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View Full Version : 330 Sleeve And Case Question (on 300ex)

Israeli 300EX
06-25-2005, 12:37 PM
Hello guys

Does a big bore sleeve (300ex- 80mm to 330cc) piston require any work on the case where the sleeve gets inside the case?

If it does what should I have to do and is it require completely opening the gearbox?
I prefer not to touch the gearbox again of course….

thanking you in advance


06-25-2005, 12:43 PM
I am pretty sure that it doesn't require case work, and your english is better than most people on this site.

06-26-2005, 06:55 AM
a normal 330 kit doesnt need any case work at all you only need case work once you get up around a 345 big bore but if you are gona put a lot of money into your 300ex i would suggest just selling the 300ex and buying like a 400ex with some mods now that you can get one with some mods for around $2500 and if you sold your 300 and took the money you were gona spend you could get one and a good 400ex with pipe and filter and it will be right there with a 330 if not faster and then you can put money in the 400ex later down the road and it will be way faster than the 330

06-27-2005, 09:47 AM
330 doen't usually require any case work.

If when you're putting ou your cylinder it wants to hit your lower case.. then just trim a little of the aluminum case back so it clears the sleeve. 99% of the time it is not an issue on a 330 kit.