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View Full Version : fuel in oil??

05-27-2002, 07:20 AM
Ok here it is: I checked my oil before riding and it was between the lower and upper mark. Went riding practicing riding wheelies most of the day. Got back went to recheck my oil level and found that the level was about 1/4" above the upper mark. So I let the bike sit for the oil to settle and get an accurate reading. I tried to smell but couldn't really tell. Here is what I think has happened. When riding wheelies some fuel trickled down the back of my carb and into that pastic tube (Dont know what its called but its for your crankcase to vent pressure or emmission crap)and then proceeded to run down the rubber hose connecting to the crank case. Thus fuel in the oil. I'm sure it has something to do with riding wheelies cause never noticed it before.

My taillight and grab bar sure took a pounding that day!:D

05-27-2002, 07:52 AM
if there is gas in the oil you should be able to smell it quite easily...

you have to let the bike idle for 5+ minutes, without touching the gas, then shut it off and immediately check to get an accurate reading...

if in doubt, change the oil :)


05-27-2002, 08:30 AM
It says in the manual to let the 400 run for 5 mins before checking the oil, or it will give you inacurate oil level readings.

05-27-2002, 09:40 AM
Maybe you accidentally got a 2-stroke???

05-27-2002, 04:16 PM
How far were you riding wheelies, My fiend RODNEY was riding his Banshee practing for a wheelie comp in the street in front of his house and all the oil leaked out of the tranny and onto the road you coul;dnt see the oil until it rained it made rainbow streaks all over the road. His clutch started chirping when he released it and he thought he blew a crank seal but it all ran out the overflow. You should change your oil .