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07-26-2005, 07:55 AM
so ya know those days that cant possibly go right, when ya wake up with no boxers left, just one pair of tighty whities that havent fit ya in 5 years, ya dont have any clean jeans so ya grab those track pant that havent see the light of day in 2 years, but you have to zip off the bottom of the legs when you remeber you cought them on fire camping that one time and thats why you dont wear them. so you zip them off only to find that the only pair of sox you have left is your gf's pair with the individual toes and a little rainbow on top of the ancle......well better start looking for them jeans again. so one hour later with one sweater left in the closet, and all the drawers on the ground your dressed just to hear the buzzer on the dryer go off and your g/f say........Your clothes should be ready, but you say screw it and go out to the garage get in your truck......then get back out cause your not parked on the side with the automatic door opener. close that side, open the other side, drive out hitting BOTH mirrors on the way. stop to punch them back out, go to close the door.....go back to the truck and pull it far enough ahead to actually close the door. and then RIGHT before you get in your truck you hear. "i wash your clothes for you and you cant even pull my car out of the garage.............*head hits steering wheel here....and here....and here* .........All of those who had one of those mondays.........just thank god you didnt have my tuesday

07-26-2005, 08:25 AM
Living with your g/f is great isn't it, nothing is ever right but what are you gonna do, you gotta love em. Just be thankful yours does your laundry, hope those individual toe socks worked out for ya, maybe the rest of the day will go better.

07-26-2005, 08:33 AM
ROFLMAO ..... Niiiiiice !!!

I've had those days before . I've also had the days where I've driven 25 minutes to work only to find out I forgot to change my clock for Daylight savings time and I was an hour early ... so I sat in the parking lot and when 9am rolled around no one showed up ... then I remembered it was Sunday and the store only opened at 10am . :grr:

07-26-2005, 08:38 AM
oh yea i've done that one, 2 weeks ago got up rushin to get ready make it to work in record time, walked in and my boss says....WTF are you doin here.....ummmmm workin......then it all came togeather, i put in for that week off

07-26-2005, 08:40 AM
Originally posted by duke416ex
hope those individual toe socks worked out for ya

actually between me and you......not to bad...different, but not bad

07-26-2005, 09:01 AM
Originally posted by Alberta_Qaudin
oh yea i've done that one, 2 weeks ago got up rushin to get ready make it to work in record time, walked in and my boss says....WTF are you doin here.....ummmmm workin......then it all came togeather, i put in for that week off

HAHA ... that sucks .

Have you ever waken up at 3am and got dressed really fast and walked out of the house thinking you were late for work ... but when you get outside it's totally dark , then you look at your watch and notice it's 3am ?? <--- I've done that a few times ... felt like a real idiot after that . :grr:

07-26-2005, 09:15 AM
did that about a year ago but i actually made it into work and opened up wondering why no one was at the shop yet, then looked at the clock ion the shop

07-26-2005, 09:21 AM
yeah.. my day was OK but it started bad, i woke up at like 4 in the morning with my mouth really dryed out. so i grab the gatorade thats on my nightstand and drink some, i fall back asleep with it in my hand and wake up with it everywere. then as im getting up i step on my dog and it turns around and bites me :rolleyes: not so bad compared to you guys though

07-26-2005, 09:23 AM
Man, I don't get it.

When I have bad days where things don't go right, it's because of thing entirely out of my control. I don't have problems finding socks or pants. If I'm running low, I know it (because it's the last pair of socks in the drawer) and I do more laundry.

I've never left for work at 3am. I look at the clock before I leave.

I did show up for work on Labor Day and the office was closed. Cool beans, free day away from the ol' lady!

My bad days are customer-related. I just started dealing Blackjack on the weekends at a local casino, and I wanted to leave early last Saturday. No, some jack-hole and his entire family sit on my game for seven hours. Every single game in my entire pit was closed except for mine, he kept my game open until 4am, while everybody else was closed and gone at 2am.

And then the ******* tips me $6. I wanted to choke him with it.

07-26-2005, 09:27 AM
Originally posted by wilkin250r

My bad days are customer-related. I just started dealing Blackjack on the weekends at a local casino, and I wanted to leave early last Saturday. No, some jack-hole and his entire family sit on my game for seven hours. Every single game in my entire pit was closed except for mine, he kept my game open until 4am, while everybody else was closed and gone at 2am.

And then the ******* tips me $6. I wanted to choke him with it. wow that really sucks. u should have backroomed him:macho

07-26-2005, 09:28 AM
well i mean this isnt like an everyday thing, but ya ever just not had time to do the laundry, and woken up half asleep and just not been all togeather to realize the time.......maybe its a canadian thing

07-26-2005, 09:36 AM
About the waking up and being lost thing, I worked third shift for a while and was still in college and helping my family farm. I had days that I never knew I was awake. I have cussed people out for calling me, woke up hours later and then realized what I did. Cusse dmy g/f one time, felt like crap over it cause I didn't even remember what I said, she had to tell me. After a while of doing it you just get to a point where it is all just a big blur and sleep doesn't really matter anymore, but I don't want to go back to it.

07-26-2005, 02:48 PM
Originally posted by Quad18star
HAHA ... that sucks .

Have you ever waken up at 3am and got dressed really fast and walked out of the house thinking you were late for work ... but when you get outside it's totally dark , then you look at your watch and notice it's 3am ?? <--- I've done that a few times ... felt like a real idiot after that . :grr: did that at the school bus stop about 4 years ago except it as stil lsupposed to be dark that morning so I waited for the bus for like 30 minutes before I realized I woke up 2 hours early. I went to school late that day.

07-26-2005, 04:27 PM
thats funny:p

07-26-2005, 05:08 PM
t funny sories.
my favorite is the one from (Quad18star)

any more?

07-26-2005, 05:19 PM
Originally posted by Quad18star
ROFLMAO ..... Niiiiiice !!!

I've had those days before . I've also had the days where I've driven 25 minutes to work only to find out I forgot to change my clock for Daylight savings time and I was an hour early ... so I sat in the parking lot and when 9am rolled around no one showed up ... then I remembered it was Sunday and the store only opened at 10am . :grr:

lmfao greg your not the only one,i've done that numerous times