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07-13-2005, 07:47 PM
Bush has everything to do with gas prices and hes the reason were at war.


07-13-2005, 07:50 PM
your wrong

07-13-2005, 07:53 PM
Originally posted by thrasher_ex
your wrong back up your reasoning with facts, i enjoy reading political debates.

07-13-2005, 07:54 PM
I'd gladly love to continue to discuss the topic but one of the admins here can't handle someone offering an opposing opinion without bashing or in a non-provoking manner.

07-13-2005, 07:55 PM
Originally posted by philsan
I'd gladly love to continue to discuss the topic but one of the admins here can't handle someone offering an opposing opinion without bashing or in a non-provoking manner. no, I PMed him...he locked it becuase of the last comment that was made about "BUCK FUSH"...he said it was ok if i made a new topic, as long as the narrow minded jack *** comments like that are left out, it will stay unlocked. so please, continue.

07-13-2005, 07:58 PM
bush has nothing to do with the rising costs of gas. war has to do with that. every war we have ever had has made oil prices go up. and the reason we are at war is because we got attacked.

i forgot where i heard it but anyways, you cannot make peace without war.

07-13-2005, 08:24 PM
Its all my fault for high prices, i drive an SUV (Navigator to boot!) LOL

07-13-2005, 08:25 PM
Originally posted by thrasher_ex
bush has nothing to do with the rising costs of gas. war has to do with that. every war we have ever had has made oil prices go up. and the reason we are at war is because we got attacked.

i forgot where i heard it but anyways, you cannot make peace without war.

So destroying a country will make peace ?? Creating a war with a country will make them become your friend? I don't ever remember being friends with someone after we've tried kicking the living crap out of eachother .

You were attacked not by Iraq but by Afghanistan ... you should be more at war with them than with Iraq . When was the last time you heard talks of Osama ?? It seems like the attention slowly got diverted from the fight against Osama , and has been put on fighting Iraq . Yes I know US soldiers are fighting to rid the world of terrorists .. but instead of the government saying it was going after WMD , why didn't it just say right off the bat that it was going after the terrorists . I'm sure the American people would have been more aceepting of the war if they wouldn't have been lied to .

The government said they had "proof" that there was WMD ... they wanted every other nation to join them and find these weapons ... turns out they haven't found it yet . Other nations denied sending troops for these WMD ... the American government got pissed that we didn't join . How do you want other countries to believe that if they send their men and women to fight , that they aren't fighting for something that isn't there ?

The American government has done what it wanted ... get Saddam out of power ... why not let the people of Iraq fight for their own democracy? Just like you and I , they have a head on their shoulders . If there are enough people in that country that want democracy , they can create it themselves . Do you honestly believe that if more than half the population of Iraq do not want Democracy , that this war is going to bring it to their country?? I don't think so .

My $0.02 .

Side note ... gas has gone down a bit again ... it's a trend ... gas prices jump up every Tuesday ... go down until Friday ... then make a slight jump on Friday ... then go down a bit till Tuesday . Then it all starts over again .

07-13-2005, 08:30 PM
so we take saddam out, leave most of his forces intact, allow the terrorist who ARE there (and were before the war, its documented so check the facts) to turn iraq into afghanistan. funny i should mention this because thats what happened when the russians left afghanistan!

so you have a terrorist nation running the iraqi people into the ground. you have to remember, these people have been killed by the millions for the past 25 years! they dont have much fight in them!

07-13-2005, 08:31 PM
IMO bush just wants to finish what his dad started. THe terror attacks were just an excuse to go into iraq

07-13-2005, 08:36 PM
Originally posted by aLLoY MX 428
IMO bush just wants to finish what his dad started. THe terror attacks were just an excuse to go into iraq and if you dont mind me asking...what did his dad start? this question is for you..so you answer:)

07-13-2005, 08:39 PM
Originally posted by NacsRacer027
and if you dont mind me asking...what did his dad start? this question is for you..so you answer:) the gulf war

07-13-2005, 08:41 PM
Originally posted by aLLoY MX 428
the gulf war

man, i thought we went to iraq and fought the gulf war after all United Nations efforts had failed to force saddam to comply. so it was bush's fault. wow.

i geuss iraq's invasion of kuwait didnt have a thing to do with it:ermm:

07-13-2005, 08:43 PM
Originally posted by Pappy
man, i thought we went to iraq and fought the gulf war after all United Nations efforts had failed to force saddam to comply. so it was bush's fault. wow.

i geuss iraq's invasion of kuwait didnt have a thing to do with it:ermm: :cool:

07-13-2005, 08:44 PM
Originally posted by Pappy
man, i thought we went to iraq and fought the gulf war after all United Nations efforts had failed to force saddam to comply. so it was bush's fault. wow.

i geuss iraq's invasion of kuwait didnt have a thing to do with it:ermm: i didnt say it was his fault.

07-13-2005, 08:45 PM
Originally posted by aLLoY MX 428
i didnt say it was his fault.

so you honestly think a sitting president can just pick up the phone and say.."lock and load we attack at noon":confused:

the united states constitution does not allow this..lol

the list of folks to blame for this mess starts way before either bush took office.

07-13-2005, 08:47 PM
Originally posted by aLLoY MX 428
IMO bush just wants to finish what his dad started. THe terror attacks were just an excuse to go into iraq

:huh How in the heck can you say terror attacks are an excuse??????its a fricken reason!!

07-13-2005, 08:48 PM
i didnt not say this was his fault or in any way bush's doing. i should have said IN MY OPINION George W. Bush was continuing what his father was forced to begin

07-13-2005, 08:50 PM

07-13-2005, 08:51 PM
I cannot believe some of the remarks and beliefs in this thread, so I probably won't post anything else.


07-13-2005, 08:51 PM
If you dont know what your talking about, stay the hell out of this thread.

07-13-2005, 08:57 PM
Originally posted by aLLoY MX 428
i didnt not say this was his fault or in any way bush's doing. i should have said IN MY OPINION George W. Bush was continuing what his father was forced to begin

ok, with your opinion stated.

bush could be found completely 100% wrong on his reasons for going into iraq. the problem with that is we had full United Nations backing to go into Iraq BEFORE 9/11 to enforce the UN resolutions that he Saddam continued to defy. With that approval, the United States could have launched a full scale attack at anytime, 9/11 just forced Iraq into the crosshairs as soon as afghanistan was quelled.

think of it like lifting an old pile of wood and watching the ratts run. thats exactly what happened in afghanistan and the intel recovered there and thru other sources showed Iraq was indeed in control of WMD's and harbouring terrorists. Countires that do not even agree with US policy voted for the action we took so if bush fooled us, then he fooled the world. truthfully he aint that smart..lol

07-13-2005, 08:57 PM
Originally posted by Pappy
so we take saddam out, leave most of his forces intact, allow the terrorist who ARE there (and were before the war, its documented so check the facts) to turn iraq into afghanistan. funny i should mention this because thats what happened when the russians left afghanistan!

so you have a terrorist nation running the iraqi people into the ground. you have to remember, these people have been killed by the millions for the past 25 years! they dont have much fight in them!

Ok ... I'll take back a few of my words here .. and I will agree that dismantaling Saddam's army is good for the people of Iraq ... but before 9/11 why didn't much of the world hear about terrorists in Afghanistan and in Iraq ... why wasn't anything done before any attacks were made ??

When Rwanda was crying for help ... it's nations people killing it's own people ... why didn't the USA or any other contry for that matter step in before thousands upon thousands died ?? Everytime a member of the US government speaks about the war it's always the same thing .." we want to bring a better life to the Iraqi people..." But bringing a better life to those of Rwanda wasn't a concern for the US government ??

In no means am I trying to disrespect any of you guys . I have my personal opinion just like you have yours .

As far as gas prices go , yes the war has something to do with it . I'm certain those in charge of the large companies that buy and supply fuels watch every new development and make the decision as to how to adjust prices accordingly . I'm sure if fighting is goign on near a major source of oil .... that puts more risk on that particualr site to get attacked , hit , destroyed , etc . If you watched any stocks after the most recent attacks in London , you'd see that stocks for airlines dropped a bunch ... why?? Because of fears of attacks happening on airlines . On the flip side .... stocks for bomb detecting equipement rose because chances are they will have more sales . Same type of scenario goes for gas . That's my take on it . And yes the Asian countries are buying up everything they can get their hands on .

07-13-2005, 08:57 PM
Originally posted by aLLoY MX 428
IMO bush just wants to finish what his dad started. THe terror attacks were just an excuse to go into iraq

so just a question.....if you were president and if the terrorist attacks happened you wouldnt go to war?

07-13-2005, 09:00 PM
Originally posted by yfzrider32
so just a question.....if you were president and if the terrorist attacks happened you wouldnt go to war?

Eh, I can't help myself.

That's what I don't get. All these old 60's burnouts against the war and saying "No Blood for Oil!"

First off, the war isn't about oil at all. No matter what some of you people refuse to acknowledge.

And like was stated before, what would YOU do if YOU were the president and terrorists attacked your country?

Unless you are down right stupid, you would want to get rid of the people who did this to you.

07-13-2005, 09:03 PM
... but before 9/11 why didn't much of the world hear about terrorists in Afghanistan and in Iraq ... why wasn't anything done before any attacks were made ??

My geuss would be that the countries that were indeed harbouring the terrorist network were doing a pretty good job of hidding them. Afghanistan had to have been being watched, heck 2 weeks after 9/11 we had a battleplan and knew who was who there. There were many warning signs, noone took them seriously. the USS Cole, attacked in port. Clinton did nothing. Our troops were attacked in rwhanda by people turned onto the fight by none other then bin laden. There are many more instances, but im winging it and dont have the time to get the actual incidences for you.

and i agree with your, the countries in africa are just a wreck. 600 billion in aide since the 1940's and they still have civil war and genocide occuring. i geuss noone wants to save them. would you die for them?

07-13-2005, 09:05 PM
I wish I was in the fuel business .. I'd be one rich mother ( you know the rest) .

Maybe tomorrow I'll grab a shovel and start digging in the front of my appartment building ... hopefully I'll strike it rich . :D

Hey Pappy ... you said in another thread you wanted to know how to make 1.2 million .... well I think we found the answer .... buy into the fossil fuel business . :devil: :p

07-13-2005, 09:06 PM
Darn, my thread got closed! It was going so well. Thanks Nacs racer for continuing it for me I was gonna make a new one but you beat me to the start!:macho

Sorry for going off topic!

Go back to gas and bush and other stuff!

07-13-2005, 09:11 PM

07-13-2005, 09:11 PM
i cant agree entirely that the mission in iraq is not 100% not about oil. stabilizing the middle east has been the goal of what...our last 8 presidents or so?

but the reason we are in iraq is not driven by the need for oil.

and if you ask me, when israel was made into a country the crap hit the fan and the united states has been getting its nutz kicked over it and the backing we have shown israel. i did not study israel so i cant offer any history on it but if you read what the major problem the islamic fundementalist have with us is driven by its hatred for israel.

07-13-2005, 09:14 PM
With the media today they are going to jump all over Bush either way: If he didn't go to war or if he did. He made the right decision going to war and everyone always says how bad of a choice it was blah blah nothing is getting better. Do people not realize how much the country over turned. Its not the Iraq we are in a war with right now its the Islamic Fundamentalists that will do anything to show how much they hate America and the freedoms or fore fathers fought so hard to give us. Now in this day and age many people of this country think its cool to rebel and show how much they do not support the president meaning how much they do not support the country. These uneducated people (many which sit on these forums right now looking for another oppirtunity to jump all over Bush) don't know what it cost and what it took to give us what we have today. Thats the problem with the USA now. The media has a big part in it. After Pearl Harbour President Roosevelt decided to enter the war. Was there all these people jumping over his decision and calling him a tyrant? No. Its not much different. God Bless the troops and don't get me wrong but the amount of troops we are losing now is nothing compared to world war 2. Everytime someone died there wasn't a 12 page article on it. It happens thats war. Its been going on since humans first walked the earth. Our soldiers and President is fighting to protect our freedoms and the only thing the public will say about it is how big of a mistake it is and show no support. Is that what George Washington and all the other people during the Revolutionary war fought for? No. Something to think about.

Yes of course part of the war is about oil but the Middle East is a hell hole and things wouldn't of been any better if the US had not stepped in.

07-13-2005, 09:17 PM
actually, roosevelt was pinned with knowing the pearl harbour attack was coming and did nothing so that the united states could enter the war with the country fully behind it.

now, you can believe that, or not. i havent made a decision and its a 60 year old subject!

07-13-2005, 09:19 PM
I heard that too but I dont really believe it but I guess it is pretty believable if you think about it.

07-13-2005, 09:22 PM
well you have to remember that the american public was of a mindset that basically was "it aint happening here so we dont need no parts of it". it would have spelled political doom for roosevelt to charge into ww2 prior to pearl harbor. we till would have entered the war, but with mixed emotions.

the type of talk in this thread and the other one would have netted a few folks hurt back them im sure. funny how we have increased knowledge but noone seems smarter:huh

07-13-2005, 09:24 PM
Originally posted by Pappy
ok, with your opinion stated.

bush could be found completely 100% wrong on his reasons for going into iraq. the problem with that is we had full United Nations backing to go into Iraq BEFORE 9/11 to enforce the UN resolutions that he Saddam continued to defy. With that approval, the United States could have launched a full scale attack at anytime, 9/11 just forced Iraq into the crosshairs as soon as afghanistan was quelled.

think of it like lifting an old pile of wood and watching the ratts run. thats exactly what happened in afghanistan and the intel recovered there and thru other sources showed Iraq was indeed in control of WMD's and harbouring terrorists. Countires that do not even agree with US policy voted for the action we took so if bush fooled us, then he fooled the world. truthfully he aint that smart..lol

Ammmmm No...... UN found nothing in those years either, US sited it as Sadam not co-operating suffiently and the UN not doing their job properly, and thats why they could not find anything......

Problem is "THERE WAS NOTHING FOR THEM TO FIND" which you just found out when all of this started....

It was a bold face lie, hell i have it here on tape from the news coverage with Powel showing Satalite pictures of trucks moving, buildings making stuff, hell even MOBILE launchers.... All old, VERY old pictures used to justify this war... Sorry but thats simply wrong and a huge stab in back for those who voted for him, to fool them the way he did.

The U.K. was not Immediately Backing US, they had many many questions asking were the proof was, and then all of a sudden they joined, no proof was shown to them... So why did they join up so quickly??? hmmmm makes you think.

France didnt want to join, so what do you do? call them freedom Fries, like you invented the fry... put sanctions on them because they didnt see the need to go in (which there was no need to find WMD's because there was no proof there was any).. What did they end up doing? trying to get back in.... What happened? they got bombed, why??? because they are now too getting involved.

That and that alone is what pisses me off about this monkey. I could care less if he invades, but invade on the right principles not some made up lies.

Bin Laden???? who the hell is he??? its been months now since i've heard that name. He's probably playing golf someplace.

Why 911 happened?? because binny boy hates the US. Why does he hate the US becuase the US promised if he helped get rid of the Russians they would help rebuild Afganistan, what did the US do? left it in shambles, so yeah, he got jipped, I'd be pissed too i guess.

This war has nothing to do with Bin Laden, WMD's or Freeing people, its about getting a country to turn the way you are so you can more easily deal with them... Why do you want to deal easier with them? ????? for OIL.

07-13-2005, 09:29 PM
Maybe we should start some Gas rationing like they did in world war II :blah: . Only four gallons a week for the normal people and at most eight gallon a week for the more important people like doctors.

07-13-2005, 09:31 PM
just a question, i am wondering since the mission in Iraq is "accomplished" and they have so much oil that they are supposed to give us in return for "liberating" them, then why are gas prices so high, they have to have sooo much oil, so why isnt it in the US?Just a question. please no flaming, i just want an answer.and if im wrong correct me.

07-13-2005, 09:34 PM
you condemn the president and his cabinet, call them disrespectful names and yet feel compelled to try and prove he is smart enough to fool the entire congress and the leaders of many other countries? that doesnt seem logical.

i cant verify "old " documents. intelligence changes so what would "old" be? are you an intelligence officer trained in reading the information you discribed or are you arm chair quaterbacking the 4 o'clock news?

and if you care to dismiss bin laden then im afraid you seriously have no concept on his power to influence the muslim world.

The UN inspectors found nothing, you are correct. Yet after the war started we have saddams own people telling us the weapons were there before the war and they were moved constantly.

again, its aweful easy to call out someone when you have no responsibilty riding on you or the 2 year lag time to question decisions.

07-13-2005, 09:36 PM
Originally posted by aLLoY MX 428
just a question, i am wondering since the mission in Iraq is "accomplished" and they have so much oil that they are supposed to give us in return for "liberating" them, then why are gas prices so high, they have to have sooo much oil, so why isnt it in the US?Just a question. please no flaming, i just want an answer.and if im wrong correct me.

No, one promised they would give oil for liberating them, no one asked to be liberated in the first place.

Naturally you wount have good gas prices yet, your still at war with these cronies, not until (IF AT ALL) things settle down the way the US wants it then and ONLY then, will you see cheaper oil prices per barrel.

07-13-2005, 09:37 PM
france did not want to find out it was scamming millions from the food for oil program ! would you care to deny that with fact or will you spout your unsupported opinions yet again?

brittains own intelligance agency provide some of the now defunct information that lead to the idea of WMD's so dont think we made the leap alone.

07-13-2005, 09:38 PM
Originally posted by Pappy
you condemn the president and his cabinet, call them disrespectful names and yet feel compelled to try and prove he is smart enough to fool the entire congress and the leaders of many other countries? that doesnt seem logical.

i cant verify "old " documents. intelligence changes so what would "old" be? are you an intelligence officer trained in reading the information you discribed or are you arm chair quaterbacking the 4 o'clock news?

and if you care to dismiss bin laden then im afraid you seriously have no concept on his power to influence the muslim world.

The UN inspectors found nothing, you are correct. Yet after the war started we have saddams own people telling us the weapons were there before the war and they were moved constantly.

again, its aweful easy to call out someone when you have no responsibilty riding on you or the 2 year lag time to question decisions.

Pappy, i believe its been in the media more than enough times for everyone to have seen and heard that the documents were "Flawed" and that includes the pictures.

I didnt dismiss Bin Laden, i hope they find his *** but it doesnt seem like they will especially after Mr. Bush's comment "YOU KNOW I REALLY DONT THINK OF HIM THAT OFTEN"

07-13-2005, 09:39 PM
Originally posted by DierWolf
No, one promised they would give oil for liberating them, no one asked to be liberated in the first place.

Naturally you wount have good gas prices yet, your still at war with these cronies, not until (IF AT ALL) things settle down the way the US wants it then and ONLY then, will you see cheaper oil prices per barrel. colen powell stated that iraq qould have no problem paying us back because of their abundance of oil.And it doesnt appear american troops will be leaving iraq in the next 10 years The army is offering $20,000 for a 15 month term in the armed services..

07-13-2005, 09:39 PM
Originally posted by DierWolf
No, one promised they would give oil for liberating them, no one asked to be liberated in the first place.

Naturally you wount have good gas prices yet, your still at war with these cronies, not until (IF AT ALL) things settle down the way the US wants it then and ONLY then, will you see cheaper oil prices per barrel.

iraq doesnt produce enough oil annually to offset what OPEC sets pricing at.

07-13-2005, 09:40 PM
Originally posted by Pappy
brittains own intelligance agency provide some of the now defunct information that lead to the idea of WMD's so dont think we made the leap alone.


07-13-2005, 09:42 PM
Originally posted by Pappy
iraq doesnt produce enough oil annually to offset what OPEC sets pricing at.

Not now no, but it will, if things go as planned ;) shhhhhh

07-13-2005, 09:42 PM
Originally posted by DierWolf
Pappy, i believe its been in the media more than enough times for everyone to have seen and heard that the documents were "Flawed" and that includes the pictures.

I didnt dismiss Bin Laden, i hope they find his *** but it doesnt seem like they will especially after Mr. Bush's comment "YOU KNOW I REALLY DONT THINK OF HIM THAT OFTEN"

do you trust the media? if you do then i understand why you have formed the opinions you have.

as far as dismissing bin laden, he was showing he has other things to tackle. bush sent the us military after him, they will do thier job, bush will do his.

07-13-2005, 09:44 PM
Originally posted by aLLoY MX 428
colen powell stated that iraq qould have no problem paying us back because of their abundance of oil.And it doesnt appear american troops will be leaving iraq in the next 10 years The army is offering $20,000 for a 15 month term in the armed services..

Is 20k supposed to be good?????? 15 months????

thats 16K a year, believe you can make that working behind the counter at McDonalds...

Some incentive that is.

07-13-2005, 09:45 PM
Originally posted by DierWolf
Not now no, but it will, if things go as planned ;) shhhhhh

very doubtful. when iraq stabilizes and the government is in place, iraq will surely join back in with the other middle eastern countries to supply the worlds oil demands.

and we all know the intel was not 100% accurate, but when the decisions were made it was not known. sometimes you have to go with what you got.

07-13-2005, 09:46 PM
Originally posted by DierWolf
Is 20k supposed to be good?????? 15 months????

thats 16K a year, believe you can make that working behind the counter at McDonalds...

Some incentive that is. i didnt say it was good, but its being upped because of a lack of enlistment(sp). im not sure who it was but i think it was bush that said he might have to re-instate the draft.

07-13-2005, 09:46 PM
$20,000 for no expenses, doesnt sound bad to me

07-13-2005, 09:47 PM
Originally posted by DierWolf
Is 20k supposed to be good?????? 15 months????

thats 16K a year, believe you can make that working behind the counter at McDonalds...

Some incentive that is.

the army of the 1970's was made up of mainly lower class citizens that needed the cash. today, its education. i have 2 family members that both earn 100k plus annually thanks to the education funded by thier military service. and both served in iraq

07-13-2005, 09:47 PM
Originally posted by Hondadudeehhhh
$20,000 for no expenses, doesnt sound bad to me poersonally i dont think its worth risking your life over

07-13-2005, 09:48 PM
if you ask me alot of the constitution has been violated by this Patriot Act taht was passed... and other laws being passed, free will is not free anymore :ermm:

im sorry our troops, our countrys ppl have to die and be separated from their familys because of ignorant and unlawful leaders... :mad:

07-13-2005, 09:48 PM
They weren't supposed TO give us oil for liberating them. There are many reasons
1. the high demand for gas from increases in SUV's and large trucks
2. the country has not built any new plants (at least any that provided a significant increase to our ability to increase production of refined oil products) since the mid to late 1990s.
3. China and other countries demand for more oil (20% increase)
4. We have to divert gas and diesel to help fight the war meaning less gas goes to the American consumer

We will have to pay more per gallon until Plants that refine the oil in US catch up with the deficit.

One thing people don't realize is that gasoline is actually pretty cheap compared to how it used to be. During the early-mid parts of the 20th century, gas was about 30 cents per gallon but the average salary was between $.50 and $5 per hour. Do the math and compare that to today with gas around 2 dollars per gallon and people making between $8 an hour and $50+ dollars a hour. Of course the gas prices has rizen but in this situation the increasing gas prices go along with the increasing salaries. A person can spend 2 bucks for a burger at a fast food restaurant, 8 bucks for popcorn and coke at a movie and not blink an eye and those things don't even get you from point 'a' to point 'b'.

I'm not saying that the high gas prices are not bad I am just saying that sometimes you have to look at the situation in different perspectives.

07-13-2005, 09:48 PM
Originally posted by aLLoY MX 428
i didnt say it was good, but its being upped because of a lack of enlistment(sp). im not sure who it was but i think it was bush that said he might have to re-instate the draft.

you enlist because you want to serve your country. you dont want to serve your country then you serve fries.

07-13-2005, 09:49 PM
Originally posted by Pappy
do you trust the media? if you do then i understand why you have formed the opinions you have.

as far as dismissing bin laden, he was showing he has other things to tackle. bush sent the us military after him, they will do thier job, bush will do his.

No i dont trust the media at all, but i do trust when i see Colon Powel talking on TV or is that Movie magic????

Troops to find Bin laden, a whopping 17,900, hardly enough to do any good, PS that was the Largest amount ever there to find him, god knows how much there is there now.

07-13-2005, 09:50 PM
Originally posted by aLLoY MX 428
poersonally i dont think its worth risking your life over, u can make the same working the drive thru at McDonalds

yeah you could be working at mcdonalds living in a trailer park with your parents and play playstation all day. Or you could actually do something for your country or humanity instead of saying "CAN I TAKE YUR ORDUR?" 5 hours a day and smelling like french fries

07-13-2005, 09:52 PM
Originally posted by DierWolf
No i dont trust the media at all, but i do trust when i see Colon Powel talking on TV or is that Movie magic????

Troops to find Bin laden, a whopping 17,900, hardly enough to do any good, PS that was the Largest amount ever there to find him, god knows how much there is there now.

yeah we should have done like the russians..worked well for them?

you can spin all you like, you havent convinced me that im incorrect. i am basing my info on study and fact, not watching the news! oh, and a small amount of history to help me gain perspective;)

07-13-2005, 09:52 PM
Originally posted by Hondadudeehhhh
yeah you could be working at mcdonalds living in a trailer park with your parents and play playstation all day. Or you could actually do something for your country or humanity instead of saying "CAN I TAKE YUR ORDUR?" 5 hours a day and smelling like french fries are you enlisting in 2 years??

07-13-2005, 09:52 PM
Originally posted by Out_Sider
if you ask me alot of the constitution has been violated by this Patriot Act taht was passed... and other laws being passed, free will is not free anymore :ermm:

im sorry our troops, our countrys ppl have to die and be separated from their familys because of ignorant and unlawful leaders... :mad:

I am glad you brought that up, because Pappy thinks the president could not fool so many people...

Did you know none of them that passed that bill never even read it???

07-13-2005, 09:54 PM
Originally posted by DierWolf
I am glad you brought that up, because Pappy thinks the president could not fool so many people...

Did you know none of them that passed that bill never even read it??? yea i saw that in farenehit 911, they werent even phased!"what?, you think we have time to actually read every bill we pass?"

07-13-2005, 09:54 PM
Originally posted by I-7
They weren't supposed TO give us oil for liberating them. There are many reasons
1. the high demand for gas from increases in SUV's and large trucks
2. the country has not built any new plants (at least any that provided a significant increase to our ability to increase production of refined oil products) since the mid to late 1990s.
3. China and other countries demand for more oil (20% increase)
4. We have to divert gas and diesel to help fight the war meaning less gas goes to the American consumer

We will have to pay more per gallon until Plants that refine the oil in US catch up with the deficit.

One thing people don't realize is that gasoline is actually pretty cheap compared to how it used to be. During the early-mid parts of the 20th century, gas was about 30 cents per gallon but the average salary was between $.50 and $5 per hour. Do the math and compare that to today with gas around 2 dollars per gallon and people making between $8 an hour and $50+ dollars a hour. Of course the gas prices has rizen but in this situation the increasing gas prices go along with the increasing salaries. A person can spend 2 bucks for a burger at a fast food restaurant, 8 bucks for popcorn and coke at a movie and not blink an eye and those things don't even get you from point 'a' to point 'b'.

I'm not saying that the high gas prices are not bad I am just saying that sometimes you have to look at the situation in different perspectives.

Flawed Logic,,, when i was in the US still i was making 100K a year and gas was 98 cents, whats your point?

07-13-2005, 09:54 PM
Originally posted by DierWolf
I am glad you brought that up, because Pappy thinks the president could not fool so many people...

Did you know none of them that passed that bill never even read it???

sadly, most of the bills that are passed have large sections added that most of our legislators dont know about or understand.

and i agree, i do not like the patriot act.

but hey, you could always move out of the country and bad mouth it from a distance:ermm:

07-13-2005, 09:54 PM
Originally posted by aLLoY MX 428
are you enlisting in 2 years??


07-13-2005, 09:55 PM
Originally posted by DierWolf
Flawed Logic,,, when i was in the US still i was making 100K a year and gas was 98 cents, whats your point?

Wow obviously you did not read why the gas prices are high. Good try though.

07-13-2005, 09:56 PM
Regarding the WMD's, the US pushed for backing and built a coalition for months before the first actual attack. Saddam knew well in advance that it was coming. Suppose your local Police department gets a search warrant for your friendly neighborhood crack house and tells the public and the media (news, newspapers or whatever) that they're going to bust the house in six months. How much crack or how many dealers do you think they're going to find? :huh The stalling by the UN and other countries that opposed an invasion was just a way to buy Saddam time to get rid of everything he had! We've already seen how corrupt the UN is with the food for oil deal, their stalling was just a way to make the United States look bad. Maybe we should invade France next and see what those fruits are hiding.

07-13-2005, 09:57 PM
Originally posted by Hondadudeehhhh
yeah you could be working at mcdonalds living in a trailer park with your parents and play playstation all day. Or you could actually do something for your country or humanity instead of saying "CAN I TAKE YUR ORDUR?" 5 hours a day and smelling like french fries



Just so you know, when your dead your dead, they not gonna pay your families way until their dead too.

07-13-2005, 09:57 PM
Originally posted by DierWolf
Flawed Logic,,, when i was in the US still i was making 100K a year and gas was 98 cents, whats your point?

there were people making 100k per anum in 1920 when gas was what, 2 cents. that arguement doesnt work

07-13-2005, 09:58 PM
Originally posted by Pappy
yeah we should have done like the russians..worked well for them?

you can spin all you like, you havent convinced me that im incorrect. i am basing my info on study and fact, not watching the news! oh, and a small amount of history to help me gain perspective;)

Small amount of history is what the problem is, you seem to stop your history right at 911 and dont go further back on where the problem/trouble all started.

07-13-2005, 09:58 PM
Originally posted by DierWolf


Just so you know, when your dead your dead, they not gonna pay your families way until their dead too.

id rather die a soldier then a coward who runs away from his countries problems. a soldiers family knows the risk, and they stand proudly behind them.

07-13-2005, 09:59 PM
Originally posted by DierWolf
Small amount of history is what the problem is, you seem to stop your history right at 911 and dont go further back on where the problem/trouble all started.
oh i forgot the post where i stated the creation of israel, and the bible reference. thanks for pointing that out..lol

07-13-2005, 10:00 PM
Originally posted by I-7
Wow obviously you did not read why the gas prices are high. Good try though.

No i read what you said, and agree. Believe if you read everything in this forum i have already said what you said, in this thread and the closed thread.

07-13-2005, 10:01 PM
Originally posted by Rich250RRacer
Maybe we should invade France next and see what those fruits are hiding.

AHAHAHAHAHA. Ask dierwolf he sounds french to me.

Originally posted by DierWolf
No i read what you said, and agree. Believe if you read everything in this forum i have already said what you said, in this thread and the closed thread.

Ok then you understand the president has nothing to do with the gas prices right?

07-13-2005, 10:02 PM
Originally posted by I-7
AHAHAHAHAHA. Ask dierwolf he sounds french to me. yea dierwolf where do u live?

07-13-2005, 10:02 PM
Originally posted by Pappy
id rather die a soldier then a coward who runs away from his countries problems. a soldiers family knows the risk, and they stand proudly behind them.

like i said before i support the troops not the reasoning behind why they are their....

I must be speaking dutch or something.

07-13-2005, 10:04 PM
i guess he lives in germany :p

07-13-2005, 10:04 PM
Originally posted by DierWolf


Just so you know, when your dead your dead, they not gonna pay your families way until their dead too.

Well i'd rather be risking my life for millions of other than just being selfish and running to canada or hiding behind a cash register. We all know terrorists are highly cappible of killing many people as we've seen in the past weeks. I just dont want my family or friends to be in a situation where they are afraid to get on a bus or ride in an air plane because Jehad over here is hiding a bomb in his anus. Im going to what ever i can to keep bombs out of the US

07-13-2005, 10:04 PM
Originally posted by Pappy
oh i forgot the post where i stated the creation of israel, and the bible reference. thanks for pointing that out..lol

Bible is flawed as well, read it again from the beginning..

first flaw.

Adam and EVE
they had Cane and Abel

Cane killed Abel.

Cane was cast out of the garden and sent out into the "WASTELAND" where he found other civilizations????

comeon dude...

07-13-2005, 10:06 PM
Originally posted by aLLoY MX 428
yea dierwolf where do u live?

LOL hell no im not french, i hate the french :) i live on St. Maarten in the Caribbean, 1/2 the island is French the other 1/2 Dutch...

I'm sitting here in my so called "3rd world" island sipping some cognac with ice on my 10megabit wireless link that i have had for 6 years now :) Oh yeah i got A/C too :)

07-13-2005, 10:06 PM
ill let the religous wing take you on concerning the bible.

ive had enough fun pointing out your flaws.lol

the bible is a conmbination of parabels, not interpreted as you are attempting.

07-13-2005, 10:07 PM
Originally posted by DierWolf
LOL hell no im not french, i hate the french :) i live on St. Maarten in the Caribbean, 1/2 the island is French the other 1/2 Dutch... is there anywhere to ride there?

07-13-2005, 10:10 PM
Originally posted by aLLoY MX 428
is there anywhere to ride there?

Hell yes... and quads are legal on road as well :) Wait we dont have quads :) were 3rd world country ;)

07-13-2005, 10:12 PM
Originally posted by Pappy
ill let the religous wing take you on concerning the bible.

ive had enough fun pointing out your flaws.lol

the bible is a conmbination of parabels, not interpreted as you are attempting.

My point exactly, so dont use that as an example of knowing history (Accurate history that is)

07-13-2005, 10:15 PM
kind of off topic, but who the **** is muriel strode? lol

07-13-2005, 10:17 PM
LOL look it up.....

If its one thing i like doing is reading :)

but i live my life on that signature... works very well.

07-13-2005, 10:20 PM
Originally posted by DierWolf
My point exactly, so dont use that as an example of knowing history (Accurate history that is)
actually the bible reference was covering my bases as a time line for the history lesson you seem to be trying to not give..lol

i apologize sir deirwolf, i did not know you walked on water or i would have gotton you a towel

07-13-2005, 10:23 PM

i dont walk i float :)

07-13-2005, 10:28 PM
wow, this thread sure did calm down:eek:

07-13-2005, 10:32 PM
Yeah i know, its boring now...

who changed the damn topic :)

oh yeah you did!

07-13-2005, 10:33 PM
Hey question, how do you donate to this site to become a patron and how is donation made?

07-13-2005, 10:34 PM
we used to have patrons, but since we took on a few more sponsors we did away with it i believe.

you can still donate to the site, i believe there is a button somewhere on here to link it..haha

07-13-2005, 10:35 PM
its on the top tool bar, the one with forums gallery, ect ect

07-13-2005, 10:36 PM
is that how u became an exrider patron, or do u not assign that title anymore haah

07-13-2005, 10:36 PM
Cool thx.

You done know you gotta pay for this kinda entertainment :)

07-13-2005, 10:37 PM
really im not sure. that aint my thing. i try to stay away from that part of the site. im just here to cause trouble:D

07-13-2005, 10:38 PM
Originally posted by Pappy
really im not sure. that aint my thing. i try to stay away from that part of the site. im just here to cause trouble:D and a fine jod you do:blah:

07-13-2005, 10:38 PM
but it says your a patron ....

anyways i will check it out, like the shirt and 35 bucks is cool with me.

07-13-2005, 10:40 PM
wait on the shirt, harlen is getting ready to have some big tado with them and stickers and graphics kits and trailer stickers and blah blah blah:p probably in the next week or so there should be info posted.

07-13-2005, 10:41 PM
And that will come with the 35 dollar donation?? i was thinking of that one it came with a shirt.

07-13-2005, 10:41 PM
pappy i dont know if u saw i offered to make u any EXR t-shirt you want, i have a pro t-shirt press that actually transfers ink onto the shirt, not to iron on things, so anything you would wanna try out i can make for ya, just PM me:cool:

07-13-2005, 10:42 PM
hell the shirts are less then that now. maybe i should check and if its not right have him void that link..lol

07-13-2005, 10:45 PM
Originally posted by aLLoY MX 428
pappy i dont know if u saw i offered to make u any EXR t-shirt you want, i have a pro t-shirt press that actually transfers ink onto the shirt, not to iron on things, so anything you would wanna try out i can make for ya, just PM me:cool:

07-13-2005, 10:49 PM
id gladly take you up on it if i could get a decent design the way i want. i suck at designing that stuff and photoshop and i seem to be in a pissing match:scary:

07-13-2005, 10:51 PM
i have designed quite a few already, pm me and i could email some to you and maybe u could give some suggustions and we could try to make something ur happy with:macho

07-13-2005, 10:52 PM
its simple....

hot *** chick with a badazz quad.

i tried asking a pretty hot chic if she would like to spread out over my quad, she called me a dirty old man and ran away:eek: :devil:

07-13-2005, 10:53 PM
Originally posted by Pappy
its simple....

hot *** chick with a badazz quad.

i tried asking a pretty hot chic if she would like to spread out over my quad, she called me a dirty old man and ran away:eek: :devil: worth a try:devil: so ur thinking of something along the lines of the ******** pics?

07-13-2005, 10:55 PM
i geuss, id kind of like it to have some class tho, nothing distastefull.

07-13-2005, 11:08 PM
Originally posted by DierWolf


Just so you know, when your dead your dead, they not gonna pay your families way until their dead too.


just so you know, my dad was a veteran and passed away last year....and me and my sister both get money and also my mom does.

07-14-2005, 01:11 AM
Originally posted by DierWolf
Is 20k supposed to be good?????? 15 months????

thats 16K a year, believe you can make that working behind the counter at McDonalds...

Some incentive that is. You would probably complain if they raised taxes to change that also! I have never heard more left wing, uninformed, hippie, UN-AMERICAN CRAP out of anyone's mouth in my life! You should be ashamed of youself. It's real easy to sit back and critisize our government after the fact. You people make me sick! This seams to be all anti-war left wingers calling card, "I support our troops but I dont support the reason we are over there!" There's vets rolling in their graves tonight because of you remarks! Just to think, AMERICANS DIED SO YOU COULD HAVE THE RIGHT TO SAY WHAT YOU ARE SAYING! I'm not gonna sit here and type all night but I say RIGHT ON PAPPY! Someone that really understands.

Regardless of who,what,why, where..................
What our troops need more now than ever is UNCONDIONAL support from everyone. Whether it's Bin Laden or Iraq

I may take some heat for this post but it was worth it......... DierWolf, with the blessing of many freinds and family serving our great country overseas right now........... Your a JACKA** !!! And whoever that other guy is Quadstar18 or something like that, Your from CANADA so I would expect you French opinion.

07-14-2005, 06:36 AM
wake up guys, its 8:45 est....time to start the day

07-14-2005, 07:10 AM
Originally posted by NacsRacer027
wake up guys, its 8:45 est....time to start the day

It's that time already? Wow...*yawn*

So DierWolf, I don't believe you answered I-7's question

"So you understand the president has nothing to do with the gas prices, right?"

07-14-2005, 07:34 AM
I will add no opinions to this thread, cause I don't want to read through evrything before I post. Besides that I forsee this thread going on for many more pages. I just thought I would say the wake up call cracked me up:D

07-14-2005, 07:37 AM
Originally posted by rmw7949

I may take some heat for this post but it was worth it......... DierWolf, with the blessing of many freinds and family serving our great country overseas right now........... Your a JACKA** !!! And whoever that other guy is Quadstar18 or something like that, Your from CANADA so I would expect you French opinion.

Yup you're right .. I am from CANADA and I'm proud of it too .

You're comment about " I would expect YOU french opinion " is typical American ignorance to the rest of the world . I guess you think everyone from Canada speaks french right? Oh wait we all have Igloos and run dog sleds too .... there is snow here 365 days a year too . Step beyond your borders and see what the rest of the world has to offer before typing such idiotic comments .

And if I speak french does that make me any less of a person? Does that null my opinion ? Sorry but I'm proud that I can speak both English and FRENCH . I'm proud of my heritage ... hell with a last name like Larocque , you can't get anymore french than that . I'm proud that I can speak both of my Country's official languages .

Maybe if you were on the outside looking in , this topic would be completely different to you ... actually I guarantee you would have a different view on it . It's no lie that the United States of America is hated by many contries in this world ... or does your government make you believe that no one hates you too?

07-14-2005, 07:45 AM
i just pictured greg drunk speaking french:huh

07-14-2005, 07:47 AM
I lied, my .02 cents here, we know we are hated, who cares. If some countries hate us so much they don't have to trade wth us, or take aid or any other help from us and I know some of them don't. I don't care which other countries don't like us, chances are I wouldn't piss on them if they were on fire. That said, if you are in this country and don't like get out and burn in hades, I am proud and thankful to live here.

07-14-2005, 07:54 AM
Originally posted by duke416ex
I just thought I would say the wake up call cracked me up:D :cool:

07-14-2005, 07:59 AM
I didn't read this whole thread but just wanted to point something out. If the war in Iraq has accomplished nothing else, at least it seems to be keeping the terrorists in the Middle East. They're flocking to Iraq from everywhere to blow up American soldiers. Who knows how many attacks at home this has prevented. Maybe this is the whole idea? If they really wanted to "win" in Iraq, I can't figure out why they wouldn't just close the borders and stop the influx of suicide bombers.

07-14-2005, 08:04 AM
Originally posted by Pappy
i just pictured greg drunk speaking french:huh

Oh I'm sure you'd get a kick out of it . :p It becomes very slurred ... with the typical french swears ... Cahlise , Tabarnack , Esti <--- all swears relating to the church and bible . :ermm:

07-14-2005, 08:06 AM
What's the only good thing the French have created? French fries, that's about it. haha, sorry. I just dont like it when people think they are special because they can speak 2 languages. I can speak enough of about 3 languages to get by if I ever went to their country in respect that I wouldn't be an ingnorant jerk not speaking their language. But I don't brag and try to feel special about it. I'm sure if french or spanish were added to the US as an offical language, I would learn how to speak fluently and read it very well. That's what really burns me is when I go to florida and I have people speaking to me in spanish when it's not an official language. I've decided, this thread officially put me in a bad mood. How would canada like it if someone flew 2 planes into 2 of their biggest buildings? That's all I have to say about that. I'm sure someone's not going to agree with me, and get mad at me for what I said. I'm just stating my comments for everyone to read. Thanks, and let the bashing begin. (sorry I jump from one thing to the next, i'm kind of random)

07-14-2005, 08:13 AM
Originally posted by duke416ex
I lied, my .02 cents here, we know we are hated, who cares. If some countries hate us so much they don't have to trade wth us, or take aid or any other help from us and I know some of them don't. I don't care which other countries don't like us, chances are I wouldn't piss on them if they were on fire. That said, if you are in this country and don't like get out and burn in hades, I am proud and thankful to live here.

You don't care about the countries that hate you?? I'm sure if you were liked , things like 9/11 wouldn't have happened . If you were liked , you would actually be able to leave your country , travel abroad and proudly display your country's flag on your backpack without fear of being attacked .

You wouldn't piss on many of these countries if they were burning , and many of these countries wouldn't give a damn if the USA was wiped off the map . Sounds harsh , but it's the truth .

07-14-2005, 08:19 AM
And who would care if canada was wiped off the map? Not me!!!! Everyone's always mad at the US, cause just face it. Who does everyone try and immitate? The US. Where is exriders based? US!!!! Give me a name of a canadian website as sweet as this one!!!!!!!

07-14-2005, 08:20 AM
All I have to say to Canada is thanks for tryin out!!!!

07-14-2005, 08:28 AM
One thing I have learned in life, it doesn't matter if you treat everyone like gold, there will be someone that doesn't like you and what you stand for. It doesn't take a lot of ppl to go against you to do something like that, just certain ppl with the the desire to cause other ppl pain and suffering. I have no desire for us to cause others pain and suffering. I have nothing against your country, I hear it has a lot of nice looking country. The thing about it is, let some of these countries step up and tell us they are going to wipe us, we are just toying with the middle east. My suggestion would be nuke it and forget about the rest of the war. Take the oil and be done. I am sick of hearing about war, let's just get stuff over with and have a somewhat peaceful place for a while, no more Americans need to die on foreign soil, finish it and quit just lingering around. I am proud of the job our soldiers are doing and very glad that they are standing up for us, things should have just been over with a long time ago.

07-14-2005, 08:30 AM
Originally posted by duke416ex
One thing I have learned in life, it doesn't matter if you treat everyone like gold, there will be someone that doesn't like you and what you stand for. It doesn't take a lot of ppl to go against you to do something like that, just certain ppl with the the desire to cause other ppl pain and suffering. I have no desire for us to cause others pain and suffering. I have nothing against your country, I hear it has a lot of nice looking country. The thing about it is, let some of these countries step up and tell us they are going to wipe us, we are just toying with the middle east. My suggestion would be nuke it and forget about the rest of the war. Take the oil and be done. I am sick of hearing about war, let's just get stuff over with and have a somewhat peaceful place for a while, no more Americans need to die on foreign soil, finish it and quit just lingering around. I am proud of the job our soldiers are doing and very glad that they are standing up for us, things should have just been over with a long time ago.

amen to that one :cool:

07-14-2005, 08:32 AM
Originally posted by dober250R
What's the only good thing the French have created? French fries, that's about it. haha, sorry.

Statue of Liberty ...... gift from the french
Bourdon Tube Pressure Gauge ....Eugene Bourdon .. french
Braille - Louis Braille... french
Altimeter... Louis Paul Caillete.. french
Conte Pencils .... Nicholas Conte ... french
Diesel Engine .... Rudolf Diesel ... french
Scuba diving equipement .... Jacques Cousteau &Emile Gagnan
Seaplane - Henry Fabre ... french
Stethoscope ... french
Pasturization - Louis Pasteur ... french
Digital calculator ... Blaise Pascal ... french
Bikini ... Jacques Heim & Louis Read ... french
Parachutes ... Louis Sabastien ... french
Electroscope ... Jean Nollet ... french
Sewing machines ... french
Daguerreotype ( first process of Photgraphy) ....Louis-Jacques-Mandé Daguerre,... french

Would you like more or is that enough for you??

LMAO .. funny how you get pissed when someone knows 2 languages fluently ... are you jealous ??

07-14-2005, 08:35 AM
haha, that's not enough for me. Is that all? I would never be jealous of the french, they are the biggest pussies on the planet!!!!!

07-14-2005, 08:36 AM
Originally posted by DierWolf
Bible is flawed as well, read it again from the beginning..

first flaw.

Adam and EVE
they had Cane and Abel

Cane killed Abel.

Cane was cast out of the garden and sent out into the "WASTELAND" where he found other civilizations????

comeon dude...

Which Bible do you read? Cane was never in the garden, if you believe the Bible's account (KJV and other modern versions based on that translation's account)
The Bible is most certainly not a history book. Not much history in there really. Even the history of Israel is not very well detailed. Certain parts of it are, but it is by no means an exhaustive chronicle obviously.

07-14-2005, 08:38 AM
Dude, if i wanted to speak 2 languages, trust me, I could. It's not that hard. And who invented electricity? hmmmmmmmm I do believe he was from the us. Where was Edison from? US. Ford-us.

07-14-2005, 08:38 AM
Originally posted by dober250R
And who would care if canada was wiped off the map? Not me!!!! Everyone's always mad at the US, cause just face it. Who does everyone try and immitate? The US. Where is exriders based? US!!!! Give me a name of a canadian website as sweet as this one!!!!!!!

Everyone is trying to immitate the USA ?? Alright give your head a shake , or get your head out of your *** ... one or the other . Yeah you're right this is a sweet website ... and if Harlen moved to Canada , this wouldn't be a great website ... you'd stop supporting it ?? Hrmm you want a Canadian website ... www.cmrcracing.com ... that site gives me enough info to get me by . Tells me what I want to know .. does race coverage , schedules , standings .

I'm sure you wouldn't care if Canada was wiped off the map either ... chances are you've never come visit anyways . You don't know what this country has to offer .

07-14-2005, 08:39 AM
Dude, what kind of car do you drive? sunfire, hmmmmmmmm gm-us

07-14-2005, 08:40 AM
bashing candada is pretty low and uncalled for.

greg offers an insight that some of us never knew exsisted. he may be misinformed, but he is entitled to his thoughts without having to defend canada in the process.

07-14-2005, 08:40 AM
yeah, casinos, beer and women!!!!! I've been to canada a bunch of times. Bro, I live 45 min from the border.

07-14-2005, 08:42 AM
sorry pappy, I'll lay off.

07-14-2005, 08:43 AM
back to the subject............I think someone needs to invent a flying vehicle that doesn't use liquid fuel and bring these oil companies and rubber companies to their knees!!!

07-14-2005, 08:44 AM
thats the problem initself as i see it.

we as americans feel we have the right to do what we want to whoever we want, or atleast that is the perception alot of teh world see's and or views.

i dont belive it, but i can see where they would form that opinion. it doesnt help when a portion of the US doesnt support the country thru good or bad and with the mainstream media promoting that view that is all the world gets to see.

07-14-2005, 08:45 AM
Originally posted by duke416ex
One thing I have learned in life, it doesn't matter if you treat everyone like gold, there will be someone that doesn't like you and what you stand for. It doesn't take a lot of ppl to go against you to do something like that, just certain ppl with the the desire to cause other ppl pain and suffering. I have no desire for us to cause others pain and suffering. I have nothing against your country, I hear it has a lot of nice looking country. The thing about it is, let some of these countries step up and tell us they are going to wipe us, we are just toying with the middle east. My suggestion would be nuke it and forget about the rest of the war. Take the oil and be done. I am sick of hearing about war, let's just get stuff over with and have a somewhat peaceful place for a while, no more Americans need to die on foreign soil, finish it and quit just lingering around. I am proud of the job our soldiers are doing and very glad that they are standing up for us, things should have just been over with a long time ago.

that should be in the bible

07-14-2005, 08:51 AM
i feel that the media tries to control our nation and some people agree with the media, and then some people disagree. You can't please everyone, there will always be confusion and war....................

07-14-2005, 08:56 AM
Originally posted by dober250R
Dude, what kind of car do you drive? sunfire, hmmmmmmmm gm-us

And anytime you see a GM truck on the road , you can thank a Canadian for building it . GM production plant in Oshawa Ontario Canada .

Next time you see a Honda Civic on the road , an Acura , Pilot , Ridgeline Acura MDX ... you can thank a Canadian for building it at the Honda Plant in Alliston Ontario .

07-14-2005, 08:56 AM
Originally posted by dober250R
i feel that the media tries to control our nation and some people agree with the media, and then some people disagree. You can't please everyone, there will always be confusion and war....................

id agree that they push thier agenda. the problem is when people fail to try and learn the facts behind the statements the media makes and begin believing everything they hear.

07-14-2005, 08:58 AM
Originally posted by Quad18star
And anytime you see a GM truck on the road , you can thank a Canadian for building it . GM production plant in Oshawa Ontario Canada .

Next time you see a Honda Civic on the road , an Acura , Pilot , Ridgeline Acura MDX ... you can thank a Canadian for building it at the Honda Plant in Alliston Ontario . well he sure got shot down:macho

07-14-2005, 08:59 AM
i AGREE very much with that statement^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ I didn't know how to word it correctly. Pappy, you should run for president!

07-14-2005, 08:59 AM
screw the cars, pamela anderson came from canada and im sure id like to be friendly with her:devil:

07-14-2005, 09:01 AM
no, i don't wanna get banned!!!! I know when to say enough is enough. Greg's just mad cause he drive's a girl's car = sunfire. haha.

07-14-2005, 09:02 AM
eh, pam's all fake though. She's good scenery, it's kinda hard to look past the plastic and silicone.

07-14-2005, 09:03 AM
Originally posted by dober250R
eh, pam's all fake though. She's good scenery, it's kinda hard to look past the plastic and silicone.

yeah but we can claim she was built in america...lmao!:D

07-14-2005, 09:04 AM
Originally posted by Pappy
bashing candada is pretty low and uncalled for.

greg offers an insight that some of us never knew exsisted. he may be misinformed, but he is entitled to his thoughts without having to defend canada in the process.

Thanks Pappy ....

Hey I might be misinformed about some facts about US history .... but when I went to school , they didn't teach us about US history .. they taught us about Canadian history ... told us the stories of Canadian soldiers putting their life on the line to help others . Stories about our soldiers on the front line , being massacred in Dieppe to try and save others . My grandfather was one of those soldiers that was blown out of the water while fighting along side American troops . And you know what , my grandfather was FRENCH ... but I guess he was a ***** according to a few people on here . My grandfather died before I was old enough to ask him about things that went on in the war ... my grandmother never wanted to talk about some of the things she seen ... but I'm sure if I'd have had time to sit with them for an afternoon and ask them all the questions I had , I'd be a lot more informed as to how Canadians played a big role in the war .

It's kind of hard for me to try and defend myself on here , when I'm one of only a handful of Canadians that frequent this website .

07-14-2005, 09:07 AM
Originally posted by Quad18star
Thanks Pappy ....

It's kind of hard for me to try and defend myself on here , when I'm one of only a handful of Canadians that frequent this website .

dont worry dawg, i got yo back:macho

and to add, the school systems here dont teach much of us history much less include the factual world history

07-14-2005, 09:09 AM
Originally posted by dober250R
no, i don't wanna get banned!!!! I know when to say enough is enough. Greg's just mad cause he drive's a girl's car = sunfire. haha.

Yup .. it's a girl's car ... but it gets me from point A to point B . I'm not rich enough to go buy a $40 000 truck and spend $200 a week in gas .

Maybe if I hit the lottery , I'd have soemthing more ... but at $4000 a year for insurance on the Sunfire and if I wanted a truck it would cost me $7000 a year in insurance ... the sunflower will stay in the driveway . For the record ... what do you drive ?

07-14-2005, 09:12 AM
2004 dodge ram ...............yeah it's got a hemi!!!!!!!! It's only a 2 wheel single cab though. But she gets me and my 250R around. I pay 300 dollars a month for insurance and 40 dollars a week on gas............ and im 20, so my insurance is high right now.

07-14-2005, 09:14 AM
I work more than full time and go to college full time. Now you know why I have mental issues. lol

07-14-2005, 09:17 AM
Originally posted by dober250R
2004 dodge ram ...............yeah it's got a hemi!!!!!!!! It's only a 2 wheel single cab though. But she gets me and my 250R around. I pay 300 dollars a month for insurance and 40 dollars a week on gas............ and im 20, so my insurance is high right now.

$40 a week on gas ???:eek2: You must not drive very far . My dad's truck ( dodge ram ) is nothing shy of $120 a week . It actually costs me about $80 a week for the Sunfire ... i really need to get my oxygen sensor fixed along with the hole in the tank . :ermm:

07-14-2005, 09:23 AM
I drive 30 min to work and 30 min home. Gas is $2.25 right now:D , that is per gallon, not litre, lol.

07-14-2005, 09:25 AM
Originally posted by dober250R
I drive 30 min to work and 30 min home. Gas is $2.25 right now:D , that is per gallon, not litre, lol. :eek2: :eek2: :eek2: :eek2: :mad: :mad: its $2.57 here !!

07-14-2005, 09:29 AM
Originally posted by aLLoY MX 428
:eek2: :eek2: :eek2: :eek2: :mad: :mad: its $2.57 here !!

$3.78 CDN here or $3.12 USD . :grr:

07-14-2005, 10:26 AM
Bout 2.14 here. Truck takes over 80 a week, that's why I try to dirve the gixxer every chance I get, 40 mpg is ok. Ya'lls insurance is high, I got 200 a year on the bike for liability, and about 1500 a year full coverage on a 97 z71, and trust me I have plenty of tickets and claims.

07-14-2005, 11:37 AM


LOL, you know whats funny as hell, i dont even need to open my mouth anymore and this thing continues.

Guys / Gals , lets just leave this stupid topic alone, everyone has their own views on things and no one will win the argument, gas prices are up because it always goes up during war time..... Bush got Elected and Re-Elected by the american voters, i personally didnt vote for him, but at least i did vote.

I find the war started for the wrong reason, freeing the poeple after the fact is fine with me, if they want to be freed.

All i hope for is this ends soon with the least amount of casualties to all of the soldiers.

God Bless...........................

The earth :) thought i was gonna say America huh ;)

07-14-2005, 11:52 AM
Originally posted by DierWolf


LOL, you know whats funny as hell, i dont even need to open my mouth anymore and this thing continues.

Guys / Gals , lets just leave this stupid topic alone, everyone has their own views on things and no one will win the argument, gas prices are up because it always goes up during war time..... Bush got Elected and Re-Elected by the american voters, i personally didnt vote for him, but at least i did vote.

I find the war started for the wrong reason, freeing the poeple after the fact is fine with me, if they want to be freed.

All i hope for is this ends soon with the least amount of casualties to all of the soldiers.

God Bless...........................

The earth :) thought i was gonna say America huh ;) carribean ******* lol j/p:blah:

07-14-2005, 12:39 PM
LOL we have those too, but only the good kind, and cant post those kinda pictures here :)