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View Full Version : new guy help with ebay

07-20-2005, 05:36 PM
hey im looking for a yamaha 426 motor or a crf 450 motor for building a 400ex hybrid quad.. but i search yamaha YZ426 engine and no results.. i searched Honda CRF450 motor and got engine guards as results.. what do i need to seach for to find these motors online? BTW: this is my first time with ebay so i dont really know what im doing

07-20-2005, 05:55 PM
It sounds like you are doing the right thing, but there may not be anything on there right now..you may want to try other things in your search like : crf450 engine, crf engine, crf motor, crf450 motor, crf 450 motor, crf 450 engine and same when looking for the YZF motor..Just try different combinations of things like that and it will help when searching, but again like I said there may not be anything on there that you are looking for right now..Hope this helps..

07-20-2005, 06:05 PM
Yes, do what he said. Also, you may want to try throwing in totally unrelated words in your search. For example, throw in 400ex, yfz450, 450r, etc... I dont know if it will work for a motor, but a lot of times people will list other words in their description to increase the chances of more people seeing it who may actually have no intention of buying their product. Know what I mean? Its worth a shot, may or may not work.

07-20-2005, 06:32 PM
I know this isnt a 426 motor, but can be made into one...the 400 motor has tons of power also..Hope this will help you a bit..
