View Full Version : tip for installing grips

05-31-2002, 12:45 PM
i recently installed a set of renthal atv race bend bars. for some reason, the right side where the grip goes is different from the left. the right side is smooth and the left side is textured. i installed the right side with no glue, just some simple green to help slide it on, and put safety wires around it. this has worked great, the grip is really nice and tight.

the left side is a different story, however. i did the same thing as the right, but no matter how tight i got the wires, it would still slip. so, i then tried adding glue to the equation, and while it was better, it still ended up slipping. so, i reverted to a trick used for gripping golf clubs, which is to use masking tape to wrap around the handlebar where the grip installs. then, i used some glue, and added wire afterwards. now, it is super tight, no movement whatsoever.

many of you may have known this, but i thought i'd share it anyway...

05-31-2002, 12:48 PM
Yeah I use electrical tape, same idea though.

05-31-2002, 03:46 PM
i'll have to try that, cuz my left side has been slipping really bad.

05-31-2002, 05:23 PM
Here is a good way to do it !! Take eletrical tape and rape it around the handelbars then take contact cleaner and spray it on it then wire if you have to but you dont have to cuz just the tap and cleaner work hella good!!

RazorbackEXRider where do you live?? Do you race any of the STQRA races??

05-31-2002, 05:39 PM
i'm in the dfw area. i race in the tqra. i think most of the stqra races are a pretty good trip for me, but i might make some if they have races during our summer break. do you race stqra?

05-31-2002, 10:43 PM
Yea I race it !! Right now we are trying to get as many people as we can!! Some of the races will be close to you like swan and village creek!!