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View Full Version : Mechanical or Operator problem?

06-02-2002, 12:57 PM
Well I am assuming it might be a flaw of some sort, but anyhoo here goes maybe you guys can explain if this happens to you to..

When I'm out ridin' my 300ex and I go through puddles ( onlylike 1 inch deep is deep enough ) if I go through them and then my quad starts to bog and stall unless I let it sit for like a minute and catch its breath. Sometimes it plain wont even start? But here is what I thought: The water is cooling the engine down enough to where it has problems running properly. I say that because I checked the airbox in the middle of the woods a few times and its completly clean and water free, and also, a couple of times when I couldnt get it started at all, I put the choke on and it started right up. Hmm? Anyone else have this kind of glitch or might it be something with my quad specifically?

Thanks all

06-02-2002, 01:41 PM
do you remeber to down shift before you try to start it or when you slow down hitting the puddle, that may be the problem

Red Rooster
06-02-2002, 01:51 PM
Could it be electrical?

I havbe no idea what part it would be, but somone else must know. It might just be that somthing gets shorted from the water and as soon as it dries it is fine?
Like I said this is just a guess; somone else will prob. chime in and help out.

06-02-2002, 06:55 PM
i would say either like u someone said its electirical i took some silicone waterproofing spray and sprayed it all over the connections into the "little black box" and all that stuff right there and it made some of it go away then i just started wheeliein over water and it doesn't do it anymore:P