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View Full Version : got arrested, on an atv!

06-29-2005, 01:34 AM
my buddy called me up and sure enough, he got arrested! i couldnt help but laugh. apparently he went from the place we ride at a lot and went on the road, and there was a cop waiting on him! so what does he do? run! it gets better! he is beating the cop on the road for a minute with his yfz and was close to where we have to cross the highway, and another cop pulls out in front of him!

the moral is...

dont go on the road

dont run

if you do, keep it on the trails and be smart!

he said the fine so far,is a little over a grand and he is being charged with fleeing or something like that.

06-29-2005, 07:44 AM
I wonder if that's a felony there. Nice to have on your resume.

06-29-2005, 08:45 AM
yeah, i got caught a couple weeks ago, they wanted to impound the quad...

06-29-2005, 09:13 AM
Originally posted by 400ex28
yeah, i got caught a couple weeks ago, they wanted to impound the quad...

same thing happened to me but mine did get impounded. :mad:

06-29-2005, 09:27 AM
kickerkfx444 how is that 450 front suspension

is it worth the money or would it be better if i just baught some elkas or works or somthin


06-29-2005, 09:38 AM
MArshmello, use the pm option.....

yeah your friend probably got a ticket for fleeing and eluding (<<<sp). My old neighbor got caught by the cops when he ran on his quad and he was on probation for like a year and a half and he couldnt get his license until he was 18. Not a smart move to say the least. Hopefully your friend and people around you learned a lesson because i know i did.

06-29-2005, 09:40 AM
MY buddie got his impounded on friday night, me and my other friend got away cause they stopped at his quad before he kept comin, gave us just enough time to get to my brothers house and get into the garage before they cought up, got off with only a $115 fine and a phone call to me and my other friends giving us a warning..........when they telly you you are alowed to take a strait path on back roads to get out of a town.....THEY LIE

06-29-2005, 09:56 AM
You know, I ride on the road all the time, and I never have a problem. Cops even wave at me.

Do you know why?

Because I'm not a complete idiot. I don't go screaming down the road at 50mph in a 25mph area, I'm not WFO through the streets, pissing people off with both noise and speed. I'm very respectable.

If I'm crossing the street, I stop first. Even if I can see that it is already clear, I stop anyways. It's like a stopsign, even if you can see that it's clear, you stop anyways, to show respect and that you're riding safely. And you don't do wheelies across the street, or gas it and spin the tires. You stop, and when it is clear, you go across safely and in a controlled manner.

On rare occasion, I'm not just crossing the road, but actually driving along it. If this happens, I'm not driving ON the road, I drive on the shoulder. And again, I'm not crazy, I usually keep it under 25mph. If I'm in a residential area, I am just barely above and idle, keeping the noise down, stopping at all stop signs, and generally very respectful.

I know many cops that have pulled over motorcycle and ATV riders. Do you know WHY they pull them over? Because those motorcycle riders are acting like idiots, doing wheelies down the streets at 40mph through residential areas, endangering other people and themselves. They don't just cross the street, they try to jump it.

The cops don't pull you over because your riding on the streets. They pull you over because your riding like an a-hole on the streets.

06-29-2005, 10:01 AM
Glad i dont live there, Riding Quads on the road is allowed here so long as they have front lights and break lights and has a number plate.

06-29-2005, 10:11 AM
k i will be the first to admit that runnin isnt a good idea, and its not a habit we're into doing..........BUT to say the only time you get stopped is when your an a** is BS, i have gotten fined in this town for sitting in a back alley by my brothers garage with it running, i have been fined for stopping at a stop sign at the end of a back road and waiting for cars to pass on another gravel road that crossed it. I'm not sure how things work in your area, but i know where we ride they dont allow anything, I'm registered and insured, with plate in plain view and been stopped for riding the fence line on the other side of a highway ditch......i'm not saying that alot of the time they dont stop people just cause they're being a**'s i'm saying that not all towns, areas, states or provinces handle ATV riders the same and all have different laws about it, so sayign that everyone that gets stoped or fined is cause they're a bunch of stuntin puck a**'s isn't fair to those who just live in area's where its enforced a lot different

06-29-2005, 10:22 AM
They wanted to impound the quad too when i got caught....

06-29-2005, 10:28 AM
yea up here the minute a bike or quad hits a public road weather it be highway, gravel range road, small town road, if its a public road way they impound, now dont get me wrong everyonce and a while ya get the cop who will just check ya and let ya go or just turn a blind eye, but in the area we ride more often than not they stop ya and if nothing else give ya the third degree on what they "could do if they wanted"

06-29-2005, 10:34 AM
ive gotta pitch my .02 cents here. i occasionally ride on the road also. and i do so very respectively towards others and dont do anything stupid or speed or anything. i hav still had police called on me by old peeple with nothing better to do. i hav been harrassed by cops. (for the one good one you get there r 10 arsholes) and for sum unknown reason peeple hate it when you try an hav fun in this town rather yur disrupting them or not.

even with this in mind if i am in town i respect others an try an keep the peace. but if i see a cop, its so much easier to run.

an no matter how bad i want to tear up an down the neighbors yards to get even with them for being pricks, i dont.

though i do occasionally ride my quad around my yard pinned in first gear in the evening just to get back at them a lil bit.

06-29-2005, 10:36 AM
yep this thread is gonna be closed soon

06-29-2005, 10:50 AM
ok, we just curise up and down the road we dont do stupid **** and 4 cops come and they caught us. Prolly the freakin old ppl that called on us.

06-29-2005, 10:51 AM
Originally posted by wilkin250r
You know, I ride on the road all the time, and I never have a problem. Cops even wave at me.

Do you know why?

Because I'm not a complete idiot. I don't go screaming down the road at 50mph in a 25mph area, I'm not WFO through the streets, pissing people off with both noise and speed. I'm very respectable.

If I'm crossing the street, I stop first. Even if I can see that it is already clear, I stop anyways. It's like a stopsign, even if you can see that it's clear, you stop anyways, to show respect and that you're riding safely. And you don't do wheelies across the street, or gas it and spin the tires. You stop, and when it is clear, you go across safely and in a controlled manner.

On rare occasion, I'm not just crossing the road, but actually driving along it. If this happens, I'm not driving ON the road, I drive on the shoulder. And again, I'm not crazy, I usually keep it under 25mph. If I'm in a residential area, I am just barely above and idle, keeping the noise down, stopping at all stop signs, and generally very respectful.

I know many cops that have pulled over motorcycle and ATV riders. Do you know WHY they pull them over? Because those motorcycle riders are acting like idiots, doing wheelies down the streets at 40mph through residential areas, endangering other people and themselves. They don't just cross the street, they try to jump it.

The cops don't pull you over because your riding on the streets. They pull you over because your riding like an a-hole on the streets.

I agree 100%. Its just the fact that I scoot down the road all the time at around 2nd gear quarter throttle as far over and in the grass if theres the oppurtunity. My quad was still impounded and they wouldn't let me call my dad to come pick it up. I was just coming back from my friends house around 6 quietly,slowly, and stopped when he pulled me over. I didn't feel like running seeing how it was a sheriff and not a dec. It was bullchit. I have court tonight but we know the judge so we get off. Lets try and keep this going .

Oh yea my 450r shocks are great. For 200 I would highly reccomend compared to stock shocks.

06-29-2005, 10:56 AM
Originally posted by kickerkfx444
I agree 100%. Its just the fact that I scoot down the road all the time at around 2nd gear quarter throttle as far over and in the grass if theres the oppurtunity. My quad was still impounded and they wouldn't let me call my dad to come pick it up. I was just coming back from my friends house around 6 quietly,slowly, and stopped when he pulled me over. I didn't feel like running seeing how it was a sheriff and not a dec. It was bullchit. I have court tonight but we know the judge so we get off. Lets try and keep this going .

That sucks

06-29-2005, 11:02 AM
when i got stopped on the gravel road about 10 km's out of town the only reason they didnt impound it was because they couldnt get a truck out there, so they told me to get someone to come get it. but still gave me the 3rd degree. and i mean i was on a back gravel farm road, stopped at an intersection, and didnt move when he pulled up and he still tried to get a turck to come so he could impound it.

this weekend is only the second time i have ran....both times no fines no impound, stopping = over $500 in fines last year

06-29-2005, 11:09 AM
I ran from a cop one time , at first i was on pavment in front of a friends house doing a burnout (being stupid) and a cop popped over the hill hauling a** with his lights on and my first instict was to take off. Well after about 1/2 mile the the road turned to a winding dirt road and i left him in the dust. I then took a old horse trail across the mountain back to my house. I didnt bring my quad out for a couple weeks just to be safe.

06-29-2005, 11:24 AM
Around where i live, there is NO i mean NO cops. I ride on rodes more than woods and no1 cares. No one cares as long as i dont kick up dust. Everyone almost everysigle house has at least one quad and no one cares were or when you ride. Thats why i like living were i live

06-29-2005, 11:49 AM
my dads a cop...he saw me ridin down the road once..i was on the side in 2nd..he just told me not to do it again

06-29-2005, 03:38 PM
Originally posted by HondaEXrider22
Around where i live, there is NO i mean NO cops. I ride on rodes more than woods and no1 cares. No one cares as long as i dont kick up dust. Everyone almost everysigle house has at least one quad and no one cares were or when you ride. Thats why i like living were i live where in eastern pa do you live:huh

06-29-2005, 03:52 PM
an overly stupid question. What does impounded mean?:o :ermm: :o

06-29-2005, 03:54 PM
its when they sieze it and hold it untill you pay a fee to get it back, usaully the towing charge and yard fee to store it

sam the brave
06-29-2005, 03:59 PM
i just got arested for the same thing to
i ran from police and made it away my friends stoped and told on me.
i got arested and have court in a few days. i also have a lot of money to pay in fines. i now running was rong but my freinds are dicks for ratting me out.

06-29-2005, 05:38 PM
Originally posted by wilkin250r
You know, I ride on the road all the time, and I never have a problem. Cops even wave at me.

Do you know why?

Because I'm not a complete idiot. I don't go screaming down the road at 50mph in a 25mph area, I'm not WFO through the streets, pissing people off with both noise and speed. I'm very respectable.

If I'm crossing the street, I stop first. Even if I can see that it is already clear, I stop anyways. It's like a stopsign, even if you can see that it's clear, you stop anyways, to show respect and that you're riding safely. And you don't do wheelies across the street, or gas it and spin the tires. You stop, and when it is clear, you go across safely and in a controlled manner.

On rare occasion, I'm not just crossing the road, but actually driving along it. If this happens, I'm not driving ON the road, I drive on the shoulder. And again, I'm not crazy, I usually keep it under 25mph. If I'm in a residential area, I am just barely above and idle, keeping the noise down, stopping at all stop signs, and generally very respectful.

I know many cops that have pulled over motorcycle and ATV riders. Do you know WHY they pull them over? Because those motorcycle riders are acting like idiots, doing wheelies down the streets at 40mph through residential areas, endangering other people and themselves. They don't just cross the street, they try to jump it.

The cops don't pull you over because your riding on the streets. They pull you over because your riding like an a-hole on the streets.

forget it that was kinda long, dont take as offense. just my opinion. here ill help u guys if u see a cop just hit it in 2nd or 3rd and go believe me make a couple turns in some wodds ull be good they will never catch u

Ride Red

06-29-2005, 06:03 PM
Originally posted by Joe400ex
forget it that was kinda long, dont take as offense. just my opinion. here ill help u guys if u see a cop just hit it in 2nd or 3rd and go believe me make a couple turns in some wodds ull be good they will never catch u

Ride Red

this my friends is the definition of moron...now go put your dunce cap (sp?) on and go sit in the corner...you are now branded villiage idiot...thank you and have a nice day, back on topic i ride on the roads all the time...last time a cop pulled me over he wanted to know how much i spent on the elkas hahaha...i told him and hes like "nice quad kid" and drove away

06-29-2005, 06:07 PM
ive passed a few cops while riding my go cart down the street....they just waved and smiles....probably didnt pull me over because they were laughing at how ghetto it looks...:ermm:

06-29-2005, 06:18 PM
Originally posted by HondaEXrider22
Around where i live, there is NO i mean NO cops. I ride on rodes more than woods and no1 cares. No one cares as long as i dont kick up dust. Everyone almost everysigle house has at least one quad and no one cares were or when you ride. Thats why i like living were i live

I guess where you live they also don't have schools that teach proper grammer:huh

06-29-2005, 06:23 PM
Originally posted by AtvMxRider
I guess where you live they also don't have schools that teach proper grammer:huh gol deng jery dey don teech engrish en yer nec of da woods?:confused:

06-29-2005, 06:25 PM
Well im pretty sure this will get locked in a lil while but, imma post my story

i was ridding on the road once looking for my dog because he had been missing for a while and i went looking for him ridding on our property and a fire trail which i have permission to ride on....no one cares....i came out on the raod where the fire trail ends...and i saw 2 cars the first car was an elderly couple...the 2nd car was a red crown vic i was slowly creeping along both me and my brother on my 400 whistling for my dog and everything....soon as the cop spotted me on the road he flipped the lights on i turned up into a grave yard and took my backway trail to my house well i got home and about 20 minutes later he shows up at my house he went asking the neighbors who i was and 1 of them not thinking anything of it told where i lived...he came down there talking all kinda smack talking about he could get me on all these bogus charges...he was an out and out dick head full blown...he was a cop but he wont a sherrif or dep. he was a private investigator....

anyways i had to go to court...he was saying all these bs lies on court...my mom stood up and said my son was looking for my dog who had been missing for a while...he goes to school, hes not out stealing cars, hes not doing drugs, if the only thing wrong my kid done was ridding on the road looking for my missing animal then ive got a damn good kid....the judge said...DISSMISSED

06-29-2005, 06:28 PM
Originally posted by aLLoY MX 428
where in eastern pa do you live:huh

Weatherly WHite HAven area. No1 cares about quads. I live in the country part where there are 10s of thousands of acreas of tree farms and many, many places to ride.

06-29-2005, 06:36 PM
needless to say that cop was very pissed the judge didnt throw the book at me

he tried to charge me for fleeing, no tags, no license, no insurance, he said he could have my quad impounded, he said i could be arrested, and that i could have my licenses suspended until i was 18 yaers old

after he said all that junk a day or so later my mom talked to a state police man...and that state man was really nice he said....that guy is just blowing smoke up your skirt...that there was only 1 thing they could get me for and that was unauthorized use of an atv on the road or something like that

he told my mom that he dont even bother to chase kids on atvs anymore because 95% of the time they get away for 1, and for 2 they are just young and dumb kids having fun...esp where i live there are alot of unused backroads

and when the winter time comes and we have snow/ice on the roads...the cops arround here really dont care...ive rode as much as 30 miles away from my house on my quad on the road all night long and nobody said anything because there are no cars out and its pretty much the only means of transportation arround here when it gets nasty...talking about a fun time comming arround an unplowed backroads that is coverd in snow and comming arround hairpin turns sideways wew....me and my buds had a blast doing that stuff

06-29-2005, 06:44 PM
Originally posted by wilkin250r

The cops don't pull you over because your riding on the streets. They pull you over because your riding like an a-hole on the streets.

Iam not sure where you live but around here that is BS, It does not matter if you going 100 MPH or 10 MPH they are gonna pull you over and ticket you.

06-29-2005, 07:35 PM
Originally posted by trick450r
this my friends is the definition of moron...now go put your dunce cap (sp?) on and go sit in the corner...you are now branded villiage idiot...thank you and have a nice day, back on topic i ride on the roads all the time...last time a cop pulled me over he wanted to know how much i spent on the elkas hahaha...i told him and hes like "nice quad kid" and drove away

ya im sure he did did he ask u how much u spent on the quad to. was he a good looking cop,mabey u guys had a lil flirtation going on thats how u got away just kidding bro thats awseam.

06-29-2005, 07:41 PM
Originally posted by trick450r
this my friends is the definition of moron...now go put your dunce cap (sp?) on and go sit in the corner...you are now branded villiage idiot...thank you and have a nice day, back on topic i ride on the roads all the time...last time a cop pulled me over he wanted to know how much i spent on the elkas hahaha...i told him and hes like "nice quad kid" and drove away my god, i really need to move

06-29-2005, 07:56 PM
in the winter i was just riding around to see if studs work good in the snow and i live on a lake and a cop saw me and chassed me but it got away cuz i went on the lake and i dont think he really wanted to

06-29-2005, 07:57 PM
I went to court tonight and i kNow the judge. Hes a real nice guys. My dad asked why they impounded my quad and he said "cuz there all *******s". I Think i'm gonna go down the road and help him out when hes outside.

06-29-2005, 08:45 PM
I got pulled over 3 times!!! The first time the cop gave me a warning and made me push my quad home, the second time it was in winter, and I started to run but the cop followed my tracks back to my house. And the third time he gave me a warning, cause the first thing I said was "sry officer, i know im not suppose to be out on the street". I hate cops.

06-29-2005, 09:02 PM
am i the only one on this site that doesnt ride on the road??!!??!!:huh

06-29-2005, 09:05 PM
Originally posted by honda_runner
I got pulled over 3 times!!! The first time the cop gave me a warning and made me push my quad home, the second time it was in winter, and I started to run but the cop followed my tracks back to my house. And the third time he gave me a warning, cause the first thing I said was "sry officer, i know im not suppose to be out on the street". I hate cops.

Haha yea a cop told me that once to, He said this is a warning and make sure you push your quad home. Buhahahaha :p like who would actually push a quad all the way home. I waited til he left and rode home.

06-29-2005, 10:40 PM
i try not to ride on the road but... cops around here see you doing anything and bam! lights go on. these cops had a trap set up for him! what kind of bs is that? ok, if they didnt do stuff like that i can understand that some things would be out of control. but cops here are out of control! I used to go ride my motorcycle to the strip downtown, but i will not even go down there anymore. why? because i get stopped atleast once or twice every time and i am legal. my license plate is 90 degrees and perfectly visible, etc. last time i went they ran after me (i wear a helmet and cant hear them very well) while i was in traffic inching and almost threw me off my bike. and for what? they couldnt say. all they have been doing is harassing people instead of doing what i believe they should be such as stopping real crimes instead of harassing people! im not gonna say that i do not break the law and do stupid stuff, because i do. but the cops in little rock are ridiculous. i stopped one day to help a guy that wrecked his car, what do the cops do? harass us about our bikes!!! wtf? i wish i lived in some of the areas that you guys do because i hate getting harassed! just the way i feel. i know he shouldnt of ran but... at a minimum he should have gone on some trails...

06-29-2005, 11:16 PM
Originally posted by tater_kamik
wtf? i wish i lived in some of the areas that you guys do because i hate getting harassed! just the way i feel. i know he shouldnt of ran but...

Just be glad you dont live hear in cali. I would never dream of riding my race bike on a public road. Thats 4 sure jail,impound, and who knows what else. We get away w/the rancher because we use it as a piece of farm equitment. But still only out in the country, never in town! Does'nt seem fair but oh well, O.J. and Michael Jackson got off in this state but if I ride my quad on a old county dirt road I go to jail!!!!!

06-29-2005, 11:38 PM
Originally posted by aLLoY MX 428
am i the only one on this site that doesnt ride on the road??!!??!!:huh

Well congradulations, you have that luxury. Many of us don't. I have my licens now, but I didn't last year, so it was atleast 5 miles of mostly back roads to get anywhere. Even now that I can drive to entrances to the trail, I need to be on the road sometime to get from trail to trail. And the DEC around here, they are really something else. I have never know people to be so uptight over quads. They just get worse and worse. Well the good thing is only one more summer of having to deal with them before I go off to college.

06-29-2005, 11:45 PM
Originally posted by aLLoY MX 428
am i the only one on this site that doesnt ride on the road??!!??!!:huh

we have a bylaw in my town that allows atvs and bikes to ride on the roads but there is still the laws that apply with a car the same as a quad or a bike. But the downside is you need your quad to have insurance and registration 200$ a year:rolleyes:

06-30-2005, 02:08 AM
that sucks about paying for insurance, but i think i rather have insurance than having to A. run, B. get fined! you all know how it is! we have all ridden on the road at one time or another.

06-30-2005, 06:40 AM
haha these stories crack me up, why can't people be reponsiable(sp)? out of the 4 years ive ridden trails and tracks, i havent been stoped by the cops, i just simply respect the other people around me and if i have to ride down the rode i dont do anything stupid just get from point A to point B, that sucks that all your quads are getting impounded but in the end, its really your fault

06-30-2005, 12:57 PM
Originally posted by Matt37
Iam not sure where you live but around here that is BS, It does not matter if you going 100 MPH or 10 MPH they are gonna pull you over and ticket you.

Somehow, I doubt that. Either you're riding like an a-hole, or you have a bunch of people in the area that ride like a-holes.

Believe it or not, cops have better things to do. If you're not pissing people off, they don't have any reason to bother you. And, even MORE incredulous, even of other people are riding like a-holes, but you're not, they'll still even generally leave you alone.

06-30-2005, 01:04 PM
What better things? Riding on the road is against the law here, and since it is against the law they are going to pull you over if you are an a hole or not simple b/c that is what they are paid for. Whether you are an a hole or not is what determines if you get a ticket. It is only legal to ride on the road for .2 miles and it has to agriculture related, and usually if they see you they will still pull you over.

06-30-2005, 01:26 PM
No, they have a larger objective. It's not about "against the law", because that's what they are paid to do. They are paid to keep people safe, and keep highways and roads safe. This means enforcing speed limits, and writing tickets for unsafe behaviour. They are also responsible for keeping peace.

Screaming up and down residential areas is not peaceful, therefore you get pulled over. Calmly riding barely above idle generally doesn't make people angry, therefore you're not likely to get pulled over.

Riding on the road in a vehicle that is not designed for on-road use isn't safe, to you or other people on the road. Therefore, you get a ticket. But calmly riding beside the road is generally acceptable, bicycles do it all the time. Therefore, you generally don't get a ticket.

06-30-2005, 01:37 PM
That's nice if it is legal to calmly ride on the road where you are from, but here you will get pulled over. Seeing as how you are on an unliscensed offroad vehicle without mirrors or turnsignals, you will get pulled over. Yea bicycles do it all the time, one main thing about them is they aren't a motorized vehicle and the only place in this state you can't ride bicycles are on parkways and interstates.

06-30-2005, 01:49 PM
I didn't say it's legal, but as long as it's not dangerous, and you're not pissing people off, they generally leave you alone. It's also not legal to drive 56mph in a 55mph zone, but you're not going to get pulled over for it, because it's really not that dangerous.

Now, you might live in an area that is full of problems, and they have to crack down to keep it under control. If that's the case, too bad for you, life isn't fair, boo hoo. Get over it and move on with life. But many people in here claim that cops are the bad guys, when in fact it's the idiotic behavior that is the problem, and if they weren't riding like a-holes, the cops wouldn't bother them.

06-30-2005, 01:57 PM
i kinda agree with both

but it all depends on which kinda cops you have in your neighbor hood and their mood they are in that day

now for instance if you get 1 of them cocky cops that walk arround like god almighty and let their authority go to head...then i would say your chances of getting pulled over while bein curteious (SP) are more than likely....those are the kinda cops that have the attitudes like "this kinda behavior is not happening under my watch"

but on the other hand if you had a cop that is a generally good guy....he dont let his authority go to his head, his motto is "well i have bigger fish to fry" so why would he go out of his way to get people in trouble that really aint causing any problems...the kinda cop that was young and dumb once too and actually still rides quads and stuff...

now if you have ever heard the saying " one bad apple spoils it for the bunch" well it only takes one prick showing off on his road acting a fool and driving crazy for cops to start cracking down...thats just all my opinion..

06-30-2005, 01:58 PM
Many cops aren't a holes, I will agree with that, but I will also say that many are. We have a little of both. The ones who aren't generally won't bother you if you are just being calm, but the a hole cops will pull you over no matter what. When you get on the road you take the chance and if you get caught, get over it, I have been caught, and I just paid my fines and went on. Nothing else to do, why gripe about getting caught when you knew it was wrong to start with, but I do believe that some of the cops would pull you over and try to take you to jail no matter what.

06-30-2005, 07:29 PM
Originally posted by wilkin250r
I didn't say it's legal, but as long as it's not dangerous, and you're not pissing people off, they generally leave you alone.

Maybe thats how they do it in Nevada, but I am telling you the town i live in it does not work that way. It does not matter what your doing if your on the road your in trouble!!! Now it may be because they got complaints from other people in the town. But lets be realistic where is their a town where every person with an ATV in the town rides nice and gingerly down the road. NOT HAPPENING!

06-30-2005, 09:50 PM
I used to ride my blaster to school, always tried to keep to the speed limit and not be an idiot. Down a gravel road, then blacktop road til the soccer field that I'd drive along, cross a blacktop road by the school and then take the sled trail up to the parking area for sleds in the winter.
This kid got pissed off cause I flirted with his girlfriend a lot and called the DNR. Well one day a CO was waiting for me near the first intersection and followed me all the way to school, in his personal truck. I got all the way to school and was about to open the front door when over a PA I hear "You with the helmet, freeze!" "Oh ****!" lol Right infront of all the buses and everything the guy wrote me a ticket, $125.... and actually since my mom's name was on the title, she got the ticket.

06-30-2005, 10:26 PM
I got pulled over 2 years ago, I went down to this old logging road and was driving back (under the speed limit) I was driving along and he threw on his lights, so I just stopped. He walked over and asked if my parents knew where I was I said yes, he said where do you live? Just down the road. Ok, I'm going to give you a warning don't be back on the road. OK thank you. and that was that.

07-01-2005, 01:21 AM
The only times I get fined by cops is when i stop for them. Everytime ive ran on the road with a cop right on my ***(like 7 or 8 times) ive gotten away by ducking into a trail, except for this one time when there was rush hour traffic and i had to stop and got my quad impounded.