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06-13-2005, 03:23 PM
Ok to use for our quads or not.
I never recommended it when I use to mount tires on cars but just wondering you guys' opinions on our quads. I have a 400ex btw.

06-13-2005, 04:22 PM
Are you talking about tire plug's etc? If so go for it, I've got probaly 5 in each rear tire on my 400ex. If you're talking about that liquid that fills in little holes or cracks, it makes a messs of your rims inside, but the stuff seems to work alright, I've got my utility tires full of the stuff. It's much cheaper then buying tires... or putting tubes in them.

06-13-2005, 05:08 PM
Originally posted by Rip_Tear
Are you talking about tire plug's etc? If so go for it, I've got probaly 5 in each rear tire on my 400ex. If you're talking about that liquid that fills in little holes or cracks, it makes a messs of your rims inside, but the stuff seems to work alright, I've got my utility tires full of the stuff. It's much cheaper then buying tires... or putting tubes in them.

Fix a flat is different from those as well. Its just CO2, you can use it, but I think hes asking about the stuff you ARE referring to, the slime stuff. You are not supposed to use slime in any high speed application as it sits on one side of the tire and causes vibration really bad.

06-14-2005, 08:10 AM
**do not use slim**

First, it's a main pain to get off the rim...and second, as 400exrider707 said, it can cause bad vibrations (it will pool to one side of the tire)

If you have small holes just use plugs, otherwise replace the tire.

06-15-2005, 03:39 PM
Well, i just put fix-a-flat in my tire EX-SOTO. and so far so good. i dont get any vibrations at all. and its good stuff it really works. i had a fairly good sized hole in my tire and it sealed right on up. but as far as it getting on your rim,,, after you put it in hurry up and go drive on some trails so it flys off the rim and onto the tire. and ride for a long time so it drys or long enoughf so it sticks to the tire.

06-15-2005, 04:52 PM
Originally posted by 400exrider707
it sits on one side of the tire and causes vibration really bad.

If you don't over fill and ride for the specified dry time the slim should fill evenly, which would mean no vibration. I haven't had a problem, I'd rather use slim then buy new tires...

06-15-2005, 09:51 PM
ok....fix-a-flat is a foam that u spray into a tire that has a puncture and it seals it temporarilly untill you can get it plugged or replaced.

06-22-2005, 09:13 PM
I'd get plugs and a Co2 inflator to carry in the trail. Fix a flat is a temporary solution and it makes a mess.


06-24-2005, 02:11 PM
I've alway run green slime (for 6 years or so). Works great. Never get flats (unless I break a bead).

As for causing vibrations? If you ride it within 30min of putting it in it will evenly distribute. Besides I think that at 35mph a 1ft wide rut thats 1ft deep cutting across the trail at a 45 deg angle will cause more of a vibration. ;)

06-28-2005, 12:18 AM
i have never had any luck with fix a flat, slime, nothing! slime worked once for me until i hauled for a few seconds and it busted and i got it all over me... i do carry a can of slime with me, it seems to work much better then fix a flat, and i also carry a tiny electric pump just in case!

06-28-2005, 10:17 AM
i put slime in the rear tires on my 400EX and yeah that was a mistake. Oh they didnt leak now but man once you got a little speed going you better hold on, she was like a bucking bronco :eek: That stuff gets very out of balance.

hemi operator
07-02-2005, 08:10 AM
Just be sure, when you eventually replace the tire, to tell whoever breaks it down that there is fix-a-flat in there. The liquid remains in there and it's no fun at all when you break down a tire and get surprised by that white crap spraying all over you and your equipment.

07-11-2005, 07:43 PM
Originally posted by Rip_Tear
If you don't over fill and ride for the specified dry time the slim should fill evenly, which would mean no vibration. I haven't had a problem, I'd rather use slim then buy new tires...

ditto, and I only use about 1/4 to 1/2 the can

07-12-2005, 08:41 AM
1 bottle of slime should do all 4 tires and then some. More isn't always better.. lol. Also a LOT of people don't follow directions. If you follow the directions you will not get any imbalance.

If you put it in.. fill up the tire and let it sit for a week... of course your gonna be out of balance.. lol.

With slime I've never had to replace a tire. I usually beat the rims up enough in XC (even with baha's) that I replace the tire and rim at the same time. I've only had to pull about a half dozen tires off of the existing rims. It's not really that messy. Infact, I had no mess at all.

07-12-2005, 01:22 PM
slime goes a long way for sure! but even slime cant patch everything unfortunately. last time i used it it held very well but then when i had a straightaway and went fast, it went everywhere! i didnt have any balance issues, it just slung out and i just rode it back:ermm:

tim colston
07-14-2005, 01:20 PM
I use the stuff like water I have heard that it makes a mess of the inside of you rims but so does riding onflat tires

07-16-2005, 11:21 PM
i use fix a flat in my 400's tires and have never had a problem...

07-21-2005, 04:26 AM
My buddy bought a brand new 450R and the tires came stock with Fix-a-Flat on them.. (You could hear the little beads in the tires that Fix-a-Flat makes when it dries and balls up.) I thought it was kinda weird.. Maybe thats not what it is.. I'm not 100% positive. But I've put fix-a-flat in mine tons of times.. It'll be a punk getting the tires off though..

08-01-2005, 12:15 AM
Dont bother with slime, fix a flat.. etc

Just use tire plugs they are the greatest invention ever lol