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View Full Version : Has it gotten out of hand?

07-19-2005, 11:05 AM
I have been a member of this site since december of 2001, and over the years I see fueding between sites every now and again. I never really paid much attention to it, because it did not really concern me since the other site was always a site that I did not ever go to. Well now that has changed....the little tiff that is happening between atvriders.com and quad zone is just plain silly. Now I will be the first to admit that I do not know all the circumstances that have lead to the hard feelings, BUT I DO KNOW I AM SICK of the BS. If I have to read one more post on quad zone that bashes Harlen I think I am going to puke, and then I come over here and see that quad zone is a blocked out word here, and all the links and references that people post are deleted?????

Just get over it guys...........ADMIN's and MOD's, Members and guests lets unite as one and all get along as one great big happy ATV community.

So what do you all think???

07-19-2005, 11:11 AM
i ahvent noticed anything but it doesnt sound to good

07-19-2005, 11:13 AM
Yea i mean quadz0ne is deleted? Honsetly guys, evereyone just wants to ride

07-19-2005, 11:17 AM
I voted for the mud wrestling.....ahahahahhahahaha! ;)

07-19-2005, 11:20 AM
Originally posted by 400grl
I voted for the mud wrestling.....ahahahahhahahaha! ;)

as did i...sounds like a good plan

07-19-2005, 11:20 AM
i thought it was a big joke or something? hmm guess i havent been paying much attention here. I always thought Rico and the atvriders staff were like good buddies and stuff. I say we are all a big community and atvriders or ******** is just a name

07-19-2005, 11:21 AM
Originally posted by 400grl
I voted for the mud wrestling.....ahahahahhahahaha! ;)

I would offer to mudwrestle with ya, but I see you are a newlywed......Gotta respect the sanctity of marriage.

Congrats on tying the knot!

07-19-2005, 11:34 AM
Originally posted by 400grl
I voted for the mud wrestling.....ahahahahhahahaha! ;)

well then lets get it on :D

but johnny c, i havent noticed or heard of this before? its all news to me but it doesnt sound good. somebody should be the bigger man and remedy the situation.

07-19-2005, 11:40 AM
Originally posted by bansheeguy77
well then lets get it on :D

but johnny c, i havent noticed or heard of this before? its all news to me but it doesnt sound good. somebody should be the bigger man and remedy the situation.
i have not heard anything either,i thought the only other site that people on here didnt like was bt.i must be missing sumthin:ermm:

07-19-2005, 11:42 AM
oh yeah,Harlen and Rico ARE going to be FULLY clothed when they wrestle heh?:confused: :huh

07-19-2005, 11:50 AM
i dont think most atvriders members now in it because it isnt going on over here.

07-19-2005, 12:12 PM
Originally posted by Ralph
i dont think most atvriders members now in it because it isnt going on over here.

what isn't?

07-19-2005, 12:29 PM
Originally posted by Johnny_G
I would offer to mudwrestle with ya, but I see you are a newlywed......Gotta respect the sanctity of marriage.

Congrats on tying the knot!

Ahahhahaahhaha!!! Well, see - that's good for you then - saves you a butt-whoopin in the mud!!! :devil:

07-19-2005, 12:42 PM
Originally posted by Johnny_G
I have been a member of this site since december of 2001, and over the years I see fueding between sites every now and again. I never really paid much attention to it, because it did not really concern me since the other site was always a site that I did not ever go to. Well now that has changed....the little tiff that is happening between atvriders.com and quad zone is just plain silly. Now I will be the first to admit that I do not know all the circumstances that have lead to the hard feelings, BUT I DO KNOW I AM SICK of the BS. If I have to read one more post on quad zone that bashes Harlen I think I am going to puke, and then I come over here and see that quad zone is a blocked out word here, and all the links and references that people post are deleted?????

Just get over it guys...........ADMIN's and MOD's, Members and guests lets unite as one and all get along as one great big happy ATV community.

So what do you all think???

Hey Johnny,

No one knows about it on ATVriders.com because the problem isn't with ATVriders.com because there aren’t any threads on ATVriders.com bashing anyone or another site, so you posted your message on the wrong site.

I will not support those that publicly attack my reputation and integrity, and it has gone beyond EVER returning to one big happy family. Let me run your name through the mud day after day and see how well you respond to it. I have lost respect for several people that I looked up to in the past, and I have grown wiser from the experience.

Raised as a Christian, I don’t have it in my heart to hold grudges or treat even my worst enemy with disrespect, but I also won’t seek them out or support them in anyway.

I have the right to run ATVriders.com the way I choose, which is a family oriented site without the slander, libel, and adult material, and if I or a moderator feels a thread don’t represent the material that is acceptable it is deleted or edited. There are those that don’t like my strict guidelines, but again, I make the decisions on how the site is run, and those that disagree with the way I run ATVriders.com have the freedom to never return, but as of now, I feel that I must be doing something right because site continues to grow at an incredible rate with an increasing amount of new members signing up everyday.

I will admit that in the past few years that I have stumbled a few times along the way because I am not perfect, but I always try to learn from my mistakes and move forward to prevent the same mistake from happening again.

Yes, I blocked the name of the other site because enough was enough, and I have since removed it. The blocking of other sites is not uncommon on the Internet with many sites in the ATV Industry blocking all other ATV sites, but I choose not to take that route, but I still don’t allow Admins or members of the inner circle to self promote their sites on ATVriders.com.

For those that read this, I thank you for visiting ATVriders.com and if you feel that I have ruined what use to be EXriders.com, I am sorry, but I feel the majority like the changes because they keep coming back everyday.

Harlen Foley

07-19-2005, 12:44 PM
Originally posted by 400grl
Ahahhahaahhaha!!! Well, see - that's good for you then - saves you a butt-whoopin in the mud!!! :devil:

from a woman as breathtaking as you I would take my whipping like a man, and turn on the charm afterwards to see if I couldn't get you to showere up with me. All that mud can be hard to get off your back without having someone to help scrub

07-19-2005, 12:51 PM
I tried to remain nuetral, i even defended a few of the folks this thread is directed at. i dont defend them anymore simply because i have lost faith in thier character and scruples.

the door is always open to those here that want to promote family oriented topics related to the sport of atv's. for others, dont let the door hit you where the good lord split you.

if I or a moderator feels a thread don’t represent the material that is acceptable it is deleted or edited.

glad you feel that way