations concerning owning this type of dog and I'm glad that these regulations are enforced .

One of the regulations includes having a muzzle on the dog . If you are caught with a pitbull not wearing one , maximum fines of $10 000 and 5 years in jail .

You can try and defend this dog and I can try and contradict you , but it is a FACT that these dogs can snap at any given moment . And when they do snap , good luck to you cuz you'll be needing reconstructive surgery ... that is if the dog doesn't kill you .

Many of these dogs have snapped on their owners .... people that have raised them properly ... never abused the dog .... but it has been researched that some of the smallest things make a tame and loveable dog turn into a vicious and deadly animal .

No I have never owned a PitBull ... and frankly I never will . I don't want to be among the statistics of those that have been seriously injured or killed by these dogs .

08-02-2005, 08:15 AM
Originally posted by meangreen400ex
my boxer

Boxer is not a pitbull but people mistake them all the time :)

Nice boxer btw.... did he pounce on the camera man? :)

08-03-2005, 02:06 AM
yea ok i didn't just see another ignorant post stating it's fact that the dogs are phsyco.........Thats a beautiful Boxer

1992 Trx 250x
08-03-2005, 06:59 AM
wow. thats a lot of bikkering(sp?) anyways, my brother has 2 pitbulls. Both are really sweet dogs. The girl is a little shy around strangers and little kids at first. But after you talk nice to her for a little bit, she loves you. The boy is a beast. He has a real intimidating look. (too bad his bark throws all that away) those dogs will play non-stop kamikaze fetch all day unless you stop them!!! My bro is coming over tommarro, i don't know if the pups are coming but I might get pics. And about all this bikkering, i have been around dogs all of my life (all 16 years) since i was one year old. When i was 1 my brother got a golden retriever for his birthday. We raised him and he was the sweetest dog. He never bit or even growled at anyone his whole life. He got old and we had to put him down a few years ago. The saddest moment in my life (so far) is watching that Dodge Caravan go out of view down the street on the way to put him down. My sister held me and we cried. Like many people have said before me, a dogs behavior depends on how the owner treats it, and bloodline. When somebody is attacked by a dog the only reasonable excuse is that the dog is not fully trained yet. Like the owner has to make sure that the dog knows that it shouldn't bite unless the dog is doing its duty. Because my g-ma and g-pa's dog was so spoiled from when he was a puppy and they didn't discipline him properly he practically owns the house now. I mean he's bit me before and this wasn't no playful nip eithier, and i knew he wasn't trying to protect himself. Once i was walking around eating a crunch snack. I walked by him and he jumped and tried to tear my face off. He won't let you clip your toe nails, when we are over and we sit down for dinner he growls, and my uncle says he will attack the person that is closest to him. He has attacked my uncle probably 10 times with kinda minor wounds i guess. Probably every single time he has bit was because he was mad. I'll tell ya though, that dog is really fat and spoiled. See the pic.

About the news these days. All they care about is money. All they care about is getting your attention so that you will watch their news program. shark attacks are very rare. about 10 people every year are killed. 10 times that many people get killed by falling cocoa nuts, and does that make the news? You guessed it.

08-03-2005, 08:39 AM
what the hell is up with the huge pictures and double posts?

08-03-2005, 09:00 AM
Originally posted by Quad18star
Good luck trying to own a PitBull or bring one into Ontario . This breed has been banned and those that have them right now are closely watched . There are MANY regulations concerning owning this type of dog and I'm glad that these regulations are enforced .

One of the regulations includes having a muzzle on the dog . If you are caught with a pitbull not wearing one , maximum fines of $10 000 and 5 years in jail .

You can try and defend this dog and I can try and contradict you , but it is a FACT that these dogs can snap at any given moment . And when they do snap , good luck to you cuz you'll be needing reconstructive surgery ... that is if the dog doesn't kill you .

Many of these dogs have snapped on their owners .... people that have raised them properly ... never abused the dog .... but it has been researched that some of the smallest things make a tame and loveable dog turn into a vicious and deadly animal .

No I have never owned a PitBull ... and frankly I never will . I don't want to be among the statistics of those that have been seriously injured or killed by these dogs .

the pitbull ban goes in effect on august 31

08-03-2005, 09:24 AM
Originally posted by Honda400exrox
the pitbull ban goes in effect on august 31

Not here up north ... it's been in effect since this spring .

08-03-2005, 09:54 AM
Whoever posted on the Dobermann's attacking more often and likely than a pit I need to see actual documanted evidence. My friends and I all own dobermans and they are the best all around dogs we have ever owned. They are loyal, loving, very intellegent, obiedient, funny, low-maintence and very good at guarding.

When I am home alone if the doorbell rings she gets right at the door and doesnt even bark. I open the door and she just watches the person unless she knows them. If the person puts their hand on the door handle she just growls. Shes not "bite-happy" but she will if need be.

On walks shes fine with absolutely everyone. Before you class a dobermann in with dogs that are vicious and attack only, spend some one on one time with one. I gurantee they will change your views.;)

1992 Trx 250x
08-03-2005, 12:16 PM
Originally posted by DierWolf
what the hell is up with the huge pictures and double posts?

Let me lay it down for you. 1) Our internet is almost the slowest internet around. (because we live in the boondocks) 2) When I pushed SUBMIT REPLY and after i waited for 5 minutes and it didn't say thank you for posting i tried it a few more times.
3) Microsoft picture manager doesn't have a resize feature that i know of. I looked for a while. 4) It was 6:30 in the morning and i had stayed up all night.

Thank you, i'll be here all week. lol

P.S. i give up on the picture

08-03-2005, 02:47 PM
I posted it about dobe's i owned one and have no problem i love them and am thinkin of getting one to compliment my APBT your right they are very loyal intelligent dogs, the APBT is so much like my doberman it's scary they both have very similar characteristics and everyone freaks out when they first see them but then they end up getting licked by the dog and love the hell out of it. I just read that off of a 2000-2001 thing for Oregon bites not national or anything or was it claifornia? Anyways don't get me wrong i love Dobermans there beautiful dogs.

08-03-2005, 05:43 PM
Originally posted by DierWolf
They should all be put down in my oppinion.
pibulls can be born mean but again it goes back to the owner if the owner does what is know as linebreeding then u always have that chance that they can turn just like a mother have a kid to her son
I have raised pits for years never had a problem but everyone has an oppion. Bt ask ltandraptorrider he hated pits till he met mine now he loves her!!! probably more then me lol

08-03-2005, 05:54 PM
Originally posted by DierWolf
Like i said they were used to bring down bulls for farmers.

08-03-2005, 05:55 PM
one of mine

08-03-2005, 05:56 PM
this one was killed by an ignorant person that seen it fit to kill a childs pet

08-03-2005, 05:57 PM
this was my daughters dog

08-03-2005, 08:33 PM
i have a pit and it sleeps inside its so kind and so smart . i dont know how people can just bad mouth them if they never owned one , its all on the owner part how they raise it. like i said very smart, kind , and love to play with anyone. We have never had a problem with it attching someone or something.

08-03-2005, 09:40 PM
Originally posted by angieyes
pibulls can be born mean but again it goes back to the owner if the owner does what is know as linebreeding then u always have that chance that they can turn just like a mother have a kid to her son
I have raised pits for years never had a problem but everyone has an oppion. Bt ask ltandraptorrider he hated pits till he met mine now he loves her!!! probably more then me lol

yes i agree with you...linebreeding causes serious issues...its the same concept as a bother and sister doin it or 2 close cousins....there will be some genetic flaws...

dobermans, pits, and rotts all get that bad name...but i aint had not 1 problem with a doberman, pit or rott...

some people just wont ever know unless they own one...bottom line..

08-03-2005, 09:44 PM

08-03-2005, 10:08 PM
my thoughts exactly :p
