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05-28-2005, 10:25 AM
sorry, didnt no what title to use. my question is when people do there jet work how come they change over to different brands like dyno jets, why don't they just keep using the kehin brands. is there any difference between them besides the sizes, like performance differences?

05-28-2005, 10:29 AM
Nice title. lol

There is no difference in performance. How could there be? It all depends on if it is done correctly.

polaris bob
05-28-2005, 01:12 PM
I look at it like this.

First is the advertising gimmick. Dyno jet bombards us with all of these print ad's claiming to give you more power and what not. People succumb to the hype and buy in to it. They see that so and so racer is using their product so this must be the hot ticket to getting more power. If this guy wins using Dyno jet brand jets than if I use them, I will win also.

Secondly there is the perceived convenience factor. Dyno jet sells you a "kit". It is supposed to have everything you need to get your bike to run like a raped you know what! They lead people to believe that jetting is some sort of black magic art form and that if you don't buy their product you won't go a fast or make as much power.

Add in the fact that most dealerships only deal with stock bike set ups so the local garage monkey has no clue on how to jet your bike for you when you buy and add on upgrades. They simply go to their Parts Unlimited book and go "hey I can get you this jet kit!" You end up with this vacuum of knowledge on how to re-jet your bike to run right after the mods.

People either have no wish or desire to learn how to jet their motor properly by themselves and end up just buying this magical kit that has everything they are supposed to need.

It is only after they have been in the sport for awhile that they learn what they are doing and how to jet their bike that they go back to the stock jets as they learn that there is a better range of jets to be found when compared to the aftermarket. The aftermarket jet kits are then either sold to some other newbie or tossed into the corner to be forgotten altogether.

In the mean time their are 20 other newbies out there trying to figure out how to make their motor run with their new add ons that end up starting the whole cycle all over again!!

While it is not my intent to bash or slam Dyno jet as a company, as someone else said, a jet is a jet! Why go out and buy a $50 or $60 dollar jet kit when you can achieve the same results with a hand full of jets that cost $3.00 dollars apiece?

05-28-2005, 07:26 PM
thank you, usually i dont read long threads but that one actually helped me understand, glad i stuck with my cheap ***** jets.lol