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06-28-2005, 09:15 PM
Here is a story, (Really interesting) please read it all.


Now what are your thoughts. This kind of got me wondering. I have a lot more info that makes everything become clear if needed.

06-28-2005, 09:37 PM
Kinda weird. Like the live broadcast being turned into static, all the cameras being removed, things moved and misplaced in the house. If I lived in nevada would buy a tank and break in the mofo. Just me tho.

06-28-2005, 09:37 PM
Kinda weird. Like the live broadcast being turned into static, all the cameras being removed, things moved and misplaced in the house. If I lived in nevada would buy a tank and break in the mofo. Just me tho.

06-28-2005, 09:43 PM
lol, were going to las vegas sometime. Maby next year, I will try to visit that place and see what happens.

06-28-2005, 09:56 PM
I beleive its there..and i beleive there is things going on down there that its for the better that we do not know about.

06-28-2005, 10:07 PM
I know:D

The whole alien thing was a fictional rumor started back in the 60's and 70's to detor from what really goes on there. It's a test facility for concept aircraft for the us government. The things people say they see at night are not actually aliens but the light from planes.

06-28-2005, 10:13 PM
Originally posted by 1BADYFZ
I know:D

The whole alien thing was a fictional rumor started back in the 60's and 70's to detor from what really goes on there. It's a test facility for concept aircraft for the us government. The things people say they see at night are not actually aliens but the light from planes. I dont care what the government sais goes on there...I beleive that things are out there...whether its what goes on in area 51 or not. I tihnk the universe is just a wee bit too big to have only one planet with the ability to have intelligent life forms. For all we know, there is 50 more suns, and 50 more planets just like earth with life forms on it, could be more developed then us, could still be using square's for wheels.

06-28-2005, 10:13 PM
yeah if there are aliens then why arent there sightings and **** in other countries ehhh??? not even canada with all that snow and ****. I say its for our protection and we best not know that stuff that goes down there because one day it may save our asses

06-28-2005, 10:17 PM
Trust me I've done many papers on it back in high school:D

The employees of Area 51 get to work by flying from las vegas airport.

06-28-2005, 10:18 PM
Originally posted by 1BADYFZ
Trust me I've done many papers on it back in high school:D

The employees of Area 51 get to work by flying from las vegas airport. that doesnt mean there isnt things out there.

06-28-2005, 10:23 PM
you think the papers you have read havent been like filtered through the government or some ****? I dont know, i dont really care because i suppose the crap that goes on there cant be too serious, because honestly? what could be going on there?

06-28-2005, 10:24 PM
Man I wanna know what goes on there

06-28-2005, 10:30 PM
I think 2 things. 1. They are testing lots of new technology and stuff like that, so they dont want it in the wrong hands.

2. OR, they have something going on and they dont want us to know, as far as that goes idk.

Also, There is another story about "greys" and we commuicating with them. They said area 51 blew up the towers and the pentagon with a missle because they needed air space for something major, which was worth killing all those people.

Watch this video and you will be shocked. The government even took away the videos and never realesed them.


06-28-2005, 10:31 PM
Well i dont think we'll know what really goes on there for a long time to come....Anybody seen them shows on history channel lately bout are 51?? ...creepy

06-28-2005, 10:34 PM
guys I'm tellin ya, no alienshttp://www.ls2.com/forums/images/smilies/bunny.gif

06-28-2005, 10:41 PM
Ive been reading and clicking some links on that site, and the way these people talk, make it seem like in 10 years its going to be like Halo(the game)(that would be pretty sweet though lol)

06-28-2005, 10:44 PM
Originally posted by 1BADYFZ
guys I'm tellin ya, no alienshttp://www.ls2.com/forums/images/smilies/bunny.gif maybe there is no aliens KNOWN of yet....

06-28-2005, 10:44 PM
watch this *sneeks behind a guy, punches him in the back, falls over dead* :eek: oops.

Lol no but if I could just walk in there and look around, I would keep it all to myself, BUT NO!!!

06-28-2005, 10:45 PM
The towers wernt hit by a missle though? You saw the planes hit man didnt you.. Why would people from area 51 want to attack there own country.. Why didnt the FBI take the videos from the people who recorded the towers getting hit. I dont understand how a plane could put a hole in the pentagon so neat like that though.

06-28-2005, 10:49 PM
maybe its possible the FBI agents never found those people with vids. I have never seen a home made video of the pentagon attack though. I dont think the govt would do that for air room...but you never know. It realy does make you think.

06-28-2005, 10:51 PM
what you will be suprised is by how huge, that place is underground, I'm talking football field sizes were you can drive trucks and other stuff underground.

06-28-2005, 10:54 PM
that doesnt exactly suprise me.

06-28-2005, 10:59 PM
I dont think our govt would attack our own country and then blame it on the terrists to go to war and get oil? Is that what there trying to prove? If thats true this world is sick..

06-28-2005, 11:00 PM
That is hardly a start. Wait tell I post all the paragraphs about the cow mutations things like that but idk if I belive in that. But what got me started is my grandpa seen (as he said, a ufo) It was day time in our city and he was driving, something came flying by and hovered over his car for a bit, but who knows. Hey, when we die maby we will know then.

06-28-2005, 11:02 PM
Alot of Dapra and 'black' projects.

Most of it is from the Lockheed Skunk Works, and Northrop's 'Phantom Works'

The base was intially used to test the U-2, and later the SR-71.

There is ALOT of crazy **** going on around there. Supposedly, there is an aircraft called the TR-3. It is a large, triangular nuclera-powered aircraft, similar to a the aircraft seen in a rash of UFO sightings in Belgium and the UK.

I believe that it exists, and may be the plane code-named 'Aurora'. COnsidering that we didn't begin to hear about the F-117 and B-2 projects until 10+ years after they became operationla...it is very feasable that more advanced aircraft exist.

hell...there are rumors that the B-2 uses a form of 'anti gravity' as a means of propulsion, and that the F/A-22 uses an advanced radar that can BURN OUT enemy radars

06-28-2005, 11:04 PM
yea that is pretty weird

06-28-2005, 11:06 PM
Originally posted by 1BADYFZ
Alot of Dapra and 'black' projects.

Most of it is from the Lockheed Skunk Works, and Northrop's 'Phantom Works'

The base was intially used to test the U-2, and later the SR-71.

There is ALOT of crazy **** going on around there. Supposedly, there is an aircraft called the TR-3. It is a large, triangular nuclera-powered aircraft, similar to a the aircraft seen in a rash of UFO sightings in Belgium and the UK.

I believe that it exists, and may be the plane code-named 'Aurora'. COnsidering that we didn't begin to hear about the F-117 and B-2 projects until 10+ years after they became operationla...it is very feasable that more advanced aircraft exist.

hell...there are rumors that the B-2 uses a form of 'anti gravity' as a means of propulsion, and that the F/A-22 uses an advanced radar that can BURN OUT enemy radars wouldnt suprise me if there is technology like that.

06-28-2005, 11:08 PM
Originally posted by 1BADYFZ
Alot of Dapra and 'black' projects.

Most of it is from the Lockheed Skunk Works, and Northrop's 'Phantom Works'

The base was intially used to test the U-2, and later the SR-71.

There is ALOT of crazy **** going on around there. Supposedly, there is an aircraft called the TR-3. It is a large, triangular nuclera-powered aircraft, similar to a the aircraft seen in a rash of UFO sightings in Belgium and the UK.

I believe that it exists, and may be the plane code-named 'Aurora'. COnsidering that we didn't begin to hear about the F-117 and B-2 projects until 10+ years after they became operationla...it is very feasable that more advanced aircraft exist.

hell...there are rumors that the B-2 uses a form of 'anti gravity' as a means of propulsion, and that the F/A-22 uses an advanced radar that can BURN OUT enemy radars

ive seen some triangular thing with 3 lights one night. it was really wierd cuz it was fast as hell and it made no noise like a jet or helicopter does, :confused:

06-28-2005, 11:13 PM
I guarantee you they are 10+ years ahead, technology wise that is when it comes to modern aircraft. It would be really amazing to see what has been built or what they are planning to build. Guess we will never know:ermm:

06-28-2005, 11:18 PM
Originally posted by 1BADYFZ
I guarantee you they are 10+ years ahead, technology wise that is when it comes to modern aircraft. It would be really amazing to see what has been built or what they are planning to build. Guess we will never know:ermm:

maybe 10 years from now:D I just hope if the world is going to be taken over by aliens im dead by then:)

06-29-2005, 12:01 AM
I will go there and all these jeeps will pull up pointing guns and be like, what are you doing? Ill be like, Could I get an application? Are you guys hiring? Can I push the "Red" button, Is that a real gun?

I would get shot for being annoying. Damn I have so many questions.

06-29-2005, 12:03 AM
Originally posted by 1BADYFZ
I know:D

The whole alien thing was a fictional rumor started back in the 60's and 70's to detor from what really goes on there. It's a test facility for concept aircraft for the us government. The things people say they see at night are not actually aliens but the light from planes.

Thats what they "want you to think" :)

n00b on a 400ex
06-29-2005, 12:23 AM
the whole "alien" thing is bullsh*t, the only aliens in there are illegals they pluck out of the desert and use for all kinds of things...

06-29-2005, 12:27 AM
Originally posted by n00b on a 400ex
the whole "alien" thing is bullsh*t, the only aliens in there are illegals they pluck out of the desert and use for all kinds of things... ok..so prove my theory wrong, PROVE to me that there is not one bit of intelligent life form anywhere else in the universe. you cant, no one can...

06-29-2005, 12:44 AM
If area 51 is 10 + years ahead of the real world or w/e , why is the gov't falling so hard (gas prices , etc..) while china and japan and countries like that are accelling faster than the High and MightY ... UNITED STATES OF AMERICA

06-29-2005, 12:51 AM
Originally posted by Pa400exracer
If area 51 is 10 + years ahead of the real world or w/e , why is the gov't falling so hard (gas prices , etc..) while china and japan and countries like that are accelling faster than the High and MightY ... UNITED STATES OF AMERICA china also gos to school 7 days a week year round.

06-29-2005, 02:05 AM
I was reading about this other place called Ducle or something, and its 7layers underground, and they like clone people, and theres like 18000 aliens liveing down there. I dont really belive in that place, but I belive 100% that aliens are real. You would have to be stupid not to think that.

06-29-2005, 07:44 AM
Originally posted by nofearrider1
I was reading about this other place called Ducle or something, and its 7layers underground, and they like clone people, and theres like 18000 aliens liveing down there. I dont really belive in that place, but I belive 100% that aliens are real. You would have to be stupid not to think that.

i heard there werent 18000 aliens down there.... its 17000 duh...

06-29-2005, 08:41 AM
its prolly just advanced technology...like the stealth bomber..they had the f'ing thing for desert storm lmao...but the American people had to idea it existed untill the government wanted us to know...those things are so top secret they dont land ANYWHERE but 1 base (forgot the name) where they are immediatly towed underground totally covered from the exact point they stopped...they fly from like luisiana or sumthing all the way to iraq bomb the piss out of it and fly back the same NIGHT obviously refueling in the air...then they are back to the cover of the base before morning comes around...pretty crazy stuff...in fact i have heard rumors that we always have high power bombs ready to fire at the area the stealth bomber is flying to just incase it crashes, after all we can afford to have any other country accessing that kind of technology...

06-29-2005, 09:10 AM
i wonder how you would actually be able to access these top-secret sites. like be a five-star general or something.

06-29-2005, 09:35 AM
My cousins nephews boss' dog groomers husbands half sisters second cousins electricians mothers friend said that they have an alien at Area 51 and are doing tests on it but don't want the public to know about it yet because it has not yet been confirmed that its a threat or not.

06-29-2005, 09:53 AM
Originally posted by I-7
My cousins nephews boss' dog groomers husbands half sisters second cousins electricians mothers friend said that they have an alien at Area 51 and are doing tests on it but don't want the public to know about it yet because it has not yet been confirmed that its a threat or not. :ermm:

06-29-2005, 10:32 AM
Originally posted by I-7
My cousins nephews boss' dog groomers husbands half sisters second cousins electricians mothers friend said that they have an alien at Area 51 and are doing tests on it but don't want the public to know about it yet because it has not yet been confirmed that its a threat or not.

:confused: :huh

06-29-2005, 10:47 AM
Originally posted by I-7
My cousins nephews boss' dog groomers husbands half sisters second cousins electricians mothers friend said that they have an alien at Area 51 and are doing tests on it but don't want the public to know about it yet because it has not yet been confirmed that its a threat or not.

i bet the electricians mother doesnt even exist and nor does her friend

06-29-2005, 10:58 AM
Havn't you guys seen MIB?

Where they meet in the movie is just a Branch of the actual building... the main building & Alien headquarters is at Area51 in hanger 430284p2s. In the 4th Underground R&D section.

If you havn't already guessed it, I too worked at Area51. My name is *sound effect* oops, sorry I am unable to speak it internetically.

Give me a break... that dude who claimed to work at Area51 in the linked topic on the first page of this one is BS'ing. I've SEEN alot about Aliens, and UFO's, Big Foot, Nessy, etc. I don't believe in any of it because I havn't seen it, but my minds open when proof rolls in. I have my suspicions about The Gov, but hiding aliens is not exactly one of them.

06-29-2005, 12:03 PM
ignorance is bliss :D

06-29-2005, 12:23 PM
just as long as area 51 isnt working with the chinese to blow Nessy (our underwater ally) out of the water..... im fine

06-29-2005, 12:24 PM
weird..i found this


06-29-2005, 12:27 PM
How about this the jumps in technology that weve had could not possibly be human. We found downed alien craft and we stole the technology. Now they are perfecting it day by day unlocking the secrets of alien technology. Why dont we go to the moon anymore? Why isnt there a colony there by now. We arent allowed and the government is covering it up so that they look to be the strongest force when they mearly take orders from the aliens on the moon. So the last part was exagerated but we are getting technology somehow from a higher power than that of humans. We have to be.

06-29-2005, 12:29 PM
and if you feel like reading......

Area 51 is a top-secret military test facility administered as Detachment 3 of the Edwards Air Force Base, California. Area 51 is not the real name for the facility; it was simply a term used on maps from the 1950s and 1960s to identify the unused land surrounding Groom Lake. Other aliases which have been applied to the facility include: The Skunkworks, Dreamland, Groom Lake Military Base, Watertown, The Ranch, Paradise Ranch and The Box. Although Area 51 was the official name for the facility until just before 1990, the name was changed to the more technical Air Force Flight Test Center, Detachment 3 (AFFTC Det. 3) in the late 1980s.

The facility has been used to test many black and grey military projects such as secret planes including the 'U-2', 'F-117 Stealth Fighter' and the 'SR-71 Blackbird'. More recently it has been home to a high speed, high altitude 'Aurora' project and the now famous UAVs or Unmanned Aerial Vehicles such as the 'Predator' which has been used in the 2001-2002 war against the terrorist Al-Qaeda network. The main UFOlogy interest in the base at Groom Lake comes from the belief that the debris and bodies from the Roswell Incident were taken to the Area 51 for reverse engineering and autopsies respectively.

The base is still very active, the so called 'Janet flights' (from the radio call sign) which are unmarked, other than a red stripe on each side, Boing 737s which transport workers into the base from a high security terminal in the northwest corner of Las Vegas McCarran Airport. Also the White bus brings workers in from Alamo and other nearby towns along the Groom Lake Road. Construction is on going with new buildings, technical facilities and runways being constructed within the last ten years.

Area 51 is located in South Nevada, making up part of the Nellis Range Complex, which lies roughly 100 miles north of Las Vegas. The Groom Lake mountains surrounding the dry lake bed of Groom Lake hide the base from view as much as possible like a natural fortress. 'Extraterrestrial' Highway 375 and the town of Rachel, the 'UFO Capital of the World' are nearby.

There is an area of restricted air space covering 575 square miles above the Nellis range with Groom Lake and Area 51 at the center, this air space is known as 'The Box' by military pilots, possibly because of its nearly square shape. The Nellis Ranges which are Area 51, the Tonopah Test Range (TTR), the Nevada Test Site (NTS) and the bombing and gunnery ranges cover an area of 5,200 square miles. The Test site looks like the surface of the moon due to nuclear testing, and could be highly radioactive.

If you are thinking of visiting Area 51, travelling from Las Vegas expect a 135 miles journey, or 382 miles from Reno. Rachel is 146 miles from Las Vegas but only 244 miles from Reno. When you get to Highway 375, Groom Lake road is the dirt track heading south, as you enter Tikaboo Valley, the intersection is between mile markers 34 and 35. Following this dirt track for just under 14 miles will bring you to the restricted area, marked by signs which notify you that the security are authorised to use deadly force.

If you get this close to Area 51, you will not see the base, but you will be able to see the security force, known as 'Cammo Dudes' due to their uniform. They drive white Jeep Cherokees and white Ford F-150 trucks. When you get this far, you are also being monitored by two surveillance cameras on the hill. EG&G Technical Services Inc. provide the 'Cammo Dudes', they are a private security firm using high power binoculars to survey Groom lake Road and the border.

Do not cross the border, you will be detained, fined $1000 and your activities will be alerted to Lincoln County Sheriff. The 'Cammo Dudes' can also shoot you if they see fit, this is not reported to have happened before, but don't test them.

If you want to get the best view of the actual base, the best time to go to Area 51 is nearly 10 years ago. In 1995 the government restricted access to the best places: 'White Sides' and 'Freedom Ridge'. These days your best bet is to go to 'Tikaboo Peak' which is 26 miles from the base so take optical equipment for the best results. 'Reveille Peak', north-west of Rachel, is another good place to look at Area 51 from however it is 45 miles from the base, so good weather and excellent equipment is necessary.

At night, lots of people camp at the famous 'Black Mailbox'. The 'Black Mailbox' is no longer black, as it has been replaced. The mailbox is located at the intersection between Highway 375 and Mailbox Road. It is owned by Steve Medlin, he has the only ranch in Tikaboo Valley. The original mailbox, the black one, was auctioned off to a UFOlogist for $1000 in 1996. It was replaced by a bullet proof white mailbox because Medlin's mail had been shot at many times, possibly by people under the impression that the mailbox belonged to Area 51 and they would find classified documents inside. The area around the 'Black Mailbox' is a popular place to stay the night to observe the skies above Area 51, make sure you do not block the road or the mailbox. Moonless, dark, weekend nights are always the best time to be watching if you wish to see something they don't want you to see.

The Tonapah Test Range (TTR) is known as Area 52, it is another secret test facility, however security is not as tight as Area 51 and there is nothing to suggest that the two bases are connected. Tonapah Test Range is operated by the Air Force and Sandia National Labs and can be seen from highway 6 and is notable for the large amount of radar equipment. The F-117 Stealth Fighter was stationed in the base before it had finished its time at Groom Lake, there is a lot of secretive activity at the Tonapah Test Range at the moment suggesting that there could be another black or gray project being tested there.

Bob Lazar is a name many connect with Area 51, he in fact claims to have worked at a facility known as 'S-4' in the Papoose dry lake bed. He shot to fame when he announced that he had worked on alien spacecraft for the US government, on Las Vegas television in November 1989. He claimed to have worked at the facility, which is 80 miles north of Las Vegas and south of Area 51 from late 1988 to early 1989.

If there are captured UFOs at Area 51, it would not be too incredible to think that we gained certain new technologies from them, maybe information pertaining to Stealth or UAVs (Unmanned Aerial Vechicals) has been discovered through back engineering. It is also not too incredible to assume that even the worlds greatest scientists would have absolutely no idea how a captured UFO works making back engineering very difficult. A witness to the Roswell crash famously said that scientists could find no evidence that the crashed UFO should fly. Maybe one day people working weekends at Area 51 will find the key to interstellar space flight, maybe they already have.

06-29-2005, 12:42 PM
idk if I belive so much in aliens but I do think they are hiding something. I mean look at the JFK act. They said they will realese who shot him in 2040.

06-29-2005, 01:32 PM
Originally posted by nebjamin
idk if I belive so much in aliens but I do think they are hiding something. I mean look at the JFK act. They said they will realese who shot him in 2040. i have a theory about the whole JFK thing...

JFK was involved with the mafia,i had to study him shooting for my social studies project...It was torwards the begining of the year..so the details are kinda fuzzy. JFK was sleeping with a mafia leaders wife, sister...something along those lines. It was no secret, but back then...no one cared about that, just look at lincoln...he was an alcoholic who cheated on his wife...but was still a great man. Sooner or later when the mafia leader found out...he had someone assinate JFK.

like i said, that might not all be true...but im 99% sure it was someone within the mafia that realy shot him.

06-29-2005, 01:37 PM
I wouldn't be surprised if there were aliens .... cuz do you really think we are the only type of life form in this whole Universe ?? If we are the only ones , this is one heck of a huge waste of space .

To whoever said that aliens don't exist because there hasn't been sightings in other countries , I don't know where you're getting your info from , but you should do a bit more research .

What's in Area 51 ?? I'd sure like to know ( or maybe I don't) . Maybe all the information about cover ups ( JFK, etc) ?? Military testing grounds ( my best guess) ?? Scientific Headquaters ?? Or all of the above and then some ??

I'm just really curious to know who really killed JFK ....

06-29-2005, 01:51 PM
Originally posted by NacsRacer027
i have a theory about the whole JFK thing...

JFK was involved with the mafia,i had to study him shooting for my social studies project...It was torwards the begining of the year..so the details are kinda fuzzy. JFK was sleeping with a mafia leaders wife, sister...something along those lines. It was no secret, but back then...no one cared about that, just look at lincoln...he was an alcoholic who cheated on his wife...but was still a great man. Sooner or later when the mafia leader found out...he had someone assinate JFK.

like i said, that might not all be true...but im 99% sure it was someone within the mafia that realy shot him.

Or the CIA that didn't like the way his "political thinking" was going .

Martin Luther King ... assissinated because he spoke out over political issues . I believe this was a government assissination.

Malcolm X ... spoke out about government issues ... he was killed and 3 men from the Nation of Islam were accused of the crime . I believe this was government also .

It seems that when someone has an influence on a large number of people over government issues , they die . Hrmmm ... Makes you wonder !!!!

06-29-2005, 01:55 PM
that could be true...there is many possibility's as to what exactly could have happened...thats just my theory though.

06-29-2005, 02:02 PM
Originally posted by NacsRacer027
that could be true...there is many possibility's as to what exactly could have happened...thats just my theory though.

Ya ... everyone has their theories .... there's so many speculations as to what happened . Maybe one day we'll find out or someone will come clean when they are on their death bed .... just like that guy that came clean not long ago about being the informent to the newspaper about Watergate I think it was . The guy , newspaper alias Deep Throat , is in like his 90s and on his death bed... he doesn't care anymore about it all.

Some people can keep secrets for a LONG time.

06-29-2005, 02:34 PM
Originally posted by Quad18star
Ya ... everyone has their theories .... there's so many speculations as to what happened . Maybe one day we'll find out or someone will come clean when they are on their death bed .... just like that guy that came clean not long ago about being the informent to the newspaper about Watergate I think it was . The guy , newspaper alias Deep Throat , is in like his 90s and on his death bed... he doesn't care anymore about it all.

Some people can keep secrets for a LONG time. ya, that was a long *** secret.

06-29-2005, 03:02 PM
I've seen an alien,,,,,it came from DMC and it was pretty wierd!

06-29-2005, 03:42 PM
i can actually say that i believe aliens exist SOMEWHERE else. really cant be in our universe. there could be 100 other universes beyond ours, know one knows. someone could sit and wonder about aliens. the purpose of life is also another thing that gets me. i mean there has to be some reason why we are all here, there is some other higher being out there that has all the answers. like someone else said maby when we die everything falls into place for us and then we understand everything that goes on.

06-29-2005, 03:53 PM
Originally posted by 250EXridr
i can actually say that i believe aliens exist SOMEWHERE else. really cant be in our universe. there could be 100 other universes beyond ours, know one knows. someone could sit and wonder about aliens. the purpose of life is also another thing that gets me. i mean there has to be some reason why we are all here, there is some other higher being out there that has all the answers. like someone else said maby when we die everything falls into place for us and then we understand everything that goes on. there is only one universe....the universe is the whole space that were in...i think you mean solar systems..

n00b on a 400ex
06-29-2005, 04:18 PM
heres proof theres other intelligent life out there with advanced technology, they at least know to stay the **** away from earth or risk getting their green/blue/red/purple asses nuked :devil:

06-29-2005, 04:20 PM
Originally posted by NacsRacer027
there is only one universe....the universe is the whole space that were in...i think you mean solar systems..

galaxy i ment, doesnt that conists of all the planets and the sun and stars.

06-29-2005, 07:54 PM
Originally posted by Ralph
i bet the electricians mother doesnt even exist and nor does her friend

Damn you are good. My cousins nephews boss' dog groomers husbands half sisters second cousin doesn't even own a house so the electrician doesnt exist either my bad.

06-29-2005, 10:01 PM
Originally posted by NacsRacer027
I beleive its there..and i beleive there is things going on down there that its for the better that we do not know about.

Of coz its their, theres many many satalite photo's of the place...

its what IN there and what they are doing that people want to know about.

I find it very upsetting that not even the tax paying americans cant know whats going on.

Very dirty government if you ask me.

06-29-2005, 10:06 PM
i agree with you to a certain point...If things down there are realy that top secret, then it's probably better that the public doesnt know.

06-29-2005, 10:06 PM
Originally posted by DierWolf
Of coz its their, theres many many satalite photo's of the place...

its what IN there and what they are doing that people want to know about.

I find it very upsetting that not even the tax paying americans cant know whats going on.

Very dirty government if you ask me.

not really. other countries live in poverty and are blocked out from the rest of the world and have next to nothing and think the rest of the world lives like they do. that my friend, is a dirty government.

06-29-2005, 10:15 PM
I thought I had it all figured out when I found out that Darth Vader was Luke Skywalkers father. Only to find out that Aniken was Darth Vader to begin with. Talk about confusing! So yes I believe in aliens to. But what happened to Chuy?

06-29-2005, 10:22 PM
Originally posted by rmw7949
I thought I had it all figured out when I found out that Darth Vader was Luke Skywalkers father. Only to find out that Aniken was Darth Vader to begin with. Talk about confusing! So yes I believe in aliens to. But what happened to Chuy? thats your second post that no one cares about....quit being a douche.

06-29-2005, 10:26 PM
but how do you explain crop circles?? I know about 8 guys can make them in under an hour but you really think they came up with some of those designs??

06-29-2005, 10:28 PM
Originally posted by NacsRacer027
thats your second post that no one cares about....quit being a douche.

That was your 810th post that I don't care about. Thought this was an open board? If not I wont rain on the parade!

06-29-2005, 10:36 PM
Originally posted by rmw7949
That was your 810th post that I don't care about. Thought this was an open board? If not I wont rain on the parade! difference is...in this particular thread, were actualy having an intelligent discussion...while you just post stupid ****..see my point here?

nebjamin, crop circles..those a fake, they can be made easily with a 2x4 and some time.

06-29-2005, 10:42 PM
[QUOTE]Originally posted by NacsRacer027
[B]difference is...in this particular thread, were actualy having an intelligent discussion...while you just post stupid ****..see my point here?

Just givin you a hard time. Did'nt mean to get under you skin. I'll leave you to your thread, I did'nt realize you guy's were serious.

07-08-2005, 12:10 AM
ok remember I said area 51 blew up the pentagon so they could have the skys free. Well they also blew up the trade centers. Dont belive me, Watch this!


07-08-2005, 12:31 AM
Originally posted by nebjamin
ok remember I said area 51 blew up the pentagon so they could have the skys free. Well they also blew up the trade centers. Dont belive me, Watch this!


Theres the truth, right there.:macho

EDIT: The video, not the thing about having the skies free. They blew up WTC to strike an emotional nerve with the public and rally them against terrorism. And to fight terrorism, we must give up our rights(Patriot Act) therefore giving the government more power. They are slowly conditioning us to become slaves of the government.