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View Full Version : Tips for Rythm sections...

06-02-2002, 11:05 AM
Does anyone have any good tips on how to learn Rythm sections? What gear? Do you use your rear break to bring the front end down after the first double? Any advice would be appreciated...

The track that I practice at has a rythm section made up of 6 jumps, most people double, then double, then double out. I've only seen the dirt bikes do it, but I know quads do it too. I'm anxious to try, but wants some advice before I wipe out on my first go at it.


06-02-2002, 12:51 PM
I think i'm decent at doubling but its really hard to master. You have to have a ton of confidence up and I say try to keep it in lower gear to have some extra torque. I don't use the rear brake on the rythm sections but thats because I can't do it that quick yet. You might wanna aim for barely over jumping it because if you are you can try to push down on the quad to get it to track again by just straiting your body as you come down.

06-02-2002, 12:54 PM
Thanks for your info Nausty...

06-02-2002, 02:16 PM
rythm sections are tricky. if you get messed up in them its hard to fix yourself. one thing i've learned is don't overshoot the landings. the first time i ever rode a rythm section i was going way to fast and i cleared the landing of the first double, crashed into the take off of the second double, bounced off that and went bumpr first into the back of the second landing. it hurt bad and i messed up my quad, the key is just practice practice practice.

06-02-2002, 02:34 PM
this may seem bassackwards to some but i take a new rythm section by doubling the last set of jumps. this allows me to get the proper timing down and judge my speed for the others. if i overshoot i dont get crossed up and wreck. i hope it helps.

06-02-2002, 03:48 PM
Originally posted by 400ex127
this may seem bassackwards to some but i take a new rythm section by doubling the last set of jumps. this allows me to get the proper timing down and judge my speed for the others. if i overshoot i dont get crossed up and wreck. i hope it helps.

I agree, clear the last set to get an idea of how fast to go. Don't try to over shoot at all. I think trying to recover from overjumping in a rythm section is harder then coming up short. Keep your weight a little forward, crouched low over your seat, and your arms bent and your elbows up. This allows you to push the bike down if you end up hitting it a little fast. After you hit the first set don't hit the second with as much throttle. Landing and hitting the face of the next jump will preload your suspension. Just commit yourself and don't back off.

06-02-2002, 04:08 PM
Yea try the last double first to see what you need but when you go for it dont try to go through it fast go what you think it takes because you want to come up short not over jump because you can pull up and clip it with you back tires and let the front down. DONT TRY TO PUT THE FRONT DOWN UNTIL YOU GET RYTHEM FIRST. When you get the rythem gas, hit the jump, let of in the air, land, gas, hit jump, let of in the air, gas when land........... do that and your front in will dive a little to land it right but always be ready to pull if you have to!! A good example of pulling up if you have huevos 3 on the mx part of the movie look at when they go into the 10 comandments ( 10 doulbe that are hard to double) look at time farr ( the leader) he pulls his quad straight up and down hits his back tires on the ground and lets it down and he is still in the lead!! :huh :cool:

06-02-2002, 04:16 PM
I think these are all good ideas, I'll let you all know how it goes...



Tommy 17
06-02-2002, 04:17 PM
i just hit the gas and pray haha....

one tip of advice i can give u is that if u get scared half way through it don't panic keep ur cool or else u gonna be tasting the dirt... if u get messed up in the section try ur best to get over the jumps and not case them... if u case the 1st by the time u get to the 3rd set ur gonna be comin up really short... just keep it cool and hammer it down:D

06-02-2002, 04:48 PM
heres a pic

06-02-2002, 06:21 PM
Here's a pic of me the other day getting beat up on the rythem section...hopefully I can get this thing figured out...


06-02-2002, 09:42 PM
Originally posted by RoostinOna400ex
Yea try the last double first to see what you need but when you go for it dont try to go through it fast go what you think it takes because you want to come up short not over jump because you can pull up and clip it with you back tires and let the front down. DONT TRY TO PUT THE FRONT DOWN UNTIL YOU GET RYTHEM FIRST. When you get the rythem gas, hit the jump, let of in the air, land, gas, hit jump, let of in the air, gas when land........... do that and your front in will dive a little to land it right but always be ready to pull if you have to!! A good example of pulling up if you have huevos 3 on the mx part of the movie look at when they go into the 10 comandments ( 10 doulbe that are hard to double) look at time farr ( the leader) he pulls his quad straight up and down hits his back tires on the ground and lets it down and he is still in the lead!! :huh :cool:

The H4 video is how I learned, How I learned to jump properly too. More educational then a High School Sex ed. video:D

06-02-2002, 10:47 PM
So thats a rythem section hmmmmm I thought they were just big woops, no wonder my suspension guys thinks I m nuts telling him its too soft and bottoms out in the whoops:D

06-02-2002, 10:54 PM
Probably still shouldn't bottom out...

I way 230 pounds, launch off them and don't bottom out...

I'm landing smack in the middle of the doubles.

I have Elka Triple Rates, I wouldn't expect them to bottom out off those...

Who knows though, I'm sure someone else will be able to answer why you're bottoming out...


06-03-2002, 09:23 AM
i just hit the gas and pray haha....

thats what i do:D j/k

actually i dont even double them:(

i quadruple em':D

06-03-2002, 09:38 AM
It just takes practice. I have three doubles in a row. They are about 25ft apart. I hit them in third but not pinned. I ride hard up to them then let off till the very very end. Doing this it gets me just over the first one. But by not giving it a lot of gas it pitches my nose down and i downslope it perfect. Then the other two i just pin it and i make it. It just took practice.

06-03-2002, 09:39 AM
:confused: Quad them!?!?!

You must be runnin thoses helium filled tires:D

06-03-2002, 11:29 AM
Taking the dbls like whoops was a joke well sort of. If you could screw it up as good as I can you might think its was a joke:)

The whole thing about hard throttle up the face and then letting off at the last moment to allow the nose to dive so you can be in position for landing on the down slope sounds great but gets ugly when you miss it:(

I do have a pretty long section of whoops at one of the places I ride and some are almost as big those dbls.

Only the fronts will bottom just sometimes but the rear shock is valved so hard it never bottoms, and yes its too harsh and I would have it re valved but figured when the new ones get here in July it wont matter much.

MX MadMann
06-09-2002, 09:44 PM
hers me in front of a CR , for some reason , i could rape the dirtbikes thru here. i think they couldnt go as fast as me because they would over clear them if they had to much speed. this is at an indoor MX track in Orange TX. well its not really indoor but its covered. used to be a rodeo arena. its more of an SX track , its short with big jumps. its also pretty narrow and not suitable for quads.

06-10-2002, 04:54 PM
Yea casey show off for everyone but dont forget I was the one who was out in the middle of the track waving my hands in the air lookin like a turkey without a head so people would slow down and not run over ur *** cuz you crashed in the rythem section. JK im just messin with you we all crash unless ur slow. Lookin good at longhorn have you been there lately and rode the outdoor track?? I heard it was bad arse!! :blah Love it when quads are flying past bikes

MX MadMann
06-10-2002, 07:49 PM
yeah that fricken sucked. i wanna go check out that new outdoor track , i heard it pretty sweedish. my new throttle cable should be in tomorrow and ill me and kenny are prolly gonna go to hangtime or highlands. we dont know yet. are you sure that you can only ride quads on highlands during the weekdays?

06-10-2002, 08:16 PM
Yo cant ride higlands AT ALL except on mondays wensdays and fridays if you call the owner and tell him that you have about 15 quad that want to ride and the quads can practice on those days all by thereselfs but u have to have a big number of quad first. Call him up and he will unlock the gait!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:huh