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View Full Version : This is such B/S today sucked

05-26-2005, 02:12 PM
So I get out of second block today and some of my friends tell me that they are having a sit in in front of the high school office because the principal, superintendant, and rest of the board decided last night that the song we are playing for marching band is inapropriot, and we can't play it. The song is cold hard ***** by jet. No big deal right, but we are suposed to play in the memorial day parade monday, and the sherbern padgent of the bands a week from saterday. The band has been practicing and memorizing the song for the last 2 months, and my band director wrote the song herself because there isn't sheet music out for that song. And she changed the song to a jet song to avoid something like this. So me and 5 other people representing the band, had a meeting with the superintendant and principal. The superintendant is so dense. He just trys to avoid the topic all together, say he's not qualified to make a decision. And you can't get a straight answer from him at all, and the the superintendant!!! The worse part is that he knows we (the students) are right. I am really good at arguing and debating and stuff like that, and I had him speachless for a while.

Long post I know but I had to vent

05-26-2005, 02:20 PM

05-26-2005, 02:24 PM
you want to hear BS. how about getting arrested and having to spend the night in jail for something you didnt do, and still have to pay $200 bucks

05-26-2005, 02:28 PM
Originally posted by JUSTINcredible
you want to hear BS. how about getting arrested and having to spend the night in jail for something you didnt do, and still have to pay $200 bucks

yup just heard it HAAHAHAHAHAH


05-26-2005, 02:28 PM
Originally posted by chucked
I know I can't spell good.:o

05-26-2005, 03:13 PM
Originally posted by TheFontMaster
I know I can't spell good.:o dont worry about chocked, he gets his jollie's off having a 2x4 up his arse

05-26-2005, 03:16 PM
what happened with the jail thing

05-26-2005, 03:28 PM
Originally posted by 300ex_rider1121
what happened with the jail thing

cops came to my house yesterday to serve a warrent they had out for me. the warrent was for failure to appear to court for driving after suspension, well i did go to court on my court date, paid my fines for the violation and that should have been the end of it. somehow they thought i skipped my court dat a month ago so they issued that warrent. I couldent see the judge till this morning, told him my story and he said sorry, lol. Ive still got to pay for a warrent fee, court fee, food, and a 2 day stay at the McLeod county Inn. whinch comes to $211 bucks. atleast it was a hot ladie cop that arrested me and she sure did rub me down good haha. and they had TV and Ps2 in there and they did feed you good and the guards were pretty nice.

05-26-2005, 06:17 PM
o that really does suck

05-26-2005, 06:21 PM
Originally posted by JUSTINcredible
cops came to my house yesterday to serve a warrent they had out for me. the warrent was for failure to appear to court for driving after suspension, well i did go to court on my court date, paid my fines for the violation and that should have been the end of it. somehow they thought i skipped my court dat a month ago so they issued that warrent. I couldent see the judge till this morning, told him my story and he said sorry, lol. Ive still got to pay for a warrent fee, court fee, food, and a 2 day stay at the McLeod county Inn. whinch comes to $211 bucks. atleast it was a hot ladie cop that arrested me and she sure did rub me down good haha. and they had TV and Ps2 in there and they did feed you good and the guards were pretty nice.

LOL BULL****! all you had to do was show your COURT PAPERS and it would have been the end of it.. PERIOD..


You MORONS that BRAG about going to jail need to go back and SIT there for a while.. Going to jail doesnt make you cool, or make you look better, it makes you look like a TOTAL IDIOT!

There are so many holes in this "story" its pathetic.. in fact, he should be banned for even trying to make up such a far fetched story.

Stay tuned kiddies for justincredibles AMAZING comeback story to this direct hit. "I SUNK YOUR BATTLE SHIP"!


05-26-2005, 06:38 PM
man you know what really sucked today...had to take a dookie all day.....figured id take it in study hall....ended up helping my g/f with her math......man was it a photo finish when i got home:eek2:

05-26-2005, 06:41 PM
Originally posted by Dirt Merchant
LOL BULL****! all you had to do was show your COURT PAPERS and it would have been the end of it.. PERIOD..


You MORONS that BRAG about going to jail need to go back and SIT there for a while.. Going to jail doesnt make you cool, or make you look better, it makes you look like a TOTAL IDIOT!

There are so many holes in this "story" its pathetic.. in fact, he should be banned for even trying to make up such a far fetched story.


whooaaa buddy.....chill

were not all as cool as you

05-26-2005, 07:15 PM
no offense and im not trying to start anything but.....dirtmerchant is all you do is put other people down and call people liars ,since ive been on this site i dont think ive seen you say one nice thing about anything or anyone.

05-26-2005, 07:16 PM
Originally posted by yfzrider32
no offense and im not trying to start anything but.....dirtmerchant is all you do is put other people down and call people liars ,since ive been on this site i dont think ive seen you say one nice thing about anything or anyone.

the truth hurts sometimes

05-26-2005, 07:34 PM
Originally posted by yfzrider32
no offense and im not trying to start anything but.....dirtmerchant is all you do is put other people down and call people liars ,since ive been on this site i dont think ive seen you say one nice thing about anything or anyone.

sorry that you feel that way and that you need everything sugar coated and delivered to you on a silver platter.. Not that i need to justify myself to you or anyone else, but i contribute plenty to plenty of people on here.. weither it be good or bad.. MOST of the time i keep my mouth shut, sometimes you DESERVED to have your card pulled.. IE. in justincredibles case..

Your not the first person to say that i dont have anything nice to say.. lemmie clairfy what you think is not nice.. what i say MAY NOT be nice, but it IS the truth.. Thats the problem with this world today, too many PUSSIES want **** handed to them..

As a matter of fact yfzrider, i am going to post up somthing just for you in a new thread in a few minutes.. i really hope you read it, and seriously think about what i have to say.


05-26-2005, 07:42 PM
Originally posted by Dirt Merchant
sorry that you feel that way and that you need everything sugar coated and delivered to you on a silver platter.. Not that i need to justify myself to you or anyone else, but i contribute plenty to plenty of people on here.. weither it be good or bad.. MOST of the time i keep my mouth shut, sometimes you DESERVED to have your card pulled.. IE. in justincredibles case..

Your not the first person to say that i dont have anything nice to say.. lemmie clairfy what you think is not nice.. what i say MAY NOT be nice, but it IS the truth.. Thats the problem with this world today, too many PUSSIES want **** handed to them..

As a matter of fact yfzrider, i am going to post up somthing just for you in a new thread in a few minutes.. i really hope you read it, and seriously think about what i have to say.


sry to break this to you but hes not the only one that feels that way and im sure that him and i arent the only 2 that feel that way too. Half the people on this site live more then 300 miles from you so it dosent rly matter if your "the ****" or if your cool or if your the badass of the site cuz chances are that you will never see 99% of the people on this site in real life. i tell the truth on these sites i dont alter the thruth so people think im cool. It works fine for me you ought to give your happy *** a try at it..how bout it?

05-26-2005, 07:47 PM
quiet you two drama queens:rolleyes: :scary:

05-26-2005, 07:49 PM
Originally posted by Dirt Merchant
sorry that you feel that way and that you need everything sugar coated and delivered to you on a silver platter.. Not that i need to justify myself to you or anyone else, but i contribute plenty to plenty of people on here.. weither it be good or bad.. MOST of the time i keep my mouth shut, sometimes you DESERVED to have your card pulled.. IE. in justincredibles case..

Your not the first person to say that i dont have anything nice to say.. lemmie clairfy what you think is not nice.. what i say MAY NOT be nice, but it IS the truth.. Thats the problem with this world today, too many PUSSIES want **** handed to them..

As a matter of fact yfzrider, i am going to post up somthing just for you in a new thread in a few minutes.. i really hope you read it, and seriously think about what i have to say.


maybe i worded it a little wrong...yes you are entitled to think things suck but it is all how you go and say it "You MORONS that BRAG about going to jail need to go back and SIT there for a while"

was that really called for?

05-26-2005, 07:52 PM
Originally posted by yfzrider32
maybe i worded it a little wrong...yes you are entitled to think things suck but it is all how you go and say it "You MORONS that BRAG about going to jail need to go back and SIT there for a while"

was that really called for?

yup it was, because it was said like he is PROUD of it.. THAT is why i posted that.. to the point, with not bush beating going on..


05-26-2005, 07:53 PM
Originally posted by 660r_freestyler
sry to break this to you but hes not the only one that feels that way and im sure that him and i arent the only 2 that feel that way too. Half the people on this site live more then 300 miles from you so it dosent rly matter if your "the ****" or if your cool or if your the badass of the site cuz chances are that you will never see 99% of the people on this site in real life. i tell the truth on these sites i dont alter the thruth so people think im cool. It works fine for me you ought to give your happy *** a try at it..how bout it?


05-26-2005, 07:53 PM
Originally posted by MotoX3
quiet you two drama queens:rolleyes: :scary:

riiiight.....im just tired of seeing it from everywhere. 90% of posts i see go into a flame fest. because people say that sucks and they suck but in reality all you are is behind a computer and your not going to be able to know whos faster or what is better just by what a quad has in it and not knowing how the rider is.

05-26-2005, 07:55 PM
Originally posted by yfzrider32
riiiight.....im just tired of seeing it from everywhere. 90% of posts i see go into a flame fest. because people say that sucks and they suck but in reality all you are is behind a computer and your not going to be able to know whos faster or what is better just by what a quad has in it and not knowing how the rider is.

i couldnt agree more with you on that one.. BUT.. i will say this.. im the same in person as i am on here


05-26-2005, 08:01 PM
Originally posted by Dirt Merchant
i couldnt agree more with you on that one.. BUT.. i will say this.. im the same in person as i am on here


You are a good man, very blunt. We need more guys like this around........

05-26-2005, 08:03 PM
im sorry for what i said i flew off the handle a little bit...but i hate people calling others being idiots and morons. it does no good

05-26-2005, 08:04 PM
bahaha....i laugh at you guys that are all pissed about what goes on on these boards.....walk up to one of your friends and say yeah last night i yelled at a bunch of guys on a message board.....yeah if you think about it its really wierd guys....if ya dont like it dont come....dont take everything so damn seriously