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View Full Version : 2005 GNC MX Round 10 - Daniel Boone Discussion and Cheer

07-03-2005, 09:06 AM
Have at it, chat away.

Here's the live coverage (http://www.exriders.com/vbb/showthread.php?s=&threadid=169526)

07-03-2005, 10:35 AM
Gongrats to byrd Consistency wins races. He deserved that.

07-03-2005, 11:24 AM

07-03-2005, 11:26 AM
if the top four positions get overturned goodman would win!!!

that would be some great luck.

07-03-2005, 11:42 AM
well it didnt get overturned , i can already tell you the podium


07-03-2005, 12:13 PM
Originally posted by FHKracingZ
well it didnt get overturned , i can already tell you the podium

Jones cool:ermm:

07-03-2005, 01:15 PM
Yep - I have a feeling Natlie didn't push the win the 1st moto so as not to jeapordize either him or Byrd, I'm sure he fully planned on just getting out front and staying there for the second moto - to make it a 1 overall - smart racing.....and he will do it, too! :)

07-03-2005, 01:16 PM
Anyone know what happend with Farr and Little? Just wondering......

the beave
07-03-2005, 01:36 PM
If im not mistaken, didnt this win give Natalie the championship?

07-03-2005, 01:50 PM
GO ELLIS!!!!!! :cool:

07-03-2005, 01:50 PM
Do you know how long 22 seconds is??? Holy COW!!! Way to go JOHN!!! :) :D

07-03-2005, 01:51 PM
Natalie is a machine!

07-03-2005, 01:54 PM
Originally posted by FHKracingZ
well it didnt get overturned , i can already tell you the podium

Jones you were right!

07-03-2005, 03:56 PM
Full Race Results here! (http://www.atvriders.com/racing/2005gnc10danielboone.htm)

07-03-2005, 10:33 PM
my buddy on a was on a 400ex running production b and 4 stroke b? ended up with a 6th overall in prod and 11 overall in 4 stroke.

07-03-2005, 10:38 PM
Originally posted by fyffe23
a honda podium.. what did you all think of the 400ex running production b and 4 stroke b? ended up with a 6th overall in prod and 11 overall in 4 stroke. a buddy i was know was runnning 4 stroke b at redbud with his 400ex and was in 4th-5th place, but he broke his hub.

07-04-2005, 05:32 AM
Congrats Josh Creamer going 1-1 in both the pro am Classes.

riley racing
07-04-2005, 07:33 AM
Congratulation to all the women riders but does anyone know what happened to Leslie Ragon in the Women's B/C class?

07-04-2005, 08:58 AM
Michael Robinson was the only fourstroke B rider to do the table for two...there were only two guys that jump it in the A class....wow boy can ride :D .....

07-04-2005, 09:58 AM
Originally posted by riley racing
Congratulation to all the women riders but does anyone know what happened to Leslie Ragon in the Women's B/C class?

She hurt her wrist during practice on Friday. Didn't race all weekend. She said she will get x-rays when she gets home.

07-04-2005, 10:00 AM
How many is that in a row for Natalie? He's moving in on Gusts records from last year isn't he?

the beave
07-04-2005, 10:05 AM
Good day for Suzuki, 3 DNF's and Honda wrapped it up. Nice.

07-04-2005, 01:04 PM
Congradulations to John and his winning streak. He may tie Doug's record but Doug will still keep the record of being on the podium with all 1st, and 2nds at the 12 races.:p

Suzuki hasn't had any DNF's all season. I guess they all happened at the same time. That's racing.

Hopefully Suzuki will have the new 450 and all the boys will be on equal bikes next year. That will be interesting to see.;)

Congradulations to Doug for giving her heck this weekend and not giving up. He will always be a champion in my eyes.:)

07-04-2005, 01:30 PM
Originally posted by quadmaster88
Michael Robinson was the only fourstroke B rider to do the table for two...there were only two guys that jump it in the A class....wow boy can ride :D .....

:) From where I was sitting, I saw quite a few B class riders pushing the limit on the table for 2. One was my son. Sorry.

07-04-2005, 01:57 PM
:) Here! Here! Cindi I agree totally congrats to Doug AND Jeremiah! Suzuki is setting the standard for the sport of ATV racing. But Honda is still lagging behind as is the Yamaha camp.

I hope the parent Company of Suzuki (Japan) doesn't think that ALL ATV racers are as low and slimey as those that tried to deface the semi at Muddy Creed this season. Those few that had the gonads to do that need to be banned from the ATVA for life, AND all the GNC races. What would happen if some of the other BIG rigs were attacked? Trash talk you can expect in ANY sport. That was low. Then there is the whining I heard at London this past weekend. So and so did this, I am the points leader, he did this to me on this corner and blah blah blah, I came in in second place not first....... Sorry, you can't win them all and haven't. If this POINTS leader hadn't let his head swell so big, quit his whining and trash talking he wouldn't have lost fans........Honda riders at that. Just my opinion and that is like *****es.....everybody has one, some a bit bigger than other! If this sport is going to continue to grow as it has in the last couple of seasons, and IF you the racers want factory support to continue to increase, clean up your act, be professional in your actions. This needs to start at the TOP and work its way down from the Pros to the 50cc's. You are in control of ATV racing destiny.

07-04-2005, 02:46 PM
Originally posted by RACERMOM
:) From where I was sitting, I saw quite a few B class riders pushing the limit on the table for 2. One was my son. Sorry.

This is very true, i'm not sure who your son is, but i'm sure i'd know him if you told me lol, but i also did it on the last two laps of my moto to make passes.. just nut up and hold on in 4th!

07-04-2005, 03:40 PM
sorry lady ur just jealous that ur suzuki wont be on top this year. and how do u figure that suzuki is setting the standerd in atving. they are the LAST big company to come out with a 450. that aint no industry leader in my eyes.

07-04-2005, 03:54 PM
Suzuki is setting the standard in ATV Racing for sure...

07-04-2005, 04:03 PM
Has anyone heard how the rider who crashed out and had to be life flighted is doing? That was a bad deal, not bad enough that he had a bad spill but then the flagger overturned a bike on top of him. Hope he gets well SOON!

07-04-2005, 04:50 PM
Maybe they jumped it in open b, but not one rider other then the boy with the yfz450 #2 i think was his number it had orange fullbore with blue k&k graphics was jumping it in 4-stroke b.

07-04-2005, 05:13 PM
Is it just me, or do Suzuki fans come across as a bit rabid at times?? JW........:huh

And you know....as an outsider looking in....which is the majority of us, I'm afraid.....Suzuki has come across this year as being whiney when things didn't go their way....

I'm not stating facts, I haven't been there to hear/see things for myself....but just the overall impression that I and many others have gotten from the outside looking in is what I stated. Hopefully next season things will be a bit more "professional" all around........but then again, this is racing! And it's always exciting!

07-04-2005, 05:53 PM
Originally posted by RACERMOM
:) Here! Here! Cindi I agree totally congrats to Doug AND Jeremiah! Suzuki is setting the standard for the sport of ATV racing. But Honda is still lagging behind as is the Yamaha camp.

I hope the parent Company of Suzuki (Japan) doesn't think that ALL ATV racers are as low and slimey as those that tried to deface the semi at Muddy Creed this season. Those few that had the gonads to do that need to be banned from the ATVA for life, AND all the GNC races. What would happen if some of the other BIG rigs were attacked? Trash talk you can expect in ANY sport. That was low. Then there is the whining I heard at London this past weekend. So and so did this, I am the points leader, he did this to me on this corner and blah blah blah, I came in in second place not first....... Sorry, you can't win them all and haven't. If this POINTS leader hadn't let his head swell so big, quit his whining and trash talking he wouldn't have lost fans........Honda riders at that. Just my opinion and that is like *****es.....everybody has one, some a bit bigger than other! If this sport is going to continue to grow as it has in the last couple of seasons, and IF you the racers want factory support to continue to increase, clean up your act, be professional in your actions. This needs to start at the TOP and work its way down from the Pros to the 50cc's. You are in control of ATV racing destiny.

1. WHY are you bringing up the defacing at muddy creek, that was 2 rounds ago...let that go.
2. why would natalie cry about not getting first int he first moto? he rear ended byrd becuase bryd put a nice block pass on him..and almost went off the track, so he SLOWED HIS PACE and settled for 2nd.
3. IF we want factory support to grow? what..are you that narrow minded? of course, we ALL WANT factory support to grow and continue, the majority of us know how handle situation...but with every thing, you get the few immature jackasses.

your a suzuki fan clearly, and your just upset becuase they arent on top this year....or could it be, your just upset that all honda's podiumed this round, and not one suzuki was up there?

typical self centered suzuki fan:ermm:

07-04-2005, 05:56 PM
Originally posted by Dave400ex
How many is that in a row for Natalie? He's moving in on Gusts records from last year isn't he? i think thats 6 in a row...he can tie his record of wins...but he can not tie the record for being on the podium all 12 rounds

07-04-2005, 06:23 PM
:rolleyes: As we can all see by the posts. No Fans, Honda, Suzuki or Yamaha fans are going to be able to handle the politics of factory racing. It is coming if you like it or not. You can either get used to it or get out of it. We all have a choice. Suzuki, Honda or Yamaha teams or fans shouldn't be the bad guy here. They have all done their parts in the sport to help it grow.


07-04-2005, 06:26 PM
Originally posted by Cindi
CONGRADULATIONS TO JOHN NATALIE AND TEAM HONDA ON THEIR CHAMPIONSHIP. From a Suzuki fan and rider;) lol, if that wink was at me..my part about the "self centered suzuki fan" was sarcastic...i have respect for all 3 manufacturers for doing what they have done the past few years.

07-04-2005, 06:54 PM
HA! Where do I even begin?!? You made it clear that your a suzuki fan. And let me guess you have a son that rides a suzuki and wants a factory ride, but can't get one. Factory Suzuki is nothing but a bunch of sore LOSERS!! The first two rounds what did they do when they got beat by oh what were they.....HONDAS! they found something to protest about because THEY are the ones who are WHINING about every little thing!
Those racers out there that want a factory ride know how to act AND race. Then you have those racers who think they should have a factory ride but don't know how to act on/off the track OR race. They get mad when someone taps them in a corner and it is NEVER,and i stress NEVER, there fault when they wreck; it is ALWAYS someone elses fault.
Honda has the best atv out there right now. You saw what happened to Suzuki this weekend...3 breakdowns, Travis Spader, Jeremiah Jones, and Jeremy Lawson. They can't even keep the bikes runnin for their pros to TRY and podium. They haven't even won a race all season. Honda has won all but rounds except for Lake Whitney when Keith Little brought his Yamaha to the top. HONDA has and will continue to DOMINATE! ALL SUZUKI AMATUER RACERS ARE SELF-CENTERED AND THINK, THEY TOO, SHOULD HAVE A FACTORY RIDE!

07-04-2005, 07:06 PM
Originally posted by Cindi
:rolleyes: As we can all see by the posts. No Fans, Honda, Suzuki or Yamaha fans are going to be able to handle the politics of factory racing. It is coming if you like it or not. You can either get used to it or get out of it. We all have a choice. Suzuki, Honda or Yamaha teams or fans shouldn't be the bad guy here. They have all done their parts in the sport to help it grow.


Well said, Cindi.

07-04-2005, 07:24 PM
the whining and complaining needs to end

represent our sport better by keeping your noses out of business you have no control over!!!!!

07-04-2005, 07:29 PM
when these things were stated saying suzuki is setting the industry standard, it was just to say that the amount of support that suzuki has given their pro's the mechanics, bikes, semi, amount of testing that is going into developing a better race bike. This was i'm sure not said to smack down the integrity of honda or yamaha, you guys are such hot heads on this forum. just waiting for someone to say something, leave out one little detail and you automaticly think it's a cut down and pointed directly at you or your bike. :macho :mad:

chill out

07-04-2005, 07:29 PM
Originally posted by atvmxchic
HA! Where do I even begin?!? You made it clear that your a suzuki fan. And let me guess you have a son that rides a suzuki and wants a factory ride, but can't get one. Factory Suzuki is nothing but a bunch of sore LOSERS!! The first two rounds what did they do when they got beat by oh what were they.....HONDAS! they found something to protest about because THEY are the ones who are WHINING about every little thing!
Those racers out there that want a factory ride know how to act AND race. Then you have those racers who think they should have a factory ride but don't know how to act on/off the track OR race. They get mad when someone taps them in a corner and it is NEVER,and i stress NEVER, there fault when they wreck; it is ALWAYS someone elses fault.
Honda has the best atv out there right now. You saw what happened to Suzuki this weekend...3 breakdowns, Travis Spader, Jeremiah Jones, and Jeremy Lawson. They can't even keep the bikes runnin for their pros to TRY and podium. They haven't even won a race all season. Honda has won all but rounds except for Lake Whitney when Keith Little brought his Yamaha to the top. HONDA has and will continue to DOMINATE! ALL SUZUKI AMATUER RACERS ARE SELF-CENTERED AND THINK, THEY TOO, SHOULD HAVE A FACTORY RIDE!

:eek: WOW! I wasn't cutting on Honda! If you are referring to Doug's wrecks, he never blamed anyone. Suzuki dominated last year, Honda dominated this year. Good for them. Jumping on Suzuki amatuer riders that's funny:D They have nothing to do with this. It's the fans, not the riders. I LOVE SUZUKI, and I was cheering for a Honda rider this week. (maybe the same person you were) I guess that makes me and self-centerered rider that thinks I should have a factory ride. NOT!:blah:;):

07-04-2005, 07:48 PM
Well I guess I am a self centered Zuki rider then, even tho every darn race I race in I get whopped by a Yamaha, thats right a yamaha, thank you yamaha, for making such a good bike, the 450 is great, oh wait, I would like to thank Honda as well, tho I have not been beaten by a 450R I still want to thank Honda for making such a great bike, Tho I have not won 1 single race, I would like to thank suzuki, for making a bike that you can mod the heck out of and make competable against any of the bikes out there. WITH OUT SUZUKI, HONDA, KAWASAKI, YAMAHA, this sport does not grow as fast as it has in the last 2+ years. I cant wait for the new Z to come out, they have had 2 years of R&D to make this bike, so hopefully its not going to be a dissapointment, Yes Gust is my favorite racer, but you know what I rooted for Natalie this year, this man is amazing, and plus he is an honorary STQRA racer. Most of the protest you have seen this year has come from the management of suzuki, not gust, not jones, but management. Well quad racing is like any other sport when you start dumping loads of money and advertising into your team you want results plain and simple. I do not agree with all the protest that came about this year, but you didnt hear gust complaining all year last year when he was getting protested every other race becaue HONDA and Yamaha couldnt beat him. If all we want to do is complain about protest and sponsered rides, then lets set this sport back 4 years and go back to riding nothing but 250r and 400ex and call it good. I dont know about you but I am enjoying seeing the manafactures coming out with better bikes year after year. Now that the new z is coming out you can bet that honda will be back at the drawing board for their 07 bike. Yamaha did the same this year revamping the frame and some engine componets. I WANT TO THANK ALL THE SPONSERS OF RACING, MOTOCROSSING, FLAT TRACKING, and any other Type of quad racing that you may partake in. THank you Honda, Thank you suzuki, thank you yamaha

07-04-2005, 07:49 PM
I ride a Honda and have owned Yamahas. I've never owned a Suzuki, but wouldn't hesitate to put one in my trailer. If Honda or Yamaha end up with REAL factory support, everybody should thank Suzuki for it. I'm not saying they were first, cause we have to give Nac's/Cannondale credit for that. Even though you bleed red or blue, you need to think about who sacked up and showed how it should be done... SUZUKI PLAIN AND SIMPLE!!!

07-04-2005, 08:02 PM
:( Did I SAY anything about owning a Suzuki? NO I didn't. There is a blue Yammy in our shop. I don't believe I deserve a bashing from ATMX chick, 450R51, 400grl or nacsracer027. I am glad for Honda for wrapping up the season with a win, as I am a Joe Byrd fan. I didn't mention names in my post either and was accused of it. Thank you Cindi again, and houtex73. Couldn't have said it better. I believe there is something in the Constitution regarding free speech, I exercised my right and I believe you all exercised yours.:D Makes racing more exciting.......doesn't it, ahhhhhh the power of the keyboard.:macho

07-04-2005, 08:44 PM
wow all this interenet bench racing :D i havent seen the lead change this much in a long time haha

Im going to assume that cindi, is cindi hart?? if im correct you are a really nice person to meet and talk to i was talking with you standing on the hillside watching the races.... you have a right to support suzuki 100% your boyfriend rides for them thats awesome !! suzuki does not deserve to be bashed they have done a lot more then any other manufacturer for our sport and i fully appreciate that !! I hope the other big 3 companys follow suit soon !! as for the person that said suzuki didnt help the sport because they havent given us a 450 yet? go eat a tire!! so what if we dont have a 450 from them yet ? last year they didnt need one did they ? why would they need one this year? i was there at the national and for doug gust being hurt you sure couldnt tell it !! and jeromiah jones was on fire yesterday you shoulda seen the way he was riding !! it was nutz !! a wheel bearing went bad damn junk suzukis(sarcasim) wheel bearings can go bad at any time without warning so what the hell !! Travis spader was looking great in the first moto i think he had a mis hap though with the motor or a coolant line.... and goodman looked like he got tangled in a wreck at the begining of the second moto.... if your honda is so great good for it but i remember last year they werent cutting it nor was the yamahas(i own and race a yamaha) all quads are prone to failure its bound to happen !! sorry for the book but i really wish all the brand loyal people would just let it go !! I have had them all and liked them all i swap to what suits me best and this year it is the yamaha.


07-04-2005, 08:48 PM
I was wonering if while the planet was getting "catty" ---- could all of you enlighten me as to what is better: chevy, FORD or Dodge. B/c you all sound like a bunch of red necks at a hole in the wall bar, out in the middle of nowhere.

<BR><BR>If this attitude keeps up you all can have this world - and that is from a guy who has been around for a long time.......

<BR> <BR>Don't look for a signature: I don't brag about my gear......

07-04-2005, 08:57 PM
Originally posted by Stadt
I was wonering if while the planet was getting "catty" ---- could all of you enlighten me as to what is better: chevy, FORD or Dodge. B/c you all sound like a bunch of red necks at a hole in the wall bar, out in the middle of nowhere.

<BR><BR>If this attitude keeps up you all can have this world - and that is from a guy who has been around for a long time.......

<BR> <BR>Don't look for a signature: I don't brag about my gear......

well it depends on the day of the week and time of the month you decide to buy your new truck, I tend to stay away from dodge on thrusdays, thats the day after the whole plant goes out and plays bowling on wednesdays night, ford is terrible on mondays and fridays, and well chevy's there isnt a good day to buy one of those.

07-04-2005, 09:06 PM
Originally posted by houtex73
well it depends on the day of the week and time of the month you decide to buy your new truck, I tend to stay away from dodge on thrusdays, thats the day after the whole plant goes out and plays bowling on wednesdays night, ford is terrible on mondays and fridays, and well chevy's there isnt a good day to buy one of those.

<BR><BR> Good call I like this idea: I'll pick up my next machine on a Tuesday after I go bowling, who is in - the more the better ? ? ? Leave your attitudes at the shoe exchange desk.

07-04-2005, 09:08 PM

07-04-2005, 09:22 PM
ya know i really dont care who wins what race and where, yes i root for GUST, yes I root for JJ, and yes I root for Spader, but you know what makes a great race weekend to me? Not those 3 guys taking the podium. But one person from each manafacture, that is what has made this season great to me, yes natalie had one of the greatest years in history right along with gust year last year. There is nothing better then seeing HONDA, Yamaha, and Suzuki represented on the podium. WHen all 3 teams are on the podium that does nothing but help OUR sport out more and more.

07-04-2005, 09:28 PM
wooow people u need to chill, yes im a die hard honda fan, but damn some people take it too far and need to word what they post differently. and every race i hope gust and natalie battle it out because its better for the sport, but gusts suzuki isnt just cuttin it for him this year. hopefully next year natalie will have some competition and not pull 20+secs leads on the field.

07-04-2005, 09:29 PM
Originally posted by fas400ex
Has anyone heard how the rider who crashed out and had to be life flighted is doing? That was a bad deal, not bad enough that he had a bad spill but then the flagger overturned a bike on top of him. Hope he gets well SOON!

Hes doing fine, they released him same day and is doing well. Thank good, it coulda been much worse. Thanks for caring, Ill let him know people were worried.


07-04-2005, 09:44 PM
To those who where saying that suzuki is being all b*tchy about protesting, look at what happened last year. Gust got protested once for supposedly having too big of and engine and once for supposedly having a microphone in his helmet, how redicoules is that? Suzuki so far has put the most time and money into racing, MX and XC. They sponser the whole GNCC race series. Thats why they protest so much, they are putting a lot of money into our sport. I dont really care who wins, as long as there is a nice battle going on. Us suzuki people (well atleast me personally) like all the racers, I just happen to own a suzuki.

07-04-2005, 09:54 PM
yeh it was michael that hit the table of 2 but he didnt clear it either time. i didnt see too many b class hittin it. i know alot of a class did..

07-04-2005, 11:08 PM
the table of two was wiicked man seein my homie Chad Sumner in Production A and 265A hittin was scarin me, but at the same time it just looked absolutly sick

07-04-2005, 11:26 PM
Originally posted by Out_Sider
the table of two was wiicked man seein my homie Chad Sumner in Production A and 265A hittin was scarin me, but at the same time it just looked absolutly sick ya...that thing looks huge, i didnt even beleive quads jumped it when i saw a picture of that part of the track..the pictures are just insane.

07-05-2005, 07:38 AM
ALL OF YOU need to knock it off and quit harping on every little thing that fellow atv riders/racers are doing. I love riding and racing, but man, you guys are putting a bad taste in my mouth!

These forums are fun b/c people can comunicate with others that have the same interests, but they are a breading ground for gossip and bickering.

So, rather than come on here and complain, moan and act like you're a know-it-all, go out and actually ride and enjoy this sport.

I'm a Honda fan, but I'm an ATV fan first. I do not cheer against any pro racer, I remember when none of them were on Factory rides and they were all just great guys to cheer on. Don't let the bike color change that! These guys are just like us (a lot more skill though) and what YOU people are doing to them on these forums is sickening!

riley racing
07-05-2005, 07:44 AM
I have to say these post are getting a bit ridiculous. Without the factory support from Suzuki, Honda and Yamaha this sport wouldn’t be what it is today. It is going rapidly and the support from the factories is helping greatly as well as the PRO riders. You are always going to have someone complaining about something because you can’t make everyone happy. I am a Honda racer as well as my husband. My daughter is a Suzuki rider as well as my son was last year. All I have to say is just be glad we have tracks to race on and as long as everyone is having FUN!!! Then it is well worth it. The time it isn’t fun anymore is the time you need to sell and get out of the sport. Yes it is a competition but once your race is over you need to get off your machine and ask yourself was it fun or not. Hope others agree if not you need to get out now before you drag the sport down.

07-05-2005, 08:30 AM
I had the opportunity to be on the same flight as Travis Spader and his wife on the way home from KY on Sun. What a genuine down to earth person. No swelled head and no bragging. I told him I saw him post for anyone who wanted to sponsor him to the ESPN outdoor games in FL this week and Suziki stepped up and is helping him. I told him I was thinking about helping him out some if no one else would. I know he would appreciate it. So, good luck Travis!!!!

07-05-2005, 08:35 AM
anyone who has dissed Team Suzuki needs to be kicked in the nuts so hard that they're eyeballs pop out their head. I hung out with team suzuki all weekend and they were the nicest of people and only wanted to help the growth of atv racing even more. i did not see them 'whiney' in any stretch of the imagination, when Paul told me about jone's bearing, they just said things liek that happen, no whines about it. And NO ONE has come close to what suzuki has brought to the table factory racing wise, maybe/hopefully soon all the the teams will have a full on racing program like suzuki.

..and yes i race a Honda ;)

07-05-2005, 09:39 AM
ATVMXCHICK it is obvious who you are by your post. A female racer that likes Honda and not Suzuki????? I don't understand your attack on Cindi but it was wrong. I thought you two were friends. She complimented John and Honda and you attack her and her teammates. You say some know how to act on and off the track and others don't. You should practice what you preech girl. You attacked the wrong person here. Cindi is putting her energy back into the sport as some of you should be doing. She is raising money to help out YOU RACERS out there that get injured at the track and need medical attention. That is a true roll model I think.

Gust is a true champion with the personality to go with it. He was protested I beleive 5 times last year and not once did you here him say a thing about it. Unlike some riders that were protested this year got all bent out of shape and started all this B/S.

I am a Honda rider and fan but this Natalie Suzuki thing makes me want to be a Yamaha fan.

Honda signed the first factory rider with Suzuki to quickly follow. Yamaha came out with the new 450 with Honda to quickly follow. But Suzuki put the most money into this sport and hopefully Honda and Yamaha will follow.

Thank you Cindi for all that you are doing. I hope some here will follow your lead and lose that poor attitude.

07-05-2005, 09:58 AM
Originally posted by Racer818
ATVMXCHICK it is obvious who you are by your post. A female racer that likes Honda and not Suzuki????? I don't understand your attack on Cindi but it was wrong. I thought you two were friends. She complimented John and Honda and you attack her and her teammates. You say some know how to act on and off the track and others don't. You should practice what you preech girl. You attacked the wrong person here. Cindi is putting her energy back into the sport as some of you should be doing. She is raising money to help out YOU RACERS out there that get injured at the track and need medical attention. That is a true roll model I think.

Gust is a true champion with the personality to go with it. He was protested I beleive 5 times last year and not once did you here him say a thing about it. Unlike some riders that were protested this year got all bent out of shape and started all this B/S.

I am a Honda rider and fan but this Natalie Suzuki thing makes me want to be a Yamaha fan.

Honda signed the first factory rider with Suzuki to quickly follow. Yamaha came out with the new 450 with Honda to quickly follow. But Suzuki put the most money into this sport and hopefully Honda and Yamaha will follow.

Thank you Cindi for all that you are doing. I hope some here will follow your lead and lose that poor attitude.

:p Thank You. ;)

07-05-2005, 10:14 AM
sorry racer818 but you have it all wrong. you don't have ANY idea who i am. and no i don't race, but yes i have been to all the races this year. so its not obvious who i am. my "attack" was not amied toward cindi, if she fit into the scenerio then so be it. Like RACERMOM said everybody has an opinion and thats what these forms are for.

07-05-2005, 10:16 AM
As I was enjoying this thread, I was just thinking......imagine the irony if Suzuki came out with their 450 and signed Natalie next year.......now wouldn't we all feel like idiots? :huh :D

07-05-2005, 10:23 AM
Originally posted by 400grl
As I was enjoying this thread, I was just thinking......imagine the irony if Suzuki came out with their 450 and signed Natalie next year.......now wouldn't we all feel like idiots? :huh :D

I think that would be the best. Then I can guaranty you that all these people that own hondas that are whining and complaining about how suzuki is, would completely switch sides on the fight.

07-05-2005, 10:25 AM
Originally posted by fas400ex
Has anyone heard how the rider who crashed out and had to be life flighted is doing? That was a bad deal, not bad enough that he had a bad spill but then the flagger overturned a bike on top of him. Hope he gets well SOON!


His name was jason bergy #117 in open c....His bike had broke so i let him use mine. From what it looked like he jumped that first table top after the turn kinda sideways and landed on the side of that hill. He must fell right off cause he was at the top of the hill and my bike was all the way down at the bottem.

I ran over there and he was actualy consious and was talking to me. He told me to take my bike and not worry because he was fine. Then when the mule came back up the hill w/ him he wasnt breathing on his own and was out cold

From what i understand the medics rushed down there to fast and whatever they were on rolled on top of him b/c of the angle of the hill. At the time it rolled on him his helmet was off and everything.

After being flown to the hopsital he was only there for a good 2-3 hrs. He only has a bad concusion and his shoulders a little messed up but other than that hes completly fine and should be at unadilla


PS. thank you for your concerns

07-05-2005, 11:04 AM
Wow ... this topic got a little heated ... some people just need sit back and take a breath . Just like someone said ... Opinions are like a**holes , everyone has one . Well I have an a**hole so here is my opinion .

I commend Suzuki for the support they've given this sport . The day I see a Yamaha Rig with factory mechanics and a Honda rig with Honda mechanics and little Japanese guys from these companies (other than Suzuki)running around , who are actually interested in pushing this sport further .. only then will I believe they have the commitment that Team Suzuki has.

Someone said that Suzuki hasn't done anything for this sport cuz they don't have a 450 . Back up 15 years ago , when the only Team to really stick with ATV racing was Team Suzuki with their LT 250r . Suzuki proved last season that they didn't need a new Factory 450 to be on the podium .

To the comment about how many times has a Suzuki been on the podium compared to Honda ..... Sit back and look . How many Suzuki's are out there compared to Honda's ??

So the issue about protesting gets brought up again . I thought this issue was dead , but I guess some people don't realize how competetive sports work . Go to ANY major sporting event and there are protest. NASCAR has protests EVERY race .. we just don't hear about it every week because if they were to make it public all the time that's all you'd read about . NHRA drag racing ... protest every weekend (trust me we used to run in NHRA Drag Racing Events ) . Formula 1 racing ... protests every race . National MX racing .. protests .... see where I'm going with this .

When a company has MILLIONS invested in a race program , you can bet your bottom dollar that there are going to be protests . Without protests you don't have a level playing field ... and what would be the point of investing millions in a program where the guy lined up next to you at the gate might be doing or running something illegal .

I laughed at the comment about Team Suzuki not being able to keep their Factory bikes running . When you have moving parts that are being put to their extremes , things ARE going to break .

Gust and JJ might not have made it onto the podium this round ... but neither did Tim Farr ... who is , if I remember right, a Honda Factory rider ... but wait ... where is Tim's Rig ???

My $0.02

Shawn H
07-05-2005, 11:08 AM
Most of this thread has turned into a waste of space.

Im a XC racer and I have Never Ever seen anyone Whine and Snivell over a Who's/Whats better than like this crap.

This is not good for the Sport.

What ever happened to just a Great race?

I root for Natalie and Im Glad he Won, But I also root for Farr JJ,&Gust. As a racer I Want to see a Battle and who ever Wins Wins!!

Its clear that when a Racer Dominates Like Doug Gust, John Natalie, & Bill Ballance and a ton of others have they want it more and TRAIN Harder.Its not the machine it only plays a role and helps.

07-05-2005, 11:39 AM
Josh Creamer will begin dominating the pro class real soon. This is his 3rd year racing ever. First year he went from C to A class in NEATV-MX. Second year he won the Pro-Am class in NEATV-MX now this year hes looking real good at the nationals. He won both Pro-Am classes this weekend and Id just like to point out that in the NEATV events, Creamer is always killing Haavisto on the track, and Haavisto is putting up some real respectable finishes in the Pro national class with a 7th place at Daniel Boone.

In conclusion, look out for Josh Creamer. :macho

07-05-2005, 11:49 AM
OK Lets all get our anger out and be done with it!
There shouldnt be any Suzuki, Honda, or Yamaha put downs if you truely want a sport to grow!
Yes everyone has an opinion and yes there is freedom of speech.
But once you blackball and bad name someone who is trying as much as possible to support a sport like ours, you just have to put a stop to it and you have to give them as much credit as possible.

Do I have a Favorite manufacture? YES
Do I have a Favorite Rider? YES
Do I have a Favorite Team? YES
Do I say that this team or rider or manufacture is NO Good? Heck NO!

I love to see great racing no matter who it is and for what position it is for!

Heck to see a guy racing on the last lap for 18th place with another rider is just as good as seeing the leader dicing it up on the last lap!

To see two Honda's racing or two Suzuki's racing, there is no difference! it's racing!

I and everyone else within the sport of ATV racing should support racing Period. Not just a team or rider!

For all of the John Natalie fans out there!
What if Natalie runs for Suzuki next year?

For all of the Tim Farr Fans out there!
What if Tim Runs for Suzuki Next year?

For all of the Gust and Jones fans out there!
What if Doug runs for Polaris and JJ Runs for Yamaha Next Year?

Does your dislike of a certain Manufacture or Team continue or will you jump ship and support the rider???????????????????????????????????

That is why everyone needs to put a rest to the BS!!!!!!!!

Every pro rider will tell you that one bike has differences from another!
Whether it's power, handling, suspension, or cornering.
Every pro rider will also tell you that they are working out the bugs on their bike!
It's not a bad design on a bike it's getting it adjusted to that rider's liking!

And as far as Race teams go, heck there just trying to get a level playing field!
Maybe there is a rumor that they are just following up on or maybe they just want a close up peak at a design or maybe they are just pissed about something that happened on or off the track.
That race team is entitled to get that level playing field that it should be!

You have seen it in NASCAR a sport that is many times bigger than ours that someone bends or breaks the rules to get that advantage and win!

They have gotten caught and it isnt the association that holds that infringement against them it's the fans and followers!

I think that is the same as what we have here! The fans and followers are doing all of the complaining!

I say Great Job Suzuki, Honda, Yamaha, Polaris, Dinli and every other manufacture out there!

I say Great Job Natalie, Gust, Farr, Jones, Byrd, Little and every other rider out there!

I say Great Job Team Suzuki, Team Honda, East Coast ATV, Lost Creek Cycles and every Independant racing team out there!!

Why???? Because our sport is growing and numbers of entries are growing!

Without Protests and questioning certain things or calls, there would be nothing but a cheaters and sandbaggers out on the track racing!

So ask yourself this question!!!
Do you support the sport as much as possible or do you support only your team or rider!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Believe me I have seen when something is done that is fair and not fair!

It's happening everywhere in the sport, But I still Support Everyone that is a part of it!

Just my $.02 !

Rick Frisco
RemNS Productions

d kelley
07-05-2005, 11:52 AM
Sorry if this a little off the subject, but does anyone know when suzuki will release the 450 I keep hearing about? I am in the process of buying some new quads and would really like to see this new bike.

07-05-2005, 12:07 PM
well put Rem NS

07-05-2005, 01:23 PM
Originally posted by 400grl
Yep - I have a feeling Natlie didn't push the win the 1st moto so as not to jeapordize either him or Byrd, I'm sure he fully planned on just getting out front and staying there for the second moto - to make it a 1 overall - smart racing.....and he will do it, too! :)

Keith was pressuring Tim pretty hard. They came out of a turn and jumped a table top side by side. Tim drifted over a little in the air and keith landed on his nerf. They both went to flipping. Keith had a bunch of scratches and was beat up pretty bad. Not sure how bad off Tim was, but I heard he had a concusion and that's why he didn't run the 2nd moto. It was just a racing accident and it happens. Tim and Keith are very good friends and neither would have done anything on purpose to hurt the other.

07-05-2005, 01:45 PM
Thanks - I was just curious what happened......as much as these guys all jump around and right next to each other, I'm actually surprised it doesn't happen more often. I wish them both a quick recovery!! :)

07-05-2005, 01:55 PM
This is the spirit of racing...http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v216/dueces_r_wild2002/Spiritofracing.jpg

I know the pic is from High Point but I thought I'd share...

RemNS has hit the nail on the head... racing is racing no matter what they ride. I see many teams at the nationals cheering for other riders - not on their team - not on their brand of quad...that to me gives me more respect for them than those solely supporting only their team members or choice of quad.

Yes, I have a favorite pro rider..actually a couple from each manufacturer. I would cheer them on no matter what they ride.

A big CONGRATS to John for the year!
I stood beside John's mom, Nancy, as she yelled for Tim Farr and Keith Little to get up after they crashed...that is the spirit of racing. I watched John spend over a half hour of his "pool time" talking with a group of young fans..that is the spirit of racing...
Any time I see a pro rider spend a minute or more with the youth and amateur riders..that is the spirit of racing...

Many times I have seen riders give their competitors parts to keep them in the race..that is the spirit of racing..

I love the sport and hate all the dissin'...keep your eyes open and really look at all that goes on at these races and you will see why the sport is growing....

riley racing
07-05-2005, 02:36 PM
Kudos to REM NS. You have hit the nail right on the head!!! YEA!!!

07-05-2005, 02:50 PM
Originally posted by atvmxchic
sorry racer818 but you have it all wrong. you don't have ANY idea who i am. and no i don't race, but yes i have been to all the races this year. so its not obvious who i am. my "attack" was not amied toward cindi, if she fit into the scenerio then so be it. Like RACERMOM said everybody has an opinion and thats what these forms are for.

You are correct you have a right to an opinion. But to publicly dis a team of riders you don't know is wrong. You stated "ALL TEAM SUZUKI AMETEUR RIDERS ARE SELF-CENTERED" My point was to let you know how incorrect you were. What Cindi is doing is no way self centered at all. You stated ALL so that was a slam on all of them. Do you know John Ragon and Russell Shoemaker. I don't think so. If you want to hate Suzuki fine but don't come on here and take it out on a bunch a racers that have nothing to do with your anger. You are the type of fan that needs to stay at home. I'm sure you come to the races because you have a racer out there. Are you saying if Suzuki said to you. We want to give you 4 bikes and all the parts you need you would say NO you guys are a bunch of sore loosers. Think before you make an ***** out of yourself and cut down people you don't know. I would like to know how these riders are Self-centered. Can you explain. Probably not.

I may not know for sure who you are but I am sure you would be to ashamed to let us know.:huh

07-05-2005, 04:14 PM
I didn't post on here to make everybody mad, racermom gave her 2 cents about what she was thinking so I gave mine and if you don't like it then you can kiss my *** because you gave yours as did everyone else. You are absoultely right I wouldn't nor would my riders accept a factory ride from suzuki because we know how they are. My racers ride bikes they don't have to fix everyother race. My racers have not had any mechanical problems all season. And if you say you support the sport then you shouldn't tell ANYBODY they need to stay at home, because that is FAR from supporting the sport! Its not much of a GROWING sport without the FANS!

07-05-2005, 04:29 PM
Wow everybody has an opinion, guess I should add mine.

I am not a die hard fan of any one pro. I will cheer for anyone. Gust, sure he's from my area. Wienen, sure I 've met him at some local races. Natalie, sure you have to be impressed with his charge this year. I am more than happy to clap for anyone that ends up on the podium. I was really hoping to see Byrd pull it off.

First the ride that Natalie had in the first moto was nothing short of amazing. To come from where he started to the place he finished was something to watch. I think if he had a need to get around Byrd that moto he could have. I will admit that I was incredibly impressed with his ride. The boy can wheel a quad.

But, he lost alot of my respect in the second moto when he made the pass in the six pack on Byrd. The look back mugging for the crowd was in poor taste in my opinion. I am sure someone is going to say that he was just checking for traffic or something but he was no doubt posing for the crowd. If it would have been me behind him (which will never happen, lol) I would have popped him harder at the finish line turn than Byrd did.

He has had an incredible year and I congratulate him on his championship. I just hope the head isn't getting to big for the helmet.

07-05-2005, 04:42 PM
I just want to be sure I understand what you are saying......Natalie did a lookback on a jump after he passed someone - and that is something you lost respect for him for?

JW - I do that sometimes too - it's fun.

Dice Wiley
07-05-2005, 04:44 PM
Originally posted by tw1976
Wow everybody has an opinion, guess I should add mine.

I am not a die hard fan of any one pro. I will cheer for anyone. Gust, sure he's from my area. Wienen, sure I 've met him at some local races. Natalie, sure you have to be impressed with his charge this year. I am more than happy to clap for anyone that ends up on the podium. I was really hoping to see Byrd pull it off.

First the ride that Natalie had in the first moto was nothing short of amazing. To come from where he started to the place he finished was something to watch. I think if he had a need to get around Byrd that moto he could have. I will admit that I was incredibly impressed with his ride. The boy can wheel a quad.

But, he lost alot of my respect in the second moto when he made the pass in the six pack on Byrd. The look back mugging for the crowd was in poor taste in my opinion. I am sure someone is going to say that he was just checking for traffic or something but he was no doubt posing for the crowd. If it would have been me behind him (which will never happen, lol) I would have popped him harder at the finish line turn than Byrd did.

He has had an incredible year and I congratulate him on his championship. I just hope the head isn't getting to big for the helmet. he wasn't disrespectin anyone--- just havin fun. he worked real hard to be the best and now he can "play" a little. i love it when people give "the vicious look over:D " cracks me up:) for my friends and I----- its like a "i know your there, cheerin me on" kinda thing. just good times at the races.

07-05-2005, 04:46 PM
Originally posted by atvmxchic
I didn't post on here to make everybody mad, racermom gave her 2 cents about what she was thinking so I gave mine and if you don't like it then you can kiss my *** because you gave yours as did everyone else. You are absoultely right I wouldn't nor would my riders accept a factory ride from suzuki because we know how they are. My racers ride bikes they don't have to fix everyother race. My racers have not had any mechanical problems all season. And if you say you support the sport then you shouldn't tell ANYBODY they need to stay at home, because that is FAR from supporting the sport! Its not much of a GROWING sport without the FANS!

Like I said before. You may not like the bike or what you think Suzuki may have done. BUT to cut on the riders that like the bike and like the team by calling them Self-Centered is BullSh**. You didn't answer my question though. What have anyone of those riders done to you to call them Self-Centered???? I guess you just can't answer that.

If Suzuki comes out with that new 450 and it is all what they say you will be eating your words next year when all your riders see is the rear number plate of a Suzuki. I can remember seeing a lot of Yamaha's and Honda's on the sidelines broke down last year when Gust was on the podium. Now it's Honda's turn. Good for them. Next year will be different.

My problem is only that you cut on a bunch a great riders and people that you don't know. I'm sure you would be just as mad if someone came on here and trashed your riders.

07-05-2005, 04:55 PM
Originally posted by atvmxchic
I didn't post on here to make everybody mad, racermom gave her 2 cents about what she was thinking so I gave mine and if you don't like it then you can kiss my *** because you gave yours as did everyone else. You are absoultely right I wouldn't nor would my riders accept a factory ride from suzuki because we know how they are. My racers ride bikes they don't have to fix everyother race. My racers have not had any mechanical problems all season. And if you say you support the sport then you shouldn't tell ANYBODY they need to stay at home, because that is FAR from supporting the sport! Its not much of a GROWING sport without the FANS!

Don't they make meds for people this angry??? It's just not healthy....

07-05-2005, 05:41 PM
blah blah blah, this post has just about turned to crap. What would make a little better is if everyone would state who they were and where they were from instead of hiding behind their computers, if you have such strong feelings about something you shouldnt be scared to come out and say who you are.

07-05-2005, 05:45 PM
:confused: atvmxchick you are allowed to have your opionion. I hope I never have done anything to you or your riders to make any one of you think I am a self-centered person who thinks I should have a factory ride. I think that comment is really kind of funny considering who the ameteur riders are. Me, Jamie Rentz, John Ragon, Russell Shumaker. I don't think any one of us are self-centered people. We are all teammates and I will stick up for my teammates by saying we are all good hearted people just out there racing just like your riders. The only difference is we ride Suzuki's. Doug is also a great person. He never blamed anyone for his two wrecks he doesn't remember what happened. I will stick up for him also. I don't think you know anyone of us personally and I hope the comments were just out of anger.

Team Suzuki is a great team to be on. You don't know all of us you go by rumors and that's ok. They are doing a ton for this sport just as Honda and Yamaha are doing.

So atvmxchick I apolagize if I have done anything to you to form this opionion about me and my teammates. We are not out there trying to start problems. We just want to race just as your riders do.


07-05-2005, 05:47 PM
Originally posted by MrP
blah blah blah, this post has just about turned to crap. What would make a little better is if everyone would state who they were and where they were from instead of hiding behind their computers, if you have such strong feelings about something you shouldnt be scared to come out and say who you are.

:D :D I agree with that one.:cool:

07-05-2005, 05:52 PM
Originally posted by Cindi
:confused: atvmxchick you are allowed to have your opionion. I hope I never have done anything to you or your riders to make any one of you think I am a self-centered person who thinks I should have a factory ride. I think that comment is really kind of funny considering who the ameteur riders are. Me, Jamie Rentz, John Ragon, Russell Shumaker. I don't think any one of us are self-centered people. We are all teammates and I will stick up for my teammates by saying we are all good hearted people just out there racing just like your riders. The only difference is we ride Suzuki's. Doug is also a great person. He never blamed anyone for his two wrecks he doesn't remember what happened. I will stick up for him also. I don't think you know anyone of us personally and I hope the comments were just out of anger.

Team Suzuki is a great team to be on. You don't know all of us you go by rumors and that's ok. They are doing a ton for this sport just as Honda and Yamaha are doing.

So atvmxchick I apolagize if I have done anything to you to form this opionion about me and my teammates. We are not out there trying to start problems. We just want to race just as your riders do.


I think we all know who the better person is, Cindi. Personally, I still think she needs some anger management.

07-05-2005, 06:42 PM

riley racing
07-05-2005, 06:48 PM
Kudos to Cindi. Anyone who knows you, Doug & your teammates personally know that you all are GREAT!!! people. The last thing that could possibly begin to describe any of you would be self-centered. That is the farthest thing from the truth. In my travels through our great sport I have come to find out very quickly in our four years of racing that jealousy will make people say the most outrageous things just to find a way of "Leveling the Playing Field" in their opinion. Having two Suzuki riders our son & daughter (my husband & I ride Hondas) we are proud to consider ALL Suzuki riders as teammates. Keep your head up & see you at Unadilla.:D

07-05-2005, 07:01 PM
Originally posted by 400grl

Glad to see others have noticed also...

07-05-2005, 07:11 PM
Originally posted by atvmxchic
I didn't post on here to make everybody mad, racermom gave her 2 cents about what she was thinking so I gave mine and if you don't like it then you can kiss my *** because you gave yours as did everyone else. You are absoultely right I wouldn't nor would my riders accept a factory ride from suzuki because we know how they are. My racers ride bikes they don't have to fix everyother race. My racers have not had any mechanical problems all season. And if you say you support the sport then you shouldn't tell ANYBODY they need to stay at home, because that is FAR from supporting the sport! Its not much of a GROWING sport without the FANS!

Alright its taken me pretty much forever to stumble across this and like everyone else i want to put in my ".02". Not to start any more controversy just stating the facts of course.
1. If your racers are racing the GNC MX circut and they are not fixing their bikes every other race how is that possible?? I know riders that ride suzukis, yamahas, hondas, hybrids ect and everyone is fixing their bikes every weekend. Is it actaully possible to race nationals and not tweak your bike after every race weekend?
2.I can honestly say that it is impossible for your racers not to have any mechanical problems the entire season... thats a tad bit silly..
3. What are you feeding your robot riders for them not to take a factory ride from suzuki if it would be offered?? Honestly i would like give a kidney to get a factory ride from anyone!
4. Team Suzuki (Pro riders, amature riders, the mechanic crew, the families involved) is the furthest thing i would think of when i think of a self centered race team. If you ever get the chance to talk to any of them at all i gurantee you will change your mind instantly. Pshh calling cindi hart self centered?? thats a bunch of bologna

07-05-2005, 07:19 PM
I say we let her talk to Paul Turner, or let him talk..... He likes to talk......

07-05-2005, 07:29 PM
Originally posted by TWISTED
I say we let her talk to Paul Turner, or let him talk..... He likes to talk......

LOL........Nobody (that I know of) can out talk Paul Turner.

07-05-2005, 07:30 PM
so what your saying here is that everytime somebody beats you in a race you go to their trailer or go celebrate their victory over you?

Junior Member

Registered: Nov 2004
Location: maryland


yeah right, my best friends @ the races are jason luburgh,mike walsh,dana creech and the fmf team.none of them are on suzuki's
so if your favorite rider.....john so to speek, was on suzuki next year I guess you would have to edit your post huh?

07-05-2005, 07:39 PM
Originally posted by MrP
LOL........Nobody (that I know of) can out talk Paul Turner.

Nothing truer has ever been spoken...... He's never at a loss for words, always spoken with his outdoor voice too!!!

Crazy Train
07-05-2005, 10:04 PM
Sorry to interupt your discussion, but i would have to side with atvmxchic because my boy J. Lawson would have placed a top ten if is ssuckii wasn't poorly made. How about we get off the bikes and concentrate on the young talent on the bikes. Such as that production C rider on the orange bike w/ blue frame. I may be mistaken but i think his # was 34, who busted out the TABLE OF TWO like it was a little double. Everyone should look out for him in the future. If he had a 450. he would have definatly checked out the second race has he did the first.

d kelley
07-05-2005, 11:33 PM
Is this is what I can expect as I try to bring my (11 year old) son up to race high level ATV motocross? This sounds exactly like mid eighties AMA motocross scene. Sort of like stuck-up, spoiled kids racing on their parents dime. It seems like the lastest and greatest crowd has returned and now they race quads. Please,,,,, leave the 'tudes at home, bring back good, glad we can all be here type of racing. Hope I dont sound like a wuss, I just really enjoy this sport and want to keep my family interested in it . Thanks for the line.

07-05-2005, 11:43 PM
Originally posted by d kelley
Is this is what I can expect as I try to bring my (11 year old) son up to race high level ATV motocross? This sounds exactly like mid eighties AMA motocross scene. Sort of like stuck-up, spoiled kids racing on their parents dime. It seems like the lastest and greatest crowd has returned and now they race quads. Please,,,,, leave the 'tudes at home, bring back good, glad we can all be here type of racing. Hope I dont sound like a wuss, I just really enjoy this sport and want to keep my family interested in it . Thanks for the line. and thats how it is...when i raced the redbud national..before i got hurt, the racing was all good clean fun. and yes....most of it is kids racing with their parents supporting them, becuase honestly...it kinda hard to race nationals without some support by someone.....those things arent cheap.

07-06-2005, 08:23 AM
Originally posted by Crazy Train
Sorry to interupt your discussion, but i would have to side with atvmxchic because my boy J. Lawson would have placed a top ten if is ssuckii wasn't poorly made. How about we get off the bikes and concentrate on the young talent on the bikes. Such as that production C rider on the orange bike w/ blue frame. I may be mistaken but i think his # was 34, who busted out the TABLE OF TWO like it was a little double. Everyone should look out for him in the future. If he had a 450. he would have definatly checked out the second race has he did the first.

:mad: That was real smart for you to say about Suzuki.:grr: Your son didn't complain when Suzuki gave him bikes, parts and flew him to CA for Training. I guess they will just have to pick up someone with a better attitude. I'm sure J Lawson and his mother that puts all her time and has two jobs just so J Lawson can race will really respect you for this comment. You must not read this stuff much. Suzuki themselves have posted on here. Not very bright for a father of a very talanted racer.

07-06-2005, 08:39 AM
Mr. Lawson. How many times have you cheered your son on at the races? Maybe we are talking about 2 different J. Lawsons. The one I see racing is #161. Jeremys mom Jackie is a wonderful lady and is always there cheering Jeremy on.;) Are you working 2 jobs so your son can ride?

07-06-2005, 08:49 AM
Originally posted by hessy
Mr. Lawson. How many times have you cheered your son on at the races? Maybe we are talking about 2 different J. Lawsons. The one I see racing is #161. Jeremys mom Jackie is a wonderful lady and is always there cheering Jeremy on.;) Are you working 2 jobs so your son can ride?

I don't think it's Lawson's dad. Read his profile. It's his "boy" not his son.:rolleyes:

07-06-2005, 09:24 AM
Originally posted by KJ#14
I don't think it's Lawson's dad. Read his profile. It's his "boy" not his son.:rolleyes:

Yeah, I think you're right....

07-06-2005, 09:34 AM
Originally posted by quadchick3
Alright its taken me pretty much forever to stumble across this and like everyone else i want to put in my ".02". Not to start any more controversy just stating the facts of course.
1. If your racers are racing the GNC MX circut and they are not fixing their bikes every other race how is that possible?? I know riders that ride suzukis, yamahas, hondas, hybrids ect and everyone is fixing their bikes every weekend. Is it actaully possible to race nationals and not tweak your bike after every race weekend?
2.I can honestly say that it is impossible for your racers not to have any mechanical problems the entire season... thats a tad bit silly..
3. What are you feeding your robot riders for them not to take a factory ride from suzuki if it would be offered?? Honestly i would like give a kidney to get a factory ride from anyone!
4. Team Suzuki (Pro riders, amature riders, the mechanic crew, the families involved) is the furthest thing i would think of when i think of a self centered race team. If you ever get the chance to talk to any of them at all i gurantee you will change your mind instantly. Pshh calling cindi hart self centered?? thats a bunch of bologna

Good post Katelynn. Have to agree 100%

07-06-2005, 10:55 AM
Why dont all of you with 1-5 post say who you are? Dont hide behind your computer!

07-06-2005, 11:52 AM
Hello, my name is Jackie and I am Jeremy Lawsons mother who is proud to be riding for team SUZUKI. Myself and Jeremy has worked extremely HARD to get where we are today...and I am not saying that no one else has not....I don't know who is making these terrible comments about Suzuki Quads and the Suzuki Team. These people are the back bone of ATV Racing and they are changing our sport....WHY does anyone want to be so ANGRY at Suzuki for putting 110% into this sport ? All I can say is Jeremy Lawson is proud to be part of TEAM SUZUKI and is proud to ride a SUZUKI, and could not ask for better team mates....they ALL are there for any question, support, or problem we may have.....and everyone will have a problem when racing---that's just part of it....Be happy that our sport is growing and on its way up !!!!
Don't be bashing it, we don't need that....Mine and Jeremys hats our off to EVERYONE on TEAM SUZUKI, and everyone at the races..Honda, Yamaha, etc.....everyone is great....and we are glad to be a part of it......

07-06-2005, 11:54 AM
I just want to say thank you to ALL of the pro racers for another exciting year of racing. I don't have a favorite racer, I just like to see good competition and good attitudes. I travel to Red Bud (about five hours) every year to watch great racing and to show my support for the sport. It seems like a great atmosphere in the pits every year and I'm very surprised at how all the top riders will stop and chat with average Joes. I hope everyone can still greet each other with a smile and a handshake to keep this sport moving forward.

07-06-2005, 12:45 PM
P.S Who ever crazy train is ????? Please do not think this is Jeremy Lawsons father. It Is NOT.........I believe they were just using that new slang "talk" you know like "home boy" or something like that......????
Just to clear the air-----and to stop all rumors-----Jackie or Jeremy has NO idea who made that statement.

07-06-2005, 01:07 PM
:eek2: :huh :eek2:

07-06-2005, 03:54 PM
is that j.lawson himself if it is pm me

this is mario,wit da suzuki...

07-06-2005, 04:42 PM
Originally posted by Crazy Train
Sorry to interupt your discussion, but i would have to side with atvmxchic because my boy J. Lawson would have placed a top ten if is ssuckii wasn't poorly made. How about we get off the bikes and concentrate on the young talent on the bikes. Such as that production C rider on the orange bike w/ blue frame. I may be mistaken but i think his # was 34, who busted out the TABLE OF TWO like it was a little double. Everyone should look out for him in the future. If he had a 450. he would have definatly checked out the second race has he did the first.

i bet ur that racer..lol...did u get on here and metion urself to try and get other ppl to talk about u? didnt work.....

07-06-2005, 04:51 PM
Hey who won the race this weekend? :huh

07-06-2005, 05:10 PM
Originally posted by Crazy Train
Sorry to interupt your discussion, but i would have to side with atvmxchic because my boy J. Lawson would have placed a top ten if is ssuckii wasn't poorly made. How about we get off the bikes and concentrate on the young talent on the bikes. Such as that production C rider on the orange bike w/ blue frame. I may be mistaken but i think his # was 34, who busted out the TABLE OF TWO like it was a little double. Everyone should look out for him in the future. If he had a 450. he would have definatly checked out the second race has he did the first. so what the hell was he doing in the c class? i do beleive that c-class is supposed to be for people jsut starting out racing....if he was doing that table for two, he belongs in A class.

07-06-2005, 05:15 PM
Originally posted by d kelley
Is this is what I can expect as I try to bring my (11 year old) son up to race high level ATV motocross? This sounds exactly like mid eighties AMA motocross scene. Sort of like stuck-up, spoiled kids racing on their parents dime. It seems like the lastest and greatest crowd has returned and now they race quads. Please,,,,, leave the 'tudes at home, bring back good, glad we can all be here type of racing. Hope I dont sound like a wuss, I just really enjoy this sport and want to keep my family interested in it . Thanks for the line.

amen....i was thinking this as i read thru the thread.

nut up and shut up folks.....the bs is stale and makes ALL of us look bad.

07-06-2005, 05:58 PM
Originally posted by team_450_88
i bet ur that racer..lol...did u get on here and metion urself to try and get other ppl to talk about u? didnt work.....

LOL.................now thats funny!

07-07-2005, 11:48 AM

Hi this is Michelle reiser. You are very badly mistaken.... I DO NOT have a problem with anything or with anyone. I do not even have a screen name, the reason why I am on my fiances'. That girl you are talking to is another race named Nicki but not me...Sorry:)

07-07-2005, 12:43 PM
well everyone has an opinion and I wasnt going to say anything on this but someone brought me into it so here it goes. In the first moto Joe Bird almost took me out twice. I passed him on the outside going through a corner and he rammed into the side of me knocking me off the track. I decided to back off and just try to win the second moto. when I passed him the second moto I looked back at him and he knew why.

and as for looking at the crowd, I do that for my fans to let them know I really appreciate them cheering for me and standing behind me all year. watch some supercross races, its done all the time. I have also worked very hard this year to win a championship so I think I deserve to celebrate a little bit. This year I am a privateer and had to do everything out of my own trailer with a very limited supply of spare parts.

thanks to all my sponsers and fans. I really appreciate all the help.

07-07-2005, 01:21 PM
hey jon congratulations, hope u win the next two races and keep winning next year. cant wait to see u race at unadilla and put the honda on top.

07-07-2005, 01:29 PM
Originally posted by IronManNatalie

Hi this is Michelle reiser. You are very badly mistaken.... I DO NOT have a problem with anything or with anyone. I do not even have a screen name, the reason why I am on my fiances'. That girl you are talking to is another race named Nicki but not me...Sorry:)

Hey Michelle!!!!!!!!! How the heck did you get involved in all this bs? We'll have to sit back and laugh about this thread at the Matt Bartosek Memorial Race..you guys are going...right?

Just to be sure no-one thinks atvmxchic is my Niki! She doesn't even sign on here...LOL ..she's too busy on myspace.com..for hours LOL....

Now back to looking for the amateur pics..who has them?

Just a quick note to quadchick3....hope your shoulder surgery went well !!!!!!!!!!


07-07-2005, 01:44 PM
Originally posted by atvmxchic
I didn't post on here to make everybody mad, racermom gave her 2 cents about what she was thinking so I gave mine and if you don't like it then you can kiss my *** because you gave yours as did everyone else. You are absoultely right I wouldn't nor would my riders accept a factory ride from suzuki because we know how they are. My racers ride bikes they don't have to fix everyother race. My racers have not had any mechanical problems all season. And if you say you support the sport then you shouldn't tell ANYBODY they need to stay at home, because that is FAR from supporting the sport! Its not much of a GROWING sport without the FANS!

For a 'fan' so well versed in the racing community you clearly have a lot to learn about public relations.

It's not your opinions that make for a nice heated discussion. It's the delivery. That’s not an uncommon phenomenon on the Internet.

Your posts and style of typing read very familiar. Almost like another screen name that has been banned from a couple other sites. Any relation? Or do you only have three posts because you have been a long time lurker and finally decided to crawl out and piss a few people off?

07-07-2005, 02:13 PM
Originally posted by IronManNatalie

thanks to all my sponsers and fans. I really appreciate all the help. [/B]

Congrats on winning the championship this year John!

07-07-2005, 02:21 PM
Originally posted by motochicksmom

Now back to looking for the amateur pics..who has them?

I do! ;)

07-07-2005, 02:23 PM
I have zero clue who most of my amatuer shots are of. Sorry.


07-07-2005, 02:24 PM

07-07-2005, 02:25 PM

07-07-2005, 02:26 PM

07-07-2005, 02:40 PM
Well having graduated school with Jeremy Lawson and watching him ride at local practice tracks, the boy can ride. And as for being self centered, he is not.

The guy running C-Class (34, orange and blue quad)has only raced a handfull of GNC's and I think that quailfies him as C-Class........Ive watched him double a stock Warrior over jumps I just pull up to and think, Yea right. Hes just plain nuts!

07-07-2005, 02:46 PM
So CrazyTrain,,,,,,since J. Lawson and the guy on the #34 400EX (P.J. Nevitt) both occasionally ride at Abraham Straneys house, (who PJ bought the 400ex from) Who are you.....I bet I know you.

Why didnt you mention the sucsess that Thomas Hagar has had on his Suzuki? Since you prolly know him too!

07-07-2005, 03:46 PM
Originally posted by raptorrider
The guy running C-Class (34, orange and blue quad)has only raced a handfull of GNC's and I think that quailfies him as C-Class........Ive watched him double a stock Warrior over jumps I just pull up to and think, Yea right. Hes just plain nuts! the amount of races you race does not classify what class you run. your riding ability does. if your jumping the biggest jump on the track that a few a-class riders arent..you have skill, and you do not belong in c-class..plain and simple.

I've only raced 8-10 races between this year and last year..and im running B class now, becuase thats where the competition is at for me.

d kelley
07-07-2005, 03:49 PM
hey john natilie, thanks for writing in and telling everyone whats up, that was just super cool! also, we really like your racing video and it helps us alot to get psyched up to ride. congrats for your super year racing and on getting married. I hope you will come out west sometime and race the WORCS series when you can. you have quite a few (ALOT) of fans and the racing is really good with doug eichner and josh fredricks leading the pro classes. hope to see you soon and good luck racing.

07-07-2005, 04:31 PM
ooo!!! I second that!!! You guys should come race one of the WORCS races!!! ;)

07-07-2005, 09:40 PM
Originally posted by NacsRacer027
the amount of races you race does not classify what class you run. your riding ability does. if your jumping the biggest jump on the track that a few a-class riders arent..you have skill, and you do not belong in c-class..plain and simple.

I've only raced 8-10 races between this year and last year..and im running B class now, becuase thats where the competition is at for me.

I dont know, just because a guy is not scared to hit a big jump doesnt really mean he should race a higher class. Anyone can hold the throttle wide open. Skill does come into play when racing a higher class but experience is the biggest thing. I know that I would rather go into the first turn with a guy that is more experienced and not a big jumper than a guy who will huck any jump on the track but doesnt know how to hold his line. You know what I mean.

07-08-2005, 08:12 AM
I have a question....what would happen if you signed up for GNC race and you were only 15??? if you signed up and they believed you were 16,what would happen if they found out that you were only 15????..........i think its crazy that a kid is only 15 running on a completely stock motor and taking home a few second places in production and four stroke B class.............

07-08-2005, 08:15 AM
And who would that be?

07-08-2005, 08:37 AM
Originally posted by MrP
I dont know, just because a guy is not scared to hit a big jump doesnt really mean he should race a higher class. Anyone can hold the throttle wide open. Skill does come into play when racing a higher class but experience is the biggest thing. I know that I would rather go into the first turn with a guy that is more experienced and not a big jumper than a guy who will huck any jump on the track but doesnt know how to hold his line. You know what I mean.

I couldn't agree more. Just because you've got balls doesn't mean that you've got the brains. To race A class it takes a lot of both. Races aren't won in the air, a lot of people think that. To win races you need to be fast as heck on the ground and have the confidence in your ability to clear the big jumps and fly through the rythem sections. It's not about jumping alone, I cleared the Table of two all day Friday but didn't get a clear line to jump it all weekend, just because a C rider did it doesn't make him A class material. The kid that did all the Free Style tricks at High Point didn't run away with Boone now did he.

07-08-2005, 08:47 AM
i know races are won on the ground, but c-class is for those just starting out....and yes, caleb moore did walk away with it in the second moto, the one guy that was pressuring him i beleive got hurt?

Im just not a fan of sandbagging i guess

07-08-2005, 09:38 AM
i agree with MrP and gimp419. whats the point of doing freestyle tricks at a MX race? unless you was just trying to show off I guess.

I'm not a big fan of bragging and rough riding.:ermm:

07-08-2005, 09:43 AM
Originally posted by atvmxchic
i agree with MrP and gimp419. whats the point of doing freestyle tricks at a MX race? unless you was just trying to show off I guess.

I'm not a big fan of bragging and rough riding.:ermm: i dont think mrp or gimp where talking about caleb moore showing off at high point...he was just talking about in the first moto, he hitting that big tripple, and didnt walk away with the race. The second moto, the guy that was putting the pressure on him got hurt, so he was able to walk awya with it..and have some fun. Caleb wasnt showing off, hes big into freestyle...and when he ahd no one even close to him, he had no pressure on him..and decided to have fun. I dont see a problem with someone doing what they love and having fun at it. Please explain.

07-08-2005, 09:58 AM
I just believe that when your out front like that whats the use of taking a chance of wrecking by doing freestyle tricks, i mean maybe a lookback but actual freestyle i just don't see the point of risking it. if i have the right guy caleb moore, orange 450 #31, if thats him how come when i saw him go for the table of two he let out of it on the face and did like a big nose-wheelie handstand type thing. is that a new freestyle trick of his? cause to me it looked like he got scared or something there wasnt' anybody in his way. that is if your caleb moore rides the orange 450 and i think his # is 31.

07-08-2005, 10:03 AM
I'm NO fan of sandbagging - it bugs me when people race in classes that they are obviously too fast for....just to get trophies.

The freestyle thing I don't have a problem with, though.......I've done no-footers and messed around in races when the pressure is off at times..........it's just having fun - and having fun is what racing is all about.

07-08-2005, 10:22 AM
Originally posted by atvmxchic
I just believe that when your out front like that whats the use of taking a chance of wrecking by doing freestyle tricks, i mean maybe a lookback but actual freestyle i just don't see the point of risking it. if i have the right guy caleb moore, orange 450 #31, if thats him how come when i saw him go for the table of two he let out of it on the face and did like a big nose-wheelie handstand type thing. is that a new freestyle trick of his? cause to me it looked like he got scared or something there wasnt' anybody in his way. that is if your caleb moore rides the orange 450 and i think his # is 31. ok..so he didnt feel like nutting up and hitting the table for 2, what is your point?. I honestly do not see your logic here...at all, he was the first rider to hit the tripple at high point, the kid is great at freestyle. Thats what he does, he doesnt race..he freestyle's. Why did you even bring him up? honestly..he has nothing to do with anything here...

07-08-2005, 10:34 AM
It sounds like she has a personal thing against him for some reason.......because her argument doesn't make much sense to me, either........she just sounds hostile. :huh

07-08-2005, 10:53 AM
Originally posted by atvmxchic
I just believe that when your out front like that whats the use of taking a chance of wrecking by doing freestyle tricks, i mean maybe a lookback but actual freestyle i just don't see the point of risking it. if i have the right guy caleb moore, orange 450 #31, if thats him how come when i saw him go for the table of two he let out of it on the face and did like a big nose-wheelie handstand type thing. is that a new freestyle trick of his? cause to me it looked like he got scared or something there wasnt' anybody in his way. that is if your caleb moore rides the orange 450 and i think his # is 31.

?????????????????????????????????????????????????? ?????????????????????????????????????????????????? ?????????????????????????????????????????????????? ?????????????????????????????????????????????????? ????????????????????????????????????????

You make absolutely NO SENSE!

07-08-2005, 10:55 AM
i didn't bring him up, gimp419 said something about the kid at high point doing freestyle and you came back with your bragging remark that he did walk away with the second moto and then you asked me to please explain my comment that i made...which i did, so don't go jumping allover my back because you was trying to make him look good. i've just seen him ride i don't have a personal problem with him i don't even know what he looks like off the track.

d kelley
07-08-2005, 11:11 AM
THE only reason anyone should warn AGAINST people doing their tricks is the fact is this will lead to kids trying to copy this stuff. then when the first person who gets hurt or worse doing this at a RACE TRACK manages then to get a RACE TRACK shut down, you will really hear some *****'en. Dont think it can happen? Las Vegas has NO race tracks because a child died while PRACTICING at a race track out here. Race fast, race hard, but just race, practice on your own time I guess is what I would tell my kid. thanks.

07-08-2005, 12:06 PM
Originally posted by atvmxchic
if thats him how come when i saw him go for the table of two he let out of it on the face and did like a big nose-wheelie handstand type thing. is that a new freestyle trick of his? cause to me it looked like he got scared or something there wasnt' anybody in his way.

It's possible that he was smart enough to know when NOT to take that jump.

If you were more than just a groupie you would quickly realize that track conditions at Daniel Boone changed all weekend. And it was clear when actually watching the race that some riders are better on dry hard pack surface. While others shined on slick muddy surface. It's very possible that something just was not feeling right to him. Or his quad was having issues. It happens.

And knowing a bunch of these guys personally, especially Gimp419, I can tell you straight up that they would never call into question another guys riding ability simply based on an aerial maneuver. It has much, much, much more to do with racing than that.

But I am sure you already knew that... I mean heck, you seem to know everything.

07-08-2005, 01:02 PM
caleb himself even sais he was just bored.

Originally posted by outacontrol31
sup guys, this is caleb, sorry if i seemed cocky doing the tricks, i was just bored, my main competition busted up his ankle, otherwise i woulda had to be riding my *** off to stay ahead, but trust me, he will be back next round, and i won't have time to bust out the moves, as for the triple, just knarly, thats all, knarly

07-08-2005, 02:55 PM
Originally posted by Cindi
:confused: atvmxchick you are allowed to have your opionion. I hope I never have done anything to you or your riders to make any one of you think I am a self-centered person who thinks I should have a factory ride. I think that comment is really kind of funny considering who the ameteur riders are. Me, Jamie Rentz, John Ragon, Russell Shumaker. I don't think any one of us are self-centered people. We are all teammates and I will stick up for my teammates by saying we are all good hearted people just out there racing just like your riders. The only difference is we ride Suzuki's. Doug is also a great person. He never blamed anyone for his two wrecks he doesn't remember what happened. I will stick up for him also. I don't think you know anyone of us personally and I hope the comments were just out of anger.

Team Suzuki is a great team to be on. You don't know all of us you go by rumors and that's ok. They are doing a ton for this sport just as Honda and Yamaha are doing.

So atvmxchick I apolagize if I have done anything to you to form this opionion about me and my teammates. We are not out there trying to start problems. We just want to race just as your riders do.


Well, I know you and you suck! rag rag rag rag...You'll be singing a different demented tune when you butt is OUT of the Suzuki camp. I'm sure Doug is planning his escape as we speak!

07-08-2005, 02:57 PM
Originally posted by ridethis
Well, I know you and you suck! rag rag rag rag...You'll be singing a different demented tune when you butt is OUT of the Suzuki camp. I'm sure Doug is planning his escape as we speak!

Great first post yellow belly!

07-08-2005, 03:22 PM
i wish i was a mod so i could check IP's:rolleyes:

07-08-2005, 06:30 PM
Originally posted by ridethis
Well, I know you and you suck! rag rag rag rag...You'll be singing a different demented tune when you butt is OUT of the Suzuki camp. I'm sure Doug is planning his escape as we speak!

:mad: You don't have a clue. You need anger management, medication, and your mouth washed out with soap! You are ruining a discussion board, and should be kicked off line. I agree with Mr. P.........What reason do you have to feel the need for keyboard slander? They are 2 of the nicest people you'd want to meet. Somebody pooped on your oatmeal? :p
Enough is enough........this subject should be closed......locked......and ended. People like you are not needed here.

07-08-2005, 06:52 PM
i hate to be the party popper but i agree with mom, this is gone a bit farther then it needed to and im locking it down.

i have checked the ip, and i will be informing a few folks as to "her" identity so they may question just what drug she happened to smoke:scary: