View Full Version : TOWER CITY..im whipped!

05-27-2002, 05:54 PM
i spent the weekend at tower city, and made it out alive!. i have never seen so many rocks and so much dust! it is an awesome place if you are into trails and such. i went with a member and signed up for the year. anyone else go there. my new fullbore took a beating but looks good as new after some tlc. anyway...i think i may need a week to rest up before i go back!

05-27-2002, 06:27 PM
yea i dont like tctri im sure u guys know that but ya well lol....did u ever go under the 81 tunnels?? they rule. let me know when your coming up agian and we'll hook up and ill show ya some quality sites that are free and away from the communist tctri ppl.

05-27-2002, 07:24 PM
thanks guys, ill look ya up soon. ill be going back in a week or so. the only equipment i tore up was the jack on my trailer. ill be installing a new one this week. i saw a couple riders with the dust masks, good idea. i didnt go all the way to 81. i couldnt go far from camp , my 3 yr old was wantin to ride the camp road on his pw50. the training wheels survived!

05-27-2002, 08:22 PM
400ex127 : I think we passed you guys near the camping road to the kid's track , could have been someone else maybe ?? I was with a group of about 15 utility quads and me on my 400ex . Its great to see the little guys getting out there and riding . It does get dusty , but that is only if you are not leading :)

05-27-2002, 08:33 PM
400ex was that your kid with the training wheels? We saw that and thought it was sooooo coooool!!!! My kids thought that was the coolest thing. BTW, we just got finished cleaning our bikes, TC will really put a pounding on the machines. We also cleaned out our air filters and re-oiled them. All that dust will kill your quad if you don't clean the filter regularly.

05-27-2002, 08:33 PM
yea, if ya saw a white 400ex that was me! i dont know the area well enough to lead yet, so im stuck suckin dust! the guy i was there with had the tricked out 250 r. we went all over on saturday. it looks like a utility is the way to go there. ummmm ...maybe ill get the wife a rincon or something!!

05-27-2002, 08:43 PM
Not sure about the white 400ex but i saw a sweeeet 250r on saturday . Some of the guys on the utility quads are nuts . They were doing some hill climbs that would make you sick LoL And the mud ? forgeddaboutit The mud holes i saw those guys going through was insane . And yes , you are right Bsb64 , that dust will kill your motor . I keep a new filter in my trailer in case the one on the bike gets too dirty .

05-27-2002, 08:57 PM
We were camped down in the lower site right at the corner of Andrew and the main road, right across from the porta johns.. An officer let us use the site till we get our own. There was a guy with a quadzilla500 right near our site. We never saw one of those before. What a great riding club TC is.......

05-27-2002, 09:04 PM
yeah man that was my 3 yr old..ryan on his pw50. i built the training wheels for him. i had them adjusted a little higher and he was shaky at first. i saw the zilla....with the steet bike motor in it.
the r u saw was probly daves...white, red with legacy atv graphics. sweet r. we are going back up in a week to pick out a site. maybe ill see ya there!

05-28-2002, 08:56 AM
Yeah Tc is a great place to ride. NJ400ex showed us around a couple of weeks ago. Thanks again. Looking forward to my next visit.

05-28-2002, 02:36 PM
cool, i should be there this weekend, saturday, look for me!
i will get ya to show me the site and maybe well be neighbors!
i fix some mean ribs and bbq!

05-28-2002, 02:50 PM
You got it EXATAK . I'll be parked in the spot I mentioned above

05-28-2002, 06:30 PM
Great sounds like it will be a blast. Is it ok for others to join in??

05-28-2002, 06:37 PM
i might show up...y dont u guys go to rausch?? ill more than likely be there. we have a camp spot like u go up the road on the gate on a nice long road that most ppl park on and its like at the middle down over a hill....pretty nice....although we share it with some ppl ya well. the only good thing over there is the camping....but its so freakin crowded....ill show ya some better places than tctri sometime.

05-28-2002, 06:59 PM
Derno : I believe each member is allowed 4 or 5 guests . Possibly more but too many guests on 1 members name can spell trouble . Depending on how many people you want to bring we can split it up with another member . The more the merrier is the way i see it . We caught 4 guys riding on the roads this weekend by Frosty's .When we confronted them about it they almost ***** themselves LoL We didn't get them in trouble at the office or anything , just made sure they knew that riding the roads was a big no no and thats the reason we lost the 800 acres earlier this year . Some ppl just don't get it , we have 12000 acres to ride on and these jack*****es have to ride on the roads . None the less in front of houses and Frosties ! I just don't get it
BansheeGuy : i'll make my way over to raush one of these weekends , right now i'm enjoying exploring TCTRI

05-28-2002, 07:03 PM
heyb77, ill go to rausch soon, i like mx so maybe ill go up in couple weeks and check it out wit ya!

05-28-2002, 07:06 PM
hmmm maybe u wouldnt like riding with me lol....we ride roads alot....not alot but enough...i only seen 1 cop while riding and he was all cool to us...i mean we take trails and non roads as much as possible....but if im beat and can get home in 2 min from road or 30 min from trail im gonna take road....or if we gotta get some where and must use road we do so no biggie....although a few of my friends got tickets....i have no id on my quad and i know the roads/trails alot better so its quite easy to run. when i did see the cops i couldnt run cause my friends didnt see them and it was their first time riding up here so i couldnt let them sit in the dust. plus that was back in the day when i had my trailblazer and i didnt know if i could make it back up the hill to get away lol.

05-28-2002, 07:16 PM
i got enough escape & evasion warnings as it is!! ill be there just look for me, it has legacy atv graphics now and my number plates are on again#127

05-28-2002, 07:59 PM
NjEX....Yep, my thoughts exactly. Being from NJ I can tell you, TCTRI is an unbelieveable opportunity to ride. My boys and I still can't believe we did all that riding this weekend....legally! LOL

05-28-2002, 08:54 PM
nj400ex oh I didn't mean that many guys probably like 3 or 4 counting myself. Just wanted to make sure it was ok with you. Also you are security there now?? That is great. Talk to you soon

05-28-2002, 09:08 PM
BSB64 : pretty incredible isn't it . Stashed all the way out there in pennsytucky is such a great place to ride with such great people
Derno24 : Sounds like a plan to me brotha 4 or 5 ppl is fine with me . Yea , i'm security , Officer Buford T Justice Of Tower City LoL I even got me a cool gold security sticker ! Yah ! LoL

05-29-2002, 10:29 PM
It is always good to be on the right side of the law, or just know who the money goes too. lol

08-03-2006, 06:23 PM
Originally posted by Pappy
i got enough escape & evasion warnings as it is!! ill be there just look for me, it has legacy atv graphics now and my number plates are on again#127

hey pappy this picture doesnt work:devil: :devil: :devil: :p

08-03-2006, 06:29 PM
told you i had good escape tactics:macho

08-03-2006, 06:33 PM
Originally posted by Pappy
told you i had good escape tactics:macho

haha thats when you used to ride huh? so who was the 3 year old, cody ?

08-03-2006, 06:35 PM
umm...i ride everyday:p

ryan would have been the kid on the pw