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View Full Version : Awesome WNYOA Race at Miles Mountain

06-13-2005, 03:12 PM
Big Congrats to 660Bigdaddy on his awesome second place overall. Nothing like moving from the Vet class and laying a spanking on the AA guys. We knew you could do it.

The course seemed like a really nice course. I unfortunately did not race, but had the opportunity to mill around and take some pictures. I had the chance to talk to a Bike rider that raced that day. He told me it was the worse track he ever raced on. Then followed it up with, there were too many rocks and the trails weren't groomed.:confused: Groomed?! Whatever.

Big congrats to Jeremy and the other guys that seemed to put on a real nice race. Nice to see quad guys laying out the track. Used to be pretty tough having a Bike guy laying out where we were going to race.

Once again congrats Wayne. :D Awesome ride.


06-13-2005, 04:31 PM
Very cool, Great Job Wayne!!!! I really wanted to make it, but I had a very dissappointing day in WV, the quad just didn't run right all day. Glad to see there was a good turnout though...

06-14-2005, 05:25 PM
Ray, thanks for coming and thanks for the thumbs up. We put alot of work into it and the turnout was reward enough. Tell the guy next time that the groomer was in the shop but should be ready for the next race! haha. I would also like to give some props to Wayne for a great run. Thanks to all who took the time to come. Maybe we will see you next year Cory.

06-15-2005, 01:14 PM
awesome track this weekend. great turnout and a little shower while the bikes ran made the conditions almost perfect. special thanks to the promotors. them boys worked hard all weekend and were all covered in mud and sweat at the end of the day. they deserve quad track of the year for their effort. great job.
here is a pic of the start of the AA class.

thanks guys for the nice comments. w/ the top dogs racing the gncc's and working the event, i figured i would go up to the front row. if everyone would of been racing there, i would have been lucky to finish in the top 5-6. i couldn't of asked for a better day though. the prizes, cash and plaque made it the best racing day i'd ever had . my whole family had a great time seeing and b.s'ing w/ all our old racing friends.