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View Full Version : Problem With Cyclone Shifting Into Gear

06-22-2005, 09:27 AM
I would put this is the other forums but I need it answered quickly and this is the forum that most people are usually on so....

My budy has an old Polaris Cyclone 2-stroker and it idles fine in neutral. When you go to shift it into gear(its an automatic) it will go into gear but then it dies as soon as it shifts into gear. What could be the problem? We were thinking it may be the belt is too tight and may slow the engine down so much when it goes into gear that it dies but im not real sure. Anyone have any suggestions?

06-22-2005, 10:08 AM
i think you may have a broken gear in your tranny. I own one and when a gear chipped apart it would do this. What happens is it binds and stops. It may be a helix too. Check the CVT first. Its much cheaper!;)