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05-30-2005, 02:35 PM
i dont know how to explain it. the desktop is too big for my monitor, but i know its not because it worked fine friday and i turned it on this morning and its messed up. i have to scroll across my screen to find stuff... does anyone know what i'm talkin about? or help me with it? i have tried to change the screen resolution but that doesnt do anything. only 800x600 will fit on the screen and the icons are just huge. the resolution has always been 1280x1024 so i dont know why its acting up now. thanks.

05-30-2005, 02:57 PM
Hrm... off the top of my head I cannot think of what could be causing this. This is not a resolution problem b/c regardless of the resolution, it restrains itself within the monitor "boundries".

For example, 800x600 would stretch everything out (assuming that you are on a newer computer) making it larger, while 1024x768 would display more pixels, making the viewing area larger and all items/programs "smaller". Simplest way I could put it, not good at explaining things.

Is it just IE or is it the entire desktop? Ive never heard of this and im pretty sure that it could be just IE expanded beyond the resolution, hince having to scroll. Try hitting the minimize/maximize button and see if that doesnt reset it.

05-30-2005, 03:42 PM
no its not IE. its the whole desktop. the taskbar and everything. the whole desktop is going outside the monitors boundaries and as i move the mouse to the right left top or bottom i can "scroll" around the screen.

05-30-2005, 03:48 PM
Someone turned on the magnifier. Got to start->programs->accessories->accessibilty->magnifier and turn it off.

If it isn't that, someone has some sort of third party utility installed to make it do that. find the utility and remove it.

05-30-2005, 04:23 PM
its not the magnifier. what kind of utility?

05-30-2005, 04:31 PM
Maybe someone adjusted your settings on the monitor its self? it should have buttons by your power button and it will say like, vertical, horizonal etc.

05-30-2005, 04:37 PM
If it was the monitor it wouldn't scroll though. I am trying to find something on this. I have seen it before and I don't remember what it was.

05-30-2005, 04:42 PM
What operating system is this? XP, ME, 2000, 98?

05-30-2005, 05:29 PM
Could it be the video card?

05-30-2005, 05:38 PM
Hey JOEX check the last page of the rich class poor man build off thread. and to the computer problem guy check all ur setting maybe some 1 messed wit them

05-30-2005, 05:39 PM
That is a possibilty. Maybe a "feature" of the video card. Try looking in the display control panel for something that might pertain to this.

05-30-2005, 06:44 PM
my friend has two moniters and he has it set so he can have the same image stretch to fit two moniters so he can move the mouse from one to another, it sounds like you have that setting but not another moniter to move it to so it wants to let you scroll. it would be the video card so you will have to find the setting, sorry i cant help from there

05-30-2005, 08:45 PM
its windows xp. i'm computer retarded so ah, where's the video card settings

05-30-2005, 11:30 PM
Just right click anywhere on the desktop(Anywhere but where there are icons) and click properties. This will bring up the display properties. Click on the settings tab and that is the first phase of the video card settings. Actually, are there 2 slider bars where is says screen resolution. If so, set them to the same resolution and that should fix the prob. I have seen an ATI card with this "feature".

05-30-2005, 11:47 PM
Sounds like your video card driver might of messed up or something.....Try playing with the actual monitor settings or reinstalling the driver for your video card

05-31-2005, 09:14 AM
well, i tried everything you guys set and nothing would work. i guess this morning my sister turned the computer on and it was back to how it had always been...leaving me extremely confused. oh well, thanks for the help tho.

05-31-2005, 11:14 AM
I have always found that if the computer does somthing funney the best thing to do is un plug it. Always works for me. and my computer is as fast as it was when it was brand new.