View Full Version : Bandits in sand=lots 'o spinning

05-28-2002, 07:51 AM
Well, i just got back from a great and long weekend in Bismarck at a place we call the "Desert" For anyone who reads this that lives in ND that hasn't been there, it REALLY worth the trip. Anyhow, the desert is an ORV the is probably a couple thousand acres big. The Missouri River rins through it and there is a nice sand beach area (well, prety much the entire area is sand). So, for the first time tis year, i unloaded the 400, cranker her up and took off....so i though. Up until now, i have had nothing but good things to say about the Bandits...until now. When i hit the gas, i didn't move.

I'm here to tell ya, i am super glad that i brought my factory tires, because the bandits were sucking really bad!!! Like i said, the Bandits have been GREAT on everything...except sand. So, if anyone was thinking about bandit and you ride in some pretty sany areas, you may want to rethink you decision.

05-28-2002, 09:11 AM
...they just love to spin in the sand and dig two big holes.

05-28-2002, 01:58 PM
i had bandits on a blaster. I rode in some sandy areas and they did ok better than some but worse than others. i really believe they are a good all terrain tire.

05-28-2002, 03:22 PM
better than the holeshot xcr's all around for all terrains/ cross country stuff?

05-28-2002, 04:01 PM
the bandits prolly are not quite as good but they are close. the treads are alittle too close together but if you groomed just alittle tread out i think they would exceed the holeshots by alot. the tires will last over a year at least i had mine on for about 6 months before i sold it and they barely wore down i would say at about 90% but i did not ride on the street or anything too much but i never puntured them and i went though some bad stuff. i would recommend reear bandits. i have heard that the fronts are even better though.

05-28-2002, 05:13 PM
haha, have you ever rode a banshee in the sand with 8x9.5 turf tamers?:D