View Full Version : starting help

06-16-2005, 10:15 AM
my 99 400ex isnt getting spark after i replaced the wiring harness...coil,,cdi box.. stator...kill switch..key switch...new battery...everything and now its not getting spark to the spark plug...new plug to lol.. im dieing to ride again....wat do i do? any1 ever had this promblem....could magnets be messed u on fly wheel?

06-16-2005, 11:09 AM
Originally posted by FreeStylerEx
my 99 400ex isnt getting spark after i replaced the wiring harness...coil,,cdi box.. stator...kill switch..key switch...new battery...everything and now its not getting spark to the spark plug...new plug to lol.. im dieing to ride again....wat do i do? any1 ever had this promblem....could magnets be messed u on fly wheel?

First off....Why did you replaced everything? Was there a problem before?

Is the starter turning? Is everything properly grounded? Any pinched wires? Any loose wires?

06-16-2005, 11:27 AM
rear tire cliped a tree and bike turned off....and we couldnt find the rpomblem so we thought to replace evrything..just because wiring harness was cut up and crap..so replaced with oem parts..all wires are connected..nd grounds are fine....shop said they dont even know they said its not getting enough voltage...its freakin me out bike hasnt ran in a month its summer time and im dieing to jumppppp.....and yes its turning over

06-16-2005, 12:05 PM
Just to be clear. After you hit the tree you had no spark? Now after replacing the above listed parts you still have no spark...is that correct?

It's behaving the same way? If not, what is different?

06-16-2005, 01:59 PM
i would bet money on your pickup coil being bad.... go to ricky stator.com and get a new one or a whole stator.... what your describeing sounds like the issue, do me a favor and OHM your spark plug cap, and then ALL the wires coming off the stator, and i will post the range that is acceptable from my manual.


06-16-2005, 02:44 PM
huffdaddy_400EX ure correct

and vinson u could be rite