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06-30-2005, 12:25 PM
I was at the track last weekend and late in the afternoon and these two quads show up (one was a yfz and one was a 250r) just by looking at the quads u could tell they at least had 8 grand in each. Im talkin everything, and u know when u see quads that are fully built u think the ppl who ride them are going to be fast rite? Well i went out to the stands to watch them ride beacause i thout i was in for a show lol well the first couple laps they took easy (as you should). Well that was as fast as they rode all after noon i mean for being on such nice quads the sucked. I mean im not all that fast myself but i was faster than these guys on my kfx that i have just about got 4 grand in. This just goes to show you that mx is all about the rider not the bike.

06-30-2005, 01:32 PM
Originally posted by yoshimurakfx400
...all about the rider not the bike.

i thought everyone knew that already..........its been stated millions of time

06-30-2005, 01:40 PM
Maybe it was their first time at that track or something.... you never know.

06-30-2005, 01:50 PM
or maybe they were just rich geeks that want to say they ride atvs:o

06-30-2005, 02:01 PM
mx is about both....you can only go so fast on a stock machine...but you need to have great ability to push a full blown mx machine to its ability.

06-30-2005, 02:10 PM
Originally posted by NacsRacer027
mx is about both....you can only go so fast on a stock machine...but you need to have great ability to push a full blown mx machine to its ability.

Well said.

06-30-2005, 02:26 PM
theres this chick were i ride, she says she races all the national events, here name is nicki butterball, and her z400 is all decked out. and she flat out sucks, im talkin like sucks hardcore, she wouldnt hit any jumps and even pulled off to go around the rythem section. this chick thinks shes hot chit too.

06-30-2005, 02:35 PM
Originally posted by 450r51
she flat out sucks, im talkin like sucks hardcore :devil:

06-30-2005, 02:59 PM
Well, some people have alot to lose if they get hurt or something. If you don't have a job or anything and don't have anything to lose, then go ape chit. But, when it comes down to paying bills and putting food on the table for your family, does the 20ft jump seem to make sense to do? Having a job and to take a chance to be out of work for at least a month, doesn't make sense and is NOT worth it. Just my .02

06-30-2005, 03:13 PM
Originally posted by yoshimurakfx400
I was at the track last weekend and late in the afternoon and these two quads show up (one was a yfz and one was a 250r) just by looking at the quads u could tell they at least had 8 grand in each. Im talkin everything, and u know when u see quads that are fully built u think the ppl who ride them are going to be fast rite? Well i went out to the stands to watch them ride beacause i thout i was in for a show lol well the first couple laps they took easy (as you should). Well that was as fast as they rode all after noon i mean for being on such nice quads the sucked. I mean im not all that fast myself but i was faster than these guys on my kfx that i have just about got 4 grand in. This just goes to show you that mx is all about the rider not the bike.

Who cares, they have the money let them spend it, regardless of their ability to ride. They have their opinions on what they want to do with their money and their lives so let them do so without having people knock them. Their into the same sport as us, and we should be happy about that, not down them because they cant ride maybe as well as others.

Im sure ANY of the pro riders could hop on a stock production quad and show you up on your modded quad.

Why do you need sports cars that go over 200km/hr when you can only go 100km/hr down the highway, because I have the ability to buy one if I want. It's called FREEDOM.

Start saving your pennies and maybe one day you'll be able to ride around the track on the quad you wish you owned.

Sounds like a bit of flaming and jealously here to me.

06-30-2005, 03:32 PM
Originally posted by Giz400ex
Well, some people have alot to lose if they get hurt or something. If you don't have a job or anything and don't have anything to lose, then go ape chit. But, when it comes down to paying bills and putting food on the table for your family, does the 20ft jump seem to make sense to do? Having a job and to take a chance to be out of work for at least a month, doesn't make sense and is NOT worth it. Just my .02

Why even race then?

06-30-2005, 03:44 PM
/\ EXACTLY what i was going to say:confused:

Tommy 17
06-30-2005, 03:54 PM
because some poeple just like to get out of the house...

who cares how fast they are... the only thing i've got from this post is that ur jealous they have better quads then u...

06-30-2005, 03:54 PM
Originally posted by blastereatin250
Why even race then? becuase its called having fun competing in the sport you love...doesnt matter if its a,b, or c class...its all competition.

06-30-2005, 04:43 PM
Originally posted by nacs400ex
Who cares, they have the money let them spend it, regardless of their ability to ride. They have their opinions on what they want to do with their money and their lives so let them do so without having people knock them. Their into the same sport as us, and we should be happy about that, not down them because they cant ride maybe as well as others.

Im sure ANY of the pro riders could hop on a stock production quad and show you up on your modded quad.

Why do you need sports cars that go over 200km/hr when you can only go 100km/hr down the highway, because I have the ability to buy one if I want. It's called FREEDOM.

Start saving your pennies and maybe one day you'll be able to ride around the track on the quad you wish you owned.

Sounds like a bit of flaming and jealously here to me.

Couldn't have said it better myself...

06-30-2005, 05:07 PM
I think the most fun I have ever had on a atv was when I was at my friends house and was doing stupid wheelies and racing his gocart on his 250ex. It was super slow....but that was still the most fun I have ever had. You know why? Cause I was with friends just messing around and not being in competition mode all the time. I hate people who think they have to go all out and push their best 24/7....


06-30-2005, 05:23 PM
Maybe they felt like takin it easy or something? Dont know

06-30-2005, 05:40 PM
Originally posted by 450r51
theres this chick were i ride, she says she races all the national events, here name is nicki butterball, and her z400 is all decked out. and she flat out sucks, im talkin like sucks hardcore, she wouldnt hit any jumps and even pulled off to go around the rythem section. this chick thinks shes hot chit too.

I know Nikki from the nationals, i have hung out with her a few times. And first off its "butterbaugh" not "butterball"...and second her z400 is all that decked out, its nice but not a full blown MX quad. She is actually a cool girl...she knows she isnt that good and she doesnt care.

some of you need to grow up, there are some extremely bad C class guys on VERY VERY nice quads. Who cares! they have the money to do it so let them be! they are having fun, right!